118 research outputs found


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    ICOM, 1995 Adoptados pela 16a Assembleia geral do ICOM ( Haia, Países-Baixos, 5 de Setembro de 1989) e modificados pela 18 Assembleia geral do ICOM ( Stavanger, Noruega, 7 de Julho de 1995). Adoptados pela 16a Assembleia geral do ICOM (Haia, Países-Baixos, 5 de Setembro de 1989) e modificados pela 18 Assembleia geral do ICOM (Stavanger, Noruega, 7 de Julho de 1995).Nota: Tradução Ana Tavares, CELAM - ULHT


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    Os membros da Mesa-Redonda sobre o papel dos museus na América Latina de hoje, analisando as apresentações dos animadores sobre os problemas do meio rural, do meio urbano, do desenvolvimento técnico-científico, e da educação permanente, tomaram consciência da importância desses problemas para o futuro da sociedade na América Latina. Pareceu-lhes necessário, para a solução destes problemas, que a comunidade entenda seus aspectos técnicos, sociais, económicos e políticos. Eles consideraram que a tomada de consciência pelos museus, da situação atual., e das diferentes soluções' que se podem. vislumbrar. para melhorá-la, é uma condição essencial para sua integração à vida da sociedade. Desta maneira, consideraram que os museus podem c devem desempenhar um papel decisivo na educação da comunidade Santiago, 30 de maio de 1972. Nota: Tradução Marcelo M. Araújo e Mª Cristina Bruno


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    Dentro da reflexão sobre a missão do Museu no mundo contemporâneo propiciada pela UNESCO, pelo Escritório Regional de Cultura para América Latina e Caribe (ORCALC), e pelo Comité venezuelano do Conselho Internacional de Museu (ICOM), com o apoio do Conselho Nacional da Cultura (CONAC) e da Fundação do Museu de Belas Artes da Venezuela, realizou-se o Seminário "A Missão dos Museus na América Latina Hoje: Novos Desafios", celebrado em Caracas, Venezuela, entre os dias 16 de janeiro e 06 de fevereiro de 1992. Nota: Tradução Maristela Braga. CCA - Museu Universitário PUCCAM

    Defensive Approaches on SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting Attacks

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    SQL Injection attacks are the most common attacks on the web applications Statistical analysis says that so many web sites which interact with the database are prone to SQL Injection XSS attacks Different kinds of vulnerability detection system and attack detection systems exist there is no efficient system for detecting these kinds of attacks SQL Injection attacks are possible due to the design drawbacks of the websites which interact with back-end databases Successful attacks may damage more The state-of-art web application input validation echniques fails to identify the proper SQL XSS Vulnerabilities accurately because of the systems correctness of sanity checking capability proper placement of valuators on the applications The systems fail while processing HTTP Parameter pollution attacks An extensive survey on the SQL Injection attacks is conducted to present various detection and prevension mechanism

    Los profesionales de los museos para ICOM-España

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    En 2015 ICOM-España dedicó su habitual Encuentro de Museología al tema de la definición del profesional de los museos. Sus conclusiones quedaron vertidas en un comunicado final que consideramos aún plenamente vigente y que reproducimos íntegramente con motivo de esta publicación.In 2015 ICOM Spain dedicated its usual Meeting of Museology to the theme of the deinition of the professional of museums. Their conclusions were expressed in a inal statement that we consider to be still fully valid and that we reproduce in full for this publication.Depto. de Pintura y Conservación-RestauraciónFac. de Bellas ArtesTRUEpu

    Primjena multimedije u muzejima

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    Multimedija prezentira posjetitelju muzeja više od formatiranih podataka i tekstualnih obavijesti. Ona obuhvaća interaktivnu multimediju, hipermedije, programe prikaza slika, digitalni video, kompjutorsku grafiku, virtualnu stvarnost te kompjutorski kontrolirane interaktivne ekrane. Multimedijski sustavi za istraživanja uglavnom su usredotočeni na dva medija, na tekst i sliku, često poboljšane posebno oblikovanim softverom za rukovanje. Valja očekivati da će biti dostupne slične tehnike za pokretne slike i zvuk, što će predstaviti muzejima cijeli niz alata s pomoću kojih će postizati svoje ciljeve zaštite, dokumentiranja i izlaganja kulturnoga naslijeđa

    Kriteriji za procjenu učinkovitosti multimedije

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    CIDOC Radne grupe za multimediju poželjna je obilježja multimedije u muzejima izrazila pomoću pitanja na koja bi trebalo odgovoriti prilikom svake procjene multimedijskih proizvoda (kioska, CD-ROM-a ili internetske stranice). Pitanja se odnose na ove kategorije: sadržaj, funkcionalnost, sučelje, primjena, cjelokupni učina

    Kriteriji za procjenu učinkovitosti multimedije

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    CIDOC Radne grupe za multimediju poželjna je obilježja multimedije u muzejima izrazila pomoću pitanja na koja bi trebalo odgovoriti prilikom svake procjene multimedijskih proizvoda (kioska, CD-ROM-a ili internetske stranice). Pitanja se odnose na ove kategorije: sadržaj, funkcionalnost, sučelje, primjena, cjelokupni učina

    Under the spell of metaphors: Investigating the effects of conduit and container metaphors on museum experience

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    In 1979, Michael Reddy investigated the effects that “conduit” metaphors have on human communication. His research illustrates that people tend to conceptualize feelings, thoughts, or ideas as substances “transmitted” from one agent to another through a “conduit,” or as loosely “contained” in ambient spaces. Following a cognitive‐linguistic approach, this article investigates the effects that “conduit” and “container” metaphors have on visitors’ experiences in museums; it presupposes that our conceptual system is metaphorical in nature and that language expresses the metaphors we use to think and act in everyday life. This article acknowledges that conduit and container metaphors shape museum communication practices and sets out to identify their effects on museum objects and museum architecture—two essential material conditions that shape visitors’ experiences. To do so, this article traces expressions of transmission metaphors in professional museum discourses—particularly those of international museum organizations—and identifies their effects on museum practice. It draws attention to the conflicts that these metaphors trigger in museum debates. Furthermore, it highlights the possibility of enhancing their positive effects, and of weakening their negative ones, by building new metaphorical frames for museum theory and practice