57 research outputs found

    Patogenia de la peste porcina africana: interacción del virus con el sistema inmune

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    Se ha contribuido al estudio de la patogenia de la peste porcina africana, caracterizando las modificaciones de la respuesta inmunitaria durante la infección. Estos estudios se han llevado a cabo en animales infectados con un aislado atenuado y con un aislado virulento, que desarrollaron diferentes formas clínicas. También se utilizaron sistemas in vitro de infección para completar algunos hallazgos. Hemos observado que el virus de la ppa produce una modulación de los antígenos de histocompatibilidad tipos i y II, así como del receptor de il-2. Dichos fenómenos pueden mediar la modificación de la respuesta inmune frente al virus. Además hemos observado que el virus actúa de forma indirecta sobre los fenómenos de apoptosis inducidos en linfocitos. Esta población celular no es susceptible a la infección, como hemos concluido tras realizar estudios de citometria de flujo en sangre periferica, siendo la principal población afectada la de monocitos. Diferentes aislados virulentos del virus actuaron induciendo el proceso de apoptosis en cultivos de celulas mononucleares, mientras diversos aislados atenuados previnieron dicho fenómeno. La interaccion del virus con los procesos de apoptosis en linfocitos puede ser importante en la patogenia de la enfermedad, ya que los órganos mas afectados son los órganos linfoide

    Patogenia de la peste porcina africana: interacción del virus con el sistema inmune

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Veterinaria, Departamento de Medicina y Cirugía Animal, leída el 16-05-1995Se ha contribuido al estudio de la patogenia de la peste porcina africana, caracterizando las modificaciones de la respuesta inmunitaria durante la infección. Estos estudios se han llevado a cabo en animales infectados con un aislado atenuado y con un aislado virulento, que desarrollaron diferentes formas clínicas. También se utilizaron sistemas in vitro de infección para completar algunos hallazgos. Hemos observado que el virus de la ppa produce una modulación de los antígenos de histocompatibilidad tipos i y II, así como del receptor de il-2. Dichos fenómenos pueden mediar la modificación de la respuesta inmune frente al virus. Además hemos observado que el virus actúa de forma indirecta sobre los fenómenos de apoptosis inducidos en linfocitos. Esta población celular no es susceptible a la infección, como hemos concluido tras realizar estudios de citometria de flujo en sangre periferica, siendo la principal población afectada la de monocitos. Diferentes aislados virulentos del virus actuaron induciendo el proceso de apoptosis en cultivos de celulas mononucleares, mientras diversos aislados atenuados previnieron dicho fenómeno. La interaccion del virus con los procesos de apoptosis en linfocitos puede ser importante en la patogenia de la enfermedad, ya que los órganos mas afectados son los órganos linfoidesDepto. de Medicina y Cirugía AnimalFac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu

    Concerned nanotechnology: Screen printed electrodes (SPE) to detect nanoparticles in natural media

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    Los nanomateriales han irrumpido con fuerza en nuestra sociedad aportando ventajas indudables. Además, las consecuencias de su uso, interacciones con el medioambiente y regulaciones legislativas son campos de investigación en auge. El presente TFM está enfocado en la utilización de las técnicas electroanalíticas para la caracterización de materiales nanoestructurados, centrándonos en concreto en las nanopartículas. El trabajo puede ser divido en dos partes: 1.- Utilización de la voltametría lineal combinada con celda electroquímica y/o electrodos serigrafiados para la caracterización de nanopartículas de plata en muestras reales depositadas sobre el electrodo de trabajo. Las muestras reales son disoluciones comercializadas como suplementos alimenticios. El estudio está basado en la oxidación total de las nanopartículas y la relación entre la posición del pico observado en el voltagrama y el tamaño de la nanopartícula. Esta técnica fue aplicada a muestras reales para detectar la agregación de las nanopartículas y comprobar la influencia del electrodo en este fenómeno. 2.- Utilización de la cronoamperometría combinada con microelectrodos para la caracterización de nanopartículas de plata y nanopartículas de óxido de cerio en suspensión. La carga intercambiada es producida en la superficie del electrodo cuando una nanopartícula colisiona con el electrodo. La cantidad de carga intercambiada depende del tamaño de las nanopartículas y se pueden relacionar siguiendo ecuaciones matemáticas. Diferentes procedimientos han sido empleados para cada tipo de nanopartícula. El estudio ha sido realizado sobre patrones y muestras en el caso de la plata y solo sobre patrones en las nanopartículas de oxido de cerio. Los resultados obtenidos dan el tamaño o distribución de ellos en cada tipo de nanopartícula

