203 research outputs found

    Secular Change in Croatian Male Crania: 1812-1973

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    The study of secular change is the study of changes that have taken place in the human body during recent centuries. Although changes that affect populations are generally understood to occur over many centuries and millennia, anthropological studies have shown that population changes have occurred in the last two centuries, over a relatively small time period comprising a mere two hundred years. Biological anthropologists in particular are interested in how the human skeleton has changed in recent history, whether in the limbs, the torso, or the cranium. Changes have been observed in all areas of the skeleton, and these changes to do not occur in all populations equally. To better understand not only what these changes are, but why and how they happen, anthropologists have studied secular change within populations. This thesis is a study of secular change in one population – ethnic Croatians – with an attempt to define the changes and contribute to the larger global study of the subject. In this thesis, I use craniometric data that was collected by other researchers but never analyzed. The study focuses on males, because of the lack of female data available in the sample, and because previous studies have already shown that secular change occurs differently between the sexes. I analyze cranial data of 147 male individuals whose birth dates span a range of 161 years. Using polynomial regression analysis, I look at ten craniometric measurements and three derived measurements in order to ascertain whether any change has occurred in the Croatian male population, what the changes are, and how they compare to other populations that have been studied. The results reveal that secular changes have occurred in that cranium in the Croatian population, although the location and magnitude of the changes differ slightly from other European or European-descended populations that have been previously studied

    Rentenir (Analisis terhadap Fungsi Pinjaman Berbunga dalam Masyarakat Rokan Hilir Kecamatan Bagan Sinembah Desa Bagan Batu )

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    The high level of economic needs of society and economic competition at the present time cause large demands and needs of society so that, making them will perform a variety of ways in order to obtain a better life. Different ways by society not pursued by others in a way to get capital by way of debt, of course, there are indebted to moneylenders, banks and other institutions. But in reality many people are still owed by loan sharks, especially in the villages that I researched in the Rokan Hilir Kecamatan Bagan Sinembah Bagan Batu Village. This study focused on sharks (Analysis Of Interest Bearing Debt In Rokan Hilir Society Kecamtan Sinembah Bagan Batu village. And this study discusses the work system and its interaction moneylenders and loan sharks relationships with its customers. The approach of this research uses qualitative analysis that will explain the working system moneylenders, why the public interest to borrow on moneylenders and function and dysfunction of the moneylenders. the results of this study show that people are much dependence on moneylenders due process and easy loan terms when compared with other loans as well as the efficiency of time and energy. and given the socialization of cooperative government borrowing not fully understood and known by the public so that many people are forced to borrow the loan shark with installment system that they agree between moneylenders and customers. Key Words: Money Lenders, Relationship, Analysi

    Design-Optimization with a Limited Data-Budget

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    Design-optimization with realistic computer codes is a ubiquitously challenging task. Typically, we have to execute thousands of simulations in order to achieve a globally optimum design. However, since realistic models may take hours or even days to complete a single simulation, global optimization is infeasible for all but the simplest models. We are necessarily limited to just a handful of simulations. Bayesian global optimization (BGO) is a computational framework built upon Gaussian process regression that allows us to actively select which simulations to make in order to reach our objective or its gradients. It only assumes that the objective is measurable at any given design point either experimentally or via a computer simulation. We have implemented BGO in Python and created a nanoHUB tool that applies the concept to the problem of the structure determination of an arbitrary cluster of atoms. The tool works as follows: First, it generates an initial data pool consisting of random structures and their associated energies as well as a test design pool consisting of structures that will be tested for optimality. Then, it constructs a Gaussian process model of the energy surface and employs BGO to find the minimum energy cluster among the test pool. The process runs until either the maximum expected improvement of future simulations falls below a threshold or the number of maximum iterations is reached

