79 research outputs found

    Редкое наблюдение двустороннего пневмоторакса у пациента с буллезной эмфиземой единственного легкого и медиастинальной грыжей после пневмонэктомии

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    Background. Pneumothorax is the most common surgical complication of bullous emphysema, and extremely rare in patients with a single lung. We present our clinical study of a patient with bilateral pneumothorax and bullous emphysema of the single lung and mediastinal hernia diagnosed 40 years after pneumonectomy.Methods. A case report of a patient with bilateral pneumothorax is presented. Patient F., 44 years old, was admitted with complaints on thoracic pain syndrome and respiratory failure. In the previous history of the patient there were mentions of surgery on the left lung without documentary clarification. Routine radiography of the lungs made it possible to diagnose bilateral pneumothorax and postoperative changes of the left hemithorax. Further examination, including computed tomography of the chest and fiber-bronchoscopy, revealed that the patient has emphysematous single right lung, mediastinal pulmonary hernia with the formation of a single pleural cavity, bilateral pneumothorax as a complication and consequence of two previous conditions and due to pneumonectomy in the childhood. The patient underwent a re-draining of the pleural cavity with the elimination of pneumothorax and clinical recovery. The patient refused of antirelapse surgery. Subsequently, he was at the dispensary observation.Results. The most frequent and regular evolution of the residual pleural cavity after pneumonectomy is to fill it with an effusion with subsequent obliteration. The formation of a mediastinal hernia is an extremely rare phenomenon, that has not yet been studied. The tactics of treatment of such patients should be individual, taking into account the revealed changes, the functional state of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and the dynamic of the disease.Conlusions. Our study demonstrated a rare clinical case of mediastinal pulmonary hernia after pneumonectomy and the development of bilateral pneumothorax after the rupture of a single lung bull. Modern image diagnostics make it possible to identify the nature of existing changes and clarify their nature even in the absence of accurate anamnestic data.Введение. Пневмоторакс является самым распространенным хирургическим осложнением буллезной эмфиземы легких, у пациентов с единственным легким он встречается крайне редко. Представляем свое клиническое наблюдение пациента с двусторонним пневмотораксом вследствие буллезной эмфиземы единственного легкого и медиастинальной грыжей, диагностированными через 40 лет после пневмонэктомии. Приведено клиническое наблюдение пациента с двусторонним пневмотораксом. Пациент Ф., 44 лет, поступил с клиникой торакального болевого синдрома и дыхательной недостаточности. В анамнезе у пациента есть указания на оперативное вмешательство на левом легком без документального уточнения. Рутинная рентгенография легких позволила диагностировать двусторонний пневмоторакс и послеоперационные изменения левого гемиторакса. При углубленном обследовании, включающем компьютерную томографию грудной клетки и фибробронхоскопию, выявлено, что у пациента имеется эмфизематозно измененное единственное правое легкое, медиастинальная легочная грыжа с формированием единой плевральной полости, двусторонний пневмоторакс как осложнение и следствие двух предыдущих состояний и перенесенной в детстве пневмонэктомии. Пациенту было проведено редренирование плевральной полости с ликвидацией пневмоторакса и клиническим выздоровлением. От противорецидивной операции пациент отказался. В последующем находился на диспансерном наблюдении.Обсуждение результатов. Наиболее частой и закономерной эволюцией остаточной плевральной полости после пневмонэктомии является заполнение ее выпотом с последующей облитерацией. Формирование медиастинальной грыжи является крайне редким феноменом, причина которого до конца не установлена. Тактика лечения подобных пациентов должна быть индивидуальной с учетом выявленных изменений, функционального состояния респираторной и сердечно-сосудистой систем, динамики течения заболевания.Выводы. В представленном наблюдении продемонстрирована редкая клиническая ситуация в виде медиастинальной легочной грыжи после пневмонэктомии и развитии на этом фоне двустороннего пневмоторакса вследствие разрыва булл единственного легкого. Современная имидж-диагностика позволяет выявить природу имеющихся изменений и уточнить их характер даже при отсутствии точных анамнестических данных

    Bringing Open Data to Whole Slide Imaging

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    Supplementary information associated with Besson et al. (2019) ECDP 2019 Faced with the need to support a growing number of whole slide imaging (WSI) file formats, our team has extended a long-standing community file format (OME-TIFF) for use in digital pathology. The format makes use of the core TIFF specification to store multi-resolution (or "pyramidal") representations of a single slide in a flexible, performant manner. Here we describe the structure of this format, its performance characteristics, as well as an open-source library support for reading and writing pyramidal OME-TIFFs

    Making the invisible enemy visible.

