78 research outputs found

    Study of effective calculation operation implementation remaining multi-bit numbers division on FPGA

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    The rapid enhanced in the fields of the computers that leads to rapid breaking for ciphering algorithms and for these reasons most of ciphering algorithm tried to used multidigit for ciphering texts or images. Using the multidigit will increase the safety of information and protected it from supercomputer from breaking the ciphering algorithms. The current information systems employ operations on finite fields of various structures (for example, cryptographic systems). In this instance, it's common to have to deal with enormous numbers (128 bits or more). The proposed operation of discovering the remainder of the division of multidigit numbers will considerably improve the speed of such systems if implemented

    The Structural Identity of the Contemporary Sculptural Works

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    لقد سعى البحث الموسوم (البنية التركيبية للأعمال النحتية المعاصرة) إلى دراسة منظومة العلاقات البنائية والتركيبية والأسلوبية والتقنية، وفق آليات اشتغالاتها في الفن المعاصر. وقد تضمن البحث أربعة فصول: عنى الفصل الأول بالإطار البحثي الذي يتناول مشكلة البحث وأهميته والحاجة إليه وأهداف البحث المتمثلة بـ: تعريف البنية التركيبية للأعمال النحتية والكشف عن البنية البنائية والتركيب واشتغالاتها في الفن المعاصر، زيادة على حدود البحث (1960-1990) وانتهى الفصل الأول بتحديد أهم المصطلحات الواردة في البحث. وشمل الفصل الثاني مبحثين: تمثل الإطار النظري ومؤشراته انتهاء بالدراسات السابقة، وتناول المبحث الأول: البنية التركيبية (المفهوم والاشتغال). وتناول المبحث الثاني: التركيب والتركيبية في النحت. أما الفصل الثالث فقد اشتمل على إجراءات البحث؛ بتحديد مجتمع البحث، والعينة الممثلة له، انتهاء بتحليل عينة البحث البالغة (3)عينات موزعة بحسب حركات الفن المعاصر.  ولقد ضم الفصل الرابع عددا من النتائج والاستنتاجات، زيادة على عدد التوصيات والمقترحات، ومن النتائج التي توصل إليها البحث: 1- أسست البنية التركيبية في النحت البيئي باقترانها بوسائل الإعلام والصحافة والمجلات والتلفزيون بوصفها مسميات تعكس دلالات البنية التركيبية في الفن المعاصر. 2- اقترب أسلوب الفنان المعاصر بتقنية الأشياء الموجودة وأصبح يجمع في أعماله ويلصق ويركب المواد المتوفرة البلاستيكية وقطع المعادن والأقمشة وغير ذلك. وتوصل الباحث إلى جملة من الاستنتاجات منها:  1 - تشتغل طبيعة التوجهات إلى العمال الفنية في الفن المعاصر مع تفويض المنظومة العقلية في المجتمع الغربي ناتجه عن إزاحات كبيرة في التحولات البنية الجمالية توضح مدى التحول الكبير في فن النحت المعاصر. 2- ان طبيعة التوجهات في البنية التركيبية للعمال النحتية المعاصرة بوصفها معطى جماليا يجد اشتغالات أقرب منها إلى التفكيكية والعدمية. Archival and emotional, according to the mechanisms of her engagements in contemporary art. The research included four chapters. The first chapter concerned the framework of the research, which deals with the research problem, its importance, the need The second chapter included: two topics that represent the theoretical framework and its indicators, ending with previous studies, and the first topic dealt with the infrastructure (concept and functioning). The second topic dealt with: composition and structuralism in sculpture. As for the third: it included research procedures, by defining the research community, and the sample representing it, ending with the analysis of the research sample amounting to (2) a sample distributed according to contemporary art movements for it, and the current objectives of: the synthetic infrastructure of the basic works and installation and their works in contemporary art, as well as the limits of research (1945-2000). The first chapter ended with electronic messages used for messages

    The Role of Lead Toxicity on Eruption Rate of Hypofunctional Incisors in Albino Wistar Rats

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    OBJECTIVES This objective of this study was to evaluate the role of a heavy metal- lead acetate in the eruption rate of hypo functional incisors in albino Wistar rats. METHODOLOGY An experimental study was done in animal house of Post Graduate Medical Institute, Lahore since March 2019 to March 2020. 34 adult albino Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups (n=17 for each group) i.e., control and lead acetate group. Right mandibular incisors were selected for this study. Selected incisors were marked 1mm above the level of gingival papillae. The incisors were cut above this mark to make it hypo-functional. The readings were measured by digital Vernier caliper. This was considered as day 0. Incisors length was measured at day 0, 3, 6, 12 and 15 and eruption was calculated. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 22. RESULTS Eruption rate was similar throughout the study except last follow up. At the end of this study eruption of incisors in albino Wistar rats in control was 03.30±0.72mm, in lead 02.43±1.19mm. At day 15, the difference between control and lead group was statistically significant (p-value 0.033). CONCLUSION These results reveal that besides other causes of delayed tooth eruption excessive lead intoxication are also acausative factor of delayed tooth eruption

