118 research outputs found

    Adoption of cloud computing in higher education institutions in Nigeria

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    The study examines the adoption of cloud in the higher educational institution in Nigeria. The nine variable were used to examine the adoption of cloud computing in order to make a decision by HEIs management in Nigeria to see the usefulness to adopt cloud as well as the benefit and significance on cloud computing. The nine factors were examined in this study there are: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trailibility, top management, firm size, amount of information, pressure coercive and quality of internet connection. This study was adopted innovation diffusion theory. Technological, organizational environmental (TOE) and technology acceptance model to explain the adoption of cloud computing in HEIs in Nigeria. Quantitative method was used to collect data by distributing the questionnaire to 200 people from higher education institutions in Nigeria. The finding in this study was used smart (PLS) to analyze the date which seven variable were supported and the three were not support to explain the adoption of cloud computing in higher education in Nigeria. this study was carried out in the higher educational institutions in Nigeria to adopt cloud computing, this study is limit on generalize the findings. this study encourage the management in HEIs to make move on cloud computing to their education by a start from trailability to perceive the benefit on cloud computing.this study is contribute to the higher educational institutions to try to adopt cloud computing as new technology to transform and seeing what way to benefit to their educational system. This study recommends to the management to support and make the decision to adopt cloud computing without their support no cloud computing adoption

    Proximate and Elemental Analysis of Cowpea, Kidney and Sweet Cowpea Beans Sold in Kawo Market, Kaduna State, Nigeria

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    Beans are one of the most popular and essential foods in Africa, especially in Nigeria they are highly recommended for its numerous health benefits and nutritional values. The objective of this paper is to assess the proximate and elemental compositions of three (3) varieties of beans (cowpea, kidney and sweet cowpea beans) marketed in Kawo, Kaduna State, Nigeria using standard procedures and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The results from this study indicated that the highest results obtained for proximate and elemental analysis in the four (4) samples with the exception of fibre in sweet cowpea beans (2.082%), were found to be: moisture (13.250%), protein (21.420%), Lipids (1.025%), ash (4.814%) in kidney beans while in the case of elemental analysis, the highest concentrations (88.0mg/kg) of Zn was found in (Cowpea bean), (52.5mg/kg) of Mg in sweet cowpea, (75.0mg/kg) of Cu in cowpea beans while Fe (99.5mg/kg) and Ca (99.5mg/kg) were found in kidney beans. All the beans samples analyzed for proximate and elemental analysis from Kawo market are highly nutritious, hence good for human and livestock consumption

    Strengthening Bauchi State College of Nursing and Midwifery by updating its training curricula, procedure manuals and student handbooks

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    Many of Nigeria’s Nursing and Midwifery schools and colleges encounter challenges that include outdated training curricula, which can lead, in some cases, to loss of accreditation. In Bauchi state, a state College of Nursing and Midwifery was formally established in 2013. The Population Council engaged a curriculum expert who had worked with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (which stipulates minimum standards of compliance for accreditation) to assess the school’s training documents, including its training curriculum, procedure manual, and student handbook. The school is expected to secure full accreditation in 2019. The Population Council also supported the strengthening of the curriculum review committee, which now meets regularly to discuss both tutor and student recommendations on use of the new materials

    Development of Generalised Integrator with a Feedback Loop Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Fast Mitigation of Voltage Sag/Swell

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    Power-electronic converter-based device called the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is intended to shield delicate loads from supply-side voltage perturbations. It is connected in series to the distribution feeder and has the ability to generate or absorb real and reactive power at its AC terminals. This work presents the use of a control scheme based on Generalized Integrator with a Feedback Loop (GIFL) gain choosing technique for the purpose of fast voltage sag/swell detection to enable the DVR to carry out a fast and effective voltage compensation in power distribution system. This helps in significantly reducing the impact of voltage sag/ swell and in turn improve the power quality of the system. Two scenarios were used to analyze the effectiveness of the developed technique: incorporation of voltage sag and swell independently on the distribution system. The results obtained showed that the distortions introduced to the system as a result of the sag and swell was significantly reduced. The results obtained from the developed scheme was further compared with that obtained when the conventional DVR was used in mitigating the voltage sag and swell using total harmonic distortion (THD) as performance metrics. All modelling and analyses were carried out using MATLAB 2019 software

    DFT Investigation of CH4 and H2O Adsorption on Pd (111), Ni (111), Pt (111), and Ir(111) Surfaces

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    Using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the surface Gibbs free energy of methane and water adsorption on Pt(111), Ir(111), Ni(111), and Pd(111) surfaces was investigated. DFT computations were employed to investigate the adsorption of methane and water molecule on unit cells with varying coverage levels of 0.11, 0.25, 0.50, and 1.00 monolayers and the aggregation of H2O over clean transition metal surfaces. The adsorption configuration was assessed to experimental findings to evaluate our computational approaches' accuracy and reliability. A thermodynamic diagram was constructed for exploring the adsorption of CH4 and H2O on metal surfaces. The order of the methane adsorption energies on different metal surfaces is as follows: Pd(111) > Pt(111) > Ni(111) > Ir(111). A more significant number of H2O molecules on the transition metal surfaces reduces the contact between the metal surfaces and water molecules during water aggregation. The thermodynamic stability of water and methane adsorption coverage was found to be best on the Pt(111) surface

