20 research outputs found

    Random on-board pixel sampling (ROPS) X-ray Camera

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    Recent advances in compressed sensing theory and algorithms offer new possibilities for high-speed X-ray camera design. In many CMOS cameras, each pixel has an independent on-board circuit that includes an amplifier, noise rejection, signal shaper, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and optional in-pixel storage. When X-ray images are sparse, i.e., when one of the following cases is true: (a.) The number of pixels with true X-ray hits is much smaller than the total number of pixels; (b.) The X-ray information is redundant; or (c.) Some prior knowledge about the X-ray images exists, sparse sampling may be allowed. Here we first illustrate the feasibility of random on-board pixel sampling (ROPS) using an existing set of X-ray images, followed by a discussion about signal to noise as a function of pixel size. Next, we describe a possible circuit architecture to achieve random pixel access and in-pixel storage. The combination of a multilayer architecture, sparse on-chip sampling, and computational image techniques, is expected to facilitate the development and applications of high-speed X-ray camera technology.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Presented in 19th iWoRI

    Комплексная медицинская реабилитация больных острой пневмонией и место физиотерапии в ней

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    Cumulating literature data and own studies the authors define the role of physical methods in complex rehabilitation treatment of patients with acute pneumonia. These methods choice is based on the clinical pathogenetical analysis of process course evolution, its syndromologic characterics. Physiotherapeutic methods supplement and potentiate ethyotropic treatment. During the bacterial agression phase, the positive action on the infiltration forming syndrome is provided by aerosol inhalational sanation of bronchi. The antiinflammatory treatment as well UHF, inductoheating, microwaves, peloid therapy, laser radiation are nessesary for the later resolve of the infiltrate. During the morphologic recovery and the reconvalescence stage, the antiinflammatory physiotherapy continues. The bronchial obstruction syndrome persistention is the cause for ultrasonic therapy, euphilline phonophoresis, and ozokerit application use. The astcnic vegetatic impairments syndrome in reconvalescents is the cause for halvanic collar, electric sleep, electric analgesia, and hydrotherapy use. The out-patient’s clinic (the department of rehabilitational therapy) is the main place of rehabilitation of reconvalescents with acute pneumonia. The lingering and complicated course of acute pneumonia causes the necessity of sanatorial rehabilitation both in local and cimatic sanatoriums with later dispanserization during the year.Авторы статьи, обобщив литературные данные и собственный опыт, определяют место, занимаемое физическими методами в комплексном восстановительном лечении больных острой пневмонией. Выбор этих методов основывается на клинико-патогенетическом анализе эволюции течения процесса, его синдромологических характеристик. Методы физиотерапии дополняют и потенцирую этиотропное лечение. В фазе бактериальной агрессии положительное влияние на синдром формирования инфильтрата оказывает аэрозольно-ингаляционная санация бронхов. Для последующего рассасывания инфильтрата требуется противовоспалительная терапия (УВЧ, инлуктотермия, микроволны, пелоидотерапия, лазерное облучение). В ходе морфологического восстановления, в фазе реконвалесценции, продолжается противовоспалительная физиотерапия. Персистенция синдрома бронхиальной обструкции — показание для применения ультразвуковой терапии, фонофореза эуфиллина, аппликаций озокерита. Синдром астеновегетативных нарушений у реконвалеснентов — показание для гальванического воротника, электросна и электроаналгезии, водолечения. Основным местом реабилитации реконвалеснентов острой пневмонии является поликлиника (отделение восстановительной терапии). Затяжное и осложненное течение острой пневмонии создает показание к санаторной реабилитации как на местных, так и на климатических курортах с последующей диспансеризацией в течение года

    A practical synthetic route to benzofuro[2,3-b]pyridine and trifluoromethyl-alpha-carbolines

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    In situ generated benzofuran-2-amine reacts with 1,3-CCC-diclectrophiles, such as CF3-containing beta-diketones, 3-formylchromone, methyl-2,4-dioxopentanoate and pentafluorobenzaldehyde, and the reaction leads to the formation of benzofuro[2,3-b]pyridine ring system. By using a similar approach 4-trifluoromethyl-alpha-carbolines were synthesized starting from indole-2-amine

    Metal and Boron Derivatives of Fluorinated Cyclic 1,3-Dicarbonyl Compounds

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    Starting from the corresponding cyclic 1,3-diketones or other precursors (cyclic ketones as well as lactones), several new salts and chelate complexes of fluorinated 1,3-dicarbonyls were obtained. Their preparative significance was demonstrated by straightforward syntheses of fluorinated pyrazoles, benzimidazoles and 1,7-ketoesters. The structure of a boron chelate of 2-(trifluoroacetyl)- cyclohexanone was investigated by X-ray diffraction. © 2009 Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Tübingen