126 research outputs found

    Towards a Scalable Hardware/Software Co-Design Platform for Real-time Pedestrian Tracking Based on a ZYNQ-7000 Device

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    Currently, most designers face a daunting task to research different design flows and learn the intricacies of specific software from various manufacturers in hardware/software co-design. An urgent need of creating a scalable hardware/software co-design platform has become a key strategic element for developing hardware/software integrated systems. In this paper, we propose a new design flow for building a scalable co-design platform on FPGA-based system-on-chip. We employ an integrated approach to implement a histogram oriented gradients (HOG) and a support vector machine (SVM) classification on a programmable device for pedestrian tracking. Not only was hardware resource analysis reported, but the precision and success rates of pedestrian tracking on nine open access image data sets are also analysed. Finally, our proposed design flow can be used for any real-time image processingrelated products on programmable ZYNQ-based embedded systems, which benefits from a reduced design time and provide a scalable solution for embedded image processing products

    FunTree: advances in a resource for exploring and contextualising protein function evolution.

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    FunTree is a resource that brings together protein sequence, structure and functional information, including overall chemical reaction and mechanistic data, for structurally defined domain superfamilies. Developed in tandem with the CATH database, the original FunTree contained just 276 superfamilies focused on enzymes. Here, we present an update of FunTree that has expanded to include 2340 superfamilies including both enzymes and proteins with non-enzymatic functions annotated by Gene Ontology (GO) terms. This allows the investigation of how novel functions have evolved within a structurally defined superfamily and provides a means to analyse trends across many superfamilies. This is done not only within the context of a protein's sequence and structure but also the relationships of their functions. New measures of functional similarity have been integrated, including for enzymes comparisons of overall reactions based on overall bond changes, reaction centres (the local environment atoms involved in the reaction) and the sub-structure similarities of the metabolites involved in the reaction and for non-enzymes semantic similarities based on the GO. To identify and highlight changes in function through evolution, ancestral character estimations are made and presented. All this is accessible through a new re-designed web interface that can be found at http://www.funtree.info

    Plethora : a framework for the intelligent control of robotic assembly systems

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    Plethora : a framework for the intelligent control of robotic assembly system

    Arduino based configurable LED stimulus design for multi-frequency SSVEP-BCI

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    Steady state visually evoked potentials (SSVEP) are extensively used in the research of brain-computer interface (BCI) and require a configurable light source flashing at different frequencies. Precise control of simultaneous multiple frequencies are essential for SSVEP studies and also for reducing the visual fatigue. Instead of LCD based stimulus which requires more resources and power, light emitting diodes (LEDs) are used as a light source as they are energy efficient, consume lower power, have higher contrast, less tiring visually, have multi-chromatic function and supports wider frequency ranges. In this paper, we propose a visual stimulator using off-shelf components to build a simple and yet customisable LED stimulus for testing the performance and qualitative user comfort using SSVEP electroencephalogram (EEG) data

    Quantification of SSVEP responses using multi-chromatic LED stimuli: Analysis on colour, orientation and frequency

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    Most LED visual stimulators used in steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) brain-computer interface (BCI) use single LED sources to elicit SSVEP responses. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that different orientations would have different responses in different participants and aimed to develop a portable LED based stimulus design which consists of a small number of RGB LEDs arranged in a line which can be oriented horizontally or vertically. The colour and frequency of the flicker were controlled by a portable microcontroller platform. The study investigated the performance of the SSVEP from five participants when the LED stimulus was displayed vertically and horizontally for a period of 30 seconds. The frequency range used was from 7 Hz to 11 Hz with three primary colours: red, green and blue in both orientations. Furthermore, we also compared the effect of vertical and horizontal orientations using four different frequencies and three colours to test visual fatigue reduction. The results of the analysis using band-pass filtering and Fast Fourier Transform showed that the green horizontal LED stimulus orientation gave the highest response and viewing comfort in all the participants rather than the vertical orientation

    The evolution of enzyme function in the isomerases.

