43 research outputs found

    Eosinophilic cystitis associated with urethral stricture disease from pelvic trauma. Case report and literature review

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    We report a case of eosinophilic cystitis (EC) in a 65-year-old man with urethral stricture disease from blunt pelvic traumatic event. EC is a rare condition characterized by eosinophilic infiltration of the bladder wall, that usually presents with irritative voiding symptoms, suprapubic pain and hematuria. Etiology is still not clear although a review of the literature suggests that pathogenetic mechanisms probably engage an altered immune response in the bladder, with the inflammatory reaction caused by factors such as exogenous allergens and previous bladder injury or surgery to the bladder or the prostate. The diagnosis of EC has to be confirmed by biopsy, since in some cases it may manifest as other inflammatory and malignant bladder disorders. A conservative medical management is indicated initially, since this disease may be self-limited, with a benign course especially in children and young patients. In adults EC is more often a chronic recurrent condition that requires close follow-up since it may lead to serious progressive bladder and/or upper urinary tract disease. More invasive therapies (including transurethral resection, partial or total cystectomy) may also be required when conservative therapy fails

    Eosinophilic cystis associated with urethral stricture disease from pelvic trauma. Case report and literature review

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    We report a case of eosinophilic cystitis (EC) in a 65-year-old man with urethral stricture disease from blunt pelvic traumatic event. EC is a rare condition characterized by eosinophilic infiltration of the bladder wall, that usually presents with irritative voiding symptoms, suprapubic pain and hematuria. Etiology is still not clear although a review of the literature suggests that pathogenetic mechanisms probably engage an altered immune response in the bladder, with the inflammatory reaction caused by factors such as exogenous allergens and previous bladder injury or surgery to the bladder or the prostate. The diagnosis of EC has to be confirmed by biopsy, since in some cases it may manifest as other inflammatory and malignant bladder disorders. A conservative medical management is indicated initially, since this disease may be self-limited, with a benign course especially in children and young patients. In adults EC is more often a chronic recurrent condition that requires close follow-up since it may lead to serious progressive bladder and/or upper urinary tract disease. More invasive therapies (including transurethral resection, partial or total cystectomy) may also be required when conservative therapy fails

    Basic and Preclinical Research for Personalized Medicine

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    Basic and preclinical research founded the progress of personalized medicine by providing a prodigious amount of integrated profiling data and by enabling the development of biomedical applications to be implemented in patient-centered care and cures. If the rapid development of genomics research boosted the birth of personalized medicine, further development in omics technologies has more recently improved our understanding of the functional genome and its relevance in profiling patients\u2019 phenotypes and disorders. Concurrently, the rapid biotechnological advancement in diverse research areas enabled uncovering disease mechanisms and prompted the design of innovative biological treatments tailored to individual patient genotypes and phenotypes. Research in stem cells enabled clarifying their role in tissue degeneration and disease pathogenesis while providing novel tools toward the development of personalized regenerative medicine strategies. Meanwhile, the evolving field of integrated omics technologies ensured translating structural genomics information into actionable knowledge to trace detailed patients\u2019 molecular signatures. Finally, neuroscience research provided invaluable models to identify preclinical stages of brain diseases. This review aims at discussing relevant milestones in the scientific progress of basic and preclinical research areas that have considerably contributed to the personalized medicine revolution by bridging the bench-to-bed gap, focusing on stem cells, omics technologies, and neuroscience fields as paradigms

    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)


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    Standard e novitĂ  nella diagnosi del carcinoma prostatico

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    ABSTRACT Oltre all’esplorazione rettale la diagnosi di presunzione di carcinoma prostatico è avvalorata da reperti di laboratorio, di cui il PSA rappresenta il più utilizzato anche se non tumore-specifico. Comunque la biopsia resta sempre il presidio che ci conduce alla diagnosi con l’esame istologico. Premesso che l’esplorazione rettale rimane l’esame che andrebbe sempre effettuato sia perché più immediato ed anche perché più economico, altri test sono stati proposti per rendere più efficace la prevenzione di questa neoplasia. Nell’intento di incrementarne la specificità altri markers vengono proposti, alcuni PSA correlati (precursori o proforme del PSA), proteine carcinoma prostatico correlate di recente identificazione riscontrate nel carcinoma prostatico. Il tentativo di miglioramento della specificità diagnostica si pone intanto come obiettivo ridurre da un lato biopsie non necessarie e dall’altro di evitarle quando indicate. Inoltre si tende a coprire sia il range di PSA normale (v.n fino a 4 ng/ml); considerando l’1% di neoplasie a PSA basso, sia ridurre le biopsie ai pazienti che rientrano nella cosiddetta zona grigia di PSA tra 2-10 ng/ml. Risulta chiara la necessità di una corretta stadiazione clinica per un corretto orientamento terapeutico. Interessante risulta la possibilità per i tumori a basso rischio il “watchful waiting” per neoplasie che potrebbero non avere effetti sulla sopravvivenza come alternativa ai trattamenti terapeutici