250 research outputs found
Two loop effective kaehler potential of (non-)renormalizable supersymmetric models
We perform a supergraph computation of the effective Kaehler potential at one
and two loops for general four dimensional N=1 supersymmetric theories
described by arbitrary Kaehler potential, superpotential and gauge kinetic
function. We only insist on gauge invariance of the Kaehler potential and the
superpotential as we heavily rely on its consequences in the quantum theory.
However, we do not require gauge invariance for the gauge kinetic functions, so
that our results can also be applied to anomalous theories that involve the
Green-Schwarz mechanism. We illustrate our two loop results by considering a
few simple models: the (non-)renormalizable Wess-Zumino model and Super Quantum
Electrodynamics.Comment: 1+26 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures; a missing diagram added and typos
Holomorphic effective potential in general chiral superfield model
We study a holomorphic effective potential in chiral
superfield model defined in terms of arbitrary k\"{a}hlerian potential
and arbitrary chiral potential . Such a model
naturally arises as an ingredient of low-energy limit of superstring theory and
it is called here the general chiral superfield model. Generic procedure for
calculating the chiral loop corrections to effective action is developed. We
find lower two-loop correction in the form where
and be Riemannian
zeta-function. This correction is finite at any .Comment: LaTeX, 10 page
Active Topology Inference using Network Coding
Our goal is to infer the topology of a network when (i) we can send probes
between sources and receivers at the edge of the network and (ii) intermediate
nodes can perform simple network coding operations, i.e., additions. Our key
intuition is that network coding introduces topology-dependent correlation in
the observations at the receivers, which can be exploited to infer the
topology. For undirected tree topologies, we design hierarchical clustering
algorithms, building on our prior work. For directed acyclic graphs (DAGs),
first we decompose the topology into a number of two-source, two-receiver
(2-by-2) subnetwork components and then we merge these components to
reconstruct the topology. Our approach for DAGs builds on prior work on
tomography, and improves upon it by employing network coding to accurately
distinguish among all different 2-by-2 components. We evaluate our algorithms
through simulation of a number of realistic topologies and compare them to
active tomographic techniques without network coding. We also make connections
between our approach and alternatives, including passive inference, traceroute,
and packet marking
Note on antisymmetric spin-tensors
It was known for a long time that in d = 4 dimensions it is impossible to
construct the Lagrangian for antisymmetric second rank spin-tensor that will be
invariant under the gauge transformations with unconstrained spin-vector
parameter. But recently a paper arXiv:0902.1471 appeared where gauge invariant
Lagrangians for antisymmetric spin-tensors of arbitrary rank n in d > 2n were
constructed using powerful BRST approach. To clarify apparent contradiction, in
this note we carry a direct independent analysis of the most general first
order Lagrangian for the massless antisymmetric spin-tensor of second rank. Our
analysis shows that gauge invariant Lagrangian does exist but in d > 4
dimensions only, while in d = 4 this Lagrangian becomes identically zero. As a
byproduct, we obtain a very simple and convenient form of this massless
Lagrangian that makes deformation to AdS space and/or massive case a simple
task as we explicitly show here. Moreover, this simple form admits natural and
straightforward generalization on the case of massive antisymmetric
spin-tensors of rank n for d > 2n.Comment: 7 pages, no figure
Quantum N=3, d=3 Chern-Simons Matter Theories in Harmonic Superspace
We develop the background field method for studying classical and quantum
aspects of N=3, d=3 Chern-Simons and matter theories in N=3 harmonic
superspace. As one of the immediate consequences, we prove a nonrenormalization
theorem implying the ultra-violet finiteness of the corresponding supergraph
perturbation theory. We also derive the general hypermultiplet and gauge
superfield propagators in a Chern-Simons background. The leading supergraphs
with two and four external lines are evaluated. In contrast to the
non-supersymmetric theory, the leading quantum correction to the massive
charged hypermultiplet proves to be the super Yang-Mills action rather than the
Chern-Simons one. The hypermultiplet mass is induced by a constant triplet of
central charges in the N=3, d=3 Poincare superalgebra.Comment: 1+37 pages, 3 figures; v2: a reference added, to appear in JHE
Quantum dynamics of , supergravity compensator
A new superfield theory in flat superspace is suggested. It
describes dynamics of supergravity compensator and can be considered as a
low-energy limit for , superfield supergravity. The theory is shown
to be renormalizable in infrared limit and infrared free. A quantum effective
action is investigated in infrared domain
Interaction of Low - Energy Induced Gravity with Quantized Matter and Phase Transition Induced by Curvature
At high energy scale the only quantum effect of any asymptotic free and
asymptotically conformal invariant GUT is the trace anomaly of the
energy-momentum tensor. Anomaly generates the new degree of freedom, that is
propagating conformal factor. At lower energies conformal factor starts to
interact with scalar field because of the violation of conformal invariance. We
estimate the effect of such an interaction and find the running of the
nonminimal coupling from conformal value to . Then we discuss
the possibility of the first order phase transition induced by curvature in a
region close to the stable fixed point and calculate the induced values of
Newtonian and cosmological constants.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex, KEK-TH-397-KEK Preprint 94-3
One-loop divergences in massive gravity theory
AbstractThe one-loop divergences are calculated for the recently proposed ghost-free massive gravity model, where the action depends on both metric and external tensor field f. The non-polynomial structure of the massive term is reduced to a more standard form by means of auxiliary tensor field, which is settled on-shell after quantum calculations are performed. As one should expect, the counter-terms do not reproduce the form of the classical action. Moreover, the result has the form of the power series in f
On Low-Energy Effective Actions in N = 2, 4 Superconformal Theories in Four Dimensions
We study some aspects of low-energy effective actions in 4-d superconformal
gauge theories on the Coulomb branch. We describe superconformal invariants
constructed in terms of N=2 abelian vector multiplet which play the role of
building blocks for the N=2,4 supersymmetric low-energy effective actions. We
compute the one-loop effective actions in constant N=2 field strength
background in N=4 SYM theory and in N=2 SU(2) SYM theory with four
hypermultiplets in fundamental representation. Using the classification of
superconformal invariants we then find the manifestly N=2 superconformal form
of these effective actions. While our explicit computations are done in the
one-loop approximation, our conclusions about the structure of the effective
actions in N=2 superconformal theories are general. We comment on some
applications to supergravity - gauge theory duality in the description of
D-brane interactions.Comment: 18 pages, latex, comments/reference adde
Complete N=4 Structure of Low-Energy Effective Action in N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theories
Using the superfield approach, we construct full
supersymmetric low-energy effective actions for SYM models, with
both gauge superfield strengths and hypermultiplet superfields
included. The basic idea is to complete the known non-holomorphic effective
potentials which depend only on superfield strengths and
to the full on-shell invariants by adding the
appropriate superfield hypermultiplet terms. We prove that the effective
potentials of the form can be completed in
this way and present the precise structure of the corresponding completions.
However, the effective potentials of the non-logarithmic form suggested in
hep-th/9811017 and hep-th/9909020 do not admit the completion.
Therefore, such potentials cannot come out as (perturbative or
non-perturbative) quantum corrections in SYM models.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, no figures, slight corrections, refs adde
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