1,629 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Program Rehabilitasi Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Menekuni Keterampilan Bagi Peserta Didik di UPT Rehabilitasi Sosial Tuna Susila Kota Kediri

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    ABSTRACT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAMME OF REHABILITATION IN IMPROVING THE MOTIVATION OF ACQUIRING SKILLS FOR LEARNERS IN A SOCIAL REHABILITATION UPT SLUTTISH KEDIRI The rehabilitation program is an activity that is systematically arranged and planned to recover and develop the ability of a person who experienced social dysfunction in order to perform their social function appropriately in society. The purpose of the implementation of the program of rehabilitation is to regain a sense of self-esteem, self confidence, willingness, ability, awareness and responsibility for future self, family, community or social environment. The purpose of this research was based on the formulation of a problem is to figure out the implementation of the rehabilitation program, constraints and supporting factor in the implementation of the rehabilitation program. In the implementation of the rehabilitation program, viewed from the specified indicators including: learners, learning resources, tutors, a place to learn, learning tools, learning fund, yeast study, learning activities program and learning outcomes. From these indicators, the researchers can see the implementation of the rehabilitation programs provided to students, so that the rehabilitation programs there can provide knowledge and insight to the students. This study used a qualitative approach. The subjects in this study include managers, instructors or social workers and students (WTS). Data collection techniques used were interviews, participant observation and documentation. The collected data were then analyzed by step data reduction, data display, as well as verification and summary. After that tested the value of truth with credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability. The results of the study obtained three conclusions. First, the implementation of rehabilitation programs given by UPT to learners meets the procedures that have been determined and done goodly. The activity programs which is given by UPT provide many benefits. These programs such as: social guidance, mental guidance, physical assistance and guidance skills. Second, there are some cases that become the obstacles in the implementation of rehabilitation program in UPT. These problems are derived from the learners, age factor and physical condition, education factors, limited infrastructure facilities and the allocation of time. Third, supporting factor, in the implementation of rehabilitation programs supporting factors are the fund. Funds provided are funds used to improve and develop programs that exist in UPT, The funding comes from the government and the private sector , with the funds , the rehabilitation program can run well so that learners are motivated to always follow each programs activities in the institution. Keyword: Implementation of the Program of Rehabilitation, Motivation ABSTRAK PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM REHABILITASI DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI MENEKUNI KETERAMPILAN BAGI PESERTA DIDIK DI UPT REHABILITASI SOSIAL TUNA SUSILA KOTA KEDIRI Program rehabilitasi merupakan suatu kegiatan yang disusun secara sistematis dan terencana untuk memulihkan dan mengembangkan kemampuan seseorang yang mengalami disfungsi sosial agar dapat melaksanakan fungsi sosialnya secara wajar didalam masyarakat. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan program rehabilitasi adalah untuk memulihkan kembali rasa harga diri, percaya diri, kemauan, kemampuan, kesadaran serta tanggungjawab terhadap masa depan diri, keluarga, masyarakat atau lingkungan sosialnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini berdasarkan rumusan masalah yaitu untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan program rehabilitasi, kendala-kendala serta faktor pendukung dalam pelaksanaan program rehabilitasi. Dalam pelaksanaan program rehabilitasi, melihat dari indikator yang telah ditentukan diantaranya yaitu : warga belajar, sumber belajar, pamong belajar, tempat belajar, sarana belajar, dana belajar, ragi belajar, program kegiatan belajar dan hasil belajar. Dari indikator-indikator tersebut, maka peneliti dapat melihat pelaksanaan program rehabilitasi yang diberikan kepada peserta didik, sehingga program-program rehabilitasi yang ada dapat memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan kepada peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif.Subyek dalam penelitian ini yakni pengelola, instruktur atau pekerja sosial dan peserta didik (WTS). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipan dan dokumentasi. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan langkah reduksi data, display data, serta verifikasi dan simpulan. Setelah itu diuji nilai kebenarannya dengan kredibilitas, dependabilitas, konfirmabilitas dan transferabilitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa didapatkan tiga kesimpulan. Pertama, Dalam pelaksanaan program rehabilitasi yang diberikan oleh UPT kepada peserta didik telah memenuhi prosedur-prosedur yang telah ditentukan dan dilakukan dengan baik. Program-program kegiatan yang diberikan oleh UPT memberikan banyak manfaat. Program-program tersebut diantaranya yaitu: bimbingan sosial, bimbingan mental, bimbingan fisik, serta bimbingan keterampilan. Kedua, Ada beberapa yang menjadi kendala dalam pelaksanaan program rehabilitasi di UPT. Kendala-kendala tersebut berasal dari peserta didik, faktor usia dan kondisi fisik, faktor pendidikan, terbatasnya sarana prasarana dan alokasi waktu. Ketiga, faktor pendukung, dalam pelaksanaan program rehabilitasi yang menjadi faktor pendukung adalah dana. Dana yang diberikan adalah dana yang digunakan untukmeningkatkan dan mengembangkan program-program yang ada di UPT, dana tersebut berasal dari pemerintah dan pihak swasta, dengan adanya dana, maka program rehabilitasi dapat berjalan dengan baik sehingga peserta didik termotivasi untuk selalu mengikuti setiap program-program kegiatan yang ada dilembaga. Kata Kunci : Pelaksanaan Program Rehabilitasi, Motivas

