776 research outputs found

    Kontrola kvalitete pri biosintezi aminoacil-tRNA

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    The fidelity of translation is determined at two major points: the accuracy of aminoacyl-tRNA selection by the ribosomes and synthesis of cognate amino acid/tRNA pairs by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) in the course of the aminoacylation reaction. The most important point in aminoacylation is the accurate recognition of cognate substrates coupled with discrimination of non-cognates. While this is generally accomplished by a single enzyme, we have recently found that discrimination against lysine analogues requires the existence of two unrelated lysyl-tRNA synthetases. For other amino acids, initial recognition is not sufficiently accurate with errors being corrected by an intrinsic editing activity. Recent studies indicate how editing prevents the misinterpretation of phenylalanine as tyrosine in the genetic code and have shown the importance of this process in vivo. More recent studies indicate that while these editing reactions are critical in the cytoplasm, some are absent from mitochondria suggesting that the overall fidelity of protein synthesis might be reduced in this compartment.Vjernost translacije bitno ovisi o točnosti dvaju koraka: odabiru aminoacil-tRNA na ribosomu i sintezi ispravnih aminoacil-tRNA pomoću odgovarajućih aminoacil-tRNA-sintetaza u reakciji aminoaciliranja. Najvažniji događaj u aminoaciliranju precizno je prepoznavanje pripadnih supstrata (tRNA i aminokiseline) i diskriminacija nepripadnih. Iako taj posao uglavnom obavlja po jedan enzim za svaki par tRNA : aminokiselina, nedavno smo ustanovili da su za diskriminaciju analoga lizina potrebne dvije različite lizil-tRNA-sintetaze. U nekim drugim slučajevima otkriveno je da su pogreške u odabiru tRNA i njihovih pripadnih aminokiseline i suviše velike, pa je nužan naknadni popravak pogrešnih produkata u reakciji aminoaciliranja, koji također mogu katalizirati neke aminoacil-tRNA-sintetaze. Na primjeru krivog odabira tirozina umjesto fenilalanina, te naknadnog popravka, pokazano je kako je mogućnost korekcije važna u sprečavanju pogrešne translacije genetičkog koda in vivo. Najnovija istraživanja pokazala su da su mehanizmi popravka od ključne važnosti u citoplazmi, no neki se ne zbivaju u mitohondriju, ukazujući na smanjenu ukupnu točnost biosinteze proteina u ovom staničnom odjeljku

    FARS2 mutations presenting with pure spastic paraplegia and lesions of the dentate nuclei.

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    Mutations in FARS2, the gene encoding the mitochondrial phenylalanine-tRNA synthetase (mtPheRS), have been linked to a range of phenotypes including epileptic encephalopathy, developmental delay, and motor dysfunction. We report a 9-year-old boy with novel compound heterozygous variants of FARS2, presenting with a pure spastic paraplegia syndrome associated with bilateral signal abnormalities in the dentate nuclei. Exome sequencing identified a paternal nonsense variant (Q216X) lacking the catalytic core and anticodon-binding regions, and a maternal missense variant (P136H) possessing partial enzymatic activity. This case confirms and expands the phenotype related to FARS2 mutations with regards to clinical presentation and neuroimaging findings

    Quality Control During Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis

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    The fidelity of translation is determined at two major points: the accuracy of aminoacyl-tRNA selection by the ribosomes and synthesis of cognate amino acid/tRNA pairs by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) in the course of the aminoacylation reaction. The most important point in aminoacylation is the accurate recognition of cognate substrates coupled with discrimination of non-cognates. While this is generally accomplished by a single enzyme, we have recently found that discrimination against lysine analogues requires the existence of two unrelated lysyl-tRNA synthetases. For other amino acids, initial recognition is not sufficiently accurate with errors being corrected by an intrinsic editing activity. Recent studies indicate how editing prevents the misinterpretation of phenylalanine as tyrosine in the genetic code and have shown the importance of this process in vivo . More recent studies indicate that while these editing reactions are critical in the cytoplasm, some are absent from mitochondria suggesting that the overall idelity of protein synthesis might be reduced in this compartment

    Giant pseudo-Aneurysm of the Pancreatico-Duodenal Artery

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    We report a case of a giantpseudo-aneurysm of the pancreatico-duodenal arteryin a patient with no history of pancreatitis or trauma.Case ReportA 60-year-old woman was admitted to a peripheralhospital because of epigastric and periumbilical pain.She underwent an abdominal CT Scan (Fig. 1) whichshowed a large mass about 11.5£ 8c

    tRNAs: Cellular Barcodes for Amino Acids

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    The role of tRNA in translating the genetic code has received considerable attention over the last 50 years, and we now know in great detail how particular amino acids are specifically selected and brought to the ribosome in response to the corresponding mRNA codon. Over the same period, it has also become increasingly clear that the ribosome is not the only destination to which tRNAs deliver amino acids, with processes ranging from lipid modification to antibiotic biosynthesis all using aminoacyl‐tRNAs as substrates. Here we review examples of alternative functions for tRNA beyond translation, which together suggest that the role of tRNA is to deliver amino acids for a variety of processes that includes, but is not limited to, protein synthesis

    Foraminiferal biotopes in a shallow continental shelf environment: Esperance Bay (southwestern Australia)

