86 research outputs found

    On higher Gauss maps

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    We prove that the general fibre of the ii-th Gauss map has dimension mm if and only if at the general point the (i+1)(i+1)-th fundamental form consists of cones with vertex a fixed Pm−1\mathbb P^{m-1}, extending a known theorem for the usual Gauss map. We prove this via a recursive formula for expressing higher fundamental forms. We also show some consequences of these results.Comment: 12 pages, AMS-LaTeX; to appear in the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebr

    Togliatti systems

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    We find some examples in P 5 (C) of surfaces satisfying Laplace equations. In particular, we study rational surfaces in P 5 (C) whose hyperplane sections have genus one that satisfy a Laplace equation. Then we study monomial Togliatti systems of cubics for variety of dimension three, i.e. we find all the monomial examples of three-folds satisfying Laplace equations

    On the Hilbert vector of the Jacobian module of a plane curve

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    We identify several classes of curves C:f=0C:f=0, for which the Hilbert vector of the Jacobian module N(f)N(f) can be completely determined, namely the 3-syzygy curves, the maximal Tjurina curves and the nodal curves, having only rational irreducible components. A result due to Hartshorne, on the cohomology of some rank 2 vector bundles on P2\mathbb{P}^2, is used to get a sharp lower bound for the initial degree of the Jacobian module N(f)N(f), under a semistability condition.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Portugaliae Mathematic

    Geometry of syzygies via Poncelet varieties

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    We consider the Grassmannian Gr(k,n)\mathbb{G}r(k,n) of (k+1)(k+1)-dimensional linear subspaces of V_n=H^0({\P^1},\O_{\P^1}(n)). We define Xk,r,d\frak{X}_{k,r,d} as the classifying space of the kk-dimensional linear systems of degree nn on ¶1\P^1 whose basis realize a fixed number of polynomial relations of fixed degree, say a fixed number of syzygies of a certain degree. The first result of this paper is the computation of the dimension of Xk,r,d\frak{X}_{k,r,d}. In the second part we make a link between Xk,r,d\frak{X}_{k,r,d} and the Poncelet varieties. In particular, we prove that the existence of linear syzygies implies the existence of singularities on the Poncelet varieties

    Singular hypersurfaces characterizing the Lefschetz properties

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    In the paper untitled "Laplace equations and the Weak Lefschetz Property" the authors highlight the link between rational varieties satisfying a Laplace equation and artinian ideals that fail the Weak Lefschetz property. Continuing their work we extend this link to the more general situation of artinian ideals failing the Strong Lefschetz Property. We characterize the failure of SLP (that includes WLP) by the existence of special singular hypersurfaces (cones for WLP). This characterization allows us to solve three problems posed by Migliore and Nagel and to give new examples of ideals failing the SLP. Finally, line arrangements are related to artinian ideals and the unstability of the associated derivation bundle is linked with the failure of SLP. Moreover we reformulate the so-called Terao's conjecture for free line arrangements in terms of artinian ideals failing the SLP

    Lefschetz Properties for Higher Order Nagata Idealizations

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    We study a generalization of Nagata idealization for level algebras. These algebras are standard graded Artinian algebras whose Macaulay dual generator is given explicity as a bigraded polynomial of bidegree (1,d)(1,d). We consider the algebra associated to polynomials of the same type of bidegree (d1,d2)(d_1,d_2). We prove that the geometry of the Nagata hypersurface of order ee is very similar to the geometry of the original hypersurface. We study the Lefschetz properties for Nagata idealizations of order ee, proving that WLP holds if d1≥d2d_1\geq d_2. We give a complete description of the associated algebra in the monomial square free case.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Advances in Applied Mathematic

    Newton's lemma for differential equations

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    The Newton method for plane algebraic curves is based on the following remark: the first term of a series, root of a polynomial with coefficients in the ring of series in one variable, is a solution of an initial equation that can be determined by the Newton polygon. Given a monomial ordering in the ring of polynomials in several variables, we describe the systems of initial equations that satisfy the first terms of the solutions of a system of partial differential equations. As a consequence, we extend Mora and Robbiano’s Groebner fan to differential ideals

    On the duals of smooth projective complex hypersurfaces

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    We show in this note that a generic hypersurface VV of degree d≥3d\geq 3 in the complex projective space Pn \mathbb{P}^n of dimension n≥3n \geq 3 has at least one hyperplane section V∩HV \cap H containing exactly nn ordinary double points, alias A1A_1 singularities, in general position, and no other singularities. Equivalently, the dual hypersurface V∨V^{\vee} has at least one normal crossing singularity of multiplicity nn. Using this result, we show that the dual of any smooth hypersurface with n,d≥3n,d \geq 3 has at least a very singular point qq, in particular a point qq of multiplicity ≥n\geq n.Comment: v2. Theorem 1.4 is new and says something about the dual of any smooth hypersurface. Hence the slight change in the name of the paper. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2202.0223
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