1,337 research outputs found


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    Fish in the river are mubahah goods that do not belong to anyone so that everyone can have them perfectly (milk at-tamm) by hunting them (ishthiyad). However, in  the lubuk larangan case, local villagers forbade people from anywhere to hunt fish at that location, with any fishing gear, for a certain period. They also release fish seeds there and then ask for some payment when harvesting the forbidden river for those who want to hunt fish. This article aims to describe the problems in the lubuk larangan case related to the practice of muamalah jurisprudence using qualitative methods with a fiqh-empirical approach. The results invite us to discuss how the fiqh of muamalah reviews the prohibition on hunting fish in the lubuk larangan area, the release of fish seeds in the prohibition area and their ownership status, and the transaction costs of fish hunting in the lubuk larangan area

    Pemanfaatan Media Gambar Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran IPS Kelas IV SD Inpres Salabenda

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    Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SD Inpres Salabnda. Ada beberapa Faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya hasil belajar siswa, Guru kadang-kadang kurang menyadari bahwa siswa SD pola berpikirnya masih bersifat konkrit atau nyata. Guru kelas IV lebih sering menggunakan metode ceramah, tugas kelompok dan tidak perna menggunakan media dalam pembelajaran, sehingga siswa tidak terlibat aktif dalam pembelajaran. Melihat Kenyataan tersebut di butuhkan suatu USAha untuk meningkatkan keaktifan siswa. Salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan media gambar yang tepat dalam pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial.Penelitian ini difokuskan pada masalah, Apakah pemanfaatan media gambar dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SD Inpres Salabenda? Rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas ini mengikuti model Kurt Lewin yang dilakukan dalam dua siklus, dengan setip siklus melalui 4 tahap yaitu: (1) perencanaan, (2) Pelaksanaan Tindakan, (3) Obserpasi, (4) Refleksi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas IV SD Inpres Salabenda tahun pelajaran 2013-2014. Subyek penelitian adalah 10 orang siswa.Data dikumpul melalui lembar observasi, tes hasil tindakan diolah menggunakan pengolahan analisa kualitatif. Rumus hipotesis dalam penelitian ini Pemanfaatan Media Gambar pada siswa kelas IV SD Inpres Salabenda dapat ditingkatkan melalui media gambar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis tindakan dapat diterima, dimana indikator kinerja yang ditetapkan baik ketuntasan individu (65%) maupun klasikal (70%) telah tercapai dimana prosentase hasil penelitian pada siklus dua diperoleh ketuntasan individu (80%) dan ketuntasan secara klasikal diperoleh (80%)

    Mechanical Behavior of Various Orthodontic Retraction Springs

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    Retraction spring is a type of orthodontic apparatus that is used to move a tooth with respect to another by utilizing its spring back effect. It is made of metallic wire formed to individual orthodontic cases. A specific geometry results in a set of force system, consisting of forces and moments, that provides specific movement effect when it is pre-activated to the adjacent teeth. Currently, orthodontists select its geometry depending on their knowledge and experience. It is based on separate and less-than-comprehensive literatures that not all orthodontists have access to. It may result in inaccuracies in treating individual tooth retraction case. Engineering approach to estimating retraction spring structural behavior is proposed through analytical, numerical and empirical methods. Castigliano method is used as the analytical approach, whilst finite element method is used as the numerical approach. The two simulation approaches were compared to the experiments to obtain the best simulation model. The behavior of the simulation models agree well with those of experiments. Hence, the simulation models were used to simulate a large number of geometries to form database of structural behavior of retraction spring that could be used in the geometry selection by orthodontists

    Kinerja Mesin Motor 4 Langkah dengan Bahan Bakar Campuran Bioetanol dan Pertamax

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    The availability of fossil fuels as an energy source is increasingly limited, so there is a need for new energy sources as environmentally friendly alternatives, one of which is bioethanol. Bioethanol is a type of biofuel sourced from living matter, usually plants with the chemical formula C2H5OH and the empirical formula C2H5O with an octane number of 108. One of the benefits of bioethanol for fuel mixtures is due to the higher octane value, flammability, heat of vaporization and higher oxygen content lowers cylinder temperature thereby reducing NOx emissions and producing less CO2. This study aims to evaluate the performance of a 4 stroke engine by comparing the use of Pertamax and bioethanol mixtures of fuel with a composition of 25%, 20%, and O% bioethanol. The study used an experimental method where data was collected and then data processing and data analysis were carried out. The results obtained the highest power of 8.70 kW at 25% bioethanol at 6000 rpm, followed by 20% bioethanol and 100% Pertamax at 8.60 rpm with rotations of 6500 rpm and 7000 rpm respectively. The highest torque of 25% bioethanol is 13.80 Nm at 5500 rpm, followed by 3.10 Nm at 5000 rpm at 100% pertamax and 12.80 Nm at 5500 rpm with 20% bioethanol fuel. The lowest fuel consumption is 0.57 kg/kWh at 7000 rpm with 100% pertamax fuel, then 0.60 kg/kWh with 20% bioethanol fuel at 6500 rpm and 0.6 kg/kWh with 15% bioethanol fuel at 6000 rp


