1,961 research outputs found

    The origin of HE0107-5240 and the production of O and Na in extremely metal-poor stars

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    We elaborate the binary scenario for the origin of HE0107-5240, the most metal-poor star yet observed ([Fe/H] = -5.3), using current knowledge of the evolution of extremely metal-poor stars. From the observed C/N value, we estimate the binary separation and period. Nucleosynthesis in a helium convective zone into which hydrogen has been injected allows us to discuss the origin of surface O and Na as well as the abundance distribution of s-process elements. We can explain the observed abundances of 12C, 13C, N, O, and Na and predict future observations to validate the Pop III nature of HE0107-5240.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the conference, "Nuclei in the Cosmos VIII", Nuclear Physics A in pres

    Interpret Ogoh-ogoh Towards Hindu Contemporary Society

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    The interpreting of the making ogoh-ogoh based on the perspective of the cultural studies in related to the festival day of the tawur kesanga towards Hindu society in Bali. It recently is an interesting phenomenon to be studied in the academics. Due to the ogoh-ogoh is made as a series for the ceremony of the tawur kesanga lately. It has been a high cost, although, in the literary texts, it does not find the existence of ogoh-ogoh become the completeness of the tawur ceremony itself. Regarding its phenomenon, the author was interested in studying in term of this. The study was intended to interpret the ideology or a truth behind the making of ogoh-ogoh shown of the religious ceremonies. It was conducted applying a qualitative approach included classifying, categorize, understand, and interpret any data or the facts by paraphrase or description, therefore, the conclusion was generally obtained. The results of the analysis were conducted. It can be understood that the making of ogoh-ogoh recently in the Hindu society in Bali, not merely means to cast out of the evil spirits that have been perceived as buta kala by the Hindu society in Bali. However, it was interpreted as a game of the ideology i.e. capitalist ideology. In term of this was evident that the making of ogoh-ogoh lately, no longer using the local materials that can be freely gotten from the surrounding environment, but must be made by lux materials that must be purchased expensive. Thus, it can be concluded that behind the making of ogoh-ogoh related with the ceremony of the tawur kesanga towards Hindu society in Bali lately was initiated by the game of the ideology i.e. capitalist ideology

    Evolution and nucleosynthesis of extremely metal-poor and metal-free low- and intermediate-mass stars II. s-process nucleosynthesis during the core He flash

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    Models of primordial and hyper-metal-poor stars with masses similar to the Sun experience an ingestion of protons into the hot core during the core helium flash phase at the end of their red giant branch evolution. This produces a concurrent secondary flash powered by hydrogen burning that gives rise to further nucleosynthesis in the core. We perform post-process nucleosynthesis calculations on a one-dimensional stellar evolution calculation of a star of 1 solar mass and metallicity [Fe/H] = -6.5 that suffers a proton ingestion episode. Our network includes 320 nuclear species and 2,366 reactions and treats mixing and burning simultaneously. The mixing and burning of protons into the hot convective core leads to the production of 13C, which then burns via the 13C(alpha,n)16O reaction releasing a large number of free neutrons. During the first two years of neutron production the neutron poison 14N abundance is low, allowing the prodigious production of heavy elements such as strontium, barium, and lead via slow neutron captures (the s process). These nucleosynthetic products are later mixed to the stellar surface and ejected via stellar winds. We compare our results with observations of the hyper-metal-poor halo star HE 1327-2326, which shows a strong Sr overabundance. Our model provides the possibility of self-consistently explaining the Sr overabundance in HE 1327-2326 together with its C, N, and O overabundances (all within a factor of ~4) if the material were heavily diluted, for example, via mass transfer in a wide binary system. The model produces at least 18 times too much Ba than observed, but this may be within the large modelling uncertainties. In this scenario, binary systems of low mass must have formed in the early Universe. If true then this puts constraints on the primordial initial mass function.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter

    Explosions inside Ejecta and Most Luminous Supernovae

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    The extremely luminous supernova SN2006gy is explained in the same way as other SNIIn events: light is produced by a radiative shock propagating in a dense circumstellar envelope formed by a previous weak explosion. The problems in the theory and observations of multiple-explosion SNe IIn are briefly reviewed.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, LateX aipproc.cls. A bit more details and color added to Fig.3. The 10th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (OMEG07), Sapporo, Japan, December 200