    The Predictive Ability of Social Anxiety within Internet Addiction among University Students

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    The study aimed to identify the predictive ability of social anxiety in Internet addiction among university students, by relying on the relational descriptive approach. The study sample consisted of (462) male and female students from the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the Hashemite University who were selected through the available random method and were assessed by the social anxiety scale and the Internet addiction scale prepared by Young (1997) which was modified by Widyanto and McMurran (2004) after confirming the appropriateness of its psychometric properties. The study results found that social anxiety level and Internet addiction level were high among the study sample and indicated a statically significant correlation at level (0.01) between the social anxiety level and the level of Internet addiction, which indicates that the higher the social anxiety level, the higher the internet addiction level and that social anxiety works as a predictor of the internet addiction. Results also indicated a nonexistence of statistically significant differences in the social anxiety level as well as the level of Internet addiction due to gender. The current study recommended the activation of students’ counseling services for students within the university and society as a whole to train them on controlling and self-control, which reduce the social anxiety and increase the university's interest about Internet addiction phenomenon in addition to holding awareness programs to help solve problems of this phenomenon


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    The study area is located near Injana area; about 140 Km north of Baghdad City, middle Iraq. The Late Miocene – Pliocene site of the Mukdadiya Formation which is exposed in the northeastern limb of Hemrin South Anticline is a good example for the vertebrate fossil bones. The fossil bones can be studied by multidisciplinary sciences; tectonics, sedimentology, vertebrate fossils taxonomy and volcanic activities to understand the taphonomic processes of the involved fossil assemblages. The Alpine Orogeny in the Late Miocene increased the uplifting, folding and shortening of the Zagros Thrust Fold Belt and subsidence of the Zagros Foreland Basin in middle Iraq. Large fluvial systems, especially alluvial fans have been flowing from the northeast to the southwest in relatively humid climates. The current study concluded the following: The appearance of 21 species in the site refers to the humid and more luxurious environment. Availability of water and sediments (sand, mud, and clay) near fluvial sub environments enriched the diversity of plant that helped a different kind of amphibians such as crocodiles and turtles to living and breeding. The plant diversity provided the food for herbivores such as deer, giraffes, horses, mastodons, and later for the predators and carnivores. The presence of tuff stone, glass shards, pyroclastic crystals, tuffaceous sandstone, tuffaceous mudstone and tuffaceous claystone refer to volcanic activities and caused the suffocation and mass mortality of animals during the Late Miocene – Pliocene. Soft parts of dead animals were decay, while the bones transported by fluvial channel during heavy rain and mixed with the channel bed loads. They might be deposited and reworked by many cycles of deposition and finally, the redeposit within channel lag deposits in the lower part of point bars of the fluvial environment

    Protocols for secure routing and transmission in mobile ad hoc network: a review

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    Mobile ad hoc network security is a new area for research that it has been faced many difficulties to implement. These difficulties are due to the absence of central authentication server, the dynamically movement of the nodes (mobility), limited capacity of the wireless medium and the various types of vulnerability attacks. All these factor combine to make mobile ad hoc a great challenge to the researcher. Mobile ad hoc has been used in different applications networks range from military operations and emergency disaster relief to community networking and interaction among meeting attendees or students during a lecture. In these and other ad hoc networking applications, security in the routing protocol is necessary to protect against malicious attacks as well as in data transmission. The goal of mobile ad hoc security is to safeguard the nodes’ operation and ensure the availability of communication in spite of adversary nodes. The node operations can be divided into two phases. The first phase is to discover the route (s) path. The second phase is to forward the data on the available discovered routes. Both stages need to protect from attacks; so many protocols have been proposed to secure the routing and data forwarding. This is a review study to mobile ad hoc protocols for securing routing as well as protocols for securing packets forwarding. Furthermore, it will present the characteristics and the limitations for each protocol and attributes

    Pattern reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna using capacitor loading for internet of things applications

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    This research study presents a cube dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) with four different radiation patterns for internet of things (IoT) applications. The various radiation patterns are determined by the grounded capacitor loading to reduce interference. The DRA is constructed of ceramic material with a dielectric constant of 30 and is fed via a coaxial probe located in the antenna’s center. Capacitors are used to load the four parasitic microstrip feed lines. Each pattern of radiation is adjustable by adjusting the capacitors loading on the feed line. The proposed antenna works at 3.5 GHz with -10 narrow impedance bandwidth of 74 MHz

