58 research outputs found

    National Rural Employment Guarantee as Social Protection

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    This article is an attempt to highlight issues around the implementation of NREGA with a focus on its institutions, governance and innovations. The main proposition considered is that institutions and governance play an important role in determining the functioning of NREGA, and the trajectory of its success. The attempt is to identify the conditions for success (or failure) in the process, to draw lessons for mid?course corrections to the programme. This includes examining political, administrative and bureaucratic dynamics that may ensure better realisation of the ‘right to work’. Based on a field study in three Indian states, it was found that differential impacts and achievements of the NREGA are related to variations in the commitment of local leadership, levels of institutional preparedness and governance capacities. The experience of these states offers certain insights which may help improve implementation policy of the NREGA

    Policy debate on minimum wages : report on a Panel Discussion at the Indian Society of Labour Economics, 57th Annual Conference, Srinagar; project paper H (g)

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    The main presentation for the panel DISCUSSION was key findings from the working paper published under the Labour Market Inequality (LMI) project, with simulations on the issues of coverage and compliance of minimum wages, particularly in India, along with international comparisons. There is wide agreement that earnings of people working full-time should be sufficient to cover at least basic needs. Recent research shows that minimum wages contribute to the reduction of poverty and inequality by increasing the incomes of those covered by legislation, with little or no adverse effects on employment

    LĂ€rarlegitimation och andra auktorisationssystem – Likheter, skillnader och skĂ€len dĂ€rtill

