154 research outputs found

    Roots/Routes as Arterial Connections for Art Educators: Advocating for Aboriginal Cultures

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    Arterial and life connections for art educators. Arteries are muscular vessels carrying blood away from the heart to every part of the body, eventually bringing the blood back to the heart before venturing out again. Metaphorically, these pathways locate the heart as a home from which travel extends, repeatedly, expectantly as life itself. Symbolically, arterial connections pulsate with the notion of art, expressing art through life through art. To many people, and particularly Aboriginal peoples, art translated as cultural performance is found in the very pathways and bloodlines of their geographies and histories. However, these arterial connections are available to all of us, especially art educators, as we come to recognize our own pathways and bloodlines. Sharing stories of lives, cultural roots and routed experiences, illustrates complex identity building in the late twentieth century. In this article I talk about a trip to a Paiwan aboriginal community in southern Taiwan and what I learned from/with these people. I hope this portrayal encourages others to reflect on their travel experiences in ways that may help to make classroom art experiences socioculturally diverse and politically engaged

    Sub/versing mentoring expectations: Duration, discernment, diffraction

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    The three of us have shared co-mentoring relationships over the last decade. Rita was the PhD supervisor for both Natalie and Valerie and while working with them and other PhD students, came to believe that goals are reciprocal in many ways. In this article, we attend to the concept of co-mentoring, an exchange that includes three qualities guiding ongoing artistic, professional and scholarly work. These subversive qualities are described as: a) duration, b) discernment, and c) diffraction. From a practice-based, new materialist lens, we take turns describing how each quality is important to co-mentoring relationships and we provide theoretical and practical examples for each. It is our hope that in considering these qualities, co-mentoring relationships might help us reimagine what is possible among graduate students and faculty members, encouraging co-mentoring relationships in today’s academy

    A Cosmopolitan Imagination: Reimagining National Identity through Art

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    De 20 a 22 de agosto de 2015 ocorreu o 1Âș ColĂłquio de PrĂĄticas de Pesquisa Baseada em Arte na Educação na Faculdade de Artes do ParanĂĄ, Campus de Curitiba II da Universidade Estadual do ParanĂĄ/UNESPAR. Na abertura tivemos a palestra da Profa. Dra. Rita Irwin da Universidade da Columbia BritĂąnica, a UBC (University of British Columbia, CanadĂĄ), sobre A/r/tografia a qual transcrevemos a seguir visando socializar e ampliar as discussĂ”es sobre essa abordagem de pesquisa


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    De 20 a 22 de agosto de 2015 ocorreu o 1Âș ColĂłquio de PrĂĄticas de Pesquisa Baseada em Arte na Educação na Faculdade de Artes do ParanĂĄ, Campus de Curitiba II da Universidade Estadual do ParanĂĄ/UNESPAR. Na abertura tivemos a palestra da Profa. Dra. Rita Irwin da Universidade da Columbia BritĂąnica, a UBC (University of British Columbia, CanadĂĄ), sobre A/r/tografia a qual transcrevemos a seguir visando socializar e ampliar as discussĂ”es sobre essa abordagem de pesquisa


