2,162 research outputs found

    Energy- Drinks: Composition and Health Benefits

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    In recent years, there has been an increase in the consumption of energy drinks, containing besides calories, other ingredients suspected to boost mental, emotional and physical alertness of the consumers. Such drinks are widely consumed by young people for a variety of reasons. However, from a public health point of view, little seems to be understood of the health benefits and other implications of these drinks by their consumers. Therefore, the understanding that energy drinks have stimulating properties that can boost heart beat rate and blood pressure, dehydrate the body, aggravate the effects of other stimulants, and prevent sleep may help as a decision making tools for the consumers of such products. This review examines some of the important active ingredients of energy drinks, their origins, sources, benefits and side effects. It is concluded that energy drinks, despite the variations in brand name contain bio-active ingredients; therefore further research is needed on their potential hazards.Keywords: Energy drinks, Composition, Effects, Consumer

    Simulasi kestabilan konsolidasi-dam di hilir Syphon Lemurung Kali Konto terhadap fungsi beban statis dan dinamis

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    Gunung Kelud berada di wilayah Kabupaten Kediri Jawa Timur. Pasca erupsi pada awal tahun 2014, Gunung Kelud menyisakan sejumlah material vulkanik yang masih tertahan di lereng gunung berupa abu, pasir dan kerikil. Material tersebut apabila bercampur dengan air akan membentuk suatu aliran yang disebut lahar dingin. Tingginya curah hujan dan kondisi lereng yang curam dapat menimbulkan aliran lahar yang memiliki daya rusak tinggi. Untuk mengurangi dampak negatif tersebut, perlu dibuat suatu bangunan pengendali sedimen yang diletakkan pada sungai-sungai yang berpotensi dilalui aliran lahar dingin. Ada beberapa macam bangunan pengendali anatara lain check dam, konsolidasi dam, tanggul pengarah, dan kantong pasir. Bangunan konsolidasi dam Syphon Lemurung merupakan salah satu upaya mengurangi dampak bencana yang diakibatkan oleh bahaya aliran lahar Gunung Kelud yang melewati aliran Kali Konto. Bangunan konsolidasi dam memiliki fungsi utama untuk melindungi bangunan syphon lemurung dari gerusan sedimen. Aliran sedimen mengisi kapasitas tampung secara cepat maupun lambat tergantung skala dan interval debit yang mengalir. Apabila pada kondisi tertentu, gaya lawan akibat material tampungan lebih besar daripada gaya tahan dari bangunan maka tidak memenuhi syarat kestabilan. Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan bangunan konsolidasi dam mengalami keruntuhan. Simulasi kestabilan terhadap variasi beban statis dan dinamis dilakukan dengan menambah variasi parameter kondisi tampungan yang berbeda. Parameter simulasi yang digunakan antara lain kondisi material, berat jenis material, dan ketinggian material. Sehingga didapat nilai kestabilan konsolidasi dam terhadap kontrol guling, geser dan ambles. Selain itu juga dilakukan simulasi terhadap variasi rasio kelangsingan dari konsolidasi dam Syphon Lemurung, sehingga diketahui dimensi bangunan yang paling efektif. Dari hasil analisa didapatkan kapasitas volume tampungan sedimen maksimum konsolidasi dam Syphon Lemurung adalah 30926,25 m3. Laju sedimen pada Kali Konto adalah 67,1875 m3/hari. Waktu untuk memenuhi tampungan sedimen adalah 460 hari. Dari hasil simulasi kestabilan diketahui semakin tinggi massa jenis material (W) maka semakin rendah kestabilan bangunan. Syarat kestabilan mempengaruhi ketinggian tampungan sedimen pada kondisi kritis. Dari hasil simulasi rasio kelangsingan didapatkan dimensi rencana yang memenuhi syarat kestabilan adalah tinggi dam (h1) = 1m – 5m dan lebar dam (b) = 8m - 10m. Sehingga dimensi eksisting konsolidasi dam Syphon Lemurung merupakan dimensi yang sudah efektif. ================================================================================================= Mount Kelud is located in Kediri, East Java. After the eruption in early 2014, it leave a number of volcanic material which was still deposited on the mountain’s slope in form of ash, sand and gravel. These materials transform to be cold lava flow when mixed with water. The high intensity and steep slope conditions could cause lava flow that has high destructive power. To reduce the negative impact, a sediment control structures should be built across rivers that potentially be passed by cold lava flow. There are several kinds of control structures among others check-dam, consolidated-dam, crib and sandbag. Consolidated-dam of Lemurung Syphon is one example to reduce the disaster caused by the danger of lava flow that passes through Konto River. Consolidatied-dam building has a primary function to protect the building Lemurung Syphon of scouring sediment. Transport sediment will fill the capacities either quick or slow depend on the scale and interval of discharge. When in certain conditions, the opponent force as a result of the storage material is greater than the resistant force of the building so not qualify stability requirement. This condition causes the consolidated-dam building collapse. Stability simulation on static and dynamic load variations done by adding the parameter variations of different storage conditions. Parameters simulation that are used includes material conditions, material density, and height of the material. So the value of stability the consolidated dam can be obtained against rolling, sliding and subsidence. Simulation of the variation the slimness ratio of consolidated-dam of Lemurung Syphon is also been done, so the most effective dimensions of the building can be determined. It can be concluded that sediment maximum capacity of the storage volume consolidated-dam Lemurung Syphon is 30926.25 m3. The discharge of sediment at River Konto is 67.1875 m3/day. The time to fulfill the storage sediment is about 460 days. From the simulation results, it is known that the higher the density of the material (W), the lower the stability of the building. Stability requirement affects the height of the sediment reservoirs in critical condition. From the simulation results determained dimensional the slimness ratio qualified plan is the high stability of the dam (h1) = 1m - 5m and width dam (b) = 8m - 10m. So the dimensions of the existing consolidated-dam Lemurung Syphon, it is found that the effective

