108 research outputs found

    Environmental Status of a City Based on Heavy Metal Content of the Tree-Rings of Urban Trees: Case Study at Szeged, Hungary

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    Urban vegetation, especially urban trees could act as ecological archives, as they reflect various elements of their environment. The main aim of the study is to evaluate the spatial and temporal variations of environmental conditions in the city of Szeged (Hungary) based on long-term monitoring of the heavy metal content of tree-rings (soft wood). In general, the living conditions of the urban trees (and other organisms as well) at Szeged was the worst in 2001/05, when the heavy metal pollution was the greatest, therefore the biomass production of the sampled trees decreased. Fortunately, the environmental conditions became better, only there are some points in the industrial area, where the heavy metal pollution of the environment is gradually increases. The temporal change in lead pollution (considerable decline in 2013/17) could be explained by the obligatory usage of lead-free petrol since 1999 and the diversion of through-traffic from the town (2011). The introduction of unleaded petrol had delayed favourable results, as the dust particles containing lead probably circulated in the air for a while before they were gradually become fixed in the soil or they were washed out from the town during heavy rains. The cadmium pollution also declined after the traffic diversion, as it is connected to the usage of brake-linings. Whilst the lead and cadmium content of the tree-rings decreased during the studied decades, the trees accumulated increasing amount of zinc throughout the studied periods, as this element could be up-taken from the ground-water, as the larger the canopy of a tree the denser and deeper its root system is

    Szélsőséges időjárási helyzetek hatása a főbb növények mikroklímájára és termésére eltérő talajokon = Effects of extreme macrometeorological processes on the canopy-climate and production

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    A szántóföldi növényállományokban kialakuló mikroklíma az állomány architektúrájának, a turbulencia csökkenésének és a szoláris energia felhalmozódásának kényszere nyomán alakul ki, vagyis kényszerfolyamat eredménye. A mechanikai kényszert elsősorban az állományszerkezet fékező hatása váltja ki. Szélsőségeit minden esetben a sugárzási és légmozgási szélsőségek váltják ki, melyet a talaj kedvező, vagy kedvezőtlen hő- és vízgazdálkodási tulajdonsága széles intervallumban módosít. A növényállomány belső mikroklimatikus terében a sugárzás, a légmozgás, a felmelegedés és lehűlés, valamint a levegő nedvességtartalmának változó idő és térbeli eloszlásában nyilvánul meg. A mikroklíma kialakulását determinálja az állomány anyagi szerveinek térbeli eloszlása és struktúrája, amely a sugárzási mérleg és a turbulens kicserélődési folyamatok divergenciájában ismerhető fel. A hőmérséklet és a nedvességtartalom karakterisztikus napi menettel rendelkezik, amelynek szélső értékeit egyrészt a talaj hő- és vízgazdálkodási tulajdonsága, másrészt a növény fajspecifikus állományszerkezete határoz meg. A kutatások során megalapozást nyert a mikroklímatípusok rendszerének alapja, amelynek fizikai jellemzése útján lehetőség nyílik a tágabb értelemben vett környezettel kialakulható kölcsönhatások különböző formái. A mikroklíma lényegében az állományszerkezet által módosított mikrometeorológiai események rendszere, melyre jellemző a makroklimatikus feltételekhez viszonyított nagyfokú variabilitás. | The microclimate of arable land crops is primarily influenced by pressures from the architecture of plant stock, decreasing turbulence and solar energy accumulation, in other words it is a result of force-processes. The mechanical force is primarily triggered by the restraining effect of the stock structure. Its extremes are generated by radiation and natural air movement extremes at all times, which are modified by the favourable or unfavourable heat and water management characteristics of the soil. Radiation, air movement, warming and cooling as well as air humidity in the inner microclimatic space of the plant stock are expressed by changing periodical and spatial distribution. The spatial distribution and structure of the organic matter in the plant stocks determines the formation of the microclimate. Temperature and moisture content possesses characteristic daily courses, the extreme values of which are determined by the heat and water management characteristics of the soil on one hand and by the type specific stock structure of the plant on the other hand. The foundation of microclimate types was established during the research, which will provide the means to examine the various forms of environmental relationships through physical characterisation. Microclimate is essentially the system of micrometeorological events modified by the stock structure, which is characterised by the high degree of variability compared to macroclimatic conditions

