1,329 research outputs found

    Evaporation and growth of crystals - propagation of step density compression waves at vicinal surfaces

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    We studied the step dynamics during crystal sublimation and growth in the limit of fast surface diffusion and slow kinetics of atom attachment-detachment at the steps. For this limit we formulate a model free of the quasi-static approximation in the calculation of the adatom concentration on the terraces at the crystal surface. Such a model provides a relatively simple way to study the linear stability of a step train in a presence of step-step repulsion and an absence of destabilizing factors (as Schwoebel effect, surface electromigration etc.). The central result is that a critical velocity of the steps in the train exists which separates the stability and instability regimes. When the step velocity exceeds its critical value the plot of these trajectories manifests clear space and time periodicity (step density compression waves propagate on the vicinal surface). This ordered motion of the steps is preceded by a relatively short transition period of disordered step dynamics.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Промени в подбора на пациентите за кохлеарна имплантация

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    Авторите представят развитието на проблема, основанията и резултатите от прилагането на оперативната интервенция кохлеарна имплантация за лечение на трайни дефицити в чуването. Разглеждат се новите индикации по отношение възрастта, запазване на остатъчния слух, генетичните слухови увреди, едностранната глухота, невропатията и необходимостта от двустранна кохлеарна имплантация при деца и възрастни

    To the problems of modeling the brain ischemia in small animals

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    In the review article the problems of modeling cerebral ischemia in small mammals are consecrated. The advantages of experimental studies that are based on the similarity of the blood circulation of the brain in humans and animals are indicated. Classification of experimental models for the study of acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation, mechanisms of their development and preclinical approbation of new drugs is given. The authors indicate that all experimental models of brain ischemia can be divided into two groups: to study risk factors and pathophysiological studies of brain ischemia. And in the second case, the models of focal and global ischemia are described. In conclusion, the authors point out the difficulties and shortcomings of certain methods of ischemia reproduction, which await researchers to solve the above problems

    Feature Aggregation Decoder for Segmenting Laparoscopic Scenes

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    Laparoscopic scene segmentation is one of the key building blocks required for developing advanced computer assisted interventions and robotic automation. Scene segmentation approaches often rely on encoder-decoder architectures that encode a representation of the input to be decoded to semantic pixel labels. In this paper, we propose to use the deep Xception model for the encoder and a simple yet effective decoder that relies on a feature aggregation module. Our feature aggregation module constructs a mapping function that reuses and transfers encoder features and combines information across all feature scales to build a richer representation that keeps both high-level context and low-level boundary information. We argue that this aggregation module enables us to simplify the decoder and reduce the number of parameters in the decoder. We have evaluated our approach on two datasets and our experimental results show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art models on the same experimental setup and significantly improves the previous results, 98.44% vs 89.00% , on the EndoVis’15 dataset

    EasyLabels: weak labels for scene segmentation in laparoscopic videos

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    PURPOSE: We present a different approach for annotating laparoscopic images for segmentation in a weak fashion and experimentally prove that its accuracy when trained with partial cross-entropy is close to that obtained with fully supervised approaches. METHODS: We propose an approach that relies on weak annotations provided as stripes over the different objects in the image and partial cross-entropy as the loss function of a fully convolutional neural network to obtain a dense pixel-level prediction map. RESULTS: We validate our method on three different datasets, providing qualitative results for all of them and quantitative results for two of them. The experiments show that our approach is able to obtain at least [Formula: see text] of the accuracy obtained with fully supervised methods for all the tested datasets, while requiring [Formula: see text][Formula: see text] less time to create the annotations compared to full supervision. CONCLUSIONS: With this work, we demonstrate that laparoscopic data can be segmented using very few annotated data while maintaining levels of accuracy comparable to those obtained with full supervision

    Lattice Effects in Crystal Evaporation

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    We study the dynamics of a stepped crystal surface during evaporation, using the classical model of Burton, Cabrera and Frank, in which the dynamics of the surface is represented as a motion of parallel, monoatomic steps. The validity of the continuum approximation treated by Frank is checked against numerical calculations and simple, qualitative arguments. The continuum approximation is found to suffer from limitations related, in particular, to the existence of angular points. These limitations are often related to an adatom detachment rate of adatoms which is higher on the lower side of each step than on the upper side ("Schwoebel effect").Comment: DRFMC/SPSMS/MDN, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 25 pages, LaTex, revtex style. 8 Figures, available upon request, report# UBFF30119

    Unexpected photochemistry and charge-transfer complexes of [CB11H12]2 carborane

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    Although the [CB11H12]¯carborane does not exhibit an absorption band inUV, its triplet excited state can be generated upon 308 nm laser excitation; also unexpectedly carborane acts as electron donor forming a charge transfer complex with methylviologen that upon illumination gives rise to viologen radical cation.Galletero Pedroche, M.Sales, [email protected]