    Sports/energy drinks consumption among young athletes in Kano, Nigeria

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    Little is known about the prevalence and motives of sport drinks use among adolescents and young adult athletes who exercise on regular basis in most football and other games pitches. Therefore, the current study was performed to assess information regarding the use of sport drinks among 440 athletes (23.5±4.62 years of age) in Kano Nigeria. Data were collected using a selfadministered, structured and pretested  questionnaire. The results indicated that the frequency of sport drinks  consumption was higher among male athletes and in those who did not have breakfast on a regular basis, ever smoked cigarettes and drank alcoholic beverages compared with their female counterparts. Athletes who had ‘ever’ tried a sport drink were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those who had ‘never’ tasted the drink. Main reasons for using such drinks for regular users varied across the selected groups of athletes and included obtaining energy and boosting performance while doing sport. Most athletes claimed to be aware of the ingredients of sport drinks or their potential hazardous health effects, and that they could distinguish between sport and energy drinks. This study discovered that energy drinks were consumed by the athletes rather than sport drinks and that sport drinks are still alien to the study community as they are not commonly available in the market. This stands in strong contrast to the assumption that  athletes consumed sport drinks. Therefore, increased awareness among the athletes of the discrepancies, ingredients and potential health hazards of both sport and energy drinks should be sustained.Keywords: Sport drinks, consumption, adolescents, young adults, athlete

    Detailed Description of Data for Texas' Senate Bill 5 Legislation for Reducing Pollution in Non-Attainment and Affected Areas

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    This is the report for detailed description of data what was used in the research for Senate Bill 5: Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP). Basically this report is a manual for attached CD-ROM. The attached CD-ROM contains all data, documents, figures and spreadsheets that were used for this research. All files were categorized and divided into several folders in the CD-ROM. The detailed accomplishments and progress to date for the project are also able to access from the annual report to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission which is included in the CDROM

    The rising tide of dementia deaths: triangulation of data from three routine data sources using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink.

