38 research outputs found


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    Ambon banana (Musa acuminata Colla) humps contain anthraquinone compounds that effectives This research aims to take advantage of the hump to be confectionary cream bath as hair growth.  Water extracts of Ambon banana humps were blended and filtered, and then, this water extracts of Ambon banana was made into cream bath using concentration of 8%, 10%, and 12%. The method that is used to make cream bath is dissolution and mixing methods at a temperature of 75oC–80oC and the water extract was add at 40oC. These cream bath products weres evaluated by organoleptic, homogeneity, emulsion type, pH, spreading ability, viscosity and flow character. All formula cream bath preparations had white to ivory white, odourless bananas, emulsion type o/w, homogenized, pH 6.05 to 6.38, spreading ability 4862.05 mm2-3672.67 mm2, has a viscosity of 12000 cps-145000 cps, and showed the flow properties pseudo-plastic thixotropic.Bonggol pisang ambon (Musa acuminata Colla) mengandung senyawa antrakuinon yang berkhasiat sebagai penyubur rambut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan bonggol pisang ambon menjadi sediaan sediaan creambath sebagai menyubur rambut. Bnggol pisang ambon diblender dan disaring, kemudian sarinya dibuat menjadi sediaan creambath m/a dengan konsentrasi sari bonggol pisang ambon 8%, 10%, dan 12%. Cream bath dibuat menggunakan metode pelarutan dan pencampuran pada suhu 75oC-80oC dan sarinya ditambahkan ketika campuran suhunya 40oC. Creambath yang dihasilkan dievaluasi meliputi pemeriksaan organoleptik, homogenitas, tipe krim, pH, kemampuan menyebar, viskositas dan sifat alir. Sediaan creambath yang dihasilkan berwarna putih hingga putih gading, berbau pisang,  tipe emulsi M/A, homogen, pH 6,05–6,38, mudah menyebar dengan kemempuan menyebar 3672.67 mm2-4862.05 mm2, memiliki viskositas 12000 cps–145000 cps, dan menunjukkan sifat alir tiksotropik pseudoplastis.

    Motivation and Experience of Sacred Tomb Pilgrimage: Learnings from the Sasak Tribe Lombok

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    This study analyses the motivations and experiences that drive the pilgrimage to the sacred tombs of the Lombok Sasak Tribe. This sacred graves pilgrimage is a tradition that has survived from the past and a heritage that passes from generation to generation. The study uses a constructivist paradigm with a phenomenological qualitative approach. The research locations are at the tomb of Almagfurlah TGKH Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid, in Pancor East Lombok; The Batu Layar Tomb in West Lombok; The Ketaq Tomb, Central Lombok; Bintaro Tomb in Mataram City and; the Tomb at the Bayan Beleq, Bayan in North Lombok. The analysis shows that the pilgrimage motivation to the sacred tombs is that of high religiosity. A high level of religiousness indicates gratitude for God’s tremendous and enormous blessings. It is such a great pleasure for pilgrims to have the opportunity to perform this Hajj safely. The pilgrimage experience to the sacred tombs means remembering death, remembering struggles, preserving purity or cleanliness, and strengthening brotherhood. The synergy between motivation and experience makes the pilgrimage to the sacred tombs sustainable and continues from generation to generation

    pengaruh butter alpukat (avocado butter) terhadap stabilitas krim pelembut avocado = The effect of avocado butter to stability of avocado emollient cream

