18 research outputs found

    Electron sources for plasma electronics and different technological application

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    There are the following advantages of applying electron guns with plasma cathodes in devices exciting microwave radiation: stability of their parameters, high density of current, relative insensitivity to ion bombardment and the possibility of operating over a wide range of pressure values of a plasma-generating gas [1-5]. The given work aims at constructing the guns with the parameters necessary for the excitation of microwaves of high amplitudes in the slow-wave structures: the beam energy is 20-30 kV, the current is up to 5 A, and the pulse duration is 0,11÷1 ms. The principal problem arising during construction of heavy-current electron sources with plasma emitters consists in the following: it is necessary to provide such conditions of the gas volume, under which the discharge firing would be stable and the emissive plasma generation be effective, whereas a gas breakdown in the accelerating gap must be eliminated

    The analysis of operation of plasma-filled helical TWT taking into account spatial harmonics

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    Theoretical and the experimental results of studies of electrodynamics characteristics of the TWT on the basis of helical slow-wave structure (SWS) are presented.Представлені теоретичні та експериментальні результати дослідження електродинамічних характеристик ЛБХ на основі плазмонаповненої спіральної уповільнюючої структури.Представлены теоретические и экспериментальные результаты исследования электродинамических характеристик ЛБВ на базе плазмонаполненной спиральной замедляющей структуры


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    There’s a report of 100 cadaveric liver transplantation performed from December 2004 to June 2011. Indication for liver transplantation, including retransplantation, technical features of surgery, postoperative complications have been described. Patient survival was significantly lower in HCV-positive and HCC recipient than in other indications. Cumulative recipient survival rate at 1, 3, 5 years is 89; 87; 87%. Cumulative graft survival rate at 1, 3, 5 years is 85; 82; 70%. Long term immunosupression and HCV-infection after transplantation are discussed. В работе обобщен опыт 100 трансплантаций трупной печени, выполненных с декабря 2004-го по июнь 2011 года. Представлен спектр показаний к операции, в том числе к ретрансплантации печени, современные технические варианты выполнения операции, структура послеоперационных осложнений, включая сосудистые и билиарные. Показано, что выживаемость реципиентов с циррозом печени HCV-этиологии и гепатоцеллюлярной карциномой существенно ниже, чем при других показаниях. Суммарный показатель выживаемости через 1, 3 и 5 лет после трансплантации печени составил 89; 87; 87% соответственно. Выживаемость трансплантата в течение 1, 3 и 5 лет составила 85; 82; 70% соответственно. Обсуждаются вопросы длительной поддерживающей иммуносупрессии и лечения HCV-инфекции после трансплантации.

    Correlated Interball/ground-based observations of isolated substorm: The pseudobreakup phase

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    International audienceWe study the isolated substorm that occurred after a long quiet period, which showed all of the substorm signatures except for the first half hour of the expansion phase, which could be characterized as a pseudobreakup sequence, rather than a full-scale substorm onset. During the considered event, the substorm's instability leads to a current disruption, which starts at the near-Earth plasma sheet and then propagates tailward. Based on auroral observations, the analysis of geosynchronous plasma injections, and the plasma sheet observations at ~15 RE at the meridian of auroral substorm development we show that (1) before and probably during "pseudobreakup phase", the plasma sheet stayed cold and dense, (2) during the pseudobreakup phase, particle injections at 6.6 RE were only seen in unusually low energy components, and (3) the electron precipitation into the ionosphere was very soft. We conclude that the basic difference between pseudobreakups and "real" substorm activations was found in the low energy of all manifestations. We suggest that high density and low electron temperature in the plasma sheet are the reasons for low energization in the magnetic reconnection operated on closed field lines in the plasma sheet, as well as the weak field-aligned acceleration, as predicted by the Knight's relationship. The low Hall conductivity could then be the reason for the weak ground magnetic effects observed. This explanation suggests that the role of the ionospheric conductivity is "passive" as the plasma sheet, rather than the ionosphere, controls the development of the magnetospheric instability


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    Biochemical markers of bone formation [osteocalcin (OC), N-terminal propeptid of type 1 procollagen (P1NP), bone isoferment of alkaline phosphatase (BALP)] were estimated in 34 recipients after liver transplantation. Three types of deviation have been demonstrated: combination elevated circulating levels OC and P1NP with normal levels BALP in recipients without clinical postoperative complication; combination lower levels OC and BALP with normal levels P1NP in recipients as a result of corticosteroid therapy prior/ following transplantation; superior levels P1NP with normal levels OC and BALP which results excessive accumulation hepatic collagen formation in recipients with postoperative clinical complication


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    There’s a report of 100 cadaveric liver transplantation performed from December 2004 to June 2011. Indication for liver transplantation, including retransplantation, technical features of surgery, postoperative complications have been described. Patient survival was significantly lower in HCV-positive and HCC recipient than in other indications. Cumulative recipient survival rate at 1, 3, 5 years is 89; 87; 87%. Cumulative graft survival rate at 1, 3, 5 years is 85; 82; 70%. Long term immunosupression and HCV-infection after transplantation are discussed