    Contextual blending of ingroup/outgroup face stimuli and word valence: LPP modulation and convergence of measures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several event related potential (ERP) studies have investigated the time course of different aspects of evaluative processing in social bias research. Various reports suggest that the late positive potential (LPP) is modulated by basic evaluative processes, and some reports suggest that in-/outgroup relative position affects ERP responses. In order to study possible LPP blending between facial race processing and semantic valence (positive or negative words), we recorded ERPs while indigenous and non-indigenous participants who were matched by age and gender performed an implicit association test (IAT). The task involved categorizing faces (ingroup and outgroup) and words (positive and negative). Since our paradigm implies an evaluative task with positive and negative valence association, a frontal distribution of LPPs similar to that found in previous reports was expected. At the same time, we predicted that LPP valence lateralization would be modulated not only by positive/negative associations but also by particular combinations of valence, face stimuli and participant relative position.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results showed that, during an IAT, indigenous participants with greater behavioral ingroup bias displayed a frontal LPP that was modulated in terms of complex contextual associations involving ethnic group and valence. The LPP was lateralized to the right for negative valence stimuli and to the left for positive valence stimuli. This valence lateralization was influenced by the combination of valence and membership type relevant to compatibility with prejudice toward a minority. Behavioral data from the IAT and an explicit attitudes questionnaire were used to clarify this finding and showed that ingroup bias plays an important role. Both ingroup favoritism and indigenous/non-indigenous differences were consistently present in the data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that frontal LPP is elicited by contextual blending of evaluative judgments of in-/outgroup information and positive vs. negative valence association and confirm recent research relating in-/outgroup ERP modulation and frontal LPP. LPP modulation may cohere with implicit measures of attitudes. The convergence of measures that were observed supports the idea that racial and valence evaluations are strongly influenced by context. This result adds to a growing set of evidence concerning contextual sensitivity of different measures of prejudice.</p

    Development of a datalogger with open source hardware and software for the study of desert animals

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    The territory of the province of San Juan is composed by 80 percent by mountains. Its climate is quasi desert. It is in this place, where a group of researchers from the San Juan National University, is dedicated to the study of amphibians. To accomplish this task a device that can record data is necessary. These data are some environmental variables and the sound that these animals produce at certain temporal points. Generically to this device type is denominated data logger. This article describes the process of developing a datalogger of technical characteristics that have been specified by biologist researchers. It is a device built with open source hardware and software. The capture and data processing is done with the Arduino platform. The human computer interface is developed using the Android platform. That is, the management of datalogger is carried out by a mobile device, tablet or Smartphone based on Android.VIII Workshop Innovación en Sistemas de Software (WISS).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Development of a datalogger with open source hardware and software for the study of desert animals

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    The territory of the province of San Juan is composed by 80 percent by mountains. Its climate is quasi desert. It is in this place, where a group of researchers from the San Juan National University, is dedicated to the study of amphibians. To accomplish this task a device that can record data is necessary. These data are some environmental variables and the sound that these animals produce at certain temporal points. Generically to this device type is denominated data logger. This article describes the process of developing a datalogger of technical characteristics that have been specified by biologist researchers. It is a device built with open source hardware and software. The capture and data processing is done with the Arduino platform. The human computer interface is developed using the Android platform. That is, the management of datalogger is carried out by a mobile device, tablet or Smartphone based on Android.VIII Workshop Innovación en Sistemas de Software (WISS).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Early Neural Markers of Implicit Attitudes: N170 Modulated by Intergroup and Evaluative Contexts in IAT

