4,584 research outputs found

    Parametric investigation of fixed-tray, semi-continuous distillation column for ethanol separation from water

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    This work was aimed to evaluate the parameters affecting the separation of model fermentation broth (7 mole% ethanol) using 10-tray, semi-continuous distillation column. Ethanol compositions in distillate and bottoms were determined at different reflux ratios and feed locations. Results show that the distillation of lower ethanol concentration is better carried out at higher reflux ratio with feed charged at the middle or bottom tray for good overall tray efficiency. The distillation unit is able to purify the feed to 78 mole% ethanol in distillate. Through trial-and-error stepping off, about 81 mole% was predicted as optimum ethanol purity at reflux ratio of 2.33, while a lower reflux ratio of 1.44 was estimated for 78 mole%. Fixed-tray, semi-continuous distillation is a suitable option to concentrate fermentation broth with sufficient ethanol purity

    Kesan penggunaan koswer multimedia animasi visual terhadap pencapaian pelajar dalam mata pelajaran matematik

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    Ramai pelajar yang bermasalah dalam topik Pelan dan Dongakan. Ini kerana pelajar sukar untuk membayangkan objek yang tersembunyi melalui proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) secara konvensional. Penyelidik telah membangunkan satu koswer multimedia animasi visual dalam topik Pelan dan Dongakan dengan menerapkan kesemua elemen-elemen yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kemahiran visual iaitu elemen animasi, video, audio, grafik dan teks. Seterusnya, kajian kuasi eksperimental ini turut dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesan penggunaan koswer multimedia animasi visual terhadap pencapaian pelajar bagi mata pelajaran Matematik di sekolah menengah. Ujian Pra dan Ujian Pos digunakan untuk melihat perbezaan pencapaian yang signifikan selepas menggunakan koswer multimedia animasi visual yang menggunakan teori Kognitif Visual Wiley. Responden yang terlibat dalam kajian ini ialah seramai 40 orang pelajar Tingkatan Lima yang dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan iaitu kumpulan rawatan dan kumpulan kawalan yang dipilih daripada sebuah sekolah di daerah Batu Pahat, Johor. Hasil analisis menunjukkan peningkatan skor min markah bagi pelajar kumpulan rawatan. Hasil analisis ujian-t (paired-sample-t-test) membuktikan bahawa wujudnya perbezaan skor min markah yang signifikan di antara markah ujian pra dan markah ujian pos bagi kumpulan rawatan. Oleh itu, terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara skor min markah ujian pra dan ujian pos bagi pelajar kumpulan rawatan selepas menggunakan koswer multimedia animasi visual. Manakala instrumen soal selidik yang digunakan untuk melihat tahap penerimaan pelajar selepas menggunakan koswer multimedia animasi visual berdasarkan tiga aspek iaitu aspek isi kandungan, aspek interaksi dan aspek persembahan telah memeperolehi skor min yang tinggi bagi ketiga-tiga aspek tersebut. Dapatan kajian ini menggambarkan penggunaan koswer multimedia animasi visual dapat membantu meningkatkan pencapaian Matematik di dalam bilik darjah terutama yang tidak melibatkan pengiraan

    Design, fabrication and testing of shea nut shelling machine

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    Sheanut (Butyrospernum paradoxum) is an oil rich tropical tree crop, which is indigenous to the West African savannah zone. In Nigeria, most of the sheanuts shelling are done manually by rural women and children, which is labour demanding and tedious. This research work was carried out to determine some physical and mechanical properties of sheanut in order to minimize economic losses associated with its processing. The mean values recorded for the physical properties at 25% moisture content (wb) are; major diameter (29.20 mm), intermediate diameter (21.90 mm), minor diameter (15.00 mm), geometric mean diameter (21.90 mm), arithmetic mean diameter (21.20 mm), angle of repose (30.280). The mean values for the mechanical properties are; linear limit force (0.80 kN), linear limit deformation (4.60 mm), bioyield point force (1.40 kN), bioyield point deformation (6.50 mm), rupture point force (2.10 kN) and rupture point deformation (9.60 mm). Based on the physical and mechanical properties, a sheanut shelling machine was developed that is capable of addressing the aforementioned problems. Putting into consideration better shelling and efficient separation of shea nuts so as to encourage more utilization and processing of shea nuts and its products. The machine was designed to be powered by 5 hp electric motor. It was tested to shell, separate and clean sheanuts. The result of the performance evaluation showed that the machine had shelling efficiency of 96%; cleaning efficiency of the machine was 69.56% while the recovery efficiency was 82.7%. The successful development of this machine will reduce drudgery and time taken associated with the traditional method of sheanut shelling and therefore will increase productivity and utilization