    Impact of HFIR LEU Conversion on Beryllium Reflector Degradation Factors

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    An assessment of the impact of low enriched uranium (LEU) conversion on the factors that may cause the degradation of the beryllium reflector is performed for the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). The computational methods, models, and tools, comparisons with previous work, along with the results obtained are documented and discussed in this report. The report documents the results for the gas and neutronic poison production, and the heating in the beryllium reflector for both the highly enriched uranium (HEU) and LEU HFIR configurations, and discusses the impact that the conversion to LEU may have on these quantities. A time-averaging procedure was developed to calculate the isotopic (gas and poisons) production in reflector. The sensitivity of this approach to different approximations is gauged and documented. The results show that the gas is produced in the beryllium reflector at a total rate of 0.304 g/cycle for the HEU configuration; this rate increases by ~12% for the LEU case. The total tritium production rate in reflector is 0.098 g/cycle for the HEU core and approximately 11% higher for the LEU core. A significant increase (up to ~25%) in the neutronic poisons production in the reflector during the operation cycles is observed for the LEU core, compared to the HEU case, for regions close to the core s horizontal midplane. The poisoning level of the reflector may increase by more than two orders of magnitude during long periods of downtime. The heating rate in the reflector is estimated to be approximately 20% lower for the LEU core than for the HEU core. The decrease is due to a significantly lower contribution of the heating produced by the gamma radiation for the LEU core. Both the isotopic (gas and neutronic poisons) production and the heating rates are spatially non-uniform throughout the beryllium reflector volume. The maximum values typically occur in the removable reflector and close to the midplane

    Pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran kitab kuning: penelitian di Pondok Pesantren Az-Zahra Tanjungsiang Subang.

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    Salah satu pendidikan Islam tradisional ialah pesantren. Pondok Pesantren Az-Zahra Tanjungsiang Subang kekurangan sarana prasarana pembelajaran, tenaga pengajar dan ketika pembelajaran berlangsung ada sebagian santri yang tidur. Keunikannya santri mahir dalam bermain bola api dan spesifikasi pendalaman fiqih. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, penulis tertarik untuk mengadakan penelitian di Pondok Pesantren Az-Zahra mengenai pembelajaran kitab kuning. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana latar alamiah dan kondisi objektif Pondok Pesantren Az-Zahra Tanjungsiang Subang, kurikulum pembelajaran kitab kuning, metode pembelajaran kitab kuning, factor penghambat dan factor penunjang proses dan hasil prestasi belajar kitab kuning. Maka dari itu, tujuan penelitian sesuai dengan rumusan masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriftif. Adapun teknik yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis data yang meliputi tahapan-tahapan pengelolaan data mengedit, klasifikasi data, Verifying (pembuktian data-data), analyzing (menganalisis data), conclusion (keseimpulan). Komponen yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajran kitab kuning di Pondok PEsantren Az-Zahra meliputi kurikulum, metode, evaluasi, kiyai, ustadz atau ustadzah, santri. Seorang kiyai dalam melaksanakan rutinitas kegiatan pondok pesantren, termasuk mengajarkan kitab-kitab kuning kepada para santrinya, dilakukan tapa pamrih, bener-bener ikhlas, sebagai wujud pengabdian kepada agama dan masyarakatnya. Dalam modal keiklasan itu, maka kharusma seorang kiyai terbentuk. Dalam menjalankan fungsi yang pertama ustadz atau ustadzah mulai memperkenankan kepada masyarakat luar pesanten dalam bentukbermacam-macam, minimal menerima orang tua santri atau tamu yang berkunjung ke pesantren, dan tugas kedua sebagaipebantu kiyai, ia harus mematangkan penguasaanya atau literature keagamaan yang diajarkan di pesantren. Pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran kitab kuning di Pondok Pesantren Az-Zahra Tanjungsiang Subang tidak lepas dari berbagai faktor yaitu faktor penghambat dan faktor penunjang. Hasil prestasi belajar kitab kuning santri menjelaskan bahwa adanya peningkatan dalam penguasaan fiqih ditunjukan dengan bertambahnya nilai-nilai tersebut dan menjadi tolak ukur sejauh mana santri sudah memahami kitab kuning

    Shocked into action: Answering multiple threats to security, European countries are accelerating the shift from fossil fuels towards renewables.