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    Karakteristik krim pelembut butter alpukat sebagai anti penuaan dini dipengaruhi oleh jumlah butter alpukat yang digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan dan mengembangkan penggunaan butter alpukat dalam bidang kosmetik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat krim AIM menggunakan butter alpukat antara 1-11% menggunakan metode pelelehan dan pencampuran pada suhu 70-75 °e. Krim yang dihasilkan dievaluasi, dan diuji stabilitsanya dengan uji dipercepat menggunakan peningkatan suhu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa butter alpukat antara 1-11% dapat dibuat sediaan krim pelembut tipe AIM. Stabilitas krim dipengaruhi oleh kandungan butter alpukat yang digunakan, peningkatan jumlah butter alpukat yang digunakan stabilitas semakin baik, pada konsentrasi 7% stabilitas mulai turun. Stabilitas krim paling baik ditunjukkan oleh krim yang mengandung butter alpukat 5%. The characteristic of emollient cream that contained of avocado butter as anti-aging is influenced by amount of avocado butter used. The research has a purpose to exploit and develop usage of avocado butter in the field of cosmetic. The research has done by making AIM cream used 1-11% avocado butter with melting and mixing method at temperature of 70-75 °e. Stability of product creams were be evaluated, and tested with accelerated test using elevated temperature. The result showed that concentration of avocado butter between 1-11% can be made become W/O emollient cream. The cream stability was progressively influenced by amount of avocado butter, the increasing of avocado butter would make progressively good stability, the stability go down at 7% concentration. The best stability creams has shown by cream that contain 5% avocado butter

    Formulasi Sediaan Gel Antijerawat Ekstrak Herba Meniran (Phylanthus niruri L) Dan Ekstrak Daun Sirsak (Annoni muricata L).

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    ABSTRAKHerba meniran dan daun sirsak mengandung senyawa flavonoid, triterpenoid, saponin, polifenol dan metabolit sekunder lainnya. Secara tradisional herba meniran dan daun sirsak tanaman yang berkhasiat sebagai Obat jerawat. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara uji aktifitas antibakteri dari kombinasi ekstrak herba meniran dan daun sirsak sebagai antibakteri penyebab jerawat agar didapatkan efek sinergi sehingga bisa memperkuat kerja antibakteri dan memformulasi sediaan gel obat jerawat dengan bahan aktif kombinasi ekstrak herba meniran dan daun sirsak yang efektif sebagai antijerawat terhadap bakteri P.acne dan S.aureus. Metode Penelitian dilakukan dengan menentukan aktifitas antijerawat dari ekstrak meniran dan daun sirsak menggunakan bakteri P.acne dan S.aureus, dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan gel kombinasi ekstrak meniran dan daun sirsak. Evaluasi terhadap sediaan gel meliputi uji organoleptik, homogenitas, pH, viskositas, daya sebar, iritasi dan aktifitas antibakteri sediaan gel. Sediaan gel kombinasi ektrak daun sirsak dan meniran  (3% : 4,5%) memiliki aktivitas menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri P.acne dan S.aureus terbaik dengan nilai DDH P.acne sebesar 32 mm dengan kategori aktivitas sangat kuat dan S.aureus  21 mm dengan kategori aktivitas sangat kuat.  Sediaan gel ekstrak daun sirsak dan meniran dapat memenuhi parameter fisika dan kimia sediaan gel serta stabil selama 12 minggu pada suhu penyimpanan 4oC, suhu 27oC dan suhu 40oC. Sediaan gel kombinasi ekstrak meniran dan daun sirsak memiliki indeks iritasi primer sebesar 0,40 dan termasuk kategori respon iritasi sangat ringan.  Kata kunci : Daun sirsak; Gel antijerawat; Jerawat; Meniran. ABSTRACTMeniran herbs and soursop leaves contain flavonoids, triterpenoids, saponins, polyphenols and other secondary metabolites. Meniran herbs and soursop leaves were traditionally used as an acne medication. This study aimed to formulate carried out by testing the antibacterial activity of a combination of extracts from meniran herbs and soursop leaves as an antibacterial that causes acne with the aim of getting a synergistic effect so that it can strengthen antibacterial work and antiacne  gel formulation containing the active ingredients of a combination of meniran herb and soursop leaf extract which is effective as an anti-acne against P.acne and S.aureus bacteria. The research method was conducted by determining the antibacterial activity of extract to P.acne and S.aureus, followed by formulate a gel combination of meniran and soursop leaf extract. The evaluation of gel formulation included organoleptic tests, homogeneity, pH, viscosity, spreadability, irritation and antibacterial activity. The gel preparation of the combination of soursop leaf extract and meniran (3%: 4.5%) had the best activity inhibiting the growth of P.acne and S.aureus bacteria with a DDH value of P.acne of 32 mm with very strong activity category and S.aureus 21 mm with a very strong activity category. The gel formulations we meet to the physical and chemical parameters of the gel formulation and were stable for 12 weeks at storage temperature of 4oC, temperature of 27oC and temperature of 40oC. The gel formulation had a primary irritation index of 0.40 and was included in the very mild irritation response category. Keywords : Acne; Antiacne gel; Meniran; Soursop leaf.

