5,773 research outputs found

    Phenol degradation using 20, 300 and 520 kHz ultrasonic reactors with hydrogen peroxide, ozone and zero valent metals

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    The extent of phenol degradation by the advanced oxidation process in the presence of zero valent iron (ZVI) and zero valent copper (ZVC) was studied using 20, 300 and 520 kHz ultrasonic (US) reactors. Quantification of hydrogen peroxide has also been performed with an aim of investigating the efficacy of different sonochemical reactors for hydroxyl radical production. It has been observed that the 300 kHz sonochemical reactor has the maximum efficacy for hydroxyl radical production. Phenol degradation studies clearly indicate that degradation of phenol is intensified in the presence of the catalyst and hydrogen peroxide, which can be attributed to enhanced production of hydroxyl radicals in the system. Experimental data shows that with ZVI, when the reaction was subjected to 300 kHz, complete phenol removal and 37% TOC mineralization was achieved within 25 min, whereas, in the case of 20 kHz US treatment no phenol was detected after 45 min and 39% TOC mineralization was observed. This novel study also investigated the use of zero valent copper (ZVC) and results showed that with 20, 300 and 520 kHz ultrasonic rectors, phenol removal was 10–98%, however, the maximum TOC mineralization achieved was only 26%. A comparative study between hydrogen peroxide and ozone as a suitable oxidant for Fenton-like reactions in conjunction with zero valent catalysts showed that an integrated approach of US/Air/ZVC/H2O2 system works better than US/ZVC/O3 (the ZOO process)

    MHD Memes

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    The celebration of Allan Kaufman's 80th birthday was an occasion to reflect on a career that has stimulated the mutual exchange of ideas (or memes in the terminology of Richard Dawkins) between many researchers. This paper will revisit a meme Allan encountered in his early career in magnetohydrodynamics, the continuation of a magnetohydrodynamic mode through a singularity, and will also mention other problems where Allan's work has had a powerful cross-fertilizing effect in plasma physics and other areas of physics and mathematics.Comment: Submitted for publication in IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series for publication in "Plasma Theory, Wave Kinetics, and Nonlinear Dynamics", Proceedings of KaufmanFest, 5-7 October 2007, University of California, Berkeley, US

    Penrose Limit and String Theories on Various Brane Backgrounds

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    We investigate the Penrose limit of various brane solutions including Dp-branes, NS5-branes, fundamental strings, (p,q) fivebranes and (p,q) strings. We obtain special null geodesics with the fixed radial coordinate (critical radius), along which the Penrose limit gives string theories with constant mass. We also study string theories with time-dependent mass, which arise from the Penrose limit of the brane backgrounds. We examine equations of motion of the strings in the asymptotic flat region and around the critical radius. In particular, for (p,q) fivebranes, we find that the string equations of motion in the directions with the B field are explicitly solved by the spheroidal wave functions.Comment: 41 pages, Latex, minor correction

    Extension of Nikiforov-Uvarov Method for the Solution of Heun Equation

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    We report an alternative method to solve second order differential equations which have at most four singular points. This method is developed by changing the degrees of the polynomials in the basic equation of Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method. This is called extended NU method for this paper. The eigenvalue solutions of Heun equation and confluent Heun equation are obtained via extended NU method. Some quantum mechanical problems such as Coulomb problem on a 3-sphere, two Coulombically repelling electrons on a sphere and hyperbolic double-well potential are investigated by this method

    Mean-field analysis of the majority-vote model broken-ergodicity steady state

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    We study analytically a variant of the one-dimensional majority-vote model in which the individual retains its opinion in case there is a tie among the neighbors' opinions. The individuals are fixed in the sites of a ring of size LL and can interact with their nearest neighbors only. The interesting feature of this model is that it exhibits an infinity of spatially heterogeneous absorbing configurations for LL \to \infty whose statistical properties we probe analytically using a mean-field framework based on the decomposition of the LL-site joint probability distribution into the nn-contiguous-site joint distributions, the so-called nn-site approximation. To describe the broken-ergodicity steady state of the model we solve analytically the mean-field dynamic equations for arbitrary time tt in the cases n=3 and 4. The asymptotic limit tt \to \infty reveals the mapping between the statistical properties of the random initial configurations and those of the final absorbing configurations. For the pair approximation (n=2n=2) we derive that mapping using a trick that avoids solving the full dynamics. Most remarkably, we find that the predictions of the 4-site approximation reduce to those of the 3-site in the case of expectations involving three contiguous sites. In addition, those expectations fit the Monte Carlo data perfectly and so we conjecture that they are in fact the exact expectations for the one-dimensional majority-vote model

    Transformations of Heun's equation and its integral relations

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    We find transformations of variables which preserve the form of the equation for the kernels of integral relations among solutions of the Heun equation. These transformations lead to new kernels for the Heun equation, given by single hypergeometric functions (Lambe-Ward-type kernels) and by products of two hypergeometric functions (Erd\'elyi-type). Such kernels, by a limiting process, also afford new kernels for the confluent Heun equation.Comment: This version was published in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 (2011) 07520

    Quasilinearization Method and Summation of the WKB Series

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    Solutions obtained by the quasilinearization method (QLM) are compared with the WKB solutions. Expansion of the pp-th QLM iterate in powers of \hbar reproduces the structure of the WKB series generating an infinite number of the WKB terms with the first 2p2^p terms reproduced exactly. The QLM quantization condition leads to exact energies for the P\"{o}schl-Teller, Hulthen, Hylleraas, Morse, Eckart potentials etc. For other, more complicated potentials the first QLM iterate, given by the closed analytic expression, is extremely accurate. The iterates converge very fast. The sixth iterate of the energy for the anharmonic oscillator and for the two-body Coulomb Dirac equation has an accuracy of 20 significant figures

    Thermodynamic large fluctuations from uniformized dynamics

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    Large fluctuations have received considerable attention as they encode information on the fine-scale dynamics. Large deviation relations known as fluctuation theorems also capture crucial nonequilibrium thermodynamical properties. Here we report that, using the technique of uniformization, the thermodynamic large deviation functions of continuous-time Markov processes can be obtained from Markov chains evolving in discrete time. This formulation offers new theoretical and numerical approaches to explore large deviation properties. In particular, the time evolution of autonomous and non-autonomous processes can be expressed in terms of a single Poisson rate. In this way the uniformization procedure leads to a simple and efficient way to simulate stochastic trajectories that reproduce the exact fluxes statistics. We illustrate the formalism for the current fluctuations in a stochastic pump model