100 research outputs found

    An automated procedure for detection and identification of ball bearing damage using multivariate statistics and pattern recognition

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    This paper suggests an automated approach for fault detection and classification in roller bearings, which is based on pattern recognition and principal components analysis of the measured vibration signals. The signals recorded are pre-processed applying a wavelet transform in order to extract the appropriate high frequency (detailed) area needed for ball bearing fault detection. This is followed by a pattern recognition (PR) procedure used to recognise between signals coming from healthy bearings and those generated from different bearing faults. Four categories of signals are considered, namely no fault signals (from a healthy bearing) inner race fault, outer race fault and rolling element fault signals. The PR procedure uses the first six principal components extracted from the signals after a proper principal component analysis (PCA). In this work a modified PCA is suggested which is much more appropriate for categorical data. The combination of the modified PCA and the PR method ensures that the fault is automatically detected and classified to one of the considered fault categories. The method suggested does not require the knowledge/ determination of the specific fault frequencies and/or any expert analysis: once the signal filtering is done and the PC's are found the PR method automatically gives the answer if there is a fault present and its type

    Vibration-based damage detection in structures using time series analysis

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    The paper considers some possibilities to use pure time series analysis for damage diagnosis in vibrating structures. It introduces the basics of the state space methodology and discusses a number of possible methods to extract damage sensitive features from the state space representation of the attractor of a vibrating system. The discussed methods can be divided into two groups: methods that use non-linear dynamics characteristics and methods based on the statistical characteristics of the distribution of points on the attractor. Each possible damage feature is introduced separately and the advantages and shortfalls of its application are discussed. The application of the suggested techniques is demonstrated on a test case of a reinforced concrete plate

    A method for vibration-based structural interrogation and health monitoring based on signal cross-correlation

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    Vibration-based structural interrogation and health monitoring is a field which is concerned with the estimation of the current state of a structure or a component from its vibration response with regards to its ability to perform its intended function appropriately. One way to approach this problem is through damage features extracted from the measured structural vibration response. This paper suggests to use a new concept for the purposes of vibration-based health monitoring. The correlation between two signals, an input and an output, measured on the structure is used to develop a damage indicator. The paper investigates the applicability of the signal cross-correlation and a nonlinear alternative, the average mutual information between the two signals, for the purposes of structural health monitoring and damage assessment. The suggested methodology is applied and demonstrated for delamination detection in a composite beam

    A method for vibration-based structural interrogation and health monitoring based on signal cross-correlation

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    Vibration-based structural interrogation and health monitoring is a field which is concerned with the estimation of the current state of a structure or a component from its vibration response with regards to its ability to perform its intended function appropriately. One way to approach this problem is through damage features extracted from the measured structural vibration response. This paper suggests to use a new concept for the purposes of vibration-based health monitoring. The correlation between two signals, an input and an output, measured on the structure is used to develop a damage indicator. The paper investigates the applicability of the signal cross-correlation and a nonlinear alternative, the average mutual information between the two signals, for the purposes of structural health monitoring and damage assessment. The suggested methodology is applied and demonstrated for delamination detection in a composite beam

    Large amplitude vibrations and damage detection of rectangular plates

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    In this work, geometrically nonlinear vibrations of fully clamped rectangular plates are used to study the sensitivity of some nonlinear vibration response parameters to the presence of damage. The geometrically nonlinear version of the Mindlin plate theory is used to model the plate behaviour. Damage is represented as a stiffness reduction in a small area of the plate. The plate is subjected to harmonic loading with a frequency of excitation close to the first natural frequency leading to large amplitude vibrations. The plate vibration response is obtained by a pseudo-load mode superposition method. The main results are focussed on establishing the influence of damage on the vibration response of the plate and the change in the time-history diagrams and the Poincaré maps caused by the damage. Finally, a criterion and a damage index for detecting the presence and the location of the damage is proposed. The criterion is based on analyzing the points in the Poincaré sections of the damaged and healthy plate. Numerical results for large amplitude vibrations of damaged and healthy rectangular and square plates are presented and the proposed damage index for the considered cases is calculated. The criterion demonstrates quite good abilities to detect and localise damage