    Difficulties, health problems and professional support of divorced fathers living separately from their children - experiences in Hungary

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    Introduction. The situation of divorced men who live separetely children is difficult in Hungary, as well as in many other countries. The effects of divorce on all family members is considerable, therefore, the topic seems worth investigating. Aim. The aim of our study was to examine the situation, difficulties and problems of divorced Hungarian fathers who live separately from their children, and their need for professional help. Material and methods. The research was conducted among men of legal age who had undergone divorce for the first time, had at least one child together with their ex-wife, and the divorce had taken place in the last 1 to 5 years. A self-made questionnaire composed of four parts (6 open and 60 closed questions) was presented to the participants. The questionnaire was available online between 21/11/2015 and 20/01/2016. 100 fathers who filled in the questionnaire correctly were included in the study. Results. Only 18.0% of the fathers had not noticed any physical, mental or behavioural symptoms after divorce. 49.0% of them noticed all three types of symptoms. Several fathers' work performance declined. One third (32.0%) of the fathers had such serious symptoms that they decided to consult a medical specialist. 80.0% of the fathers were not satisfied with financial support offered to them, 76.0% of them were not satisfied with the social allowances available to them, and 74.0% were not satisfied with the psychological and psychiatric support they are offered. Conclusions. Fathers are not prepared to face the divorce. Physicians should be increasingly aware that divorce can be the source of physical symptoms. Fathers feel the lack of financial, social and psychological support, as well as of legal support. They would like to be involved in the family care of the Hungarian health visitors' network after divorce. © 2016 Borgis

    Environmental status of a city based on heavy metal content of the tree-rings of urban trees : case study at Szeged, Hungary

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    Urban vegetation, especially urban trees could act as ecological archives, as they reflect various elements of their environment. The main aim of the study is to evaluate the spatial and temporal variations of environmental conditions in the city of Szeged (Hungary) based on long-term monitoring of the heavy metal content of tree-rings (soft wood). In general, the living conditions of the urban trees (and other organisms as well) at Szeged was the worst in 2001/05, when the heavy metal pollution was the greatest, therefore the biomass production of the sampled trees decreased. Fortunately, the environmental conditions became better, only there are some points in the industrial area, where the heavy metal pollution of the environment is gradually increases. The temporal change in lead pollution (considerable decline in 2013/17) could be explained by the obligatory usage of lead-free petrol since 1999 and the diversion of through-traffic from the town (2011). The introduction of unleaded petrol had delayed favourable results, as the dust particles containing lead probably circulated in the air for a while before they were gradually become fixed in the soil or they were washed out from the town during heavy rains. The cadmium pollution also declined after the traffic diversion, as it is connected to the usage of brake-linings. Whilst the lead and cadmium content of the tree-rings decreased during the studied decades, the trees accumulated increasing amount of zinc throughout the studied periods, as this element could be up-taken from the ground-water, as the larger the canopy of a tree the denser and deeper its root system is

    Environmental Status of a City based on Heavy Metal Content of the Tree-Rings of Urban Trees: Case Study at Szeged, Hungary

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    Urban vegetation, especially urban trees could act as ecological archives, as they reflect various elements of their environment. The main aim of the study is to evaluate the spatial and temporal variations of environmental conditions in the city of Szeged (Hungary) based on long-term monitoring of the heavy metal content of tree-rings (soft wood). In general, the living conditions of the urban trees (and other organisms as well) at Szeged was the worst in 2001/05, when the heavy metal pollution was the greatest, therefore the biomass production of the sampled trees decreased. Fortunately, the environmental conditions became better, only there are some points in the industrial area, where the heavy metal pollution of the environment is gradually increases. The temporal change in lead pollution (considerable decline in 2013/17) could be explained by the obligatory usage of lead-free petrol since 1999 and the diversion of through-traffic from the town (2011). The introduction of unleaded petrol had delayed favourable results, as the dust particles containing lead probably circulated in the air for a while before they were gradually become fixed in the soil or they were washed out from the town during heavy rains. The cadmium pollution also declined after the traffic diversion, as it is connected to the usage of brake-linings. Whilst the lead and cadmium content of the tree-rings decreased during the studied decades, the trees accumulated increasing amount of zinc throughout the studied periods, as this element could be up-taken from the ground-water, as the larger the canopy of a tree the denser and deeper its root system is
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