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    The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is the most popular measure to evaluate implicit attitudes. Nevertheless, its neural correlates are not yet fully understood. We examined event related potentials (ERPs) in response to face- and word processing while indigenous and non-indigenous participants performed an IAT displaying faces (ingroup and outgroup members) and words (positive and negative valence) as targets of category judgments. The N170 component was modulated by valence of words and by ingroup/outgroup face categorization. Contextual effects (face–words implicitly associated in the task) had an influence on the N170 amplitude modulation. On the one hand, in face categorization, right N170 showed differences according to the association between social categories of faces and affective valence of words. On the other, in word categorization, left N170 presented a similar modulation when the task implied a negative-valence associated with ingroup faces. Only indigenous participants showed a significant IAT effect and N170 differences. Our results demonstrate an early ERP blending of stimuli processing with both intergroup and evaluative contexts, suggesting an integration of contextual information related to intergroup attitudes during the early stages of word and face processing. To our knowledge, this is the first report of early ERPs during an ethnicity IAT, opening a new branch of exchange between social neuroscience and social psychology of attitudes

    Development of a datalogger with open source hardware and software for the study of desert animals

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    The territory of the province of San Juan is composed by 80 percent by mountains. Its climate is quasi desert. It is in this place, where a group of researchers from the San Juan National University, is dedicated to the study of amphibians. To accomplish this task a device that can record data is necessary. These data are some environmental variables and the sound that these animals produce at certain temporal points. Generically to this device type is denominated data logger. This article describes the process of developing a datalogger of technical characteristics that have been specified by biologist researchers. It is a device built with open source hardware and software. The capture and data processing is done with the Arduino platform. The human computer interface is developed using the Android platform. That is, the management of datalogger is carried out by a mobile device, tablet or Smartphone based on Android.VIII Workshop Innovación en Sistemas de Software (WISS).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    La casa del Marxucal d'Oliva: Projecte de restauració

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    L’article tracta sobre un projecte de restauració de la casa del Marxucal, construcció rural situada en el terme municipal d’Oliva. En ell es descriuen aspectes com la situació geogràfica i el context històric de la casa, s’hi fa un alçament planimètric de l’estat actual i una descripció detallada dels materials, de les tècniques constructives utilitzades i dels danys estructurals. A més, s’hi fa un recorregut per les diferents teories de la restauració d’alguns dels autors més destacats en aquest camp. També s’hi descriuen els criteris de projecte a seguir i s’hi fa una reconstrucció d’elements, una planimetria de projecte i de detalls constructius i una simulació d’alguns resultats de la intervenció. El projecte fou realitzat col·lectivament, durant el curs 2010-2011, per a l’assignatura de cinquè curs “Restauració Arquitectònica”, impartida per la professora Camila Mileto, del departament de Composició Arquitectònica de la Universitat Politècnica de Valènci

    Multilevel convergence of interoceptive impairments in hypertension: New evidence of disrupted body-brain interactions

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    Interoception, the sensing of visceral body signals, involves an interplay between neural and autonomic mechanisms. Clinical studies into this domain have focused on patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders, showing that damage to relevant brain mechanisms can variously alter interoceptive functions. However, the association between peripheral cardiac-system alterations and neurocognitive markers of interoception remains poorly understood. To bridge this gap, we examined multidimensional neural markers of interoception in patients with early stage of hypertensive disease (HTD) and healthy controls. Strategically, we recruited only HTD patients without cognitive impairment (as shown by neuropsychological tests), brain atrophy (as assessed with voxel-based morphometry), or white matter abnormalities (as evidenced by diffusion tensor imaging analysis). Interoceptive domains were assessed through (a) a behavioral heartbeat detection task; (b) measures of the heart-evoked potential (HEP), an electrophysiological cortical signature of attention to cardiac signals; and (c) neuroimaging recordings (MRI and fMRI) to evaluate anatomical and functional connectivity properties of key interoceptive regions (namely, the insula and the anterior cingulate cortex). Relative to controls, patients exhibited poorer interoceptive performance and reduced HEP modulations, alongside an abnormal association between interoceptive performance and both the volume and functional connectivity of the above regions. Such results suggest that peripheral cardiac-system impairments can be associated with abnormal behavioral and neurocognitive signatures of interoception. More generally, our findings indicate that interoceptive processes entail bidirectional influences between the cardiovascular and the central nervous systems.Work has been partially supported by the CONICET, the INECO Foundation and regular projects of CONICYT/FONDECYT (1170010); FONCyT‐PICT (2012‐0412 and 2012‐1309), and FONDAP (15150012)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio