213 research outputs found

    Hydrostatic, strike-slip and normal stress true triaxial hydrofracturing testing of Blanco Mera Granite: breakdown pressure and tensile strength assessment

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    Financiado para publicaciĂłn en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract:] We have designed and built a versatile testing device to perform hydraulic fracturing experiments under true triaxial conditions. The device, based on a stiff biaxial frame that can be installed in a servocontrolled press, can accommodate cube rock samples of up to 150 mm-edge. Using a low-permeability rock known as Blanco Mera granite, we have performed a series of tests across a range of confining pressures including hydrostatic, normal, and strike-slip regimes. We have verified the applicability of two simple fracture mechanics-based models for the interpretation of experimental results, and we have determined the value of tensile strength of the rock from the injection curves recorded. The orientation of the hydraulically-triggered fractures with respect to the applied stress has also been analyzed. Although the models proposed by Rummel and Abou-Sayed provided reasonably satisfactory results, especially for hydrostatic and strike-slip tests, the presence of heterogeneities and defects in the rock matrix may have a strong influence on the fracture behavior and, therefore, affect the interpretation of hydrofracturing tests.This work was funded by REPSOL S.A. and the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2021-126419NB-I00). A. Muñoz-Ibåñez also acknowledges the Margarita Salas grant from the Spanish Ministry of Universities, funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU. Funding for open access charge: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG

    Daycare center attendance buffers the effects of maternal authoritarian parenting style on physical aggression in children

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    A maternal authoritarian style has been related to the development of physical aggression during childhood and later future social problems; however, not too many studies have detected other than individual or family factors that may buffer this maternal effect. This work examines whether daycare center attendance may moderate the relationships between a mother authoritarian style and physical aggression. The study sample was 72 (40 girls) kindergarten children from Spain. Parents were asked to complete two questionnaires focused on individual family characteristics and parenting styles. At age 5, children physical aggression was assessed by direct observation at playtime; aggression scores at 6 was obtained by a peer-rated questionnaire. A least squared multiple regression was performed after controlling for children’s level of physical aggression at 5, child sex and siblings. A positive contribution of maternal authoritarian style on physical aggression was detected. Daycare center attendance appears to attenuate the effect of the mother’s authoritarian style on physical aggression, only in boys.This study was funded by the Andalusian Regional Government’s Plan Andaluz de Investigación (PAI-2003/04, HUM-554) and by the Basque Country Government (GIC07/19-IT-238-07)

    Unravelling the Gut Microbiota of Cow’s Milk–Allergic Infants, Their Mothers, and Their Grandmothers

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    The gut microbiome constitutes a highly complex ecosystem in which bacteria are the most prominent components. Around 70% of primary colonization of the gut microbiota is maternal in origin [1], and the first 1000 days of life are crucial for the development of the intestinal microbiota [2]. Despite its early formation, the gut microbiota is highly dynamic and dependent on host-associated confounding factors such as age, diet, antibiotics, lifestyle, and environmental conditions [3,4]. Alterations in gut microbiota have been described in people with different types of allergy, including cow’s milk allergy (CMA)This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI17/01087) and FundaciĂłn Sociedad Española de Alergia e InmunologĂ­a ClĂ­nica (FSEAIC_2016). It was cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund “Investing in your future” for the Thematic Network and Co-operative Research Centers ARADyAL RD16/0006/0015 and RD16/0006/0026. It was additionally supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation in Spain (PCI2018-092930), cofunded by the European program ERA HDHL - Nutrition & the Epigenome, project Dietary Intervention in Food Allergy: Microbiome, Epigenetic and Metabolomic interactions (DIFAMEM). DR and EZ-V acknowledge funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (RTI2018-095166-B-I00). CU acknowledges funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy (SAF2017-90083-R). TCB-T thanks CEUInternational Doctoral School (CEINDO) for his fellowship

    Cuerpos y pråcticas: una década de estudios ctg

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    Resumen En este trabajo presentamos algunas investigaciones realizadas en el ĂĄrea de estudios sociales de la ciencia bajo el enfoque denominado Ciencia, TecnologĂ­a y GĂ©nero (CTG). La intersecciĂłn de los estudios sociales de la ciencia con la teorĂ­a feminista y los estudios de gĂ©nero ha dado lugar a este campo de estudio interdisciplinar. En el Estado español, se han llevado a cabo mĂșltiples trabajos en esta lĂ­nea, de los que exponemos algunos de los realizados por nuestro grupo de investigaciĂłn al menos en los Ășltimos diez años. Se centran en estudios de caso, que implican diferentes tecnologĂ­as biomĂ©dicas, y en los que los cuerpos juegan un papel fundamental estableciendo alianzas, resistencias o cuestionando los marcos normativos en los que cuerpos y tecnologĂ­as se hayan inmersos