    Vibration-based damage detection in plates by using time series analysis

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    This paper deals with the problem for vibration health monitoring (VHM) in structures with nonlinear dynamic behaviour. It aims to introduce two viable VHM methods that use large amplitude vibrations and are based on nonlinear time series analysis. The methods suggested explore some changes in the state space geometry/distribution of structural dynamic response with damage and their use for damage detection purposes. One of the methods uses the statistical distribution of state space points on the attractor of a vibrating structure, while the other one is based on the Poincaré map of the state space projected dynamic response. In this paper both methods are developed and demonstrated for a thin vibrating plate. The investigation is based on finite element modelling of the plate vibration response. The results obtained demonstrate the influence of damage on the local dynamic attractor of the plate state space and the applicability of the proposed strategies for damage assessment. The approach taken in this study and the suggested VHM methods are rather generic and permit development and applications for other more complex nonlinear structures

    Vibration-based damage detection in an aircraft wing scaled model using principal component analysis and pattern recognition

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    This study deals with vibration-based fault detection in structures and suggests a viable methodology based on principal component analysis (PCA) and a simple pattern recognition (PR) method. The frequency response functions (FRFs) of the healthy and the damaged structure are used as initial data. A PR procedure based on the nearest neighbour principle is applied to recognise between the categories of the damaged and the healthy wing data. A modified PCA method is suggested here, which not only reduces the dimensionality of the FRFs but in addition makes the PCA transformed data from the two categories more differentiable. It is applied to selected frequency bands of FRFs which permits the reduction of the PCA transformed FRFs to two new variables, which are used as damage features. In this study, the methodology is developed and demonstrated using the vibration response of a scaled aircraft wing simulated by a finite element (FE) model. The suggested damage detection methodology is based purely on the analysis of the vibration response of the structure. This makes it quite generic and permits its potential development and application for measured vibration data from real aircraft wings as well as for other real and complex structures

    An investigation on vibration-based damage detection in circular plates

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    This study aims at the development of vibration-based health monitoring (VHM) methodology for thin circular plates. The possibility of using the first several natural frequencies of a circular plate for damage detection purposes is investigated first. The study then suggests a damage detection method, which considers a vibrating plate as a dynamic system and uses its time domain response represented in a new phase (state) space to extract damage sensitive characteristics. The paper introduces the idea of using large amplitude vibrations and nonlinear time series analysis for damage detection purposes. The suggested damage detection approach explores the possibility to use certain characteristics of the distribution of phase space points on the attractor of the system. It studies the histograms of this distribution and attempts to extract damage sensitive features. Three damage features are suggested and they are shown to detect damage at a rather low level using a finite element model of the plate. The method suggested is rather generic and permits development and application to more complex structures and real data

    Autoregressive modelling for rolling element bearing fault diagnosis

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    In this study, time series analysis and pattern recognition analysis are used effectively for the purposes of rolling bearing fault diagnosis. The main part of the suggested methodology is the autoregressive (AR) modelling of the measured vibration signals. This study suggests the use of a linear AR model applied to the signals after they are stationarized. The obtained coefficients of the AR model are further used to form pattern vectors which are in turn subjected to pattern recognition for differentiating among different faults and different fault sizes. This study explores the behavior of the AR coefficients and their changes with the introduction and the growth of different faults. The idea is to gain more understanding about the process of AR modelling for roller element bearing signatures and the relation of the coefficients to the vibratory behavior of the bearings and their condition

    A new methodology for fault detection in rolling element bearings using singular spectrum analysis

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    In this study, a new methodology for fault detection in rolling element bearings is proposed, which is based on singular spectrum analysis (SSA). The main idea of the methodology is to build a baseline space from the feature vectors corresponding to the healthy bearing condition. This baseline space is made from the directions of the first three principal components, which are obtained from the decomposition stage of the singular spectrum analysis. Then, the lagged version of any new signal corresponding to a measured (possibly damaged) condition is projected onto this baseline space in order to assess its similarity to the baseline condition. The Euclidean norms of these projections are used to form three-dimensional feature vectors. The category of a new signal vector is determined on the basis of the Mahalanobis distance (MD) of its feature vector to the baseline ones. The methodology is validated using datasets acquired from two different test-rigs. From the results obtained for the correct classification rate, it is shown that this methodology performs very well. The suggested methodology also has simple steps and is easy to apply