28 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Village Autonomy in Indonesia (An Analysis Study of Village Autonomy in Pekarungan Village, Sukodono Sub-District, Sidoarjo District)

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    At the beginning of the reform era in Indonesia brings changes to the structure of the Government System in the regions, especially villages. This condition is marked by the transition from a change of the new order era with a centralized regime towards a reform era, a new and more open regime with decentralization. The wind of reform is carried over to the latest regulation (Law No.6 of 2014). This law seeks to restore village autonomy based on its origins and customs as a process of restoring state confidence in the village. On the other hand, to fulfill its political promise, the provision of village funds as a source of village income that aims to make the village independent shows that this law is still the same with the previous one, that in the village there is still supra village power. Village funds make all forms of implementation and management of village finances must be used in accordance with the village financial system. The existence of this system makes the village authority no longer in accordance with the principles of village autonomy, that village autonomy is in accordance with its origins and customs. Giving village autonomy with financial management through the Village Financial System (SISKEU) is felt that the portion of creativity and space for the village is limited. This triggers a lack of courage of the village officials to take the initiatives in making policies for a better village development. This situation is experienced by all villages in Indonesia, such as  Pekarungan Village. This study uses a qualitative research method. The key informant is a Former Head of Pekarungan Village for 2 consecutive periods (1991-2006). He understands very well the changes in the laws governing the village. The result of the research shows that based on the principles of Kartohadikusumo's autonomy, autonomy can be implemented if there are inherent rights in the village, namely: "(1) the right to  own territory with legal boundaries; (2) the right to elect and appoint the head or assembly of the village administration; (3) the right to administer and govern the village households; (4) the right to own and manage village assets and finance; (5) the rights to own village land; (6) the right to collect local taxes. Without the inherent rights mentioned above, autonomy is difficult to be implemented ".Based on the effectiveness of success in achieving the goals set and the relationship between the expected results and the results achieved, there are some rights that are not exercised as they should. In connection with village rights in Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, (1) the village regulates and manages community interests based on the origin, customs, social, and cultural values of the village community; (2) the village determines and manages its institution; and (3) the village receives sources of income, including village funds. All sources of village income, such as the Village Cash and village financial management, must be based on  the village SISKEU as determined by the government bureaucracy. Keywords: Evaluation, Village Autonomy DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-6-08 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Variasi sudut pemasangan tabung kompresor terhadap unjuk kerja pompa hidram

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    Water is one of the factors which very important and necessary in the life of living creatures. Therefore,  water  must  be  available  whenever  and  wherever  in  the  quantity,  timing,  and sufficient quality. Hydraulic Ram Pump (Hydram) is a pump which does not require external energy as the power source. The purposes of this research are understanding the influence of mounting tube compressor with tilt angle from the water weight-lift of output pipe .This  research  uses  hydrant  pump  by  the  specification of  tube  compressor where  its’ diameter 3 inches and a height of 60 cm. The falling angle of pump is 35°. The falling-height is 2 meter with 4 variations of weight-lift 4, 4½, and 5 meters.The method of analysis is conducted by analyzing data obtained during the experiment, where the   results in the form of quantitative data which is presented in type of   tables and displayed in graphical form. The results of the research shows that  the best output debit on mounting tube compressor variation 90° that is 0.035 l/s  with 4 meters water weight-lift, while the lowest output debit on mounting tube compressor variation that is 0.011 l/s 5 meters water weight-lift. The best efficiency is 27.3 % in the mounting tube compressor variation 90°  with 4 meters of water weight-lift, while the lowest efficiency is 6.5 % in the mounting tube compressor variation 90° with 5 meters of water weight-lift

