519 research outputs found

    The Neutrino Suppression Scale from Large Volumes

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    We present an argument in which the scale ~ 0.1 eV associated with neutrino masses naturally appears in a a class of (very) large volume compactifications, being tied to a supersymmetry scale of 10^3 GeV and a string scale of 10^11 GeV. The masses are of Majorana type and there is no right-handed neutrino within the low-energy field theory. The suppression scale 10^14 GeV is independent of the masses of the heavy states that are integrated out. These kind of constructions appear naturally in Type IIB flux compactifications. However, the arguments that lead to this result rely only on a few geometrical features of the compactification manifold, and hence can be used independently of string theory.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX; v2. matches journal versio

    Perspectives on healthcare, chronic noncommunicable disease and healthworlds in an urban and rural setting

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    Background: This study is located within a complex network of paradigmatical methodological, and institutional relationships, and draws concepts from a range of scholastic traditions. The hermeneutical tradition within Sociology, particularly as exemplified in the work of Jurgen Habermas, provides a starting point for exploring and interpreting the experiences of chronic illness and healthcare access. The concept of the lifeworld/ healthworld as a description of the complex of health beliefs and behaviours of individuals in relation to the ailing body is used to describe chronic illness and healthcare access, both as lived experience and as fields for public health intervention. Aim: To understand how women living with chronic illness experience their illness and access healthcare in an urban and rural context. Methods: This study is a mixed-methods comparative case study of the healthcare access experiences of women with chronic illness in an urban and rural area in South Africa. The core of the study methodology is a comparative qualitative case study, with quantitative methods serving to contextualise the findings. The urban component of the study was conducted in Birth to Twenty (Bt20), a birth cohort study located in Johannesburg-Soweto. The rural component of the study was conducted in Agincourt, a sub-district of the Bushbuckridge district in Mpumalanga Province. The quantitative context for the Soweto case study uses secondary data collected by Bt20 to construct a historical overview of the use of formal and informal healthcare services in Soweto. It also uses the findings of a large scale cross sectional survey of the primary caregivers of the Bt20 cohort, conducted between November 2008 and June 2010. The rural case study is contextualised by a detailed review of research conducted in the Agincourt sub-district. For the qualitative case studies I employed a qualitative methodology incorporating serial narrative interviews to present an experience-based overview of concepts of disease causation, self treatment and coping. Results: The cross-sectional survey describes a low resource population with a high prevalence of chronic noncommunicable disease (NCDs). Over one third (37.3%) of the population in Soweto could be categorised as having a low socio-economic status, defined as access to only one or less of 5 socio-economic items. Slightly over half the respondents in Soweto (50.7%) reported having at least one chronic illness. Only around a third (33.3%) of the survey participants with chronic illnesses reported accessing formal healthcare services in the last 6 months. Similar trends were found in the review of research carried out in Agincourt. The qualitative case study in Soweto is characterised by a preoccupation with how the medicine from the clinic interacts with the body. The search for alternative remedies took place not as an attempt to cure disease, but to reach a deeper understanding of the diseased state of the body. The Agincourt qualitative case study highlights the importance of church membership, particularly of African Christian Churches, as the strongest factor motivating against the open use of traditional medicine. In both study sites there is evidence that traditional healers were consulted for social purposes rather than health-related purposes. Discussion: Soweto and Agincourt share similar patterns of healthcare utilisation and healthcare belief. Both study sites were characterised by increasing trends in formalisation. At the same time, only a small portion of individuals in both study sites with chronic illness utilised formal healthcare services. A consideration of the findings suggests five broad themes for further research: (1) Processes of constructing body narratives; (2) Encounters with purposive-rational systems; (3) Encounters with traditional medicine; (4) Encounters with contemporary informal medicine; and (5) Religion and healthcare. These five themes constitute the beginning of a comprehensive map of the lifeworld/ healthworld schema. Such a schema has implications for healthcare policy and practice, particularly with regard to the development of integrative paradigms in South Africa as exemplified by Community Oriented Primary Care (COPC). Conclusion: The aims and objectives of the study were met through the development of an initial lifeworld/ healthworld schema, which suggests that the coexistence of diverse public healthcare concerns of high NCD prevalence and low formal healthcare utilisation is best addressed through the adoption of integrated healthcare approaches based on lifeworld/ healthworld rationalistion