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    Den hĂ€r texten behandlar auktorisationsregler, med ett sĂ€rskilt fokus pĂ„ lĂ€rarlegitimationer. Det huvudsakliga syftet Ă€r att avgöra om utformandet av lĂ€rarlegitimationsreformen var det riktiga för att uppnĂ„ syftet med reformen, men texten fungerar Ă€ven som en sammanstĂ€llning av gĂ€llande rĂ€tt. Det Ă€r sĂ€rskilt viktigt för lĂ€rarlegitimationer, dĂ€r reglerna aldrig satts i nĂ„got sammanhang. De auktorisationssystemen som granskas Ă€r de för advokater, revisorer, lĂ€kare och fastighetsmĂ€klare. Metoden bygger pĂ„ att jĂ€mföra tre omrĂ„den för varje auktorisation. Det rör sig om vilka krav som stĂ€lls för att bli auktoriserad, vilka hĂ€ndelser som kan leda till Ă„terkallelse och andra disciplinĂ„tgĂ€rder samt vilka förfaranderegler som finns för processen. Baserat pĂ„ de skillnader som finns i regleringarna avgörs sedan om de val som gjordes kring lĂ€rarlegitimation var de rĂ€tta. LĂ€rarlegitimation Ă€r ett krav för att lĂ€rare ska fĂ„ undervisa och sĂ€tta betyg, och bara legitimerade lĂ€rare kan tillsvidareanstĂ€llas. För att bli legitimerad krĂ€vs en behörighetsberĂ€ttigande examen, samt att inga av Ă„terkallelsegrunderna föreligger vid ansökningstillfĂ€llet. De disciplinĂ„tgĂ€rder som anvĂ€nds för lĂ€rare Ă€r varning och Ă„terkallelse. PĂ„följd kan utdömas vid förtroendepĂ„verkande brottslighet, vid oskicklighet i yrkesutövningen, nĂ€r en lĂ€rare Ă€r olĂ€mplig och vid sjukdom som omöjliggör undervisning. Skolinspektionen driver Ă€renden i LĂ€rarnas ansvarsnĂ€mnd, vars beslut kan överklagas av lĂ€raren och skolinspektionen. LĂ€kare har ett auktorisationssystem som liknar lĂ€rares, och Ă€r till stor grad förlagan till det senare. Legitimerade lĂ€kare mĂ„ste dock genomgĂ„ en introduktionsperiod, den sĂ„ kallade AT-tjĂ€nsten. Återkallelsegrunderna Ă€r likadana, men pĂ„följderna istĂ€llet Ă„terkallelse och prövotid, dĂ€r det senare Ă€r en sĂ€rskild pĂ„följd i vĂ„rdyrkena, dĂ€r den legitimerade Ă„lĂ€ggs att följa en prövotidsplan. Revisorer, fastighetsmĂ€klare och advokater har sinsemellan liknande regleringar. Till stor del utgĂ„r bedömning kring disciplinĂ„tgĂ€rder frĂ„n god sed i respektive yrke. Det finns inte specifika Ă„terkallelsegrunder, utan snarare en allmĂ€n lĂ€mplighetsprövning som delvis tar hĂ€nsyn till brottslighet. Ekonomisk lĂ€mplighet Ă€r central i bedömningen. De tre yrkesgrupperna anvĂ€nder Ă„terkallelse, varning och erinran. För advokater finns Ă€ven en straffavgift och ett uttalande som möjliga pĂ„följder. Advokaters disciplinverksamhet skiljer sig nĂ„got i att Advokatsamfundet inte Ă€r en myndighet, men det har liten praktiskt verkan. Till stor del kan de skillnader som finns i regleringarna motiveras med att lĂ€raryrket Ă€r annorlunda, sĂ€rskilt vad gĂ€ller ekonomiska frĂ„gor. LĂ€kare ligger nĂ€rmare lĂ€rare Ă€n nĂ„got annat auktorisationsyrke, och det Ă€r dĂ€rmed logiskt att utgĂ„ ifrĂ„n dess reglering. Vissa beslut som gjordes kan i mitt tycke ifrĂ„gasĂ€ttas, frĂ€mst valet av Ă„terkallelsegrunder och slopandet av introduktionsperioden för nyutexaminerade lĂ€rare, men överlag Ă€r reformen utformad pĂ„ ett effektivt sĂ€tt. Alternativen Ă€r inte garanterade att vara bĂ€ttre, och det finns exempel pĂ„ liknande lösningar som fungerar vĂ€l i andra yrken.This text is a treatment on occupational licensing, with a focus on certification for teachers. The main purpose is to determine if the format used when the certification was implemented in 2011 was the right way to accomplish the purpose of the reform. The text also works as a summary of applicable law, which is important regarding teachers, since it has never been done before. The examined occupations are accountants, physicians, real estate agents and lawyers (Advokater). The method of the text is to compare three areas for each occupation. Firstly: the requirements to become licensed. Secondly: the situations which could lead to revocation and other disciplinary actions. Thirdly: the rules of procedure during cases. Based on the differences between the regulations, the choices that were made for teachers will be examined. Teachers need to be certified to teach and grade students, and only certified teachers can be employed until further notice (TillsvidareanstĂ€llda). To become certified, a teacher needs an appropriate academic degree. Also, none of the situations which may lead to a revoked certificate can be in effect. The possible disciplinary actions for teachers are withdrawal or a warning, which can be used in cases where teachers have committed crimes, are unskilled or unsuitable for the occupation or a disease makes teaching impossible. The Swedish Schools Inspectorate handles the process in the Teachers' Disciplinary Board, whose decisions can be appealed by the affected teacher or the Inspectorate. Physicians operate under a similar system of licensing as teachers, which was used as a model for the latter. However, to become licensed, physicians need to complete an introductory period. The grounds of withdrawal are the same as for teachers, but the penalties are withdrawal and a period of probation, during which the physician can be obliged to follow a certain plan to improve their performance. Accountants, real estate agents and lawyers have similar regulations between themselves. To a large degree, decisions regarding disciplinary actions are based on sound practice in each occupation. They lack specific grounds for revocation, and instead use a wider assessment of suitability that partially considers crimes committed. Economic suitability is especially important compared to teachers and physicians. All three use revocation, warnings and admonition. For lawyers, there are also financial penalties and the less severe statement. The disciplinary process of lawyers also differs slightly in that The Swedish Bar Association, which is not a government agency, is responsible for it. For the most part, the differences that exist in the regulations can be explained by that the teaching profession is unlike the others, especially in economic matters. A physician’s role is closer to that of the teacher, and it’s reasonable to make the regulations similar. Some decisions that were made can be questioned, primarily the choice of penalties and the abolishment of the introductory period for new teachers, but overall the reform was designed efficiently. The other options were not guaranteed to be better, and there are examples of similar solutions in other professions that work well

    Det folkrÀttsliga sjÀlvförsvarets utveckling: frÄn Navy Island till Kabul; frÄn stenmurar till brandvÀggar

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    This paper is about the right to self-defense, as an exception from the duty to refrain from use of force in international law. The purpose is to examine whether this right has changed from the time when the prohibition of force was implemented, and to explain why this is, or if there has been no change, why not. The text starts with examining the history of the prohibition of the use of force, from the ancient world to the founding of the UN, which constitutes the definitive end of the sovereign right to war. During most of our history, there have been some school of thought on when war is allowed, but not until the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 there was a prohibition worth mentioning. After that, article 2(4) of the UN charter will be interpreted, as it constitutes the foundation of the prohibition of the use of force. Throughout the paper, both doctrines on whether old customary law survived the signing of the UN charter or not will be taken into consideration, and different solutions will be presented when they do not reach the same conclusion. The next part consists of situations where self-defense might be possible, and the legality of those will be examined, using examples from the real world. The situations are defense against invasions, protection of nationals abroad, anti-terror operations on other states’ territory, defense against irregular troops crossing borders and defense against cyber warfare. The right to defense against invasions is unchanged, and defense against cyber warfare has been included in this category. Protecting nationals abroad is allowed if the old customary law remains, and the right to conduct anti-terror operations as well as defending against irregular forces is unclear. The US behavior during the war on terror and the rest of the world’s reaction has probably created some sort of customary law allowing it, but the extent is uncertain. In the analysis a certain degree of development will be noted, but it is slight, and mostly consists of new situations placed in old categories. Neither new treaty law, nor customary law, possibly with the exception of anti-terror operations, has come around since 1945. The UN most likely hinders the development of international law, for better or worse. Since states do not share the same interests, it follows logically that they will try to take the international law in different directions, and since consensus is, more or less, necessary for the creation of international law, new rules will be created slowly. That, in turn, means running the risk that the legitimacy of the system will be hurt, if some states act outside the law

