253 research outputs found

    Mathematical Modeling of a Solar Arrays Deploying Process at Ground Tests

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    This paper focuses on the creating of a mathematical model of a solar array deploying process during ground tests. Lagrange equation was used to obtain the math model. The distinctive feature of this mathematical model is the possibility of taking into account the gravity compensation system influence on the construction in the deploying process and the aerodynamic resistance during ground tests

    Modulation of LISA free-fall orbits due to the Earth-Moon system

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    We calculate the effect of the Earth-Moon (EM) system on the free-fall motion of LISA test masses. We show that the periodic gravitational pulling of the EM system induces a resonance with fundamental frequency 1 yr^-1 and a series of periodic perturbations with frequencies equal to integer harmonics of the synodic month (9.92 10^-7 Hz). We then evaluate the effects of these perturbations (up to the 6th harmonics) on the relative motions between each test masses couple, finding that they range between 3mm and 10pm for the 2nd and 6th harmonic, respectively. If we take the LISA sensitivity curve, as extrapolated down to 10^-6 Hz, we obtain that a few harmonics of the EM system can be detected in the Doppler data collected by the LISA space mission. This suggests that the EM system gravitational near field could provide an absolute calibration for the LISA sensitivity at very low frequencies.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Ferromagnetic HfO2/Si/GaAs interface for spin-polarimetry applications

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    In this letter, we present electrical and magnetic characteristics of HfO2-based metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors (MOSCAPs), along with the effect of pseudomorphic Si as a passivating interlayer on GaAs(001) grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Ultrathin HfO2 high-k gate dielectric films (3–15 nm) have been grown on Si/GaAs(001) structures through evaporation of a Hf/HfO2 target in NO2 gas. The lowest interface states density Dit at Au/HfO2/Si/GaAs(001) MOS-structures were obtained in the range of (6−13)×101

    Medical workers of health care institutions as a risk group for chemo-resistant tuberculosis: analysis of incidence, a clinical case.

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    The purpose of our study was to analyze the prevalence of morbidity of medical workers of health care institutions and anti-tuberculosis institutions, as well as the analysis of resistance of mycobacterium tuberculosis strains among medical personal of health facilities in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Retrospective analysis for 2015 - 2017 of electronic database of the patients register (TB-manager), outpatient cards and case histories of patients which underwent treatment in pulmonary-tuberculosis and surgical departments of CI «DnepropetrovskRegional Clinical Treatment and Prophylactic Association "Phthisiology"» DRC» was conducted . The incidence of tuberculosis among medical workers in health care institutions of Ukraine remains at a fairly high, stable level (426 cases of tuberculosis in 2016, 389 cases in 2017) on the background of the decrease in the incidence among the general population (59.5 people per 100 thousand population in 2014 and 51.9 per 100 thousand population in 2017 ). In Ukraine among tuberculosis patients – medical workers,  the overwhelming majority are workers of establishments of the general medical network (GMN) - 351 people, while in anti-tuberculosis institutions (ATI) in 2017, 38 cases of tuberculosis were registered. The article presents the clinical case of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR) in staff member of the pathoanatomical bureau, one of the medical institutions of the city Dnipro

    Medical workers of health care institutions as a risk group for chemo-resistant tuberculosis: analysis of incidence, a clinical case.

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    The purpose of our study was to analyze the prevalence of morbidity of medical workers of health care institutions and anti-tuberculosis institutions, as well as the analysis of resistance of mycobacterium tuberculosis strains among medical personal of health facilities in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Retrospective analysis for 2015 - 2017 of electronic database of the patients register (TB-manager), outpatient cards and case histories of patients which underwent treatment in pulmonary-tuberculosis and surgical departments of CI «DnepropetrovskRegional Clinical Treatment and Prophylactic Association "Phthisiology"» DRC» was conducted . The incidence of tuberculosis among medical workers in health care institutions of Ukraine remains at a fairly high, stable level (426 cases of tuberculosis in 2016, 389 cases in 2017) on the background of the decrease in the incidence among the general population (59.5 people per 100 thousand population in 2014 and 51.9 per 100 thousand population in 2017 ). In Ukraine among tuberculosis patients – medical workers,  the overwhelming majority are workers of establishments of the general medical network (GMN) - 351 people, while in anti-tuberculosis institutions (ATI) in 2017, 38 cases of tuberculosis were registered. The article presents the clinical case of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR) in staff member of the pathoanatomical bureau, one of the medical institutions of the city Dnipro

    Боковой амиотрофический склероз: клиническая гетерогенность и подходы к классификации

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a clinically and pathogenically heterogenic disease. Clinical heterogeneity refers to the initial localization of the pathological process, the variability of the combination of signs of upper and lower motor neuronal damage, the age of the onset, the rate of progression, hereditary predisposition, and the presence of non-motor clinical manifestations. A large number of forms of the disease are described (primary lateral sclerosis, progressive muscular atrophy, progressive bulbar palsy, flail-arm syndrome, and others), which in some cases can be considered as independent diseases due to the localization of the pathological process, disease course and prognosis. In recent years, convincing evidences of the genetic and pathogenetic heterogeneity of ALS have also been obtained. Large heterogeneity makes it difficult to create a unified classification of ALS. Formal classifications used, for example, in the diagnostic criteria of El Escorial or the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision, do not take into account many of the important features of the disease. The article describes the clinical heterogeneity of ALS. The proposed classifications are compared. A new classification system that taking into account various features of the disease and can improves understanding of the diversity of ALS is described. Боковой амиотрофический склероз (БАС) является клинически и патогенетически гетерогенным заболеванием. Клиническая гетерогенность определяется первоначальной локализацией патологического процесса, вариабельностью сочетания признаков поражения верхнего и нижнего мотонейронов, возрастом дебюта, темпом прогрессирования, наследственной предрасположенностью, а также наличием немоторных проявлений. Описано большое количество форм болезни (первичный боковой склероз, прогрессирующая мышечная атрофия, прогрессирующий бульбарный паралич, синдром «свисающих рук» и др.), которые в ряде случаев рассматривались как самостоятельные нозологические формы из-за особенностей локализации патологического процесса, течения и прогноза болезни. В последние годы получены доказательства генетической и патогенетической гетерогенности БАС. Значительная гетерогенность обусловливает сложности построения единой классификации БАС. Общепринятые классификации, используемые в диагностических критериях El Escorial или Международной классификации болезней 10-го пересмотра, не учитывают важные в практической деятельности особенности болезни. В статье обсуждается клиническая гетерогенность БАС, сравниваются имеющиеся сегодня варианты классификации. Описана новая классификационная система, учитывающая разные особенности болезни и позволяющая улучшить понимание многообразия БАС на современном этапе изучения болезни.

