534 research outputs found

    Infopragmática: un método eficiente para la recuperación de información

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    Based on a linguistic algorithm, supported by an uncertainty theorem, the infopragmatics is a new method that offers an efficient solution, but not limited, to those Spanish speaking users who try to get the most useful information from academic databases which contents is in English. Presents a search analysis, an application of the language of levels understanding table, brief considerations on the ambiguity of the term “relevance” and statistical reasons to put infopragmatics into action at our National University Library System

    Metodología de ensayo

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    Inducing Academic Data Bases Direct Use Over Popular Search Engines

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    Proposes to directly prompt reputed database use over search engines by means of a 3D self- test method and a Linguistic Storm. A 3D self-test schema is used to make users aware of the existing databases within their own libraries pointing to exploit them. The 3D schema consists of three graded axes that involve: a) users´ academic level; b) electronic resources; and, c) linguistic steps to make the IR results pertinent, not repeated (relevant). Additionally, a brief didactic procedure to profit the library’s collections is presented. Furthermore, some editors (Proquest, Elsevier and EBSCO) approaches to include their collections references into the popular search engine Google, are discussed. Finally, some remarks on the didactic procedure are included

    Scaffolding Google: a set of training cards.

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    This paper shows the succesful application of a cards game to collect appropriate outcomes from Google and/or Google Scholar. The didactic cards game represent a decisive didactic alternative for young researchers looking for information in either of the Google’s services or similar search engines, including commercial information providers such as Elsevier, Proquest and EBSCO. The cards comprehend a series of linguistic characteristics: purposes, verbs, direct objects, connectors, and instruments that represent profitable utility in all varieties of libraries and in almost any language when the target language is English. Results are presented

    An atypical case of Guillain-Barré: overlap of Miller Fisher syndrome with pharyngeal-cervical-brachial variant

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    The patient was a 30-year-old female. She had developed dysphagia three days prior to admission. Initially, she only had problem swallowing solids but later the problem progressed to liquids, and after that dysphonia was added. She was visited by a first-level doctor who diagnosed her problem as pharyngotonsillitis and treated her with amoxicillin + clavulanate without improvement. Two days later, diplopia was added, which led her to come to our hospital. Upon arrival, the vital signs were recorded as blood pressure 120/70 mmHg, respiratory rate 18 breaths per minute, temperature 35.7 °C, and O2 saturation 98% in room air. She was alert, oriented in three spheres, normoreflexic, had isochoric pupils with ptosis when making a pathetic look, and had preserved motor and sensory function of the facial nerve. She also had dysphonia, inability to swallow, with difficulty to manage secretions. She had normal thorax with adequate ventilatory mechanics, lung fields with adequate air entry and exit, rhythmic precordium without aggregated auscultator phenomena, globular abdomen at the expense of panniculus adiposus, preserved peristalsis, pelvic limbs with 1/5 bilateral loss of strength, preserved sensitivity, bilateral areflexia, thoracic limbs strength 3/5 bilateral, and ataxic gait


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    Inducing Academic Data Bases Direct Use Over Popular Search Engines

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    Proposes to directly prompt reputed database use over search engines by means of a 3D self- test method and a Linguistic Storm. A 3D self-test schema is used to make users aware of the existing databases within their own libraries pointing to exploit them. The 3D schema consists of three graded axes that involve: a) users´ academic level; b) electronic resources; and, c) linguistic steps to make the IR results pertinent, not repeated (relevant). Additionally, a brief didactic procedure to profit the library’s collections is presented. Furthermore, some editors (Proquest, Elsevier and EBSCO) approaches to include their collections references into the popular search engine Google, are discussed. Finally, some remarks on the didactic procedure are included

    Optimización de la gestión de los procesos administrativosde ingeniería y control siglo XXI

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    El proyecto aplicado Optimización de la Gestión de los procesos administrativos de ingeniera y Control Siglo XXI, nace de la necesidad que presenta la comunidad del municipio de Girón, dada las inversiones que se están realizando en cuanto a vías, puentes y construcción en general para garantizar una excelente calidad de las estructuras y una muy buena durabilidad que beneficie a toda la población del municipio y garantice la preservación de las obras de construcción. Para esta necesidad se proyecta un alto crecimiento debido a la construcción de viviendas de interés social dada la aprobación de los proyectos cofinanciados por parte de la Nación, lo cual trae consigo mejoras en las vías de comunicación como el anillo vial entre Girón y Piedecuesta, así como el mejoramiento de la malla vial existente. Con este proyecto se pretende mejorar la competitividad para la compañía Ingeniería y Control Siglo XXI, mediante la implementación de las mejores prácticas administrativas a nivel mundial con el propósito de hacer frente a la demanda de soluciones para la supervisión técnica y el control de materiales de construcción durante la etapa de construcción de los diferentes proyectos que se realicen en el sector, con el fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de los estándares de calidad exigidos en la NSR-10, normas ICONTEC y en las especificaciones INVIAS. Para la realización de este proyecto se utilizará la metodología de la guía PMBOOKThe applied project Optimization of the management management processes of engineering and control Siglo XXI, the need to present the community of the municipality of Girón, the investments that are being made in terms of roads, bridges and construction in general to guarantee an excellent quality of the structures and a very good durability that benefits all the population of the municipality and guarantees the preservation of the construction works. For this, a great growth is needed due to the construction of low-income housing given the approval of the projects co-financed by the Nation, which brings with it improvements in the communication routes such as the road ring between Girón and Piedecuesta, as well as As the improvement of the existing road network. This project aims to improve competition for the engineering and control company Siglo XXI, by implementing the best administrative practices worldwide in order to meet the demand for solutions for technical supervision and control of construction materials during the construction stage of the different projects carried out in the sector, in order to guarantee compliance with the quality standards required in the NSR-10, ICONTEC standards and INVIAS specifications. For the realization of this project the methodology of the PMBOOK guide will be use

