892 research outputs found


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    Presentasi yang dilakukan oleh seorang guru harus mudah dimengerti, dipahami serta ilmu tersebut bisa digunakan oleh siswa/siswi dalam kehidupan sehari – hari maupun di dunia kerja atau juga di dunia wirausaha. Agar sebuah pembelajaran bisa dimengerti oleh siswa/siswi, maka diperlukan penguasaan materi yang baik serta media pembelajaran yang kreatif melalui teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Namun, berdasarkan data dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) pada tahun 2021, menyebutkan bahwa 60 persen guru di Indonesia belum menguasai Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Terdapat kesenjangan kemampuan di antara para guru, siswa dan orang tua yang beragam serta jaringan internet yang belum merata di Indonesia, menjadi beberapa penyebab guru di Indonesia belum mampu menguasai Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Hal ini juga yang dirasakan oleh para guru di SMA Negeri 22 Palembang. Kurangnya pengetahuan para guru tentang media pembelajaran yang kreatif dengan bantuan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, membuat siswa/siswi di SMA Negeri 22 kesulitan dalam memahami materi yang disampaikan oleh para guru. Untuk menambah pengetahuan para tenaga pengajar di SMA Negeri 22 Palembang, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Palcomtech akan memberikan workshop atau pelatihan pembuatan media pembelajaran kreatif dengan menggunakan aplikasi Canva. Agar para guru di SMA Negeri 22 bisa memberikan materi yang mudah dipahami oleh siswa/siswi

    Phylogenetic analyses suggest multiple changes of substrate specificity within the Glycosyl hydrolase 20 family

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidases belonging to the glycosyl hydrolase 20 (GH20) family are involved in the removal of terminal β-glycosidacally linked N-acetylhexosamine residues. These enzymes, widely distributed in microorganisms, animals and plants, are involved in many important physiological and pathological processes, such as cell structural integrity, energy storage, pathogen defence, viral penetration, cellular signalling, fertilization, development of carcinomas, inflammatory events and lysosomal storage diseases. Nevertheless, only limited analyses of phylogenetic relationships between GH20 genes have been performed until now.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Careful phylogenetic analyses of 233 inferred protein sequences from eukaryotes and prokaryotes reveal a complex history for the GH20 family. In bacteria, multiple gene duplications and lineage specific gene loss (and/or horizontal gene transfer) are required to explain the observed taxonomic distribution. The last common ancestor of extant eukaryotes is likely to have possessed at least one GH20 family member. At least one gene duplication before the divergence of animals, plants and fungi as well as other lineage specific duplication events have given rise to multiple paralogous subfamilies in eukaryotes. Phylogenetic analyses also suggest that a second, divergent subfamily of GH20 family genes present in animals derive from an independent prokaryotic source. Our data suggest multiple convergent changes of functional roles of GH20 family members in eukaryotes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study represents the first detailed evolutionary analysis of the glycosyl hydrolase GH20 family. Mapping of data concerning physiological function of GH20 family members onto the phylogenetic tree reveals that apparently convergent and highly lineage specific changes in substrate specificity have occurred in multiple GH20 subfamilies.</p

    Risk estimates and features of infectious events in subjects with different causes and level of neutropenia

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    Neutropenia is diagnosed when absolute neutrophil count (ANC) is less than 1,500 cells/µL.1  Specific causes and severity of neutropenia were directly related to the risk of infection. Four decades ago, Bodey et al. demonstrated an inverse relationship between neutrophils number and infection in subjects affected by acute leukemia after chemotherapy.2 The risk of infection increased when ANC was less than 500 cells/µL for a long period, whereas it is decreased when ANC is greater than 500 cells/µL and the duration of neutropenia is reduced