    Безопасность транскраниальной магнитной стимуляции: обзор международных рекомендаций и новые данные

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a rapidly developing method of neuromodulation. The use of TMS has increased significantly in both research and clinical practice. This allows not only to better understand this method, but also assess possible risks and consequences for both healthy individuals and patients. In 1998 and 2009 safety, ethical considerations, and application guidelines for the use of TMS in clinical practice and research were published. These recommendations are now the basis for safe application of the method in clinical practice and research. Safety of brain stimulation includes several aspects: the prevention and treatment of adverse effects, the strategy of patient and stimulation protocols selection, as well as safety and monitoring procedures. The most common adverse effects of TMS include headache and neck pain, syncope, transient hearing impairment. The risk of epileptic seizureis extremely low and can be minimized by careful selection of patients and the use of safe stimulation protocols. Careful selection of patients is important, taking into account a large number of factors that influence the risk of adverse effects. These factors are considered in the questionnaires to identify limitations and absolute or relative contraindications to TMS. Another important part of TMS safety is the choice of the stimulation protocol and parameters such as intensity, frequency, duration of one train of stimuli, and the interstimulus interval. Currently, the recommended limits of stimulation parameters are covered in the safety guidelines. It is also necessary to follow the procedure, including the monitoring the patient's condition during TMS and the providing qualified assistance in case of adverse effects.Транскраниальная магнитная стимуляция (ТМС) – активно развивающийся метод нейромодуляции. В последние годы значительно увеличилась частота применения ТМС как в исследовательской, так и в клинической практике, что постоянно открывает новые возможности метода, позволяет оценивать риски и последствия как для здоровых лиц, так и для пациентов с болезнями нервной системы. В 1998 и 2009 гг. были опубликованы рекомендации международной группы экспертов по безопасности и этическими аспектами ТМС, которые и сегодня остаются основной инструкцией по использованию данного метода в исследовательской и клинической практике.  Безопасность процедуры стимуляции мозга – многоуровневая задача, включающая профилактику и устранение нежелательных эффектов, стратегию отбора пациентов и протоколов стимуляции, а также обеспечение безопасности и мониторинга состояния пациента во время процедуры. К распространенным нежелательным эффектам ТМС относятся боль в шее и головная боль, синкопе, преходящие изменения слуха. По данным литературы, риск провокации эпилептического приступа крайне низок и минимизирован при тщательном отборе пациентов и использовании безопасных протоколов стимуляции. При планировании процедуры ТМС значение имеет отбор пациентов с учетом большого числа факторов риска нежелательных эффектов, а также абсолютных и относительных противопоказаний проведения стимуляции. На этом этапе перед проведением ТМС рекомендуется использовать специальные опросники. Следующим важным вопросом безопасности ТМС является протокол стимуляции с подбором таких параметров, как интенсивность, частота, продолжительность одной серии стимулов и межстимульный интервал. Сегодня максимально допустимые значения перечисленных параметров регламентированы в рекомендациях по безопасности, а их изменение допускается только в клинических исследованиях. Для обеспечения безопасности необходимо соблюдение ряда организационных мер, в том числе мониторинг состояния пациента во время процедуры и возможность оказания квалифицированной помощи при развитии нежелательных явлений. 

    COVID-19 Pandemic and IBS. Results of the All-Russian Observational Non-interventional Program to Study the Effectiveness of the Drug Kolofort® in Real Clinical Practice in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome After a New Coronavirus Infection (VESNA)

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    Aim: to study the effectiveness and safety of using the drug Kolofort® in outpatients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) after a new coronavirus infection.Materials and methods. An observational non-interventional program was conducted in patients with exacerbation of IBS symptoms after a new coronavirus infection. One hundred forty-one patients took part in the study. The final efficacy analysis included data from 127 study participants. All patients complained of increased/appearing gastrointestinal symptoms that appeared within 1–6 months after the infection (all patients had a history of COVID-19 infection). To assess the presence and severity of symptoms of the disease, the “7 × 7” questionnaire was used before the start of treatment and three months after the start of treatment.Results. At the stage of inclusion in the program, the average total score on the “7 × 7” questionnaire was 17.36, which corresponded to a moderately severe disorder. During the treatment period, the average total score decreased to 6.14, which corresponded to borderline disorder. In addition, significant improvement was observed for each symptom separately. After three months of therapy, doctors rated the overall impression of the treatment on a 5-point Likert scale from “very effective” to “ineffective”. The average score was 4.24. In addition, no serious adverse events were identified while taking the drug.Conclusion. In real clinical practice, the drug Kolofort® demonstrated high clinical efficacy in the treatment of patients with IBS after COVID-19 infection