    Social mapping for a popular economic improvement in an industrial area

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    This research on mapping and urgency of handling of social problems in industrial area in Indonesia aims to determine the geographical, demographic, psychographic, economic and socio-cultural conditions as well as the urgency of handling social problems. The study used 120 respondents consisted of 20 respondents for each of 6 urban villages (3 coastal areas and 3 non coastal areas). Data analysis was conducted used descriptive and the analysis of SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis. SWOT matrix has been largely used as a strategic planning tool used to identify the internal and external conditions. This tool is also useful for mapping project planning and business competition. The study was conducted in Gresik industrial are, one of the largest industrial areas in Indonesia. The general condition of respondent living environment includes the land altitude between 3-4 meters from sea level, rarely rain, lowland, and hot weather, densely populated with female population almost equal to men. The results also show that the community actively learn and carry out religious activities adopted by the facilities and infrastructure of religious worship that has been good and complete; most of the conditions of the region have not supported the welfare of the population and regional development. In terms of leadership, village heads have a big influence and high role for society. In the context of weakness and threats, each region has urgency handling different problems but the main problem that must be handled is the environment, lack of development of SMEs, and facilities and infrastructure that have not been adequate.peer-reviewe


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    This essay examines the effects of a we can\u27t theatre culture as experienced by the author. I detail my experiments in discerning and enacting a we can way of doing theatre amidst a creative environment punctuated by unkept promises. My account examines two main unkept promises or we can moments: we can write didactic drama and we can produce your play that way

    Functional, degradable polyester materials synthesized from poly(epsilon-caprolactone-co-2-oxepane-1,5-dione): An investigation into the derivatization, self assembly, and degradation behavior of poly(epsilon-caprolactone)-based materials

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    Biocompatible, degradable polymers possessing a high degree of complexity are an extremely desirable target for many applications. In order to further develop the range and utility of materials made from aliphatic polyesters, poly(epsilon-caprolactone-co-2-oxepane-1,5-dione) (P(CL-co-OPD)) was used as a polymeric precursor for the construction of a series of functional polyester-based materials. By taking advantage of the electrophilic ketone moieties characteristic of the OPD repeat unit, small molecule and polymer grafts were attached to the PCL backbone through the formation of both hydrazone and ketoxime ether linkages. This work has focused on both the synthesis and characterization of functional, degradable polyesters, including amphiphilic block graft copolymers, that possess significant potential for future use in diagnostic and therapeutic applications. A dansyl-functionalized poly(epsilon-caprolactone) was synthesized by reacting (P(CL-co-OPD) with dansyl hydrazine. The resulting dansylated-PCL displayed interesting fluorescence behavior and showed solvent polarity dependance as the fluorescence emission maxima shifted from 494 nm in toluene to 526 nm in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Analysis of the emission maximum of the dansyl-grafted polymer and a dansyl-functionalized small molecule analog with respect to three different solvent polarity parameters indicated that the fluorescence emission spectra of the dansylated polymer was influenced by solvent polarity, but that the dansyl fluorophore was overall less sensitive to the surrounding medium when grafted onto the polyester backbone. Degradable, amphiphilic graft copolymers of poly(epsilon-caprolactone)-graft-poly(ethylene oxide), PCL-g-PEO, were synthesized via a grafting onto strategy taking advantage of the ketones presented along the backbone of the statistical copolymer (PCL-co-OPD). Through the formation of stable ketoxime ether linkages, 3 kDa poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) grafts and p-methoxybenzyl (pMeOBn) side chains were incorporated onto the polyester backbone with a high degree of fidelity and efficiency, as verified by NMR spectroscopy and GPC analysis (90% grafting efficiency in some cases). The resulting block graft copolymers displayed significant thermal differences, specifically a depression in the observed melting transition temperature, Tm, in comparison to the parent PCL and PEO polymers. These amphiphilic block graft copolymers underwent self assembly in aqueous solution with the P(CL-co-OPD-co-(OPD-g-PEO)) polymer forming globular micelles and a P(CL-co-OPD-co-(OPD-g-PEO)-co-(OPD-g-pMeOBn)) forming cylindrical or rod-like micelles, as observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). PCL-g-PEO copolymers synthesized from PCL-co-OPD that still contained free OPD units were found to undergo an early and rapid degradation upon being dispersed in aqueous solution. P(CL92-co-OPD5-co-(OPD-g-PEO)9) showed immediate signs of degradation upon being dispersed in aqueous solution based upon both 1H NMR spectroscopy and gel permeation chromatography (GPC) analysis. The solution state aggregates showed a minimal increase in aggregate size moving from a number-averaged hydrodynamic diameter (Dh) of 13 ± 3 nm at 0 h to 17 ± 3 nm at 24 h based upon analysis by dynamic light scattering (DLS). An increase in diameter upon degradation was corroborated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images showing circular particles that had a Dav of 15 ± 4 nm and 22 ± 5 nm at 0 and 24 h respectively. P(CL92-co-(OPD-g-PEO)8-co-(OPD-g-pMeOBn)6), a polyester having no free OPD units, showed no signs of rapid degradation over 24 h by 1H NMR or GPC analysis. Characterization of the solution state aggregates by DLS and TEM indicated that the circular particles formed by the PCL-g-PEO copolymer maintained both their size and morphology while being dispersed in aqueous solution for 24 h. P(CL327-co-OPD22-co-(OPD-g-PEO)15-co-(OPD-g-pMeOBn)8), a significantly larger PCL-PEO ketoxime ether conjugate possessing free OPD units, also showed signs of backbone degradation by 1H NMR and GPC upon being transitioned into aqueous solution. DLS analysis, of the solution state aggregates formed by this amphiphilic block graft copolymer showed no substantial changes in the hydrodynamic diameter over time. However, characterization by TEM showed a transition from circular to rod-like or cylindrical aggregates as hydrolysis occurred