    Hubungan Kerapatan Rumput Laut Sargassum SP. dengan Kelimpahan Epifauna di Pantai Barakuda Pulau Kemojan, Kepulauan Karimunjawa, Jepara

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    Perairan Pantai Barakuda merupakan perairan yang terletak di Pulau Kemojan, Kepulauan Karimunjawa yang memiliki berbagai kekayaan alam hayati dan non hayati. Salah satu sumberdaya diantaranya adalah rumput laut Sargassum sp. yang tumbuh subur pada perairan tersebut. Tegakan rumput laut berfungsi sebagai penahan arus dan gelombang sehingga dapat memberikan perlindungan di bawah akar rumput yang mendukung bagi berbagai kehidupan organisme akuatik dan secara ekologi berfungsi sebagai perangkap sedimen dan pencegah abrasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan epifauna pada ekosistem Sargassum sp. dan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kerapatan dari Sargassum sp. dengan kelimpahan epifauna di Pantai Barakuda, Karimunjawa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2013. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey lapangan dan metode pengambilan sampel adalah sistematik sampling. Lokasi sampling terdiri dari line yang tegak lurus garis pantai dengan panjang 100 meter. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kelimpahan epifauna terdapat 623 individu yang terdiri dari Gastropoda dan Bivalvia . Epifauna yang ditemukan lima spesies epifauna dari kelas Gastropoda yaitu Cerithium sp., Nassarius sp., Conus sp., Colubraria sp., Latirus sp. Terdapat Tiga spesies dari kelas bivalvia yaitu Donax sp. , Acanthocardia sp., Lioconcha sp. Kelimpahan epifauna secara nyata dipengaruhi oleh kerapatan rumput laut Sargassum sp. (Uji Regresi Linier sederhana P= 0,05). Dengan persamaan y = 20,731x + 1,8734 dimana y adalah kelimpahan epifauna dan x adalah kerapatan rumput laut Sargassum sp. Sedangkan, kelimpahan epifauna secara nyata tidak dipengaruhi oleh luasan penutupan daripada Sargassum sp. yang ditunjukan dengan grafik linier yang negatif dan menjauhi garis. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kelimpahan epifauna ada hubungan dengan kerapatan rumput laut Sargassum sp. Barakuda Beach is located at Kemujan Island was part of Karimunjawa Islands which has various biotic and abiotic resources. One of those was Sargassum sp. seaweed that grow well and fertile in that coastal. The trunks of seaweed is function as a current and wave protection which be able to give protection among seweed roots for living kinds of aquatic organisms, and ecologically it function as a sediment trap and abration prohibition. This research was aimed to know epifauna abundances on Sargassum sp. ecosystem and to knows the relationship between of Density from Sargassum sp. by abundances of ephifauna in Barakuda Beach, Karimunjawa. This research was held on March and April 2013. The research method was field survey method and sample collection by systematic sampling method. Sampling location divide into 2 lines were one of line has long 50 meters. The research result showed that ephifauna abundances has 623 individu of eppifauna. There were found five species of ephifauna each as class Gastrophoda consist of Cerithium sp., Nassarius sp., Conus sp., Colubraria sp., Latirus sp. There were three species of ephifauna each as class Bivalvia consist of Donax sp. , Acanthocardia sp., Lioconcha sp . Ephifauna abundances significantly determained by Sargassum sp. density (Simple Linier Test, P= 0,05). The formula was y= 20,731x - 1,8734 which y is ephifauna abundances and x is Sargassum sp. seaweed density. Beside that, there weren't a determained for ephifauna abundances by canopy of Sargassum sp. which showed by negatif linier graphic who long from main line of graphic. From the research result could be concluded that ephifauna abundances was significant relationship between of Density from Sargassum sp. seaweed density and ephifauna abundances

    Analaysis of the Effect of Relative Humidity in the Eggs Incubator

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    This study aimed to verify the effect of relative humidity during incubation ofduck eggs in the incubator on the rate of decline in egg weight, hatching day old duck weight, length and hatching eggs energy difference duck. Duck eggs taken from the poultry business in Meunasah Krueng, water fence, Lambaro, Aceh Besar. Then each egg was placed in an incubator unit in the three experimental groups, namely low humidity (57/58% RH), intermediate humidity (67/68% RH) and high humidity (71/72% RH). Incubation process done manually with temperature 38 oC incubator. Eggs were coded X and O adjacent to facilitate marking a reversal in current twice a day. Primary data retrieval from the first day until the fifteenth day by weighing the eggs and using electronic scales. Changes in egg weight reduction on the fifteenth day following (10.666%), (3.853%) and (2.859%) for the treatment of low humidity, intermediate andhigh, then the day of hatching eggs weigh hatching day old duck also showed that the weight is also affected by incubation and humidity differences by ANOVA analysis it can be concluded that the changes in egg weight reduction greatly influence the hatching duck weight difference and the difference so long incubation energy hatching day old duckling have more energy at low humidity (57/58% RH)