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    Program SMK Pusat Keunggulan dari Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi yaitu program pengembangan SMK dengan kompetensi keahlian tertentu dalam peningkatan kualitas dan kinerja, yang diperkuat melalui kemitraan dan penyelarasan dengan dunia usaha, dunia industri, dunia kerja, yang akhirnya menjadi SMK rujukan yang dapat berfungsi sebagai sekolah penggerak dan pusat peningkatan kualitas dan kinerja SMK lainnya. Selaras dengan itu, dunia pendidikan pun mencoba untuk mengimbangi program tersebut agar setiap lulusan SMK bisa terserap di dunia kerja atau pun menjadi wirausaha. Salah satu pengetahuan yang harus dipelajari oleh para tenaga pengajar ialah pengetahuan kewirausahaan berbasis bisnis digital yang berfokus pada digital marketing. Namun, kurangnya pengetahuan para guru tentang kewirausahaan berbasis digital marketing membuat program SMK Pusat Keunggulan belum bisa dipenuhi oleh SMK Negeri 3 Palembang. Maka dari itu, untuk menambah pengetahuan para tenaga pengajar di SMK Negeri 3 Palembang, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Palcomtech akan memberikan workshop atau pelatihan di bidang kewirausahaan berbasis digital marketing dengan metode pendidikan masyrakat, advokasi dan pelatihan dan dilaksanakan pada 14 – 15 September 2022. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah para peserta mendapatkan pengetahuan tambahan mengenai digital marketing, pembuatan konten pemasaran menggunakan aplikasi Canva dan membuat website e-commerce menggunakan aplikasi Odoo

    Impact of Anatomical Variability on Sensitivity Profile in fNIRS-MRI Integration

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    Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is an important non-invasive technique used to monitor cortical activity. However, a varying sensitivity of surface channels vs. cortical structures may suggest integrating the fNIRS with the subject-specific anatomy (SSA) obtained from routine MRI. Actual processing tools permit the computation of the SSA forward problem (i.e., cortex to channel sensitivity) and next, a regularized solution of the inverse problem to map the fNIRS signals onto the cortex. The focus of this study is on the analysis of the forward problem to quantify the effect of inter-subject variability. Thirteen young adults (six males, seven females, age 29.3 +/- 4.3) underwent both an MRI scan and a motor grasping task with a continuous wave fNIRS system of 102 measurement channels with optodes placed according to a 10/5 system. The fNIRS sensitivity profile was estimated using Monte Carlo simulations on each SSA and on three major atlases (i.e., Colin27, ICBM152 and FSAverage) for comparison. In each SSA, the average sensitivity curves were obtained by aligning the 102 channels and segmenting them by depth quartiles. The first quartile (depth &lt; 11.8 (0.7) mm, median (IQR)) covered 0.391 (0.087)% of the total sensitivity profile, while the second one (depth &lt; 13.6 (0.7) mm) covered 0.292 (0.009)%, hence indicating that about 70% of the signal was from the gyri. The sensitivity bell-shape was broad in the source-detector direction (20.953 (5.379) mm FWHM, first depth quartile) and steeper in the transversal one (6.082 (2.086) mm). The sensitivity of channels vs. different cortical areas based on SSA were analyzed finding high dispersions among subjects and large differences with atlas-based evaluations. Moreover, the inverse cortical mapping for the grasping task showed differences between SSA and atlas based solutions. In conclusion, integration with MRI SSA can significantly improve fNIRS interpretation

    A rare case of enteric and systemic Yersinia enterocolitica infection in a chronic, not iron-overloaded dialysis patient

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    We present herein a case of bacterial gastroenteritis due to Yersinia enterocolitica, occurred in a young woman undergoing haemodialysis with a previous history positive for prolonged (20 years) immunosuppressive therapy for glomerulonephritis before and for kidney transplant later. The patient's outcome was favourable after a third-generation cephalosporin treatment without complications. The possible pathophysiological association between patient clinical condition and Yersinia bacteraemia is discussed, along with the review of literature

    Oita Sunrise City Resort Community Land Use Concept and Management Strategy

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    The client’s objective is to develop an urban resort concept containing residences, a spa, hotel, marina, and village components on the Oita Prefecture. This final report contains eight sections: 1) introduction, 2) market overview, 3) site analysis, 4) preliminary development program, 5) selected scenario for development, 6) concept plan showing interrelationship of all project elements and development phasing, 7) written documentation of the rationale behind the development concept and a related strategy for managing the properties, 8) final position on phasing and economic projections, including a cash flow model of the project over 10 years

    The Fruit Fly Drosophila as a Powerful Tool in Teaching Life Sciences in Middle and High School Classrooms