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    In this report, CREA and Ember analyse European national responses to the gas crisis and Russia's war on Ukraine. They show that the majority of European countries have significantly stepped up their ambition in terms of renewable energy deployment since 2019, while decreasing planned 2030 fossil fuel generation to shield themselves from geopolitical threats

    The role of mesenchymal stem cells and osteocytes in subchondral bone changes in hip osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease of the whole joint, and subchondral bone changes are a universal OA feature. The cellular mechanisms of subchondral bone sclerosis in late OA joints implicate altered osteoblast and osteoclast activities, however the roles of the most abundant bone cells, the osteocytes, and their immature progenitors, the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are not understood. The cell fraction characterised by the CD45-CD271+ phenotype represents a reservoir of native bone-resident MSCs in humans, however it consists of topographically different subsets, whose relative contributions to bone formation in OA remain unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate gene expression profiles and topographical features of osteocytes, MSCs and their subsets in femoral head OA bone. Compared to healthy cancellous bone, CD45-CD271+ MSCs resident in OA bone were more abundant (3.4-fold, p<0.05) and had significantly (p<0.05) higher expression of osteogenic genes, such as runt related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2, 7-fold) and osteonectin (SPARC, 5-fold) indicating their osteogenic commitment. Furthermore, chondrogenic genes were significantly (p<0.05) decreased (SOX9, 5-fold and UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase, UGDH, 14-fold). The native OA osteocytes transcriptional profile was consistent with their early, embedding stage of development, evidenced by significantly (p<0.01) higher levels of podoplanin (E11, 9-fold) and matrix metalloproteinase-14 (MMP14, 4-fold) compared to healthy bone osteocytes. Active bone formation in OA was evident as an accumulation and co-localisation of CD271+ MSCs and immature E11+ osteocytes in areas of bone sclerosis. Additionally, transcriptional and immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that both MSCs and osteocytes in OA-affected bone favoured bone formation by elevated expression of the osteoclastogenesis inhibitor osteoprotegerin. To define osteogenically-committed MSC subset, CD56 was chosen as a candidate molecule. Dual immunofluorescence confirmed co-localisation of CD271 and CD56 at the bone surface. CD271+CD56+ cells were significantly more abundant in OA bone compared to healthy bone (8-fold, p<0.0001) and also accumulated in OA sclerotic areas, having the unique topography in proximity to active bone formation sites. The CD271+CD56+ MSC subset displayed significantly (p<0.01) over 100-fold higher expression of osteogenesis- and chondrogenesis-related genes, including osteopontin (SPP1), osteocalcin (BGLAP) and SOX9, compared to a donor-matched CD271+CD146+ subset, whilst the predominant CD271+CD146-CD56- subset represented a transcriptionally ‘intermediate’ MSC population with the highest levels of stromal-derived factor 1 (CXCL12) transcript. While all three subsets were multipotential, their native gene expression traits were lost after in vitro culture. This study implicates native bone-resident MSCs in subchondral bone sclerosis in late-stage hip OA. It defines the CD271+CD56+ osteogenically-committed MSC subset that has bone-lining topography and therefore the closest proximity to bone formation sites. Novel MSC subsets may represent future therapeutic targets for OA and other bone associated pathologies

    PocketMix. Monedero virtual para almacenar tus tarjetas de puntos

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como finalidad la creación de una aplicación móvil enfocada a plataformas Android que permita el escaneo y guardado de todas nuestras tarjetas de fidelización de distintos comercios. El usuario cuenta con una herramienta intuitiva y simple que facilite todo lo posible este proceso para poder disponer de su monedero virtual. El objetivo de este proyecto se basa simplificar y agilizar la experiencia del usuario en cuanto a la utilización vía móvil de las tarjetas de puntos de las que disponga mediante su inserción y agrupación en una misma aplicación, empleable en cualquier establecimiento, cuya creación vamos a exponer.Grado en Ingeniería Informática de Servicios y Aplicacione
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