137 research outputs found


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    The analysis of organizational technologies of medical rehabilitation of children, who have undergone neuroinfections and children with organic damage of the nervous system is carried out. A comprehensive approach is recommended for the implementation of rehabilitation measures. It is included in the early recovery period of the course of neuroinfections, in accordance with the profile and severity of the infectious process, according to the individual rehabilitation program, to minimize the negative consequences of infections on the central nervous system in children. The role of a multidisciplinary team in the formation of a rehabilitation program based on an objective assessment of the rehabilitation potential is demonstrated. An algorithm aimed at providing rehabilitation measures for children with neuroinfections. Проведен анализ организационных технологий медицинской реабилитации детей, перенесших нейроинфекции, и детей с органическим поражением нервной системы. Предлагается апробированный в условиях профильного стационара комплексный подход к проведению реабилитационных мероприятий, в том числе в ранний восстановительный период течения нейроинфекций в соответствии с профилем и тяжестью инфекционного процесса, по индивидуальной программе реабилитации, для сведения к минимуму негативных последствий инфекционного поражения центральной нервной системы у детей. Показана роль мультидисциплинарной бригады в формировании реабилитационной программы на основании объективной оценки реабилитационного потенциала. Предложен алгоритм, направленный на обеспечение реабилитационных мероприятий для детей с нейроинфекциями.

    Современные подходы к химиотерапии туберкулеза легких

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    Current approach to chemotherapy of pulmonary tuberculosis.Современные подходы к химиотерапии туберкулеза легких

    Tunable coaxial cavity resonator for linear and nonlinear microwave characterization of superconducting wires

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    We discuss experimental results obtained using a tunable cylindrical coaxial cavity constituted by an outer Cu cylinder and an inner Pb-BSCCO wire. We have used this device for investigating the microwave response of the superconducting wire, both in the linear and nonlinear regimes. In particular, by tuning the different modes of the cavity to make them resonant at exactly harmonic frequencies, we have detected the power emitted by the superconducting inner wire at the second- and third-harmonic frequency of the driving field. The results obtained in the nonlinear regime, whether for the microwave surface impedance or the harmonic emission, are qualitatively accounted for considering intergrain fluxon dynamics. The use of this kind of device can be of strong interest to investigate and characterise wires of large dimensions to be used for implementing superconducting-based microwave devices.Comment: 14 pages, 6 embedded figures, accepted for publication in Supercond. Sci. Techno


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    Materials concerning the sanitary protection of the territory of Sakha (Yakutia) from «atypical pneumonia» (SARS) delivery during the epidemic complication in the world are presented in the article. The activity of the region on preventing of SARS delivery by taking of legal and normative documents is shown. Mobilization capacity of the organs and institutions for expanding the measures in case of SARS delivery is reflected, the algorithm of operations is developed

    Features of molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance pathogenesis in various tissues in obesity

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    Obesity is a chronic pathology, which experts of theWorld Health Organization regard as an epidemic, based on the high rates of annual growth in the proportion of the overweight population in almost all countries of the world. Obesity is the leading cause of tissue insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. This disease is fraught with serious complications: the onset and aggravation of cardiovascular pathology, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the appearance of certain types of malignant neoplasms and dysfunctions of the reproductive system. Adipose tissue, skeletal muscle and liver play unique roles in maintaining metabolic homeostasis of the whole organism. These differences are due to the tissue-specificity of the intracellular signaling  pathways of insulin. This review presents the current literature data on the features of the molecular mechanisms responsible for disturbances in the conduction of regulatory insulin signals at the intracellular level in its main target organs in obesity. The data on the nature of disturbances  in interorgan metabolic flows caused by the growth of adipose tissue mass and their participation in the formation of insulin resistance in the liver and muscles are presented. The importance of  further in-depth study of the tissue features of the mechanisms of insulin resistance pathogenesis  for the development of new targeted pharmaceuticals that will serve to improve the complex drug correction of metabolic disorders in patients with type 2 diabetes is discussed

    Медицинская реабилитация детей, перенесших COVID-19

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    The review presents current literature data on the medical rehabilitation of children undergoing COVID-19. The clinical features and leading syndromes of COVID-19 in children, as well as primary lesions of organs and systems requiring the use of medical rehabilitation methods, are considered. Rehabilitation technologies are proposed depending on the leading clinical syndrome. Information on the main rehabilitation technologies used in children with the consequences of COVID-19 is necessary for the implementation of comprehensive medical rehabilitation at all stages of treatment and recovery.В обзоре представлены современные данные литературы о медицинской реабилитации детей, перенесших COVID-19. Рассмотрены клинические особенности и ведущие синдромы COVID-19 у детей, а также преимущественные поражения органов и систем, требующие применения методов медицинской реабилитации. Предложены технологии реабилитации в зависимости от ведущего клинического синдрома. Информация об основных реабилитационных технологиях, применяемых у детей с последствиями COVID-19, необходима для осуществления комплексной медицинской реабилитации на всех этапах лечения и восстановления