    Adsorbsi gas karbon dioksida dalam biogas dengan menggunakan endapan batu kapur

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    With the depleting reserves of energy sources and fuel shortages that occur in Indonesia today, it is needed a cheap alternative energy sources and environmentally friendly, one of which is biogas. In this study biogas is generated from horse manure. The fermentation of horse manure can produce biogas with the largest component of the CH4 (49.5%) and CO2 (49.7%). The use of biogas as a fuel is still in the household scale and has not been used optimally. This is due to the biogas still containing high levels of CO2 so that it has low value of heat is produced. This research reduces the CO2 levels by using the Ca(OH)2 or limestone sedimentary, and then react with the CO2 to form CaCO3 and H2O. The variables  studied are the influence of the flow rate of the biogas that CO2 absorbed and CH4. CO2 absorption made by passing the biogas with a variety of flow rates in the Ca(OH)2 at a certain concentration. Gas and Ca(OH)2 contact each other and the chemical reaction occurs. Every 2 minute interval of gas coming out of the absorber is detected by a biogas tester for analysis of absorbed CO2 and CH4 produced. The research results show that the average CO2 can be absorbed at all the variations of biogas flow rate (5 liter/min. 10 liter/min and 15 liter/min) produced CH4 at the biogas flow rate of 10 liter/min is 91%, then at the flow rate of 5 liter/min is 76.2% and at the flow rate of 15 liter/min is 72%


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    Secara rinci, tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui. (1) karakteristik sosial-ekonomi migran sirkuler, termasuk tingkat kerentanan dan ketidakberdayaan mereka: (2) Mekanisme survival migran sirkuler dalam mengatasi tekanan ekonomi; dan (3) pola remmitances dari migran sirkuler ke keluarganya yang tinggal di desa. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakqkan wawancara terhadap 100 responden. Lokasi penelitian ditetapkan di kecamatan Pabean Cantikan dan kecamatan Rungkut. Beberapa Temuan pokok penelitian ini adalah: (1) Sebagian besar migran sirkuler umumnya laki-laki, berpendidika~ rendah, termasuk berusia produktif, dan umumnya bekerja di sektor informal; (2) Dibanding dengan kehidupan selama di desa, kehidupan migran sirkuler tergolong lebih sejahtara dan tidak terlalu rentan; (3) Ketidakberdayaan migran sirkuIer termasuk tinggi karena mereka hanya menguasai sedikit ketrampilan; dan (4) Higran sirkuler memiliki kebiasaan menabung yang cukup tinggi dan mereka cenderung mengirimkan sendiri uang ke desa untuk dimanfaatkan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari serta untuk investasi pendidikan anak


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    Puri (Balinese palace) is one of the cultural symbols of the Balinese people. The power system that once placed puri as a central actor became a political tradition that led to the local politics aristocracy model which still adopted the values of feudalism, including in the political life of government. This study itself aims to analyze the political culture that shapes the pattern of local politics aristocracy of Bali in the post-reform era. The theories used to analyze the problem are elite theory and patron-client theory using the point of view of political sociology. The research method is qualitative research in the form of literature studies derived from books, journals, and descriptive analysis related to the research topic. The findings in this study are that the survival of puri in Bali is caused by an elitist political culture that is influenced by the caste system, and the position of the puri which places itself as a patron (ruler) to clients (community) related to religion, economy, and politics

    FAKTOR. FAKTOR YANG BERPENGARUH DALAM PENILAIAN RUMAH SUSUN Studi tentang Opini Keluarga di Perkotaan yang Belum Memiliki Rumah Tempat Tinggal terhadap Rumah Susun

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    Awal pemik1ran yang melatar-belakangi penelitian ini adalah adanya berbagai berita di mass madia yang menyatakan bahwa rumah susun sampai saat ini masih belum begitu banyak diminati masyarakat. Padahal bagi warga kota besar masalah pemukiman tampaknya mau tidak mau harus segera mempersiapkan pembangunan yang berorientas1 vertikal yang nota bene menghemat tanah. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini hendak dicoba dicari: (1) Bagaimanakah opini keluarga yang belum memilik1 rumah terhadap rumah susun; (2) Faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi masyarakat sehingga meraka enggan membeli rumah susun? Lewat penelitian eksploratif di kota Surabaya. hasil dari pene1itian ini memparlihatkan bahwa ada empat aspek yang perlu diperhatikan, yaitu: aspek birokratis yang di mata masyarakat agak buruk; aspek ekonomis yang menyangkut mahalnya harga rumah susun; aspek teknis yang menyangkut kurangnya berbagai fasilitas; dan aspek sosial-budaya yang menyangkut gaya hidup masyarakat. Keempat aspek ini terakumulatif. sehingga melah1rkan keengganan responden untuk membeli rumah susun


