55 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kompetensi Penyusunan Butir Soal Ujian Sekolah Berbasis Komputer (USBK) Melalui Pendampingan In On IN MGMP Jenjang SMA/SMK

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    Kemampuan guru menyusun butir soal penalaran/keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS) masih rendah karena belum fokus pada (1) pertanyaan dan jawaban, (2) eksplorasi dan analisis, (3) penalaran informasi bukan ingatan, (4) menilai, (5) mengkritisi, dan (6) menginterpretasi. Penyebabnya adalah guru-guru masih kesulitan mengkontekstualisasikan konsep yang telah dipahami agar relevan dengan siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui (1) tahapan penyusunan soal ujian sekolah berbasis komputer (USBK) jenjang SMA/SMK oleh guru-guru perwakilan MGMP Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, (2) strategi pendampingan In, On, In penyusunan soal USBK jenjang SMA/SMK, (3) kriteria validasi butir soal USBK jenjang SMA/SMK, dan (4) peningkatan kompetensi guru-guru perwakilan MGMP melakukan penyusunan butir soal USBK tahun pelajaran 2019/2020.Rancangan penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan sekolah (PTS) melalui tiga siklus dengan subjek penelitian yaitu siklus I 364 guru, siklus II 728 guru, dan siklus III 132 guru, masing-masing siklus diawali dengan kegiatan In (diskusi) dan diakhiri On (praktik). Guru-guru perwakilan MGMP jenjang SMA telah melakukan validasi 21 mata pelajaran terdiri atas 8.010 butir soal. Hasil rekap validasi menemukan bahwa soal valid 3.181 (39,71%), soal edit 2.903 (36,24%), soal move 267 (3,33%), soal delete 1.734 (21,65%), dan soal sisa 6.276 (78,35%). Guru-guru perwakilan MGMP jenjang SMK melakukan validasi 10 mata pelajaran sebanyak 4.408 butir soal. Hasil rekap validasi menemukan soal valid 1.497 (33,96%), soal edit 1553 (35,23%), soal move 172 (3,90%), soal delete 1.321 (29,97%), dan soal sisa 3.087 (70,03%)

    Pengembangan Instrumen Telaah RPP Dan Supervisi Akademik Berbasis Keterampilan Abad 21 Guru Sekolah Binaan SPMI Kota Palangka Raya

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    Arranging lesson plans refers to the characteristics of students not in accordance with the demands of 21st century learning. This study aims to develop the Lesson Plan review instrument and supervision of 21st century skill-based learning using research and development (R&D). There are three design models for instrument development, namely: 1) a preliminary study, 2) the development stage, and 3) the evaluation stage. The results showed that (1) the factual model of the Lesson Plan review instrument and the supervision of learning in Central Kalimantan Province did not meet the suitability of the preliminary, core, and closing activities as well as the description in the Lesson Plan, so that it had not been used as a teacher's reference in perfecting the Lesson Plan; (2) instrument development begins with, (a) reviewing the literature so that 5 (five) components of the Lesson Plan are obtained and three stages of supervision are carried out, (b) validating the instruments according to the expert includes validity, level of importance, and usefulness on average. the average percentage reached 92.19. The evaluation phase is to test the practicality of the instrument showing (a) the observer makes it easy to study lesson plans and supervision of learning, (b) assist teachers in perfecting lesson plans according to the minimum substance in the lesson plans, (c) schools have measurement tools for lesson plans and learning supervision, and (d) Excel-based instruments that have been successfully developed refer to the skills of 21st century teachers and the industrial revolution 4.0.Menyusun RPP mengacu pada karakteristik peserta didik belum sesuai dengan tuntutan pembelajaran abad 21. Jalan pintas yang dilakukan adalah menggunakan RPP sekolah lain. Akibatnya indikator pencapaian kompetensi (IPK), model pembelajaran, dan penilaian tidak sesuai KD. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan instrumen telaah RPP dan supervisi pembelajaran berbasis keterampilan abad 21 menggunakan research and development (R & D). Desain model pengembangan instrumen ada tiga, yaitu: 1) studi pendahuluan melalui review instrumen telaah RPP dan supervisi pembelajaran, 2) tahap pengembangan yaitu telaah kesesuaian instrumen, validasi telaah instrumen menurut ahli, menyusun instrumen berdasarkan hasil validasi, dan 3) tahap evaluasi uji kepraktisan instrumen telaah RPP dan supervisi pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) model faktual instrumen telaah RPP dan supervisi pembelajaran di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah belum memenuhi  kesesuaian kegiatan pendahuluan, inti, dan penutup maupun deskripsi dalam RPP, sehingga belum digunakan sebagai acuan guru dalam menyempurnakan RPP; (2) pengembangan instrumen diawali dengan, (a) melakukan kajian literatur sehingga diperoleh 5 (lima) komponen RPP dan tiga tahapan pelaksanaan supervisi, (b) melakukan validasi instrumen menurut ahli meliputi sahih (akurasi), tingkat kepentingan, dan kebermanfaatan dengan rata-rata prosentase mencapai 92,19. Tahap evaluasi yaitu melakukan uji coba kepraktisan instrumen menunjukkan (a) observer menjadi mudah melakukan telaah RPP dan supervisi pembelajaran, (b) membantu guru dalam menyempurnakan RPP sesuai dengan substansi minimal dalam RPP, (c) sekolah memiliki alat ukur telaah RPP dan supervisi pembelajaran, dan (d) Instrumen berbasis excel yang berhasil dikembangkan mengacu keterampilan guru abad 21 dan revolusi industri 4.0

