75 research outputs found

    Logistic potential of the supply chain: theoretical aspect

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    The article discusses such concepts as "logistics potential" and "supply chain". Their definitions, given by various authors have been studied. On the basis of the analysis the new concept which is "potential logistics supply chain" has been formulated

    Reshoring: the Nature and Causes of Appearance

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    The paper studies reshoring, the reasons of its appearance. Besides the possible influence of the reshoring on international trade and international logistics is noted

    Reshoring: the Nature and Causes of Appearance

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    The paper studies reshoring, the reasons of its appearance. Besides the possible influence of the reshoring on international trade and international logistics is noted

    Research of material flow within the economic assessment of the supply chain of chemical products in the region

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    In the article we offer the order of material flow research which is carried out within the framework of economic assessment of a supply chain. The offered order is approbated on the example of the supply chain of chemical products in Vitebsk region

    Logistic potential of the supply chain: theoretical aspect

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    The article discusses such concepts as "logistics potential" and "supply chain". Their definitions, given by various authors have been studied. On the basis of the analysis the new concept which is "potential logistics supply chain" has been formulated


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    This article proposes an analytical method of assessment of track’s vibration level, based on the spectral decomposition of functions of sleeper deflections under the influence of passing axles of rolling stock. Train is considered to be formed from vehicles of the same type and of unlimited length. Vibrations are studied within a stable system of coordinated, related to the ground, for one sleeper during the passage of a train of unlimited length through track’s cross section. The computational scheme takes into account vibration damping of a track, considered as an infinitely long beam on a viscoelastic foundation. The algorithm and the results of numerical calculation of track’s vibration are given at speeds in the area of conventionally critical speed (the speed at which the model that does not take into account energy dissipation on the way predicts vibrations of unrestricted amplitude).It is shown that when the train’s speed is equal to conditionally critical (of about 500–600 km / h), the track’s vibrations reach their peak in the whole frequency range. Results are obtained for a wide frequency range from 16 to 32000 Hz in 12 octave bands in decibel scale. Methods, outlined in this article, make it possible to solve problems of accumulation of residual track’s deformations, as well as give direction for solving problems associated with the vibrations of the roadbed.Авторами предложен аналитический метод оценки уровня вибрации пути и, в частности, виброускорений шпалы при прохождении поезда со скоростями свыше 500 км/ч. В расчетной схеме учтено демпфирование пути как бесконечной балки на упругом основании. Приведены алгоритм и результаты численного расчета вибраций при скоростях движения экипажа в зоне условно-критической скорости (когда в модели, не учитывающей рассеяния энергии в пути, прогнозируется возникновение колебаний неограниченно большой амплитуды). Показано, что при движении поезда со скоростью, равной условно-критической – порядка 500-600 км/ч, вибрации достигают максимума во всем частотном диапазоне. Решения получены для широкого спектра частот от 16 до 32000 Гц в двенадцати октавных полосах в децибельной шкале

    The optical identifcation of events with poorly defined locations: The case of the Fermi GBM GRB140801A

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    We report the early discovery of the optical afterglow of gamma-ray burst (GRB) 140801A in the 137 deg2^2 3-σ\sigma error-box of the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM). MASTER is the only observatory that automatically react to all Fermi alerts. GRB 140801A is one of the few GRBs whose optical counterpart was discovered solely from its GBM localization. The optical afterglow of GRB 140801A was found by MASTER Global Robotic Net 53 sec after receiving the alert, making it the fastest optical detection of a GRB from a GBM error-box. Spectroscopy obtained with the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias and the 6-m BTA of SAO RAS reveals a redshift of z=1.32z=1.32. We performed optical and near-infrared photometry of GRB 140801A using different telescopes with apertures ranging from 0.4-m to 10.4-m. GRB 140801A is a typical burst in many ways. The rest-frame bolometric isotropic energy release and peak energy of the burst is Eiso=5.540.24+0.26×1052E_\mathrm{iso} = 5.54_{-0.24}^{+0.26} \times 10^{52} erg and Ep,rest280E_\mathrm{p, rest}\simeq280 keV, respectively, which is consistent with the Amati relation. The absence of a jet break in the optical light curve provides a lower limit on the half-opening angle of the jet θ=6.1\theta=6.1 deg. The observed EpeakE_\mathrm{peak} is consistent with the limit derived from the Ghirlanda relation. The joint Fermi GBM and Konus-Wind analysis shows that GRB 140801A could belong to the class of intermediate duration. The rapid detection of the optical counterpart of GRB 140801A is especially important regarding the upcoming experiments with large coordinate error-box areas.Comment: in press MNRAS, 201

    Rabies re-emergence after long-term disease freedom (Amur Oblast, Russia)

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    Retrospective descriptive epizootological study was conducted in the Amur Oblast (Russian Far East), where a rabies outbreak was reported in 2018. The aim of the study was to analyze probable routes of rabies introduction and features of its spatial and temporal spread in the territory that remained free from this infection from 1972 to 2018. In 2018–2021, altogether 1,416 animals were examined for the infection with the rabies virus. Forty-seven animal rabies cases were confirmed; the proportion of wild animals (Vulpes vulpes, Nyctereutes procyonoides, Canis lupus) amounted to 66%. The first cases were detected within 30 km from the state border with China. Nucleotide sequences of the nucleoprotein gene of three rabies virus isolates were determined and their belonging to the Arctic-like-2 genetic lineage was established. Genetically closest rabies virus isolates have been found in Heilongjiang Province (China, 2011, 2018) and Jewish Autonomous Oblast (Russia, 1980). GIS and open Earth remote sensing data were used to map the rabies cases. After 2018, the epizootic spread within the forest-steppe landscapes of the Zeya-Bureya Plain, where human and animal rabies cases had been earlier reported (until 1972). The front of the epizootic spread in a north-eastern direction at an average speed of 59 (16–302) km during one epizootic cycle. The introduction of the rabies virus was most likely along the Amur River valley from downstream regions of Russia and China that are rabies infected

    Application of Molecular Typing Methods for Analysis of Strains of Rickettsiae of the Spotted Fever Group and Rabies Virus

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    50 strains of spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae and 36 lyssaviruses strains from the collection of Omsk Research Institute of Natural Focus Infections were identified and typed using the approaches of molecular biology, epidemiology and bioinformatics. The taxonomic status of the studied cultures of SFG rickettsiae was identified. Zonation of the Russian Federation territories according to the spread of SFG pathogenic rickettsiae in their hosts - ixodic ticks was carried out. Lyssaviruses distribution in the territory of Siberia was considered