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    The advent of computational approaches to measure functional similarity between enzymes adds a new dimension to existing evolutionary studies based on sequence and structure. This paper reviews research efforts aiming to understand the evolution of enzyme function in superfamilies, presenting a novel strategy to provide an overview of the evolution of enzymes belonging to an individual EC class, using the isomerases as an exemplar

    Contrastive learning on protein embeddings enlightens midnight zone

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    Experimental structures are leveraged through multiple sequence alignments, or more generally through homology-based inference (HBI), facilitating the transfer of information from a protein with known annotation to a query without any annotation. A recent alternative expands the concept of HBI from sequence-distance lookup to embedding-based annotation transfer (EAT). These embeddings are derived from protein Language Models (pLMs). Here, we introduce using single protein representations from pLMs for contrastive learning. This learning procedure creates a new set of embeddings that optimizes constraints captured by hierarchical classifications of protein 3D structures defined by the CATH resource. The approach, dubbed ProtTucker, has an improved ability to recognize distant homologous relationships than more traditional techniques such as threading or fold recognition. Thus, these embeddings have allowed sequence comparison to step into the 'midnight zone' of protein similarity, i.e. the region in which distantly related sequences have a seemingly random pairwise sequence similarity. The novelty of this work is in the particular combination of tools and sampling techniques that ascertained good performance comparable or better to existing state-of-the-art sequence comparison methods. Additionally, since this method does not need to generate alignments it is also orders of magnitudes faster. The code is available at https://github.com/Rostlab/EAT

    Understanding enzyme function evolution from a computational perspective.

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    In this review, we will explore recent computational approaches to understand enzyme evolution from the perspective of protein structure, dynamics and promiscuity. We will present quantitative methods to measure the size of evolutionary steps within a structural domain, allowing the correlation between change in substrate and domain structure to be assessed, and giving insights into the evolvability of different domains in terms of the number, types and sizes of evolutionary steps observed. These approaches will help to understand the evolution of new catalytic and non-catalytic functionality in response to environmental demands, showing potential to guide de novoenzyme design and directed evolution experiments

    Characterizing and explaining the impact of disease-associated mutations in proteins without known structures or structural homologs

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    Mutations in human proteins lead to diseases. The structure of these proteins can help understand the mechanism of such diseases and develop therapeutics against them. With improved deep learning techniques, such as RoseTTAFold and AlphaFold, we can predict the structure of proteins even in the absence of structural homologs. We modeled and extracted the domains from 553 disease-associated human proteins without known protein structures or close homologs in the Protein Databank. We noticed that the model quality was higher and the Root mean square deviation (RMSD) lower between AlphaFold and RoseTTAFold models for domains that could be assigned to CATH families as compared to those which could only be assigned to Pfam families of unknown structure or could not be assigned to either. We predicted ligand-binding sites, protein–protein interfaces and conserved residues in these predicted structures. We then explored whether the disease-associated missense mutations were in the proximity of these predicted functional sites, whether they destabilized the protein structure based on ddG calculations or whether they were predicted to be pathogenic. We could explain 80% of these disease-associated mutations based on proximity to functional sites, structural destabilization or pathogenicity. When compared to polymorphisms, a larger percentage of disease-associated missense mutations were buried, closer to predicted functional sites, predicted as destabilizing and pathogenic. Usage of models from the two state-of-the-art techniques provide better confidence in our predictions, and we explain 93 additional mutations based on RoseTTAFold models which could not be explained based solely on AlphaFold models

    KinFams: De-Novo Classification of Protein Kinases Using CATH Functional Units

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    Protein kinases are important targets for treating human disorders, and they are the second most targeted families after G-protein coupled receptors. Several resources provide classification of kinases into evolutionary families (based on sequence homology); however, very few systematically classify functional families (FunFams) comprising evolutionary relatives that share similar functional properties. We have developed the FunFam-MARC (Multidomain ARchitecture-based Clustering) protocol, which uses multi-domain architectures of protein kinases and specificity-determining residues for functional family classification. FunFam-MARC predicts 2210 kinase functional families (KinFams), which have increased functional coherence, in terms of EC annotations, compared to the widely used KinBase classification. Our protocol provides a comprehensive classification for kinase sequences from >10,000 organisms. We associate human KinFams with diseases and drugs and identify 28 druggable human KinFams, i.e., enriched in clinically approved drugs. Since relatives in the same druggable KinFam tend to be structurally conserved, including the drug-binding site, these KinFams may be valuable for shortlisting therapeutic targets. Information on the human KinFams and associated 3D structures from AlphaFold2 are provided via our CATH FTP website and Zenodo. This gives the domain structure representative of each KinFam together with information on any drug compounds available. For 32% of the KinFams, we provide information on highly conserved residue sites that may be associated with specificity.Adeyelu T, Bordin N, Waman VP, Sadlej M, Sillitoe I, Moya-Garcia AA, Orengo CA. KinFams: De-Novo Classification of Protein Kinases Using CATH Functional Units. Biomolecules. 2023; 13(2):277. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom1302027
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