    The Predictors of Habitual Behavior in Using Mobile Phone among University Students

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    The use of technology in academic activities, particularly in higher education institutions is one thing in common and undeniable. Entering the era of information technology without borders, the use of technology such as computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones and so on are seen as essential roles to assist educational activities. Therefore, the utilization has become the norm among instructors and students in higher education institutions. Through previous studies, the terms of norms often referred to habitual behavior or automatically behavior. This study focused on three of independent variables from UTAUTrsquos model (performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influences) to predict studentsrsquo habitual behavior in higher education in the use of mobile phone. This study involved 393 of undergraduatesrsquo student and was conducted entirely in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang.nbsp The results of data analysis revealed all the independent variables have significant effect on habitual behavior.nbs

    Biological Remediation of Cyanide: a Review

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    Cyanide and its complexes are produced by industries all over the world as waste or effluents. Biodegradation is considered to be the cheapest and the most effective method to get rid of cyanide in the environment. Several studies on different types of microorganisms that can degrade cyanide in the environment have been carried out. Hydrolytic, oxidative, reductive, and substitutive/transfer reactions are some of the common pathways used by microorganisms in cyanide degradation. Biodegradation of cyanide can occur aerobically or an-aerobically depending on the environmental conditions. Immobilised enzymes or microorganisms prove to be very effective method of degradation. Microorganisms such as Klebsiella oxytoca, Corynebacterium nitrophilous, Brevibacterium nitrophilous, Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp. and Rhodococcus UKMP-5M have been reported to be very effective in biodegradation of cyanide

    Pembangunan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah berlandaskan projek origami

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    Kemahiran penyelesaian masalah merupakan salah satu kaedah pengajaran yang digunakan di dalam kelas. Ia merupakan satu proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berasaskan pengalaman dan memerlukan pelajar berfikir secara aktif. Tujuan kajian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan persepsi pelajar terhadap kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah tugasan folio dengan berlandaskan seni lipatan kertas. Ini bagi membantu pelajar meningkatkan elemen kemahiran penyelesaian masalah seperti mengenalpasti masalah, merancang dan melaksanakan strategi serta dapat menyelesaikan apa jua sebarang masalah. Kajian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan reka bentuk eks pos fakto yang menggunakan instrumen soal selidik secara tinjauan awal dan tinjauan akhir seterusnya dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 21. Setiap keputusan dapatan ditunjukkan dalam bentuk min, peratus dan ujian T. Sampel kajian adalah terdiri 30 orang pelajar tahun 2 semester 3 jurusan Pemesinan Industri. Dapatan keseluruhan min sebelum aktiviti bengkel ialah 3.43 manakala selepas aktiviti bengkel min ialah 4.03. Keputusan hasil kajian ini mendapati kemahiran penyelesaian masalah selepas menjalani aktiviti origami, berada pada tahap yang tinggi. Oleh yang demikian, cadangan penyelidik untuk mengemukakan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah berlandaskan kaedah origami di terima baik dan bagi membantu pihak tertentu terutamanya Pihak Kolej Vokasional Melaka Tengah dalam menyelesaikan masalah tugasan folio di kalangan pelaja

    Axial Compression Behaviour of Full-Scale Prefabricated Wood-Wool Wall Panel

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    This study aims to investigate an axial compression behaviour of prefabricated wall constructed using wood-wool cement composite panel (WWCP). A total of three full scale wall specimens were fabricated at the laboratory with dimension of 2400 mm width, 2400 mm height and 147 mm thickness. The new fabrication technique namely as cross laminated technique was considered where the walls is fabricated using two layers of 600 mm x 2400 mm x 50 mm thickness of WWCP strips, where each layer consists of four panel strips that were arranged at cross wise panel orientation. The front and rear panel strips were bonded together using 15 mm thickness of mortar paste and as a finishing 16 mm thickness of mortar base plaster were applied on both surfaces. The prefabricated wall specimens were tested under axial compression load up to failure after 28 days of curing period. The axial load carrying capacity, vertical and lateral displacement and failure mode behaviour of walls were observed during and after test conducted. The results of experimental testing recorded that; the maximum axial compression load of prefabricated wood-wool wall specimens achieved the capacity of 1038.54 kN. This shows that the new prefabricated wall constructed using cross laminated wood-wool panel can be used as a load bearing wall system for low rise building