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    Living organisms can be used as important didactic tools for students, and we report here for the first time the evaluation of a scientific laboratory on Drosophila. The aim of this work is to attract more students to wards science disciplines and a real appreciation for animal kingdom. We aimed to capture students\u2019 interest, develop important educational experiences, and promote the basic and integrated science process skills that are involved in scientific inquiry, including direct contact to a living or ganism and authentic research on Drosophila melanogaster. We performed this experience in non-selective middle (100 students) and high school classrooms (200 students). The practical activities were carried out over three months. Initially, we decided to make homemade fly traps to catch flies, so that students could observe, recognize and have a direct contact with Drosophila . Several experiences were performed, such as the evaluation of different methods for immobilizing flies, and the observation of life cycle, sexual dimorphism, Drosophila mutants plus several species of Drosophilidae. Moreover, students prepared a procedure for fly food, and a method for anesthetizing flies. With sample questionnaires, we obtained a survey of the experiences and so we ob served a general agreement and a broad consensus (82 %), since students considered the experiences very stimulating. As a final result we obtained that students improved their attitudes towards science

    Avaliação clinica e radiográfica da reparação pulpar e periodontal em dentes autotransplantados

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    Fifty autotransplanted teeth in 43 individuals were clinic and radiographically analyzed, in order to understand pulpal and periodontal reparative phenomena, and to fundament the therapeutic procedures. Clinic exams of pulpal sensibility and periodontal conditions were made, as well as periapical radiographies of the transplanted teeth for pulpal and periodontal analysis. From the results was verified that: 1) There was, during the period, decrease of pulpal answers in the sensibility tests of transplanted teeth with incomplete rhizogenesis. There was also greater presence of pulpal calcifications and increase of radiopacity of light in radicular roots comparing to non-transplanted homologous teeth; 2) The occurrence of pulpal necrosis was, in great majority, related to the degree of radicular development. Radiographic signs of pulpal necrosis were more often in transplanted teeth with complete rhizogenesis; 3) Retraction and gingival bleeding were eventually found and related to bad mouth hygiene, not happening installation of periodontal pocket verified by sounding, nor pathological alterations of dental mobility; 4) The constatation of external radicular resorptions did not compromise the transplantation 's success; 5) Periapical radiographic images indicating periapicopathy were linked to pulpal necrosis. Those permitted us conclude that: 1) Reintegration of the transplanted tooth in its new site was considered a success in all specimens; 2) Transplanted teeth in incomplete rhizogenesis stages presented better results of pulpal reparation than transplanted teeth with complete rhizogenesis; 3) Dental transplantation is a therapeutic able to rehabilitate physiologic and esthetically traumatized patients with superior incisive loss; 4) The success of this therapeutic depends on observation of various factors, including a severe surgical contral.CAPESCinquenta dentes autotransplantados foram clínica e radiograficamente analisados, em 43 indivíduos, para compreender os fenômenos reparadores pulpares e periodontais e fudamentar os procedimentos terapêuticos. Foram realizados exames clínicos da sensibilidade pulpar e condições periodontais e tomadas radiografias periapicais dos dentes transplantados para análise pulpar e periodontal. Nos resultados verificou-se que: 1) Ocorreu, com o tempo, diminuição das respostas pulpares aos testes de sensibilidade nos dentes transplantados com rizogênese incompleta. Houve maior presença de calcificações pulpares e aumento da radiopacidade da luz dos canais radiculares em comparação aos dentes homólogos não transplantados; 2) A ocorrência de necrose pulpar esteve, em sua grande maioria relacionada ao grau de desenvolvimento radicular. Sinais radiográficos de necrose pulpar foram mais frequentes nos dentes transplantados com rizogênese completa; 3) A retração e sangramento gengival foram achados eventuais e relacionados à má higiene bucal, não havendo instalação de bolsas periodontais, fístulas, nem alterações patológicas da mobilidade dentária; 4) As constatações da presença de reabsorções radiculares externas não comprometeram o sucesso dos transplantes; 5) Imagens radiográficas periapicais indicativas de periapicopatias estavam vinculadas à necrose pulpar. Essas observações permitiram-nos concluir que: 1) A reintegração do dente transplantado a seu novo sítio foi considerada sucesso em todos os espécimes; 2) Os dentes transplantados em estágios de rizogênese incompleta apresentaram melhores resultados da reparação pulpar que os dentes transplantados com rizogênese completa; 3) a transplantação dentária é uma terapêutica capaz de reabilitar fisiológica e esteticamente pacientes traumatizados com perdas de incisivos superiores; 4) O sucesso dessa terapêutica depende da observação de vários fatores, dentre eles o rigoroso controle cirúrgico