    Change of the Shape of the Dural Sac in the Laminectomy Model at Different Stages of the Reparation in the Experiment

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    Epidural fibrosis is a dynamic pathological process that develops and progresses over time and is a polyetiological and multifactorial complication in the postoperative period during spinal surgery.Aim of the study. To study the reparative process and the formation of epidural fibrosis and its effect on the shape of the dural sac in the area of laminectomy at different periods of wound healing.Materials and methods. To assess the dynamics of the formation of epidural fibrosis and the involvement of the dura mater in this process, laminectomy was performed at the level of the LVI vertebra in 35 male Wistar rats at the age of 4–5 months. The animals were divided into 5 periods of withdrawal from the experiment on days 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28. The histological material was studied by staining with hematoxylin and eosin. To assess the deformation of the dural sac, the ratio of the diameter to the length of the canal was assessed on histological preparations in the laminectomy zone, and these measurements were carried out in a group of intact animals at the level of the LVI vertebra (n = 7). Results. During the observation process, a change in the ratio of the sizes of the dural sac has been observed. In the period from days 3 to 14, the anterior-posterior size of the dural sac progressively decreases, in parallel, the transverse size increases, which leads to a change in its shape. On follow-up, some form correction occurs. It is possible that the change in the shape of the dural sac in terms of up to 14 days is due to edema, plasma saturation of tissues, as well as the growth of connective tissue. The subsequent decrease in edema and the restructuring of the newly formed connective tissue leads to a correction of the shape of the dural sac.Conclusion. In the work, the dynamics of morphological changes in the zone of formation of epidural fibrosis during laminectomy in the experiment was assessed. The dynamics of changes in the lumen of the dural sac was established. The early involvement of the dura mater in the pathological process, its interest during the entire observation period was noted. Also, histological preparations show the involvement of the nerve fibers of the cauda equina in the pathological process from the early stages after surgery: vacuolization and destruction of nerve fibers, adhesion of fibers to each other and to the dura mater, as well as activation of endotheliocytes in the vasa nervorum

    Особенности религиозности представителей профессий экстремального профиля (на примере пожарных)

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    The paper examines characteristics of religiosity in employees of Fire Service of EMERCOM. The analysis of the phenomenon of religiosity of personality in psychology demonstrated the lack of its comprehensive treatment and the lack of methodological tools for its studying. The authors (a) underlined the necessity of studying spiritual and moral values of Russians in the conditions of global civilization challenges,(b) distinguished atheistic, Christian (Orthodox) and non-Christian traditions of studying the phenomena of faith, religiosity, and spirituality of an individual, (c) revealed the psychological content of the concepts of “faith” and “religiosity”, and (d) considered the typologies of religiosity of an individual. The study involved 62 employees of the Federal Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov region (men) at the age from 21 to 52 with labour experience from a year to25 years. The methods of the study were (a) psychological testing: the questionnaire of the level of religiosity by Yu. V. Shcherbatykh, the “Inspirit” questionnaire (“Index of core spiritual experiences”) by J. Kass in D. L. Spivak’s adaptation; (b) mathematical statistics:Spearman rank correlation analysis, non-parametric Friedman test, and Wilcoxon criterion. The results of the empirical research enabled to make a conclusion about the dominance of three components in the structure of firemen’s individual religiosity: (a) the relation to religion as a philosophical concept, which helped to understand life in all its contradictoriness and often tragic nature, (b) the tendency to considerreligion as a source of support and comfort in uncontrollable conditions, (c) desire to observe the trappings of religious life as a manifestation of internal discipline and the skill of following clear rules and regulations. The experiences which convinced firemen of the existence of God and enhanced the experience of the presence of Godinside a man dominated in their religious experience. Since religiosity is a resource of stress tolerance of representatives of extreme professions, the findings of the study are of direct practical relevance.Статья посвящена изучению особенностей религиозности сотрудников противопожарной службы МЧС. В ходе анализа феномена религиозности личности в психологии констатируются отсутствие его комплексного рассмотрения и неразработанность методического инструментария для его изучения. Обосновывается необходимость изучения духовно-нравственных ориентиров россиян в условиях глобальных цивилизационных вызовов. Разведены атеистическая, христианская (православная) и нехристианская традиции изучения феноменов веры, религиозности и духовности личности; раскрыто психологическое содержание понятий «вера» и «религиозность»; рассмотрены типологии религиозности личности. В исследовании приняли участие 62 сотрудника федеральной противопожарной службы МЧС России по Ростовской области (мужчины) в возрасте от 21 года до 52 лет со стажем работы от 1 года до 25 лет. В работе использованы методы психологического тестирования (тест-опросник уровня религиозности (ТОР) Ю. В. Щербатых, опросник «Инспирит» («Index of core spiritual experiences») Дж. Касса в адаптации Д. Л. Спивака) и математической статистики (корреляционный анализ по критерию Спирмена, непараметрический анализ по критерию Фридмана, T-критерий Вилкоксона). На основе эмпирического исследования сделан вывод о доминировании в структуре индивидуальной религиозности пожарных трех компонентов, обусловленных особенностями их профессиональной деятельности: 1) отношения к религии как к философской концепции, позволяющей осмыслить происходящее в жизни во всей ее противоречивости, а зачастую и трагичности; 2) склонности рассматривать религию как источник поддержки и утешения в условиях, которые невозможно полностью контролировать даже высокопрофессиональными действиями; 3) стремления соблюдать внешние атрибуты религиозной жизни как проявления внутренней дисциплинированности и навыка следовать четким правилам и распоряжениям. Показано, что в религиозном опыте пожарных доминируют переживания, убедившие их в существовании Бога и усиливающие чувство нахождения Бога внутри человека. Подчеркивается практическая востребованность результатов исследования религиозности как ресурса стрессоустойчивости представителей профессий экстремального профиля

