693 research outputs found

    Stress-induced thermoelastic martensitic transformations and functional properties in [011]-oriented NiTiHfPd single crystals

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    The stress-induced martensitic transformation in the [011]-oriented Ni45.3Ti29.7Hf20Pd5 (at. %) single crystals in as-grown, homogenized and aged states were investigated in compression. It is experimentally shown that heat treatments of single crystals result in increase in martensitic transformation temperatures, two-fold decrease in reversible strain and increase in strain-hardening coefficient. As-grown single crystals demonstrate large temperature range of superelasticity (up to 140 K), large reversible strain (up to 4.3%) and large work output in comparison with homogenized and aged crystals

    Competence approach in the evaluation of educational achievements of students

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    В статье рассматривается оценка качества освоения программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена включает текущий контроль успеваемости, промежуточную и государственную итоговую аттестации обучающихся. Профессиональные задачи выступают средством обучения и контроля интегрированных умений и опыта практической деятельности, необходимых для освоения профессиональных компетенций специалиста.The article deals with the quality assessment of mastering of the training program of mid-level specialists, which includes the current control of progress, intermediate and final state certification of students. Professional tasks are a means of training and supervision of integrated skills and practical experience, necessary for the mastering of professional competence of a specialist

    Chemically modified mechanical pulp of wood chips of different breeds

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    The results of studies that allow to establish the feasibility of using a modified aspen wood as a raw material for thermomechanical pulp (TMP) in the production of newsprint. Modification of wood chips can increase the proportion of aspen wood in combination with spruce up to 30% without reducing the strength of quality newsprint. When this process is accelerated and the grinding timber increases reactivity of hemicelluloses and lignin, but also leads to lower energy consumption

    Cyclic stability of two-way shape memory effect in aged Ni50.3Ti32.2Hf17.5 polycrystals after various thermomechanical treatments

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    In the present paper, the cyclic stability of the high-temperature two-way shape memory effect was studied in high-strength Ni50.3Ti32.2Hf17.5 polycrystals after various thermomechanical treatments—training (thermocycling under stress) and stress-induced martensite aging. The effect of training and stress-induced martensite aging on the microstructure, the two-way shape memory effect, and its cyclic stability was determined. It was found out that both thermomechanical treatments induce the high-temperature two-way shape memory effect at T > 373 K, with a strain of 1.5% in tension. The influence of cyclic tests (up to 100 stress-free cycles of cooling/heating) on the two-way shape memory effect strain, the transformation temperatures, and the microstructure was established. Different degradation mechanisms of the two-way shape memory effect were established after thermocycling and stress-induced martensite aging

    Особенности влияния условий роста на структурные и оптические свойства пленок Zn0.9Cd0.1O

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    The influence of the magnetron power and the gas ratio Ar/O2 on the microstructure and the optical properties of Zn0.9Cd0.1O films is studied. The films were deposited with the use of the dc magnetron sputtering technique at a temperature of 250 ◦C. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) researches of a surface morphology demonstrated a strong influence of deposition procedure parameters on the film microstructure. The XRD analysis revealed that all grown films were polycrystalline and single-phase. The increase of the gas ratio Ar/O2 was found to be beneficial for the crystalline structure of Zn0.9Cd0.1O ternary alloys. Peculiarities of the control over the band gap and the surface morphology for Zn0.9Cd0.1O ternary alloys by varying the growth parameters are discussed.Дослiджено вплив потужностi магнетрона i спiввiдношення тискiв робочих газiв Ar/O2 на мiкроструктуру та оптичнi властивостi плiвок Zn0.9Cd0.1O. Плiвки осаджено методом магнетронного розпилювання на постiйному струмi при температурi пiдкладки 250 C. Дослiдження морфологiї поверхнi, здійснені за допомогою атомно-силової мiкроскопiї (АСМ), i рентгено-фазовий аналiз (РФА) виявили сильний вплив технологічних параметрiв осадження на мiкроструктуру плiвок. РФА аналiз показав, що всi вирощенi плiвки є полiкристалiчними i однофазними. Встановлено, що зростання парцiального тиску аргону в газовiй сумiшi Ar/O2 сприятливо впливає на кристалічну структуру твердих розчинiв Zn0.9Cd0.1O. Обговорено особливостi контролю ширини забороненої зони та морфологiї поверхнi твердих розчинiв Zn0.9Cd0.1O шляхом змiни параметрiв вирощування.В работе исследовано влияние мощности магнетрона и соотношения давлений рабочих газов Ar/O2 на микроструктуру и оптические свойства пленок Zn0.9Cd0.1O. Пленки осаждены методом магнетронного распыления на постоянном токе при температуре подложки 250 C. Исследования морфологии поверхности, проведенные с помощью атомно-силовой микроскопии (АСМ), и рентгенофазовый анализ (РФА) выявили сильное влияние технологических параметров роста на микроструктуру пленок. РФА анализ показал, что все выращенные пленки являются поликристаллическими и однофазными. Было установлено, что рост парциального давления аргона в газовой смеси Ar/O2 благоприятно влияет на кристаллическую структуру твердых растворов Zn0;9Cd0;1O. Обсуждены особенности контроля ширины запрещенной зоны и морфологи поверхности твердых растворов Zn0;9Cd0;1O путем изменения параметров осаждени

    The effect of subsequent stress‐induced martensite aging on the viscoelastic properties of aged NiTiHf polycrystals

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    This study investigated the effect of stress‐induced martensite aging under tensile and compressive stresses on the functional and viscoelastic properties in Ni50.3Ti32.2Hf17.5 polycrystals containing dispersed H‐phase particles up to 70 nm in size obtained by preliminary austenite aging at 873 K for 3 h. It was found that stress‐induced martensite aging at 428 K for 12 h results in the appearance of a two‐way shape memory effect of −0.5% in compression and +1.8% in tension. Moreover, a significant change in viscoelastic properties can be observed: an increase in internal friction (by 25%) and a change in elastic modulus in tensile samples. The increase in internal friction during martensitic transformation after stress‐induced martensite aging is associated with the oriented growth of thermal‐induced martensite. After stress‐induced martensite aging, the elastic modulus of martensite (EM) increased by 8 GPa, and the elastic modulus of austenite (EA) decreased by 8 GPa. It was shown that stress‐induced martensite aging strongly affects the functional and viscoelastic properties of material and can be used to control them

    The effect of stress-induced martensite aging in tension and compression on B2–B19′ martensitic transformation in Ni50.3Ti32.2Hf17.5 high-temperature shape memory alloy

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    The present study investigates the high-temperature shape memory effect (SME) in heterophase Ni50.3Ti32.2Hf17.5 polycrystals with nanosized H-phase particles after stress-induced martensite (SIM) aging in tension and compression. SIM aging created the conditions for fully reversible two-way SME with a strain of up to 50% of the one-way shape memory strain. SIM aging altered the viscoelastic properties of material, in particular, the elastic moduli of austenite and martensite increased, as did internal friction. Increased interface mobility is suggested as the reason for internal friction growth


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    The article presents the methodological and technical bases for the creation of regression models that adequately reflect reality. The focus is on methods of removing residual autocorrelation in models. Algorithms eliminating heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation of the regression model residuals: reweighted least squares method, the method of Cochran-Orkutta are given. A model of "pure" regression is build, as well as to compare the effect on the dependent variable of the different explanatory variables when the latter are expressed in different units, a standardized form of the regression equation. The scheme of abatement techniques of heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation for the creation of regression models specific to the social and cultural sphere is developed