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    The Great Australian Bight is a large carbonate cold water environment located on the central and western portions of the southern Australia. Seagrasses (Posidonia sp.) and macroalgae benthic habitats are widely distributed in the shallow water environment of southern Australia, contributing to the carbonate factory. This study investigated the distribution of modern benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the microtidal wave-dominated inner-shelf of Esperance Bay (southwestern Australia), that lies on the western margin of the Great Australian Bight. Benthic foraminifera were taxonomically identified and biotic parameters (species richness, density, Fisher-α index, Shannon–Weaver index, dominance) were calculated. Multivariate analyses (Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, Principal Component Analysis) were performed to understand foraminiferal distribution in the context of environmental conditions. Four main Foraminiferal assemblages have been recognized: (I) a nearshore assemblage of dense seagrass meadow, dominated by Lamellodiscorbis dimidiatus, Elphidium craticulatum, Elphidium crispum, Cibicidoides lobatulus, II) a second assemblage associated with unvegetated seabed (approximately 30 m depth) with Lamellodiscorbis dimidiatus, Elphidium crispum, Quinqueloculina disparilis, III) a third assemblage in the central sector of the bay, characterized by a discontinuous and mixed seagrass-algae coverage with Lamellodiscorbis dimidiatus, Elphidium crispum, Elphidium macellum, Cibicides refulgens, and Quinqueloculina poeyana, and IV) an epiphytic assemblage of transitional zone from the coastline to the upper limit of a mixed seagrass-algae meadow, dominated by Elphidium crispum, Chrysalidinella dimorpha, Planulinoides biconcava, Planoglabratella opercularis, Rugobolivinella elegans. The spatial distribution of the four assemblages appears closely related to sediment texture, seagrass cover and depth, but it is also influenced by the shoreface morphology and the hydrodynamic energy. The understanding of the ecological parameters that influence benthic foraminiferal distribution, composition and assemblage structure within seagrass meadows is useful for paleoecological and paleoenvironmental interpretations

    Identificazione di schiume in polipropilene e relazione tra densità e parametri dei modelli

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    La varietà praticamente infinita di solidi cellulari rende particolarmente ardua la modellazione di questi materiali, per ognuno dei quali è in genere necessaria una specifica identificazione. La ricerca di legami tra i parametri dei modelli e le caratteristiche note della schiuma è utile per ridurre il lavoro di identificazione ed evitare una eccessiva quantità di esperimenti. Prove sperimentali di compressione uniassiale statica su schiume rigide di EPP a cinque densità diverse sono state utilizzate per identificare i modelli di Gibson e Rush. I parametri identificati per il modello di Gibson sono stati confrontati con quelli dati dalle espressioni dello stesso autore in funzione della densità. I parametri identificati per il modello di Rush sono stati studiati per individuare relazioni analitiche simili a quelle di Gibson tra i parametri e la densità

    Effects of the functional Gpc-­B1 allele on soft durum wheat grain, milling, flour, dough, and breadmaking quality

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    Background and objectives: Utilization of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum) can be enhanced by increasing grain and flour protein content. One strategy to increase protein content is by introducing the functional Gpc-B1 allele from wild emmer (Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccoides). Findings: Introduction of the functional Gpc-B1 allele into soft kernel durum increased grain and flour protein by 17 g/kg, increased dough strength as evidenced by SDS sedimentation volume and Mixograph dough mixing parameters, and increased straight-dough pan bread volume. When grown under arid conditions, high protein (151 g/kg) samples had decreased loaf volumes indicative of inelastic doughs. The functional Gpc-B1 allele was associated with decreased test weight, a small increase in SKCS hardness, and a modest increase in flour ash; otherwise, milling performance was not affected. Conclusions: Introgression of the Gpc-B1 functional allele from dicoccoides into durum wheat can improve dough strength and breadmaking quality. The effect tends to be consistent over environments but overall, Gpc-B1 made only a modest improvement in durum wheat breadmaking quality. Further studies with concomitant selection at other loci are needed to see the effects of Gpc-B1 among elite germplasm. Significance and novelty: Durum wheat production and consumption will increase as bread quality improves. The functional Gpc-B1 allele contributed to improved breadmaking quality. The present report is the first to examine the effect of this allele on breadmaking in durum wheat

    Natural vs. Anthropic influence on the multidecadal shoreline changes of mediterranean urban beaches: Lessons from the Gulf of Cagliari (Sardinia)

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    Urban Mediterranean beaches are often characterized by a fragile and unstable equilibrium that can be easily altered by ongoing climate change and by the increase in human pressure. This may pose serious threats to the survival of beach systems that cannot accommodate these modifications. In this paper, the spatio-temporal shift of the shoreline was investigated along two urban beaches in the Gulf of Cagliari (Poetto and Giorgino; southern Sardinia, western Mediterranean Sea) across a time frame of 62 years (1954–2016). The Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) ArcGIS™ extension was used to extract different statistical parameters which allowed us to quantify the erosion and accretion rates. These data were further examined in relation to a number of anthropic and natural forcings in order to disentangle the factors controlling shoreline evolution. Eight sectors with interchanging net erosive and accretion trends were identified along the Poetto and Giorgino beaches. In six decades, some sectors of the two study sites appeared to have undergone great shoreline modification as a result of the intense anthropogenic activities impacting these coastal areas. The westernmost portions of both beaches were found to be the most vulnerable to erosion processes; such conditions were likely controlled by the interplaying of local hydrodynamics and by the intense coastal development which affected these sectors. The highest retreat rates (mean end point rate (EPR) = −0.51/year) were recorded in the western limit of Giorgino beach. Along the western limit of Poetto beach, EPR erosion rates (mean EPR = −2.92/year) considerably increased in the years after the artificial beach nourishment carried out in 2002, suggesting that the majority of the nourished material was lost offshore or partly redistributed along the beach. Coastal structures, urban development, river catchment modification, industrial and port activities, beach cleaning and touristic and recreational activities have been identified as the ongoing causes of coastal alteration. If these factors remain constant, under projected climate change scenarios, these beaches are at risk of further increased flooding and erosion. In this context, the application of DSAS appeared as an essential tool, supporting a monitoring system able to provide understanding and, potentially, predictions of the short-to long-term evolution of these beach systems