2,235 research outputs found


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    The study focused on the comparative evaluation of economic benefits of earthen fish ponds and concrete tanks in aquaculture enterprises in Ibadan, Oyo state. Primary data were collected with the aid of structured interview schedule, administered through personal interviews and observations to elicit information from 100 fish farmers using purposive and convenience sampling procedure. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive, budgetary and inferential statistics. The study revealed that the mean age, male, married, household size, educated and fish farming experience were 41 years, 83.0%, 87.0%, 5 persons, 96.0% and 8 years, respectively. Earthen fish ponds users earned mean revenue of N3,322,189.85 with gross margin of N2,188,397.89 while concrete tank users earned N2,412,271.08 with gross margin of N1,413,299.46. The results showed profitability indices (0.61 and 0.47), Variable Cost ratio (0.35 and 0.30), Benefit Cost Ratio (2.55 and 1.89), Gross ratio (0.40 and 0.54) and Expenses structure ratio (0.13 and 0.23) for both the earthen ponds and concrete fish tanks, respectively. There were significant differences (t = 42.53, p≤0.05) between the profit level of earthen fish ponds and concrete tanks. Major constraints affecting economic status of the respondents were high cost of quality feed, insufficient funds, poaching and poor marketing channel. In conclusion, aquaculture is a more profitable and viable business regardless of the culture system. Government should assist the fish farmers by subsidizing feeds cost, granting and monitoring of loan.Temelj ovog istraživanja bila je usporedba procjene ekonomske koristi zemljanih bazena ribnjaka i betonskih spremnika u akvakulturnim poduzećima grada Ibadana u državi Oyo. U izboru 100 uzgajivača ribe korištena je kombinacija svrsishodnog i praktičnog uzorkovanja, a uzgajivači su bili podvrgnuti strukturiranom intervjuu radi prikupljanja primarnih podataka u svrhu deskriptivne statistike, proračunske tehnike i inferencijalne statistike. Istraživanje je rezultiralo sljedećim podacima: prosječna životna dob bila je 41 godina, muškaraca je bilo 83,0%, oženjenih 87,0%, u većini slučajeva bilo je 5 članova kućanstva, obrazovanih je bilo 96,0%, a iskustvo uzgoja riba kod ispitanika bilo je 8 godina. Korisnici zemljanih bazena ribnjaka imali su srednji prihod od N3,322,189.85 s bruto maržom od N2,188,397.89, dok su korisnici betonskih spremnika zaradili N2,412,271.08 s bruto maržom od N1,413,299.46. Indeks profitabilnosti bio je 0,61 i 0,47, varijabilni omjer troškova 0,35 i 0,30, omjer troškova i koristi 2,55 i 1,89, bruto omjer 0,40 i 0,54, a omjer strukture troškova bio je 0,13 i 0,23. Značajna je razlika između razine profita od zemljanih ribnjaka i betonskih spremnika (t = 42,53, p ≤ 0,05). Glavne prepreke koje utječu na ekonomski status ispitanika bili su visoki troškovi kvalitetne prehrane, neadekvatnost fondova, krivolov i loš marketing. Zaključno, akvakultura je isplativo i održivo područje poduzetništva, bez obzira na kulturni sustav. Vlada bi trebala pomoći uzgajivačima ribe subvencioniranjem troškova prehrane, odobravanjem i praćenjem kredita

    Ionic Coulomb blockade and anomalous mole fraction effect in NaChBac bacterial ion channels

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    We report an experimental study of the influences of the fixed charge and bulk ionic concentrations on the conduction of biological ion channels, and we consider the results within the framework of the ionic Coulomb blockade model of permeation and selectivity. Voltage clamp recordings were used to investigate the Na+^+/Ca2+^{2+} anomalous mole fraction effect (AMFE) exhibited by the bacterial sodium channel NaChBac and its mutants. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to study the effect of either increasing or decreasing the fixed charge in their selectivity filters for comparison with the predictions of the Coulomb blockade model. The model was found to describe well some aspects of the experimental (divalent blockade and AMFE) and simulated (discrete multi-ion conduction and occupancy band) phenomena, including a concentration-dependent shift of the Coulomb staircase. These results substantially extend the understanding of ion channel selectivity and may also be applicable to biomimetic nanopores with charged walls

    On the Finiteness Problem for Automaton (Semi)groups

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    This paper addresses a decision problem highlighted by Grigorchuk, Nekrashevich, and Sushchanskii, namely the finiteness problem for automaton (semi)groups. For semigroups, we give an effective sufficient but not necessary condition for finiteness and, for groups, an effective necessary but not sufficient condition. The efficiency of the new criteria is demonstrated by testing all Mealy automata with small stateset and alphabet. Finally, for groups, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition that does not directly lead to a decision procedure

    Density-independent prey choice, taxonomy, life history, and web characteristics determine the diet and biocontrol potential of spiders (Linyphiidae and Lycosidae) in cereal crops