    Lyapunov instability of fluids composed of rigid diatomic molecules

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    We study the Lyapunov instability of a two-dimensional fluid composed of rigid diatomic molecules, with two interaction sites each, and interacting with a WCA site-site potential. We compute full spectra of Lyapunov exponents for such a molecular system. These exponents characterize the rate at which neighboring trajectories diverge or converge exponentially in phase space. Quam. These exponents characterize the rate at which neighboring trajectories diverge or converge exponentially in phase space. Qualitative different degrees of freedom -- such as rotation and translation -- affect the Lyapunov spectrum differently. We study this phenomenon by systematically varying the molecular shape and the density. We define and evaluate ``rotation numbers'' measuring the time averaged modulus of the angular velocities for vectors connecting perturbed satellite trajectories with an unperturbed reference trajectory in phase space. For reasons of comparison, various time correlation functions for translation and rotation are computed. The relative dynamics of perturbed trajectories is also studied in certain subspaces of the phase space associated with center-of-mass and orientational molecular motion.Comment: RevTeX 14 pages, 7 PostScript figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh Kompensasi dan Beban Kerja terhadap Disiplin Karyawan pada CV Rahmat Purwakarta secara parsial maupun simultan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah diskriptif dan verifikatif dengan jumlah sampel 45 orang karyawan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah sampling jenuh atau sensus. Sedangkan metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linear ganda, korelasi ganda, koefisien determinasi dan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan program SPSS 25. Besarnya pengaruh secara simultan dari Kompensasi dan Beban Kerja terhadap Disiplin Karyawan (pada karyawan CV Rahmat) diperoleh sebesar 55,4% serta besarnya pengaruh Kompensasi Terhadap Disiplin Karyawan secara parsial diperoleh sebesar 41,4%. Sedangkan besarnya pengaruh secara parsial dari Beban Kerja Terhadap Disiplin Karyawan diperoleh sebesar 14,0%. Untuk hasil korelasi (R) berganda adalah sebesar 0,743. Kata Kunci : Kompensasi, Beban Kerja, Disiplin Karyawa

    Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Liquid Crystal Hydrodynamics

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    We describe a lattice Boltzmann algorithm to simulate liquid crystal hydrodynamics. The equations of motion are written in terms of a tensor order parameter. This allows both the isotropic and the nematic phases to be considered. Backflow effects and the hydrodynamics of topological defects are naturally included in the simulations, as are viscoelastic properties such as shear-thinning and shear-banding.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, Revte