    Evaluating the Thermal Performance of Retrofitted Lightweight Green Roofs and Walls in Sydney and Rio de Janeiro

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    © 2017 The Authors. With increasing densification in urban settlements, environmental issues are a challenge in the sustainable development of all cities globally. Considering that the built environment releases almost half of the total greenhouse gas emissions, an effective solution to mitigating the impacts of increasing temperatures can be the improved performance of existing buildings. Furthermore 87% of the buildings we will have in 2050 are already built. Retrofitting roofs and walls with a living vegetated system such as green roofs and walls could be an upgrade option, increasing sustainable construction. The benefits are improved thermal performance but also improved air quality, stormwater attenuation, increased bio-diversity and lower heating and / or cooling energy consumption. No empirical data exists for Sydney and Rio de Janeiro and the question is; what is the extent of thermal improvement with retrofitted green walls and roof in timber framed and blockwork structures? This study analyses both effects and benefits of the green roofs and walls through an experiment in two countries: one in Sydney, Australia; a timber framed construction, and another one in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; with blockwork construction. This difference in the material choice was made according to the most common type of construction for housing in each country. In each site, the walls and the roof of one of the prototypes were covered with plants and compared to the performance of an unplanted but otherwise identical prototype. The thermal performance was analysed by observing the temperature variation simultaneously in a non-vegetated and vegetated structure. The initial findings show that the combination of green roof and green walls have a relevant role in temperature attenuation. These results indicate, that this lightweight retrofit green technology could not only represent an important advance on sustainable development, but can that it also lead to more comfortable internal conditions for humans living in dense urban environments

    FörstelÀrarreformen och nÀrbyrÄkraterna; om tjÀnstemannaperspektiv vid implementering av reformer

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    Syftet med den hÀr uppsatsen Àr att belysa tjÀnstemannaperspektivet vid reformer, med sÀrskild betoning pÄ nÀrbyrÄkratiperspektivet och förutsÀttningarna för en lyckad implementering. För att göra detta granskar vi förstelÀrarreformen, med en fallstudie av implementeringen i Malmö kommun. Vi arbetar utifrÄn en övergripande frÄgestÀllning om hur reformer förstÄs ur tjÀnstemannaperspektiv, och tvÄ mer specifika dÀr den första berör svÄrigheter i implementering och den andra vilken möjlighet tjÀnstemÀn har att pÄverka reformen genom sitt handlingsutrymme. Teoribildningen utgÄr ifrÄn Michael Lipskys syn pÄ nÀrbyrÄkrati. Lipsky menade att lÀrare Àr ett typfall av nÀrbyrÄkrater, och dÀrför bör det vara en bra utgÄngspunkt. För att kunna förstÄ den problematik som gestaltar sig i byrÄkratier med inslag av nÀrbyrÄkrati, krÀvs att analysen sker ifrÄn ett bottom-up-perspektiv för att fÄnga de nyanser som pÄverkar hur en implementering genomförs. Vi har valt att Àven anvÀnda Lennart Lundquists modell för en lyckad implementering, som bygger pÄ att tre kriterier Àr uppfyllda: De som implementerar en reform mÄste 1) FörstÄ reformen 2) Kunna implementera reformen och 3) Vilja implementera reformen. FörstelÀrarreformen genomfördes i syfte att höja kvalitén i den svenska skolan, ta tillvara pÄ lÀrares kompetens och erbjuda en karriÀrsutveckling för lÀrare, och dÀrmed öka yrkets attraktivitet. Reformen inleddes 2013, och gÄr ut pÄ att en lÀrare anstÀlls med ett utökat uppdrag att Àgna sig Ät skolutveckling, och Àven fÄr löneökning om minst 5000. Den ökade kostnaden finansieras med statsbidrag. Vi har genomfört intervjuer med en lÀrare och tvÄ förstelÀrare pÄ tre olika skolor i Malmö. Skolorna Àr sinsemellan av olika karaktÀr för att göra studien bredare. Vi fann att reformen prÀglas av ganska oklar styrning, bÄde frÄn stat, kommun och skolledning. FörstelÀrararna har dÀrmed stora möjligheter att pÄverka sina arbetsuppgifter, vilket medför bÄde möjligheter och utmaningar. Malmö har valt att nedsÀtta undervisningstiden för sina förstelÀrare, vilket verkar vara viktigt, dÄ samtliga lÀrare menar att tjÀnsten vore omöjlig att genomföra utan att extra tid avsÀtts. Noterbart Àr att detta inte krÀvdes i reformen, utan Àr en frivillig ÄtgÀrd frÄn kommunen, som ocksÄ innebÀr kostnader som inte ersÀtts med statsbidrag. I analysdelen finner vi att vi fÄr för stöd för Lundquists modell. Mycket talar för att de tre stegen avgör om en reform som förstelÀrarreformen ska bli framgÄngsrik. Oklara instruktioner skapar vissa problem i implementeringen, men det Àr inte sÄ oklart att reformen inte fungerar. TÀnkbara problem Àr oklarhet bland kollegor vad förstelÀrare gör, och Àven för förstelÀrarna sjÀlva hur de ska utforma sina arbetsuppgifter. Lipskys teori om handlingsutrymme fÄr stöd i att alla lÀrare upplever att de har stor frihet att sjÀlva utforma sina arbetsuppgifter. Vad gÀller resursbristen leder nedsÀttningen i undervisningen till att det inte rÄder nÄgon direkt brist pÄ tid, i vart fall inte i större grad Àn för lÀrare i allmÀnhet. Samtidigt visar behovet av tidsnedsÀttning att tillrÀckliga resurser krÀvs för en reform. Vi har genom att besvara vÄra frÄgestÀllningar visat hur ett tjÀnstemannaperspektiv kan förklara hur reformer implementeras. I enlighet med bottom-up-perspektivet har vi pÄvisat hur de egenskaper som lyfts fram i de teorier vi anvÀnder kan förklara hur implementering formas av individuella tjÀnstemÀn