    Uji Efektifitas Gel Antijerawat Ekstrak Daun Sirsak (Annona muricata L.) dan Ekstrak Herba Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.)

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    Jerawat merupakan suatu kelainan kulit yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Propionibacterium acne. Herba meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) dan daun sirsak (Annona muricata L.) mengandung senyawa alkaloid, flavonoid, triterpenoid, saponin, polifenol dan metabolit sekunder lainnya. Secara tradisional herba meniran dan daun sirsak tanaman yang berkhasiat sebagai Obat jerawat. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara uji efektifitas antijerawat dari kombinasi ekstrak herba meniran dan daun sirsak dengan konsentrasi ekstrak yang paling baik sebagai antibakteri penyebab jerawat agar didapatkan efek sinergi sehingga bisa memperkuat kerja antibakteri dan memformulasi sediaan gel obat jerawat dengan bahan aktif kombinasi ekstrak herba meniran dan daun sirsak yang efektif sebagai antijerawat terhadap bakteri P. acne dan S. aureus. Metode Penelitian ini dilakukan penelitian eksperimen dengan menentukan efektifitas antijerawat dari kombinasi ekstrak meniran dan daun sirsak menggunakan metode difusi agar cakram terhadap bakteri P. acne dan S. aureus, dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan gel kombinasi ekstrak meniran dan daun sirsak. Evaluasi terhadap sediaan gel meliputi uji organoleptik, homogenitas, pH, viskositas, daya sebar, iritasi dan aktifitas antibakteri sediaan gel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sediaan gel ektrak daun sirsak dan herba meniran memiliki aktivitas menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri P. acne dan S. aureus terbaik di konsentrasi (3% : 4,5%) dengan DDH P. acne sebesar 32±0,07 mm dan S. aureus  21±0,28 mm termasuk kategori sangat kuat. Sediaan gel ekstrak daun sirsak dan meniran dapat memenuhi parameter fisika dan kimia sediaan gel serta stabil selama 12 minggu pada suhu penyimpanan 4oC, suhu 27oC dan suhu 40oC

    Mefenamic Acid Caplet Stability in Storage Rooms with Different Temperature and Humidity

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    Mefenamic acid is an unstable drug to light and humidity can cause decomposition. This research aim to get stability data of mefenamic acid stored in West Jakarta health centers as consideration to good drug storage. The research was done by determining 7 health centers using simple random sampling from 74 health centers in West Jakarta, then the drugs depository condition were observed by observation method during 6 months, and the evaluation of mefenamic acid caplet quality were observed by experiment method according to the 4th edition of The Indonesia Pharmacopoeia. The result of this research indicate that five of the depository condition were up to standard, the room temperature of these health centers range 23-29 οC with humidity of 58-67% and mefenamic caplet in those health centers also up to standard during depository 6 months. There were two health centers were the depository room with lam light, no air conditioning and no ventilation, room temperature of 30-35 οC and humidity of 68-70%, in which the color and content of mefenamic acid deteriorated