    The impact of olfactory and gustatory perception on metabolic homeostasis in obese patients

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    Obesity is currently a major global public health problem. As a result, in recent decades there has been a growing interest in studying the impact of this disease on the functioning of the central nervous system. One of the least understood aspects is the impact that obesity has on sensory systems.The olfactory and gustatory systems are closely related to various vital functions, such as the nocifensors activation, the stimulation of digestive reflexes. In addition, these sensory systems are known to play an important role in the mechanisms of food consumption through the regulation of appetite and satiety, influencing food choice and, therefore, they are involved in the development of obesity. A number of clinical studies have shown that obese patients are more likely to suffer from hyposmia compared to lean people of the same age.The reasons why this relationship exists remain largely unclear. The aim of this review is to assess the available data on this topic and to identify new promising areas for further research. The review was conducted in the PubMed databases for 2017–2023

    Нейровизуализационные методики оценки головного мозга при сахарном диабете (литературный обзор)

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with changes in the structure of the brain and deterioration of cognitive functions from mild to moderate according to neuropsychological testing. With the growing DM epidemic and the increasing number of people living to old age, cognitive dysfunctions associated with DM can have serious consequences for the future of public and practical health. Chronic hyperglycemia, severe episodes of hypoglycemia, and microvascular complications are important risk factors common for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. DM is also associated with structural and functional changes in the brain, which can be diagnosed by various types of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. In this review, we investigate studies conducted over the past two decades to improve the understanding of how DM effects the brain function and structure. We also describe the changes characteristic of type 1 and type 2 diabetes during standard MRI, functional MRI and proton magnetic-resonance spectroscopy (proton MRS) as well as their features.Сахарный диабет (СД) связан с изменениями в структуре головного мозга и ухудшением когнитивных функций от легкой до умеренной степени по данным нейропсихологического тестирования. В условиях растущей эпидемии СД и увеличения числа людей, доживающих до старости, когнитивная дисфункция, ассоциированная с СД, может иметь серьезные последствия для будущего общественного и практического здравоохранения. Хроническая гипергликемия, тяжелые эпизоды гипогликемии и микрососудистые осложнения являются важными факторами риска, общими для СД 1-го и 2-го типа. Также СД связан со структурными и функциональными изменениями в головном мозге, которые возможно диагностировать посредством различных вариантов магнитно-резонансной томографии (МРТ) головного мозга. В представленном обзоре рассмотрены исследования, проведенные за последние два десятилетия, чтобы улучшить понимание того, как СД влияет на функцию и структуру головного мозга. Также описаны изменения, характерные для СД 1-го и 2-го типа при проведении стандартной,  функциональной МРТ и протонной магнитно-резонансной спектроскопии, и их особенности