    Dynamical ensembles in stationary states

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    We propose as a generalization of an idea of Ruelle to describe turbulent fluid flow a chaotic hypothesis for reversible dissipative many particle systems in nonequilibrium stationary states in general. This implies an extension of the zeroth law of thermodynamics to non equilibrium states and it leads to the identification of a unique distribution \m describing the asymptotic properties of the time evolution of the system for initial data randomly chosen with respect to a uniform distribution on phase space. For conservative systems in thermal equilibrium the chaotic hypothesis implies the ergodic hypothesis. We outline a procedure to obtain the distribution \m: it leads to a new unifying point of view for the phase space behavior of dissipative and conservative systems. The chaotic hypothesis is confirmed in a non trivial, parameter--free, way by a recent computer experiment on the entropy production fluctuations in a shearing fluid far from equilibrium. Similar applications to other models are proposed, in particular to a model for the Kolmogorov--Obuchov theory for turbulent flow.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures, compile with dvips (otherwise no pictures

    Master equation approach to the conjugate pairing rule of Lyapunov spectra for many-particle thermostatted systems

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    The master equation approach to Lyapunov spectra for many-particle systems is applied to non-equilibrium thermostatted systems to discuss the conjugate pairing rule. We consider iso-kinetic thermostatted systems with a shear flow sustained by an external restriction, in which particle interactions are expressed as a Gaussian white randomness. Positive Lyapunov exponents are calculated by using the Fokker-Planck equation to describe the tangent vector dynamics. We introduce another Fokker-Planck equation to describe the time-reversed tangent vector dynamics, which allows us to calculate the negative Lyapunov exponents. Using the Lyapunov exponents provided by these two Fokker-Planck equations we show the conjugate pairing rule is satisfied for thermostatted systems with a shear flow in the thermodynamic limit. We also give an explicit form to connect the Lyapunov exponents with the time-correlation of the interaction matrix in a thermostatted system with a color field.Comment: 10 page

    Development of Lesson Plan Study Instrument and Academic Supervision Based on 21st Century Skill Teachers of SPMI Assisted Schools in Palangka Raya City

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    Arranging lesson plans refers to the characteristics of students not in accordance with the demands of 21st century learning. This study aims to develop the Lesson Plan review instrument and supervision of 21st century skill-based learning using research and development (R&D). There are three design models for instrument development, namely: 1) a preliminary study, 2) the development stage, and 3) the evaluation stage. The results showed that (1) the factual model of the Lesson Plan review instrument and the supervision of learning in Central Kalimantan Province did not meet the suitability of the preliminary, core, and closing activities as well as the description in the Lesson Plan, so that it had not been used as a teacher's reference in perfecting the Lesson Plan; (2) instrument development begins with, (a) reviewing the literature so that 5 (five) components of the Lesson Plan are obtained and three stages of supervision are carried out, (b) validating the instruments according to the expert includes validity, level of importance, and usefulness on average. the average percentage reached 92.19. The evaluation phase is to test the practicality of the instrument showing (a) the observer makes it easy to study lesson plans and supervision of learning, (b) assist teachers in perfecting lesson plans according to the minimum substance in the lesson plans, (c) schools have measurement tools for lesson plans and learning supervision, and (d) Excel-based instruments that have been successfully developed refer to the skills of 21st century teachers and the industrial revolution 4.0


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    Sixty low birthweight infants (1000-2000 g) admitted to a neonatal care unit in Turkey were studied. Those not requiring intensive care were randomly assigned for treatment either in a cot on a heated, water filled mattress kept at 37 degrees C (n = 28) or in air heated incubators with a mean air temperature of 35 degrees C (n = 32). On admission 53 (88.3%) of the infants had body temperatures between 30 degrees and 36 degrees C. There was good correlation between axillary and rectal temperatures in the infants while they were hypothermic. Normal temperatures were achieved within the first day and remained within this range during the subsequent days after admission in all the infants treated on the heated, water filled mattress, whereas they were not achieved until three days later in the incubator group. The neonatal mortality among those treated on the heated, water filled mattress was 21%, and among those treated in the incubator 34%. The heated, water filled mattress provides a good alternative to skin to skin contact with the mother, and to the use of a complex and expensive incubator for rapidly attaining and maintaining normal temperatures in the low birthweight newborn
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