Development of a datalogger with open source hardware and software for the study of desert animals


The territory of the province of San Juan is composed by 80 percent by mountains. Its climate is quasi desert. It is in this place, where a group of researchers from the San Juan National University, is dedicated to the study of amphibians. To accomplish this task a device that can record data is necessary. These data are some environmental variables and the sound that these animals produce at certain temporal points. Generically to this device type is denominated data logger. This article describes the process of developing a datalogger of technical characteristics that have been specified by biologist researchers. It is a device built with open source hardware and software. The capture and data processing is done with the Arduino platform. The human computer interface is developed using the Android platform. That is, the management of datalogger is carried out by a mobile device, tablet or Smartphone based on Android.VIII Workshop Innovación en Sistemas de Software (WISS).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

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