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    Objective: Pterygium is a fibrovascular growth encroaching from the conjunctiva into the cornea. This study deals with the comparison of conjunctival autograft and bare sclera technique as treatment options for pterygium. Methods: This study was done in the ophthalmology department of Saveetha Medical College, Thandalam, Chennai. A total of 100 patients were diagnosed of pterygium was taken for the study, out of which 60 patients were operated on with conjunctival autograft and 40 patients were operated with bare sclera technique. Patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus were excluded. Post-operative complications and recurrence were noted. All the patients were between the age group of 20-65 y. Results: The mean age of patients operated with conjunctival autograft was 43.6, whereas in bare sclera technique was 46.625. The maximum age was 63 and the minimum age was 23 in conjunctival autograft whereas in bare sclera technique, the maximum age was 64 and the minimum age was 22. The recurrence rate of pterygium in conjunctival autograft was 1 and the recurrence rate of pterygium in bare sclera technique was 4. Conclusion: The present study revealed that conjunctival autograft was a better treatment option compared to the bare sclera technique for excision of pterygiu

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Penerima Program Indonesia Pintar Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making

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    Program Indonesia Pintar( PIP) ialah perkembangan dari Penerima Bantuan Siswa Miskin (BSM) yang melingkupi anak didik dari tahapan pembelajaran SD atau MI, SMP atau MTs, SMA atau Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan(SMK) atau SMA, serta anak didik atau masyarakat berlatih di Pusat Aktivitas Berlatih( PKBM) atau instansi Bimbingan serta penataran pembibitan sampai anak umur sekolah semacam Gelandangan, pekerja anak, anak- anak yang terdapat di panti asuhan. Lewat Program Indonesia Pintar( PIP) ini diharapkan anak usia sekolah dari rumah- tangga atau keluarga miskin bisa menerus menuntut ilmu, tidak putus sekolah, serta di masa depan diharapkan mereka bisa memutuskan rantai kemiskinan yang dikala ini dirasakan ibu dan bapaknya. Guna itu dibutuhkan sistem pendukung keputusan yang bisa menolong dalam determinasi pemeroleh Program Indonesia Pintar di SMP Negara 39 pekanbaru. Tata cara yang dipakai yakni Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making( FMCDM) yang menilai penentu alternatif sehingga bisa dipakai dalam analisa kebijakan dalam pengambilan keputusan.Program Indonesia Pintar( PIP) ialah perkembangan dari Penerima Bantuan Siswa Miskin (BSM) yang melingkupi anak didik dari tahapan pembelajaran SD atau MI, SMP atau MTs, SMA atau Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan(SMK) atau SMA, serta anak didik atau masyarakat berlatih di Pusat Aktivitas Berlatih( PKBM) atau instansi Bimbingan serta penataran pembibitan sampai anak umur sekolah semacam Gelandangan, pekerja anak, anak- anak yang terdapat di panti asuhan. Lewat Program Indonesia Pintar( PIP) ini diharapkan anak usia sekolah dari rumah- tangga atau keluarga miskin bisa menerus menuntut ilmu, tidak putus sekolah, serta di masa depan diharapkan mereka bisa memutuskan rantai kemiskinan yang dikala ini dirasakan ibu dan bapaknya. Guna itu dibutuhkan sistem pendukung keputusan yang bisa menolong dalam determinasi pemeroleh Program Indonesia Pintar di SMP Negara 39 pekanbaru. Tata cara yang dipakai yakni Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making( FMCDM) yang menilai penentu alternatif sehingga bisa dipakai dalam analisa kebijakan dalam pengambilan keputusan

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Penerima Program Indonesia Pintar Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making