    Amphibian diversity in Serranía de Majé, an isolated mountain range in eastern Panamá

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    Eastern Panama is within the Mesoamerican biodiversity hotspot and supports an understudied amphibian fauna. Here we characterize the amphibian diversity across an elevational gradient in one of the least studied mountain ranges in eastern Panama, Serrania de Maje. A total of 38 species were found, which represent 17% of all species reported for Panama. Based on expected richness function and individual-based rarefaction curves, it is estimated that this is an underestimate and that at least 44 amphibian species occur in this area. Members of all three amphibian orders were encountered, represented by ten families and 22 genera, including five species endemic to Central America. Estimated species richness decreased with elevation, and the mid-elevation site supported both lowland and highland species. Our study provides a baseline for understanding the distribution pattern of amphibians in Panama, for conservation efforts, and for determining disease-induced changes in amphibian communities.85911713

    How Do Journalists in Mexico Report on Organised Crime: Representing the facts, Interpretation and Self-Critique

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    Among the many outcomes of the so-called War on Drugs, Mexico has become one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalism. Besides killings and kidnappings, journalists are also frequent victims of beatings, arbitrary detentions, and online harassment, as well as many other acts of aggression. Anti-press violence has an evident impact on Mexican journalists’ daily activities, particularly as related to the coverage of organised crime. The endemic risk that news workers constantly face determines how they represent and interpret the stories they report on when it comes to this issue. Thus, this inquiry aims to analyse the practices that reporters and editors implement during the news-making process when covering cartels’ activities. In doing so, this paper draws on a set of in-depth interviews with news workers from Mexico’s main national newspapers, and from all the states where journalists were killed in 2017. The main findings indicate that there is a lack of written norms for the coverage of organised crime, and that reporters refer to criminals with a sense of familiarity. In addition, this study contributes to the understanding of journalists’ decisions in the field when doing their job, especially in dangerous conditions

    Neurohormonal Modulation as a Therapeutic Target in Pulmonary Hypertension.

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    The autonomic nervous system (ANS) and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) are involved in many cardiovascular disorders, including pulmonary hypertension (PH). The current review focuses on the role of the ANS and RAAS activation in PH and updated evidence of potential therapies targeting both systems in this condition, particularly in Groups 1 and 2. State of the art knowledge in preclinical and clinical use of pharmacologic drugs (beta-blockers, beta-three adrenoceptor agonists, or renin-angiotensin-aldosterone signaling drugs) and invasive procedures, such as pulmonary artery denervation, is provided.This work was partially funded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria PI17/00995 and Intensificación AES2019 to Dr. García-Álvarez. The CNIC is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505). Part of this work was developed at the Centre de Recerca Biomèdica Cellex, IDIBAPS, Barcelona. The IDIBAPS belongs to the CERCA Programme and receives partial funding from the Generalitat de Catalunya.S

    Strategies Employed by Community-Based Service Providers to Address HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Challenges: A Qualitative Study