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    Penelitian bermaksud untuk menjawab masalah sejauh mana sektor , non pertanian tidak mampu lagi menyerap tenaga kerja bagi sebagian besar penduduk pedesaan dan masalah hambatan-hambatan yang terjadi di daerah pedesaan yang mengakibatkan tidak dimungkinkannya pencarian nafkah di luar sektor pertanian. Dari hasil pengamatan ternyata bahwa sektor pertanian tidak mampu lagi menyerap tenaga kerja karena kelebihan tenaga kerja dan luas tanah yang. semakin sempit. Sementara kurangnya modal prasarana merupakan hambatan utama yang mengakibatkan mata pencaharian di luar sektor non pertanian tidak memungkinkan untuk mengatasi Kurangnya kesempatan kerja dan tingkat pendapatan yang mencukupi


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    Pertumbuhan kota-kota besar di negara-negara Dunia Ketiga setelah perang dunia kedua sangat mencengangkan. Kota-kota te£ sebut tumbuh menjadi kota-kota prima di wilayahnya atau negara nya. Investasi secara besar-besaran juga dilakuka.n disamping kota-kota tersebut sebagai pusat pemerintahan. Akibat dari ini semua banyak orang melakukan migrasi desa kota. Penduduk desa banyak yang mengadu nasib ke kota-kota besar itu. Sementa!a i tu fasilitas yang disediakan oleh pemerintah kota ~8rjumlah sedikit dan tak sebanding dengan jumlah penduduk yang harus dilayani. Salah satu fasilitas tersebut adalah fasilitas perumanan. Karena daya beli sebagian warga masyarakat tid~~ menjangkau akan ruman atau tanah maka banya~ para warga kota memenuhi kebutuhan perumahannya dengan mendirikan rumah-rumah diatas tanah negara atau tanah orang lain. Maka muncullah apa yang disebut sebagai pemukiman liar. Semakin lama sema::in banyak penghuni pemukiman liar di kota-kota, tak terkecuali Surabaya sebagai kote terbesar kedua setelah Jru<arta. Tanah seluas ratusan hektar digunakan untuk pemuk~man jenis ini. Sementara itu timbul anggapan bahwa para penghuni pemu kiman ini bukanlah merupakan penghuni yang biasa. Mereka itu -adalah orang-orang yang secara sosial tidak bisa dipertanggun~ jawabkan. Mereka adalah warga kota tersisihkan dari pergaulan. Mereka hidup soliter dan tidak mengindahkan akan ketentuan-ketentuan untuk hidup bermasyarakat. Mereka juga dianggap warga yang tak sah karena secara administratif tidak termasuk di dalam jangkauan administratif pemerintah, meski unit pemerintru

    Teori-Teori Sosial dalam Tiga Paradigma: Fakta Sosial, Definisi Sosial dan Perilaku Sosial

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    Dalam perkembangan khazanah pengetahuan manusia dewasa ini, berbagai hal yang dijadikan sumber acuan atau sudut pandang bagi pemecahan suatu persoalan kerap juga disebut “paradigma”, seperti yang lazim kita dengar, “paradigma pembangunan” atau “paradigma be lajar” dan sebagainya. Sebutan dan penggunaan kata “paradigma” semacam ini dapat menimbulkan berbagai macam interpretasi, karen a konteksnya sangat situasional. Tetapi apa yang dimaksud dengan paradigma dalam konteks ilmu sosial khususnya sosiologi, sebaiknya kita meng acu pada konsep dan pemikiran Thomas S. Khun di dalam bukunya yang terkenal, berjudul The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962). Menurut Thomas Khun (Veeger,1993: 22), paradigma adalah pan dangan yang mendasar tentang apa yang menjadi pokok persoal an dalam ilmu pengetahuan (sosial) tertentu. Dengan ungkapan lain dapat dikatakan, bahwa sebuah paradigma adalah jendela keilmuan yang dapat digunakan untuk “melihat” dunia sosial