231 research outputs found

    Sikap guru Pendidikan Khas integrasi bermasalah pembelajaran terhadap perkhidmatan bimbingan dan kaunseling.

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    The purpose of the research is to know how the teachers of special education of learning disability integration react towards the guidance and counseling services. The descriptive survey uses questionnaires of 'Counseling Attitude Scales' which is translated into Malaysian language and the validity and reliability is acknowledged by Awang Mat Ali (1979). The subject of the survey consists of 109 teachers from special education integrated with learning disability department. They are randomly selected from 10 schools in the district of Hulu Langat, Selangor. The primary survey has been carried out and later is key-in in the SPPS 12.0 version. The accountability of the survey is Cronbach Alpha 0.702. The data is analyses using t - test and A3OVA test. The outcome of the descriptive survey is there is no significant difference between gender and attitude, with value t (109) = .531, p > 0.05. Also among the Malay, Chinese and Indian ethnics, there is no different in their behavior on how they reacts towards the guidance and counseling services F = 4.234, p 0.05 and degree holders t(65) = .766, p > 0.05. In conclusion, the outcome indicates that the majority of these teachers react positively. Based on the finding, the need of guidance and counseling services in the school of special education integration with learning disability is strong recommended in order to upgrade the overall quality of the guidance and counseling in the school

    eSoulKitchen program - enhancing societal wellbeing and wealth creation for Orang Asli community at Pos Selim, Perak

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    The ethnic label Orang Asli or indigenous people are 'natural people' with unique languages, knowledge systems and beliefs. In 2012, their population is approximately 178,197 or representing a mere 0.9% of 29.7 million people in Malaysia. There are major challenges and issues faced by Orange Asli including in financial, health & nutrition, and education dimensions. This conceptual paper proposes the eSoulKitchen Program, which is to be adapted as one of the Malaysian government-sponsored programs under the leadership of Orang Asli Affairs Department (JAKOA) and the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD), and implemented as a proof-of-concept in raising the education, economy, health, environmental, and social well-being of Orang Asli community and children in Pos Selim, Perak,Malaysia. eSoulKitchen is primarily an outreach program t o (a) provide nutritional food, (b) ‘feed the soul' with Islamic value, and (c) help generating sustainable new sources of income with new skills, eSoulKitchen Portal and smart partnership

    Potential use of data mining techniques in information technology consulting operations

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    The concept of data mining has been around for a while now. It is a process of extraction of useful patterns and information from huge data sets. Many tools and techniques have been developed to make use of the data mining concept in various industries. However before implementing data mining techniques or making any other key decision relating to their I.T infrastructure, the top management of a business would usually consult with an I.T consulting firm to determine the feasibility of adopting new techniques such as data mining into their business operations. An I.T consulting firm, in turn will provide the client with valuable feedback in the form of advice, or cost estimations and potential profits, or even a full-fledged plan on how to implement techniques like data mining into their business. However, the question does arise as to whether I.T consulting firms themselves should implement data mining techniques into their business operations and whether such techniques can help them to provide better services to their clients. I.T consulting firms advise clients on a range of areas related to I.T such as strategic planning, security consulting, networking, systems integration etc. This means that an I.T consulting firms has to manage and sustain a huge network of clients, partners, and service providers. This, then naturally results in a huge amount of data that is to be stored and maintained by the firm. This paper will discuss the concept of data mining, the use of data mining in other industries and its benefits, its potential use by I.T consulting firms, and whether it can help improve I.T consulting operations

    On the convergence of two point block backward differentiation formula for second order ODEs

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    The Two Point Block Backward Differentiation Formula (BBDF2) is a direct solver for second order Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). It had shown its efficiency by having less total number of steps and less computational time over the first order ODEs solver. In this paper, the convergence of the BBDF2 is justified by its consistency and zero-stability properties

    Implementasi Particle Swarm Optimization pada Peracangan MPPT Berbasis Buck-Boost Converter