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    BACKGROUND: Dementia is currently the leading certified underlying cause of death in England. We assess how dementia recording on Office for National Statistics death certificates (ONS) corresponded to recording in general practice records (GP) and Hospital Episode Statistics (HES). METHODS: Retrospective study of deaths (2001-15) in 153 English General Practices contributing to the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, with linked ONS and HES records. RESULTS: Of 207,068 total deaths from any cause, 19,627 mentioned dementia on the death certificate with 10,253 as underlying cause; steady increases occurred from 2001 to 2015 (any mention 5.3 to 15.4 %, underlying cause 2.7 to 10 %). Including all data sources, recording of any dementia increased from 13.2 to 28.6 %. In 2015, only 53.8 % of people dying with dementia had dementia recorded on their death certificates. Among deaths mentioning dementia on the death certificate, the recording of a prior diagnosis of dementia in GP and HES rose markedly over the same period. In 2001, only 76.3 % had a prior diagnosis in GP and/or HES records; by 2015 this had risen to 95.7 %. However, over the same period the percentage of all deaths with dementia recorded in GP or HES but not mentioned on the death certificate rose from 7.9 to 13.3 %. CONCLUSIONS: Dementia recording in all data sources increased between 2001 and 2015. By 2015 the vast majority of deaths mentioning dementia had supporting evidence in primary and/or secondary care. However, death certificates were still providing an inadequate picture of the number of people dying with dementia

    Advances in imaging chest tuberculosis: blurring of differences between children and adults

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    This article reviews the ongoing role of imaging in the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) and its complications. A modern imaging classification of TB, taking into account both adults and children and the blurring of differences in the presentation patterns, must be absorbed into daily practice. Clinicians must not only be familiar with imaging features of TB but also become expert at detecting these when radiologists are unavailable. Communication between radiologists and clinicians with regard to local constraints, patterns of disease, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coinfection rates, and imaging parameters relevant for management (especially in drug resistance programs) is paramount for making an impact with imaging, and preserving clinician confidence. Recognition of special imaging, anatomic and vulnerability differences between children and adults is more important than trying to define patterns of disease exclusive to children

    Impact of the Implementation of the 2000/2001 IECC on Commercial Energy Use in Texas: Analysis of Commercial Energy Savings

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    The "a" file is the PowerPoint presentation given at this Hot and Humid Conference.Power failures can occur for a variety of reasons. The consequences of such outages range from mere inconveniences to damaged equipment, ruined goods, lost revenue, and diminished safety. In all buildings lighting is among the greatest safety requirements during a power outage. Depending on the type of facility, other systems and equipment may also be considered critical. Batteries may be used to provide power for emergency lighting as well as computers, telephone and intercom systems. However, they are not an option for powering large users such as HVAC systems and elevators. Backup generators are a viable solution in these cases. They can provide electricity as long as fuel is supplied and can run virtually any type equipment. This paper will discuss how some schools and other facilities are addressing building safety and functionality during power outages by using backup generators. Issues involving selecting, operating, and maintaining generators will be discussed. Also, several case studies will be presented

    Impact of the Implementation of the 2000/2001 IECC on Residential Energy Use in Texas: Analysis of Residential Energy Savings

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    The "a" file is the PowerPoint presentation given at this Hot and Humid Conference

    Traumatic posterior urethral fistula to hip joint following gunshot injury: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Urinary system fistula to the hip joint is a rare complication. We report a case of delayed posterior urethral fistula to the hip joint following penetrating gunshot wound injury.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 37-year-old Iranian Balochi male was shot with a firearm in the superior part of his right pelvis. He underwent primary closure on the same day. Ten months later, he developed urinary retention. He underwent retrograde urethrography and antegrade cystography which showed a stricture measuring 5 cm in length. There was also a history of progressive pain in the right hip joint accompanied by low grade fever which started 2 months after the initial injury. Hip X-ray showed evidence of an acetabular cavity and femoral head destruction diagnostic of complicated septic arthritis. The patient subsequently underwent reconstructive surgery for the urethral stricture and urethral fistula via a transperineal approach followed by total hip arthroplasty.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Hip joint contamination with urine following a urethro-acetabular fistula can lead to severe and disabling complications such as septic arthritis. We recommend that every clinician should keep these fistulas in mind as a complication of penetrating urethral injury and every attempt should be made for their early diagnosis and prompt treatment.</p
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