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    Artist‐in‐residence programs frequently act as professional development initiatives for teachers. Little understanding of the relational nature of artist‐teacher learning exists. In this article, we discuss Learning Through The Arts TM, describing conflicting expectations as artists and teachers learn from each other, and explore the relationship of artists’ growth and learning to teacher development. Using participants’ narratives, we illustrate existing tensions and challenges for visual art education. We present the need to open spaces for artists to construct new understandings of themselves as teachers in relation to themselves as artists, and for teachers to develop artist selves alongside their teacher selves. Key words: teacher learning, artists as teachers, artists in schools, relational learning, educational dilemmas, beliefs, Learning Through The ArtsTM Les programmes d’artistes en rĂ©sidence font souvent office d’initiatives de perfectionnement professionnel pour les enseignants. On a peu explorĂ© la nature de la relation entre l’apprentissage de l’artiste et celui de l’enseignant. Dans cet article, les auteurs discutent du programme Apprendre par les artsMC ; ils dĂ©crivent les attentes conflictuelles des artistes et des enseignants et explorent le lien entre l’évolution et l’apprentissage de l’artiste et le perfectionnement professionnel de l’enseignant. À l’aide des comptes rendus des participants, ils illustrent les tensions et les dĂ©fis inhĂ©rents Ă  l’enseignement des arts visuels. Ils dĂ©crivent le besoin de crĂ©er un espace permettant aux artistes de se comprendre eux‐mĂȘmes comme enseignants dans leurs rapports avec leur identitĂ© d’artistes et aux enseignants de se dĂ©velopper comme artistes en mĂȘme temps que comme enseignants. Mots clĂ©s : apprentissage chez les enseignants, artistes‐enseignants, artistes Ă  l’école, apprentissage relationnel, dilemmes pĂ©dagogiques, croyances, Apprendre par les art


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    With this review, we explore the practices of arts‐based educational research as documented in dissertations created and written over one decade in the Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia. We compile and describe more than thirty dissertations across methodologies and methods of inquiry, and identifiy three pillars of arts‐based practice – literary, visual, and performative. In this review, we trace the beginnings of a new stream of practice that is interwoven in some of these dissertations and underpins many of them: the methodology of a/r/tography. Four attributes underpin this collection of dissertations: a commitment to aesthetic and educational practices, inquiry‐laden processes, searching for meaning, and interpreting for understanding.  Les auteurs explorent les pratiques ciblĂ©es et analysĂ©es dans les recherches en Ă©ducation axĂ©es sur les arts, notamment dans les thĂšses rĂ©alisĂ©es au cours d’une dĂ©cennie Ă  la FacultĂ© des sciences d’éducation de l’University of British Columbia. Ils ont compilĂ© et dĂ©crit plus d’une trentaine de travaux faisant appel Ă  diverses mĂ©thodologies et protocoles de recherche et identifiĂ© trois grands axes en matiĂšre de pratiques axĂ©es sur les arts – littĂ©raire, visuel et de performance Dans ce tour d’horizon, les auteurs retracent les dĂ©buts d’une nouvelle approche qui apparaĂźt dans certains des travaux et qui sert mĂȘme de fondement Ă  un grand nombre d’entre eux : la mĂ©thodologie de l’a/r/tographie. Cet ensemble de travaux prĂ©sente quatre caractĂ©ristiques communes : une importance accordĂ©e aux pratiques esthĂ©tiques et pĂ©dagogiques, des processus axĂ©s sur la recherche, une quĂȘte de sens et un souci d’interprĂ©tation en vue de comprendre.

    Immunoglobulin G from bovine milk primes intestinal epithelial cells for increased colonization of bifidobacteria

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    peer-reviewedAbstract A bovine colostrum fraction (BCF) was recently shown to enhance the adherence of several commensal organisms to intestinal epithelial cells through modulating the epithelial cell surface. In this study, the main components of the BCF were examined to investigate the active component/s responsible for driving the changes in the intestinal cells. The adherence of various bifidobacteria to HT-29 cells was increased when the intestinal cells were pre-incubated with immunoglobulin G (IgG). Modulation of the intestinal cells by IgG was concentration dependent with 16 mg/mL IgG resulting in a 43-fold increase in the adhesion of Bifidobacterium longum NCIMB 8809 to HT-29 cells. Periodate treatment of colostral IgG prior to performing the colonization studies resulted in a reduction in the adhesion of the strain to the intestinal cells demonstrating that the glycans of IgG may be important in modulating the intestinal cells for enhanced commensal adhesion. IgG isolated from mature milk also resulted in significant increases in adhesion of the Bifidobacterium strains tested albeit at reduced levels (3.9-fold). The impact of IgG on the HT-29 cells was also visualised via scanning electron microscopy. This study builds a strong case for the inclusion of IgG ingredients sourced from cow’s milk in functional foods aimed at increasing numbers of health promoting bacteria in the human gut