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    Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki potensi energi surya yang tinggi dan sangat merata oleh karena itu penggunaan pembangkit listrik energi surya diharapkan dapat membantu ketersediaan energi listrik didaerah yang masih sulit terjangkau sistem distribusi dan transmisi. Namun dalam pembangkitan energi listrik yang dihasilkan modul PV sangat bergantung pada irradiance dan temperature di sekitar PV. Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pada proses pembangkitan pada modul PV diperlukan sebuah maximum power point tracking (MPPT). MPPT merupakan sebuah perangkat yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai daya maksimum yang dihasilkan dari kombinasi nilai arus dan tegangan yang optimal didalam kurva karakteristik I-V pada panel surya. MPPT tersusun atas DC-DC converter dan algoritma. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan ZETA converter yang merupakan salah satu topologi dari buck-boost converter pada DC-DC converter dan menggunakan algoritma particle swarm optimization. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, penggunaan topologi ZETA converter dan algoritma particle swarm optimization pada sistem MPPT menghasilkan step response critically damped response pada saat nilai irradiance bernilai 100 W/m2 dan 200 W/m2, overdamped response pada saat nilai irradiance bernilai 300 W/m2 sampai 1000 W/m2

    The political thought of Sayyid Quṭb

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    Employing information security awareness to minimize over-exposure of average Internet user on social networks

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    Use of Online Social Networking Sites (OSNs) has become ubiquitous nowadays. In the era of a million user social networking sites throughout the world, it becomes increasingly difficult for people to control what they are exposing to whom. In this paper we analyze the influence of social media interactivity features on the exposure of personal data of average Internet user and present techniques to implement information security awareness to minimize over-exposure on OSNs

    An overview on cyber security awareness in Muslim countries

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    Various cases of security breaches and attacks has been experienced globally, and high-level cases of cyber-attacks that threaten security has been documented. Attacks from various hacking groups have been conducted on organizations like the LuzSec, Stuxnet and many others that caused various levels of damages. Recent years have even seen groups that are anonymous in nature, targeting businesses that are highly profiled and other organizations. Some attacks have been conducted with much ease, thereby exposing the existing weaker systems of handling cybercrimes and some breaches have brought along very highly costs incurred on security. Countries have become very vulnerable in particular with the escalating levels of economy and the essential needs of improving infrastructure, in which has made them rely on technology and computer networks. Cyber threats can be categorized into two, and briefly they’ve been explained. This paper evaluates some instances of cyber-attacks in some of the Muslim countries like The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the potential impacts and the possible recommendations that is implemented by governments, can help in raising awareness on cyber-attack issues

    Dielectric based sensing system for banana ripeness assessment

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    Banana is an extremely perishable fruit thus post-harvest quality process changes quickly. Conventional banana ripeness assessment include sorting and grading based on human visual evaluation, ethylene hormone treatment, firmness check by penetrometer and soluble solid content measurement using refractometer are not effective to give uniform and quick result. Dielectric spectroscopy has been applied in agricultural materials as it offers relatively inexpensive assessment, nondestructive, fast and easy to operate system. In ripeness assessment, the magnitude phase of impedance value will increase with ripening stages over certain frequency. This study showed that impedance measurement was able to differentiate the unripe, ripe and overripe banana over the frequency of 20.1kHz to 30.1kHz. Soluble solid content (SSC) of banana was determined by developed model at the frequency of 21.1kHz

    The case study of Emergency Response Plan (ERP) implementation during the Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 disappearance

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    The unsolved mystery on the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH370 has been one of the most highly discussed air crashed incidents in recent times. The doomed flight was en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with a total of 239 people on board. Even after years of investigation and searching efforts that ended recently, investigators have not been able to identify the reason that led to the deviation from its original route shortly after taking off. Accordingly, this case study evaluates the implementation of Malaysia Airlines’ Emergency Response Plan (ERP) in handling the incident, particularly in the early crucial weeks. The data were collected from the ERP practices retrieved from several articles, reports, and journals; and they were analyzed by using a qualitative case study methodology. This study hypothesizes that there were a number of loopholes that led to an ineffective implementation of Malaysia Airlines (MAS)’ ERP steered by the Emergency Response Team (ERT) and Malaysian authorities; that was further worsened by both internal and external crisis elements ranging from unverified information to the shortcomings in the Search and Rescue (SAR) operation conducted