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    Objective: Banana waste, especially corms, has potential as a source of haircare agents due to its active compound, anthraquinone, which is known to promote hair growth. This study aimed to assess preparations of hair tonic shampoo containing Musa acuminata Colla corm extract and evaluate their characteristics and stability. Methods: Three shampoo formulas were prepared containing 8%, 10%, and 12% corm extract. Physical stability tests were performed at high (60±2 °C) and room temperature (25±2 °C) for three weeks. The shampoo formulas were evaluated for their organoleptic properties (colour, form, and odour), homogeneity, pH, density, viscosity, rheology, foam height and stability, and surface tension. Results: The shampoo formulas with corm extract were white to yellowish-white, creamy, and smelled of banana, and were homogenous without precipitation. The formulas had a pH of 6.08–6.12, a density of 1.027–1.054 g/ml, foam height of 3.56–3.63 ml, the surface tension of 28.92–29.85 dyne/cm, viscosity of 16,000–120,000 cps and pseudoplastic flow properties. Conclusion: The natural hair tonic shampoo formulas prepared with M. acuminata corm have good characteristics


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    Objective: The purpose of this research is to make a skincare cream that contains bioactive from Momordica charantia leaves (MCL) using three kinds of base cream. Methods: The dried MCL made into powder shape and then extracted using 96% ethanol solvent. The liquid extract was evaporated using a vacuum evaporator until obtained by the viscous extract. The Momordica charantia leaves ethanol extract (MEE) with a concentration of 4.00% made into a cosmetic product used vanishing, cold, and hand and body cream as a base. Creams made by mixing the oil phase and water phase at 70 °C until cream mass formed, then added MEE at 40 °C. All the product creams were evaluated their physical and chemical characteristics and stability tested. Results: Cream of Momordica charantia leaf ethanol extract had semisolid form, yellowish color, the peculiar smell of Momordica charantia ethanol extract, homogeneous, pH 6.37-6.67, easily spread with spreading ability 2,081.21-2,835.43 mm2, has viscosity 125,000-18,0000 cps and stable 3 mo in a room and 60 °C temperature storage. Conclusion: Momordica charantia leaves can be made become a good cream for skincare cosmetics that more beneficial and profitable than as waste. This skincare creams using vanishing base cream, cold cream, and hand and body cream as base creams

    Formulasi Gel Pengelupas Sel Kulit Mati yang Mengandung Sari Buah Nanas (Ananas comosus L) antara 17 sampai 78%

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    The juice of Ananas comosus L. contains bromelain which has been known to defoliate dead skin cells. Investigation on five gel formulations containing 17%, 33%, 50%, 67% and 78% of the juice of Ananas comosus L with 4% of HPMC as gelling agent, have been carried out. The stability of all formula were examined by the accelerated test method at room temperature and 40 oC for 6 weeks. Parameters observed were organoleptic, homogeneity, syneresis, viscosity, flow behavior, spreading ability, and pH. Results indicated that the higher the juice concentration in the gel would reduce the gel stability progressively. Gel formula using 4% of HPMC containing 17% or 33% of Ananas comosus juice can be produced while maintaining good physical stability for 6 weeks. The products were pale yellow to yellow in color, homogeneous, and have viscosity of 13000-45800 cps, pH 4.0-4.9, pseudo plastic flow, and spreading ability of 2732.58 to 4534.16 mm².Sari buah nanas (Ananas comosus L.) mengandung bromelain sebagai bahan pengelupas sel kulit mati. Penelitian formulasi gel pengelupas kulit mati dengan lima variasi konsentrasi sari buah nanas dari 17% hingga 78%. Penelitian diawali dengan penentuan dosis sari buah nanas dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan lima formula gel menggunakan gelling agent HPMC 4 % dan evaluasi sediaan. Stabilitas gel terbaik ditentukan dengan uji dipercepat menggunakan suhu kamar dan 40 oC. Evaluasi yang dilakukan meliputi organoleptik, homogentas, sineresis, viskositas, sifat alir kemampuan menyebar dan pH selama 6 minggu. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa peningkatan konsentrasi jus (17%-78%) dapatmempengaruhi stabilitas fisik gel, gel yang dihasilkan berwarna kuning pucat dan kuning, homogen,memiliki viskositas 13000-45800 cps, dan pH berkisar 4.90-4.00 sifat alir pseudoplastis, kemampuanmenyebar 2732.58- 4534.16 (mm²) gel stabil dalam penyimpanan selama 6 minggu