    Extending and institutionalising social protection in Asia : a regional policy-research and network building program; report

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    Social Protection in Asia (SPA) research contributes to networking activities among Asian institutions working on Social Protection, leading to future collaborations within a strong regional network for research and policy advocacy, and helping develop an institutional presence that can engage in policy dialogue and advocacy with national governments and international institutions. This paper reviews activities, conferences, research and other outputs during the reporting period

    Measurement of higher-order harmonic azimuthal anisotropy in PbPb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

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    Measurements are presented by the CMS Collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of the higher-order harmonic coefficients that describe the azimuthal anisotropy of charged particles emitted in root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV PbPb collisions. Expressed in terms of the Fourier components of the azimuthal distribution, the n = 3-6 harmonic coefficients are presented for charged particles as a function of their transverse momentum (0.3 < p(T) < 8.0 GeV/c), collision centrality (0%-70%), and pseudorapidity (|eta| < 2.0). The data are analyzed using the event plane, multiparticle cumulant, and Lee-Yang zeros methods, which provide different sensitivities to initial-state fluctuations. Taken together with earlier LHC measurements of elliptic flow (n = 2), the results on higher-order harmonic coefficients develop a more complete picture of the collective motion in high-energy heavy-ion collisions and shed light on the properties of the produced medium

    “Cooperative learning  and outdoor learning should just get married!” : - A study on teachers' perceptions of outdoor learning in interaction with cooperative learning and how it can affect pupils' development in years 4-6

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    Syftet med undersökningen var att undersöka vilka effekter lÀrare anser kooperativt lÀrande i samband med utomhuspedagogik kan ha pÄ elevers lÀrande, vilka förutsÀttningar som krÀvs för att kunna implementera det i undervisningen samt pÄ vilket sÀtt de tvÄ metoderna kan samspela. Studien fokuserade pÄ lÀrande i Ärskurs 4-6.  Den metod som anvÀndes var analys av kvalitativa intervjuer med lÀrare. Kriterier för urval av respondenter var legitimerade lÀrare som arbetar i Ärskurs 4-6 och var behöriga i NO. Resultaten i studien stÀmmer överens med tidigare forskning och visar att lÀrare anser att utomhuspedagogik har positiva effekter pÄ elevers lÀrande och förbÀttrar elevers samarbetsförmÄga. De förutsÀttningar som lÀrare ansÄg vara avgörande för att kunna arbeta med utomhuspedagogik var: tydligt ledarskap och resurser i form av tid, personal och eventuellt transportmöjligheter. Studien visar att en kombination av utomhuspedagogik och de strukturer som finns i det kooperativa lÀrandet skulle kunna kombineras för att ytterligare stödja lÀrande