    Fitoextracción de metales en suelos contaminados por la minería

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    99 páginas. Maestría en Ciencias e Ingeniería Ambientales.En el presente trabajo de tesis se llevó a cabo un estudio sobre el impacto ambiental que existe en los suelos y en el medio de la cabecera municipal de Noria de Ángeles, Zacatecas y sus alrededores, ya que se encuentra muy de cerca grandes depósitos de desechos mineros, los cuales son producto de la actividad minera que tuvo su origen en las décadas de los 80´s y 90´s, así como la presa de jales, en donde eran vertidos grandes cantidades de contaminantes como producto de procesos metalúrgicos para la extracción del mineral. Se realizó la caracterización del suelo mediante un trayecto que parte desde la tepetatera de mayor tamaño hasta la denominada presa de jales, pasando por el poblado que se encuentra en medio de la tepetatera y de la presa. Posterior al estudio se hizo el análisis de la contaminación que existe mediante las muestras recolectadas del suelo de la zona de estudio para los parámetros que se determinaron, así como el contenido de contaminantes que permitió conocer en forma clara y detallada el impacto ambiental que existe actualmente en la región. A través de los resultados se observó que la zona del jal rojo es la más contaminada, seguida de la presa de jales, rebasando los límites máximos permitidos por la NOM-147 SEMARNAT/SSA 1-2004, principalmente Zn, Pb y Cu, mientras que, en los suelos de los sitios correspondientes a la tepetatera, el poblado y el ejido los resultados indicaron que las concentraciones de estos metales, no se consideran aún contaminados. Además, se recolectaron diferentes tipos de plantas nativas en los diferentes sitios de los suelos estudiados, donde se determinó la concentración de éstos metales tomando en cuenta el tipo de planta y sus características en cuanto a tamaño, juventud, resistencia y adaptación, asimismo se seleccionaron las que mejor capacidad de bioacumulación presentaron para una fitoextracción metálica y de ser posible una fitorremediación de los suelos más contaminados. Se estudió Pasto Inglés (Lolium perenne) para utilizarlo como planta fitoextractora. Se midió el índice de bioacumulación y el porcentaje de eficiencia para cada metal durante su crecimiento a los 45, 90, 135 y 180 días. Se concluye que el pasto inglés presentó buenos resultados en la fitoextracción de metales, la cual toleró los niveles de metales presentes en los suelos que se analizaron y demostró ser una planta ideal para su implementación en fitoextracción.In the present thesis work it was carried out a study on the environmental impact exists in the soil and in the middle of the municipal head of Noria de Angeles, Zacatecas and its surroundings as it is located very near large deposits of waste miners, which are products of mining which originated in the decades of the 80's and 90 and the tailings dam where were discharges large amounts of contaminants as a result of metallurgical processes for extraction mineral. Soil characterization was performed using a route that starts from the larger to tepetatera called tailings dam, through the village located amid tepetatera and dam. Post-study analysis contamination exists by samples collected soil from the study area for the parameters were determined, and the pollutant content yielded information in clear and detailed environmental impact that currently exists is made in the region. Through the results it was observed that the red zone is the most polluted jal, followed by the tailings dam, beyond the maximum limits allowed by the NOM-147 SEMARNAT / SSA 1-2004, mainly Zn, Pb and Cu, while in the soils of the sites corresponding to the tepetatera, the town and the ejido results indicated that concentrations of these metals are not considered yet contaminated. Also different types of native plants were collected in different sites of the soils studied, where the concentration of these metals is determined by taking into account the type of plant and its characteristics in terms of size, youth, resistance and adaptation also been selected and bioaccumulation best presented to a metal phytoextraction and if possible the phytoremediation of contaminated soils. English Grass (Lolium perenne) was studied for use as fitoextractora plant. Was measured bioaccumulation index and percent efficiency for each metal during growth at 45, 90, 135 and 180 days. It is concluded that the English Grass showed good results in phytoextraction of metals, which allowed the levels of metals in soils were analyzed and proved to be an ideal for deployment in phytoextraction plant.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (México)