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    Structural biology plays a crucial role in the fight against COVID-19, permitting us to ‘see’ and understand SARS-CoV-2. However, the macromolecular structures of SARS-CoV-2 proteins that were solved with great speed and urgency can contain errors that may hinder drug design. The Coronavirus Structural Task Force has been working behind the scenes to evaluate and improve these structures, making the results freely available at https://insidecorona.net/

    Measurement of the cross-section ratio sigma_{psi(2S)}/sigma_{J/psi(1S)} in deep inelastic exclusive ep scattering at HERA

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    The exclusive deep inelastic electroproduction of ψ(2S)\psi(2S) and J/ψ(1S)J/\psi(1S) at an epep centre-of-mass energy of 317 GeV has been studied with the ZEUS detector at HERA in the kinematic range 2<Q2<802 < Q^2 < 80 GeV2^2, 30<W<21030 < W < 210 GeV and t<1|t| < 1 GeV2^2, where Q2Q^2 is the photon virtuality, WW is the photon-proton centre-of-mass energy and tt is the squared four-momentum transfer at the proton vertex. The data for 2<Q2<52 < Q^2 < 5 GeV2^2 were taken in the HERA I running period and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 114 pb1^{-1}. The data for 5<Q2<805 < Q^2 < 80 GeV2^2 are from both HERA I and HERA II periods and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 468 pb1^{-1}. The decay modes analysed were μ+μ\mu^+\mu^- and J/ψ(1S)π+πJ/\psi(1S) \,\pi^+\pi^- for the ψ(2S)\psi(2S) and μ+μ\mu^+\mu^- for the J/ψ(1S)J/\psi(1S). The cross-section ratio σψ(2S)/σJ/ψ(1S)\sigma_{\psi(2S)}/\sigma_{J/\psi(1S)} has been measured as a function of Q2,WQ^2, W and tt. The results are compared to predictions of QCD-inspired models of exclusive vector-meson production.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Measurement of neutral current e+/-p cross sections at high Bjorken x with the ZEUS detector

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    The neutral current e+/-p cross section has been measured up to values of Bjorken x of approximately 1 with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 187 inv. pb of e-p and 142 inv. pb of e+p collisions at sqrt(s) = 318GeV. Differential cross sections in x and Q2, the exchanged boson virtuality, are presented for Q2 geq 725GeV2. An improved reconstruction method and greatly increased amount of data allows a finer binning in the high-x region of the neutral current cross section and leads to a measurement with much improved precision compared to a similar earlier analysis. The measurements are compared to Standard Model expectations based on a variety of recent parton distribution functions.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figure

    PDBe: improved accessibility of macromolecular structure data from PDB and EMDB

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    © 2015 The Authors. Published by OUP. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkv1047The Protein Data Bank in Europe (http://pdbe.org) accepts and annotates depositions of macromolecular structure data in the PDB and EMDB archives and enriches, integrates and disseminates structural information in a variety of ways. The PDBe website has been redesigned based on an analysis of user requirements, and now offers intuitive access to improved and value-added macromolecular structure information. Unique value-added information includes lists of reviews and research articles that cite or mention PDB entries as well as access to figures and legends from full-text open-access publications that describe PDB entries. A powerful new query system not only shows all the PDB entries that match a given query, but also shows the 'best structures' for a given macromolecule, ligand complex or sequence family using data-quality information from the wwPDB validation reports. A PDBe RESTful API has been developed to provide unified access to macromolecular structure data available in the PDB and EMDB archives as well as value-added annotations, e.g. regarding structure quality and up-to-date cross-reference information from the SIFTS resource. Taken together, these new developments facilitate unified access to macromolecular structure data in an intuitive way for non-expert users and support expert users in analysing macromolecular structure data.The Wellcome Trust [88944, 104948]; UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [BB/J007471/1, BB/K016970/1, BB/M013146/1, BB/M011674/1]; National Institutes of Health [GM079429]; UK Medical Research Council [MR/L007835/1]; European Union [284209]; CCP4; European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). Funding for open access charge: The Wellcome Trust.Published versio

    Production of exclusive dijets in diffractive deep inelastic scattering at HERA

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    Measurement of the cross-section ratio sigma(psi(2S))/sigma(J/psi(1S)) in deep inelastic exclusive ep scattering at HERA

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    The exclusive deep inelastic electroproduction of ψ(2S) and J/ψ(1S) at an ep centre-of-mass energy of 317 GeV has been studied with the ZEUS detector at HERA in the kinematic range 2<Q2<80 GeV2, 30<W<210 GeV and |t|<1 GeV2, where Q2 is the photon virtuality, W is the photon–proton centre-of-mass energy and t is the squared four-momentum transfer at the proton vertex. The data for 2<Q2<5 GeV2 were taken in the HERA I running period and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 114 pb−1. The data for 5<Q2<80 GeV2 are from both HERA I and HERA II periods and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 468 pb−1. The decay modes analysed were μ+μ− and View the MathML source for the ψ(2S) and μ+μ− for the J/ψ(1S). The cross-section ratio σψ(2S)/σJ/ψ(1S) has been measured as a function of View the MathML source  and t. The results are compared to predictions of QCD-inspired models of exclusive vector-meson production