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    Background: HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders and other causes of neurocognitive challenges experienced by people living with HIV (PLWH) persist as public health concerns in developed countries. Consequently, PLWH who experience neurocognitive challenges increasingly require social support and mental health services from community-based providers in the HIV sector. Methods: Thirty-three providers from 22 AIDS service organizations across Ontario, Canada, were interviewed to determine the strategies they used to support PLWH experiencing neurocognitive difficulties. Thematic analysis was conducted to determine key themes from the interview data. Results: Three types of strategies were identified: (a) intrapersonal, (b) interpersonal, and (c) organizational. Intrapersonal strategies involved learning and staying informed about causes of neurocognitive challenges. Interpersonal strategies included providing practical assistance, information, counseling, and/or referrals to PLWH. Organizational strategies included creating dedicated support groups for PLWH experiencing neurocognitive challenges, partnering with other organizations with services not available within their own organization, and advocating for greater access to services with expertise and experience working with PLWH. Conclusion: Through concerted efforts in the future, it is likely that empirically investigating, developing, and customizing these strategies specifically to address HIV-associated neurocognitive challenges will yield improved social support and mental health outcomes for PLWH

    Relations du texte à l'image et au son dans le cadre d'une fiction littéraire interactive

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    L essor du numérique et la multiplication des supports (smartphone, tablette tactile)ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives en matière d écriture. Dans ce monde où textes, images et sons s entrecroisent au fil des réseaux et au gré de l interactivité, la fiction littéraire peut-elle trouver une voie qui lui permette de préserver sa richesse tout en bénéficiant des apports du numérique ? Comment l auteur littéraire peut-il concevoir et agencer ses matériaux narratifs afin de toucher efficacement des lecteurs disposés à franchir le pas du numérique ? Quels sont les fondements d une narration multimodale utilisant au mieux les potentiels du texte, de l image et du son, dans toute leur complémentarité, pour servir une fiction littéraire destinée à un large public ? Ces questions sont abordées, tant du point de vue de l auteur que de celui du lecteur, dans une approche transdisciplinaire à la fois théorique et expérimentale.The intense development of digital technologies and hardware (smartphones, tablets) is opening up new prospects for storytelling. In a world where texts, images and sound intermingle through networks and user interactivity, is it possible for narrative fiction to preserve its great wealth while taking advantage of digital techniques? How can a literary author put together and elaborate his narrative components to effectively reach readers willing to use digital content? What are the foundations of multimodal storytelling that use all the potential of text, image and sound in the best complementary ways to create narrative fiction that can be read by a large public? What balances can be found between "telling" and"showing"? How can interactivity be used to serve the narrative without losing the reader? These issues will be dealt with from both the author's and reader's point of view, in an interdisciplinary approach mixing theory and experimentation.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Network Topology Invariant Stability Certificates for DC Microgrids with Arbitrary Load Dynamics

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    DC microgrids are prone to small-signal instabilities due to the presence of tightly regulated loads. This paper develops a decentralized stability certificate which is capable of certifying the small-signal stability of an islanded DC network containing such loads. Utilizing a novel homotopy approach, the proposed standards ensure that no system eigenmodes are able to cross into the unstable right half plane for a continuous range of controller gain levels. The resulting "standards" can be applied to variety of grid components which meet the specified, but non-unique, criteria. These standards thus take a step towards offering plug-and-play operability of DC microgrids. The proposed theorems are explicitly illustrated and numerically validated on multiple DC microgrid test-cases containing both buck and boost converter dynamics

    First benchmark of the Unstructured Grid Adaptation Working Group

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    Unstructured grid adaptation is a technology that holds the potential to improve the automation and accuracy of computational fluid dynamics and other computational disciplines. Difficulty producing the highly anisotropic elements necessary for simulation on complex curved geometries that satisfies a resolution request has limited this technology's widespread adoption. The Unstructured Grid Adaptation Working Group is an open gathering of researchers working on adapting simplicial meshes to conform to a metric field. Current members span a wide range of institutions including academia, industry, and national laboratories. The purpose of this group is to create a common basis for understanding and improving mesh adaptation. We present our first major contribution: a common set of benchmark cases, including input meshes and analytic metric specifications, that are publicly available to be used for evaluating any mesh adaptation code. We also present the results of several existing codes on these benchmark cases, to illustrate their utility in identifying key challenges common to all codes and important differences between available codes. Future directions are defined to expand this benchmark to mature the technology necessary to impact practical simulation workflows