    Load Balancing Using Artificial Intelligence for Cloud-Enabled Internet of Everything in Healthcare Domain

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    The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its subsequent evolution into the Internet of Everything (IoE) is a result of the rapid growth of information and communication technologies (ICT). However, implementing these technologies comes with certain obstacles, such as the limited availability of energy resources and processing power. Consequently, there is a need for energy-efficient and intelligent load-balancing models, particularly in healthcare, where real-time applications generate large volumes of data. This paper proposes a novel, energy-aware artificial intelligence (AI)-based load balancing model that employs the Chaotic Horse Ride Optimization Algorithm (CHROA) and big data analytics (BDA) for cloud-enabled IoT environments. The CHROA technique enhances the optimization capacity of the Horse Ride Optimization Algorithm (HROA) using chaotic principles. The proposed CHROA model balances the load, optimizes available energy resources using AI techniques, and is evaluated using various metrics. Experimental results show that the CHROA model outperforms existing models. For instance, while the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA), and Whale Defense Algorithm with Firefly Algorithm (WD-FA) techniques attain average throughputs of 58.247 Kbps, 59.957 Kbps, and 60.819 Kbps, respectively, the CHROA model achieves an average throughput of 70.122 Kbps. The proposed CHROA-based model presents an innovative approach to intelligent load balancing and energy optimization in cloud-enabled IoT environments. The results highlight its potential to address critical challenges and contribute to developing efficient and sustainable IoT/IoE solutions

    Deep Belief Networks (DBN) with IoT-Based Alzheimer’s Disease Detection and Classification

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    Dementias that develop in older people test the limits of modern medicine. As far as dementia in older people goes, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is by far the most prevalent form. For over fifty years, medical and exclusion criteria were used to diagnose AD, with an accuracy of only 85 per cent. This did not allow for a correct diagnosis, which could be validated only through postmortem examination. Diagnosis of AD can be sped up, and the course of the disease can be predicted by applying machine learning (ML) techniques to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques. Dementia in specific seniors could be predicted using data from AD screenings and ML classifiers. Classifier performance for AD subjects can be enhanced by including demographic information from the MRI and the patient’s preexisting conditions. In this article, we have used the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset. In addition, we proposed a framework for the AD/non-AD classification of dementia patients using longitudinal brain MRI features and Deep Belief Network (DBN) trained with the Mayfly Optimization Algorithm (MOA). An IoT-enabled portable MR imaging device is used to capture real-time patient MR images and identify anomalies in MRI scans to detect and classify AD. Our experiments validate that the predictive power of all models is greatly enhanced by including early information about comorbidities and medication characteristics. The random forest model outclasses other models in terms of precision. This research is the first to examine how AD forecasting can benefit from using multimodal time-series data. The ability to distinguish between healthy and diseased patients is demonstrated by the DBN-MOA accuracy of 97.456%, f-Score of 93.187 %, recall of 95.789 % and precision of 94.621% achieved by the proposed technique. The experimental results of this research demonstrate the efficacy, superiority, and applicability of the DBN-MOA algorithm developed for the purpose of AD diagnosis

    Impacted Mandibular Third Molars, A Nuisance to Neighbouring Mandibular Molars; A Radiographic Study

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    Objective: To know the distal caries in mandibular second molars due to impacted mandibular third molars and their association with the type of impaction of patients who visited a tertiary care dental centre in Lahore, Pakistan. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: 28 Military Dental Centre, Combined Military Hospital, Lahore Pakistan from Dec 2020 to Nov 2021. Methodology: The dental records of 378 patients reported at 28 Military Dental Centres were retrieved from the data bank,then decoded and analysed. Results: Out of 378 patients, 242(64%) males and 136(36%) females were referred to Oral and Maxillofacial clinics of 28 MDC to undergo surgical extraction of mandibular third molar teeth. Mesio-angular 242(64%), depth Class-B 281(74.3%), and Ramal relationship I 224(59.3) were the most common impactions referred for surgical removal. 289(76.5%) impactions of all categories were unilateral. 178(73.6%) mesioangular impactions had neighbouring second molar distal caries on Orthopentomogram while none of the transverse impactions had neighbouring second molar caries. A significant association between angulation of impaction and neighbouring second molar caries has been noted (p<0.001). Conclusion: Increased mandibular second molar distal caries were noted adjacent to Mesioangular, depth B, Class 1 Ramal relationship mandibular wisdom tooth impaction. Keywords: Distal caries, Mesioangular impaction, Orthopantomograms, Radiographic study, Surgical extraction