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    This article intends to examine the symbolic violence that occurs in schools seen fromthe perspective of educational sociology. This is interesting, because many people are not awarethat school textbooks, especially Electronic School Books (BSE) contain symbolic violence, namelysubtle violence, but behind it contains coercive domination. This study uses a qualitative approachwith critical analysis (critical emotional knowledge paradigm). The findings obtained in theform of symbolic violence in schools occur through the forced dominance in the form ofillustrations in school textbooks, such as the use of language and dominant class symbols. Exampleof using the term 'sightseeing' which is actually an upper class habitus to dominate studentsfrom the lower classes. Likewise, the introduction of objects that are familiar with the upperclasses of society such as refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, TVs, etc. as illustrations in schooltextbooks is a form of symbolic violence carried out in a very subtle way. The way to domesticatesymbolic violence that occurs in schools is that teachers must reduce the intensity of the use ofdominant class symbols in providing illustrations of lessons in school. Another way is for teachersto also try to use the illustrations of the dominant and lower classes proportionally in explainingthe subject matter


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    Tulisan ini bermaksud mengkaji tantangan dan peluang pendidikan agama Hindu di era revolusi industri 4.0 dengan teknik analisis SWOT, yakni melihat kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan tantangan yang dihadapi para pelaku pendidikan, khususnya pendidikan agama Hindu. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada sejumlah kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan tantangan yang dihadapi dunia pendidikan, khususnya pendidikan Agama Hindu di era revolusi industri generasi keempat ini. Kekuatanya adalah, pendidikan agama  menanamkan  sikap religiusitas, dan keimanan, yakni sikap dasar yang membuat peserta didik beramal baik, bersikap   welas asih, murah hati, mudah memaafkan, dan merasa rindu serta ingin selalu dekat dengan Tuhan; Kelemahanya, adalah pembelajaran agama yang berlangsung di sekolah selama ini lebih bersifat ritualisme dan dogmaik dibandingkan penumbuhan keimanan. Artinya, pembelajaran agama yang masih menekankan pada bagaimana prosesi ritual sebuah agama itu dijalankan dan ajaran tentang hal ikhwal keyakinan atau kepercayaan yang harus diterima sedemikian rupa tanpa boleh diperdebatkan kebenarannya; Tantangan yang dihadapi para guru Pendidikan Agama Hindu di era ini adalah harus mau dan mampu meng-upgrade pengetahuan dan keterampilannya dalam bidang teknologi, khususnya teknologi informasi setiap saat; Sedangkan peluang yang tersedia bagi guru atau dosen agama yang kreatif dan inovatif adalah tersedianya ruang untuk mencari dan mengembangkan berbagai startegi dan metodologi pembelajaran yang dapat menarik minat dan bakat siswa dalam pembelajaran agama, termasuk pembelajaran Agama Hindu

    Tumor Uptake Study of 18F-labeled N-Acetylneuraminic Acids

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    開始ページ、終了ページ: 冊子体のページ付

    Study of a Threshold Cherenkov Counter Based on Silica Aerogels with Low Refractive Indices

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    To identify π±\pi^{\pm} and K±K^{\pm} in the region of\sim 2.5 GeV/c, a threshold Cherenkov counter equipped with silica aerogels has been investigated. Silica aerogels with a low refractive index of 1.013 have been successfully produced using a new technique. By making use of these aerogels as radiators, we have constructed a Cherenkov counter and have checked its properties in a test beam. The obtained results have demonstrated that our aerogel was transparent enough to make up for loss of the Cherenkov photon yield due to a low refractive index. Various configurations for the photon collection system and some types of photomultipliers, such as the fine-mesh type, for a read out were also tested. From these studies, our design of a Cherenkov counter dedicated to π/K\pi / K separation up to a few GeV/c %in the momentum range of \sim 2.5 GeV/c with an efficiency greater than 9090 \% was considered.Comment: 21 pages, latex format (article), figures included, to be published in Nucl. Instrm. Meth.