    Feature,nilai, Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pelangan

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    The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of the features of the value, satisfaction, and customer loyalty; the effect on the value of customer satisfaction and loyalty; influence of satisfaction on customer loyalty. A total of 200 merchant PT. BANK XYZ as respondents was selected randomly. Analyses were performed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The analysis showed that the feature has a significant influence on customer value, but not for customer satisfaction and loyalty. The values has a significant influence on satisfaction, but not on customer loyalty. Satisfaction has a significant influence on customer loyalty. Discussion and conclusions described in the article. Keywords: features of the value, satisfaction, customer loyalt

    Desain manajemen risiko berbasis ISO 31000 pada PDAM tirta meulaboh

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    Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Meulaboh merupakan satu-satunya badan usaha milik Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Barat yang menyediakan air bersih bagi warga Aceh Barat, khususnya penduduk Kota Meulaboh dan sekitarnya. Namun dalam operasionalnya perusahaan ini belum memiliki sistem manajemen risiko, sehingga berdampak pada kelangsungan hidup perusahaan dan belum optimalnya pelayanan kepada pelanggan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk  mengidentifikasi risiko, analisis risiko dan evaluasi risiko, agar dapat dilakukan pencegahan dan penanggulangan dampak risiko pada setiap bagian  di  PDAM Tirta Meulaboh dengan menggunakan sistem manajemen risiko berstandar ISO 31000. Tahapan proses manajemen risiko mengacu pada ISO 31000, dimulai dari identifikasi risiko dengan metode Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS), analisis risiko dengan menggunakan matriks kuantifikasi risiko dan Risk Priority Number (RPN), serta evaluasi risiko dengan menggunakan peta risiko (risk map). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada PDAM Tirta Meulaboh terdapat 43 peristiwa risiko yang mempunyai potensi bahaya, yang jika tidak dilakukan penanganan dengan segera dapat mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan, bahkan kelangsungan hidup perusahaan. Dari 43 potensi risiko yang masuk zona merah tersebut, terdapat 5 potensi risiko yang menempati rangking pertama, yaitu pada bagian produksi: water meter produksi rusak, water meter distribusi rusak dan pengambilan air mobil tangki tanpa melalui water meter. Cabang Kaway XVI: pelanggan enggan membayar tagihan air serta pada IKK Rantau Panjang: water meter air baku rusak. Upaya mitigasi terhadap 43 peristiwa risiko yang masuk dalam zona merah tersebut belum direncanakan dan dilakukan dengan baik oleh pihak manajemen PDAM Tirta Meulaboh