    An exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis for green affordable housing criteria instrument

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    A Green Affordable Housing (GAH) criteria questionnaire was developed to determine stakeholders’ preferences and their willingness to pay according to GAH criteria and features in Malaysia. This study was conducted in Johor Bahru, Klang Valley, and Penang to elaborate the development of valid and reliable instrument. Reliability test and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to measure the instrument so as to produce an empirical verification of the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Literature search and pilot study with potential homebuyers, developers, and local authorities in Johor Bahru were carried out and appropriate items were extracted. From 39 items composed, 26 items remained to be completed by study sample because some items were not applicable to be incorporated into Malaysia’s local conditions. The instrument measured six constructs namely Energy Efficiency (EE), Sustainable Site Planning and Management (SM), Water Efficiency (WE), Material and Resources (MR), Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ), and Innovation (IN) with 7-point Likert Scale. All six constructs have high reliability index value which is between 0.988-9.989. Accordingly, the factor analysis final outcome was six criteria with eigen value more than 1 that explained 66.67 percent of variance in the data. Factor loading for each criteria ranged from 0.534-0.829, reflecting the dimension of the six criteria. The result obtained has proven that this study’s instrument has high reliability and validity

    Public Infrastructure Provision in Bauchi Metropolis, Nigeria

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    This study aims to assess the Public infrastructure provision in Bauchi Metropolis, Nigeria, to propose areas of improvement. The study adopted the use of a quantitative approach and data were collected through a questionnaire survey from 382 house head holds proportionate selected from the target population in Bauchi metropolis. The data collected were subjected to descriptive with mean ranking, frequency distribution. The study revealed that communication facilities were the most provided facility provision, followed by market facilities and water facilities provision. Solid waste disposal facilities and fire protection services were the least facilities provided in the study area. It recommended that public infrastructural facilities provided in the area should be based on the resident’s preference and need

    Collaboration with the University of Calabar for human resources for health management training for Bauchi and Cross River states

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    A pool of knowledgeable staff is required within middle and senior management for long-term human resources for health (HRH) planning and effective management at all levels of the health system—federal, state, and local. This brief reports on the training by the Population Council, in partnership with the World Health Organization in Nigeria, of 105 key personnel on HRH planning, management, policy dialogue, advocacy, and resourcing for the HRH project “Enhancing the Ability of Frontline Health Workers to Improve Health in Nigeria.” Critical HRH-related capacities were built among key Nigerian health system personnel and managers, most significantly in the states of Bauchi and Cross River and within their local government areas. These efforts should facilitate better long-term HRH planning and management in these areas, hopefully leading to improved health outcomes in these states. In addition, the institutional strengthening of a national center for HRH Training and Education, through the sustainability efforts of the HRH project, will continue to build the capacities of healthcare managers and workers throughout Nigeria

    Landholders’ Awareness of Compulsory Acquisition of Land and Compensation Process in Bauchi, Nigeria

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    This study aims to assess landholder’s awareness of compulsory acquisition of land on their satisfaction with the compensation process in Bauchi, Nigeria, to identify areas of weakness in the process and propose areas of improvement. The study adopted the use of a quantitative approach and data were collected through a questionnaire survey from 327 landholders affected by the compulsory acquisition and compensation exercise by the Bauchi State Government. The data collected were subjected to descriptive with mean ranking, frequency distribution. The study revealed that the respondents are aware of the process before the compulsory acquisition and during the process of compulsory acquisition they were also aware of. This means that the respondents agreed that they were aware of the process/procedures involved in compulsory land acquisition, laws, and procedures guiding compulsory land acquisition and compensation process. It recommended that Landholders should be made more aware of the process involved in compulsory acquisition and compensation not only at inception but up to the end of the exercise

    Landholders' Satisfaction with Compulsory Acquisition and Compensation Process in Bauchi, Nigeria

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    This research aims to assess Landholder's satisfaction with the compulsory acquisition and compensation process in Bauchi to identify areas of weakness in the process and propose areas of improvement. The study adopted the quantitative approach and data collected through questionnaire survey from 327 landholders affected by the compulsory acquisition and compensation exercise by the Bauchi State Government. The data collected were subjected to descriptive with mean ranking, frequency distribution. The study revealed that landholders were very satisfied before the process of compulsory acquisition, during the process of mandatory purchase, they were also happy. Still, during the compensation process, they were very dissatisfied. It recommended that the Government should make the process of compensation more transparent
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