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    Program Indonesia Pintar( PIP) ialah perkembangan dari Penerima Bantuan Siswa Miskin (BSM) yang melingkupi anak didik dari tahapan pembelajaran SD atau MI, SMP atau MTs, SMA atau Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan(SMK) atau SMA, serta anak didik atau masyarakat berlatih di Pusat Aktivitas Berlatih( PKBM) atau instansi Bimbingan serta penataran pembibitan sampai anak umur sekolah semacam Gelandangan, pekerja anak, anak- anak yang terdapat di panti asuhan. Lewat Program Indonesia Pintar( PIP) ini diharapkan anak usia sekolah dari rumah- tangga atau keluarga miskin bisa menerus menuntut ilmu, tidak putus sekolah, serta di masa depan diharapkan mereka bisa memutuskan rantai kemiskinan yang dikala ini dirasakan ibu dan bapaknya. Guna itu dibutuhkan sistem pendukung keputusan yang bisa menolong dalam determinasi pemeroleh Program Indonesia Pintar di SMP Negara 39 pekanbaru. Tata cara yang dipakai yakni Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making( FMCDM) yang menilai penentu alternatif sehingga bisa dipakai dalam analisa kebijakan dalam pengambilan keputusan.Program Indonesia Pintar( PIP) ialah perkembangan dari Penerima Bantuan Siswa Miskin (BSM) yang melingkupi anak didik dari tahapan pembelajaran SD atau MI, SMP atau MTs, SMA atau Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan(SMK) atau SMA, serta anak didik atau masyarakat berlatih di Pusat Aktivitas Berlatih( PKBM) atau instansi Bimbingan serta penataran pembibitan sampai anak umur sekolah semacam Gelandangan, pekerja anak, anak- anak yang terdapat di panti asuhan. Lewat Program Indonesia Pintar( PIP) ini diharapkan anak usia sekolah dari rumah- tangga atau keluarga miskin bisa menerus menuntut ilmu, tidak putus sekolah, serta di masa depan diharapkan mereka bisa memutuskan rantai kemiskinan yang dikala ini dirasakan ibu dan bapaknya. Guna itu dibutuhkan sistem pendukung keputusan yang bisa menolong dalam determinasi pemeroleh Program Indonesia Pintar di SMP Negara 39 pekanbaru. Tata cara yang dipakai yakni Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making( FMCDM) yang menilai penentu alternatif sehingga bisa dipakai dalam analisa kebijakan dalam pengambilan keputusan


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    This paper examined the adoption and access of E-library services in University library of North west zone of Nigeria. Survey research method was adopted to carry out the study using descriptive research methodology. The population used under this study comprised all the state federal, state and private universities in North–West Geo-political zone of Nigeria, comprises of seventeen (17) studied universities, the population considered to be subject of the study includes other professional and non-professional staff in the Nigerian university libraries on the position of university librarian circumstantially. The sample size depends on the nature of the research of the study. It is however proposed to have a sample of seventeen (17) universities, therefore the number of the universities is manageable, and therefore no sampling is required. The instruments used data collection is questionnaire. Stratified sampling technique was used in selecting the secondary population of the study. Data was also analyzed using descriptive analysis using frequency tables and percentages. Stratified sampling technique was used in selecting the secondary population of the study. The administration of the questionnaire was carried out by the co researchers and assisted by three (3) research assistants. The study found that, adoption and accessing of the electronic library services and resources in Nigerian university libraries of North-west Geo-political Zone are basically for the purpose of effective, reliable, and adequate library information dissemination. The study has also identified that some universities have for long adopted and established the electronic unit earlier than other university libraries in the North-west Geo-political Zone of Nigeria. Consequent to that, it has been identified that all the sampled university libraries have established the electronic unit for the purpose of information dissemination via electronic devices for rapid and speedy information services. The study has further revealed that majority of the electronic unit or managers of the electronic section are specialists in the area of library and information science. The study recommends that encouragement from the government will give enough room and opportunity to provide adequate transformation of information electronically in Nigerian University libraries of north-west geo-political zone. There is the need for the university libraries to concretely form a consortium for the formation of unified electronic services and electronic resource sharing e.g. Universities library consortium, Hinary, Lefel, etc. One of the greatest challenges or threats to the adoption and accessing or sustainability of using the electronic resources in Nigeria is the issue of power supply. Efforts should be made by the authority concern to provide alternative in case of power failure during the transformation services. The alternative probably might be the provision of solar power or standby generator in order to alleviate the challenge of inadequacy or none supply of electricity power supply. University libraries being an academic institution library should try by all means to promote their electronic resources and services for the university community members to be aware of their availability and existence. Article visualizations
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