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    Spiders are among the dominant invertebrate predators in agricultural systems and are significant regulators of insect pests. The precise dynamics of biocontrol of pests in the field are, however, poorly understood. This study investigates how density-independent prey choice, taxonomy, life stage, sex, and web characteristics affect spider diet and biocontrol. We collected spiders in four genera of Linyphiidae (i.e., Bathyphantes, Erigone, Tenuiphantes, and Microlinyphia), and individuals from the Lycosidae genus Pardosa, and their proximate prey communities from barley fields in Wales, UK between April and September 2018. We analyzed the gut contents of 300 individual spiders using DNA metabarcoding. From the 300 spiders screened, 89 prey taxa were identified from 45 families, including a wide range of pests and predators. Thrips were the dominant prey, present in over a third of the spiders sampled, but a type IV functional response appears to reduce their predation at peak abundances. Spider diets significantly differed based on web characteristics, but this depended on the genus and sex of the spider and it was not the principal separating factor in the trophic niches of linyphiids and lycosids. Diets significantly differed between spider genera and life stages, reflected in different propensities for intraguild predation and pest predation. Adult spiders predated a greater diversity of other predators, and juveniles predated a greater diversity of pests. Overall, Tenuiphantes spp. and Bathyphantes spp. exhibited the greatest individual potential for biocontrol of the greatest diversity of pest genera. The greater trophic niche complementarity of Pardosa spp. and Erigone spp., however, suggests that their complementary predation of different pests might be of greater overall benefit to biocontrol. Sustainable agriculture should aim to optimize conditions throughout the cropping cycle for effective biocontrol, prioritizing provision for a diversity of spiders which predate a complementary diversity of pest species

    Maternal therapy with Ad.VEGF-A165 increases fetal weight at term in a guinea pig model of fetal growth restriction

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    OBJECTIVES: We have demonstrated that transient uterine artery VEGF overexpression improves fetal growth in growth restricted sheep pregnancy. We tested this hypothesis in guinea pig pregnancies, where placental physiology more closely resembles that in humans. METHOD: Virgin guinea pigs were nutrient restricted peri-conceptually to create fetal growth restriction (FGR). At day 29-36 (term=65days) at laparotomy Ad.VEGF-A165 or Ad.LacZ (1x1010vp) were applied externally to the uterine circulation using a thermosensitive gel. Dams were sacrificed after 3-8 days or at term. Pups were weighed and tissues sampled for vector spread, VEGF expression and its downstream effects. RESULTS: Ad.VEGF-A165 significantly increased fetal weight at term (88.01±13.36g, n=26) compared to control Ad.LacZ treatment (85.52±13.00g, n=19, p=0.028). Brain, liver, lung weight and crown rump length were significantly larger 3-8 days post-administration, VEGF expression was demonstrated by ELISA and confirmed by immunohistochemistry in transduced tissues. RT-PCR of term samples confirmed vector transduction in target tissues, but the transgene was undetectable in fetal samples. Tissue histological analysis and blood biochemistry/haematological examination was normal. Uterine arteries from Ad.VEGF-A165-treated dams relaxed more completely than those from Ad.LacZ treated dams. CONCLUSIONS: Maternal uterine artery Ad.VEGF-A165 increases fetal growth velocity and term fetal weight in growth restricted guinea pig pregnancy

    The scaling of X-ray variability with luminosity in Ultra-luminous X-ray sources

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    We investigated the relationship between the X-ray variability amplitude and X-ray luminosity for a sample of 14 bright Ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs) with XMM-Newton/EPIC data, and compare it with the well established similar relationship for Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). We computed the normalised excess variance in the 2-10 keV light curves of these objects and their 2-10 keV band intrinsic luminosity. We also determined model "variability-luminosity" relationships for AGN, under several assumptions regarding their power-spectral shape. We compared these model predictions at low luminosities with the ULX data. The variability amplitude of the ULXs is significantly smaller than that expected from a simple extrapolation of the AGN "variability-luminosity" relationship at low luminosities. We also find evidence for an anti-correlation between the variability amplitude and L(2-10 keV) for ULXs. The shape of this relationship is consistent with the AGN data but only if the ULXs data are shifted by four orders of magnitudes in luminosity. Most (but not all) of the ULXs could be "scaled-down" version of AGN if we assume that: i) their black hole mass and accretion rate are of the order of ~(2.5-30)x 10E+03 Msolar and ~ 1-80 % of the Eddington limit, and ii) their Power Spectral Density has a doubly broken power-law shape. This PDS shape and accretion rate is consistent with Galactic black hole systems operating in their so-called "low-hard" and "very-high" states.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Accretion, ejection and reprocessing in supermassive black holes

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    This is a White Paper in support of the mission concept of the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT), proposed as a medium-sized ESA mission. We discuss the potential of LOFT for the study of active galactic nuclei. For a summary, we refer to the paper.Comment: White Paper in Support of the Mission Concept of the Large Observatory for X-ray Timin

    Money spider dietary choice in pre‐ and post‐harvest cereal crops using metabarcoding

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    Money spiders (Linyphiidae) are an important component of conservation biological control in cereal crops, but they rely on alternative prey when pests are not abundant, such as between cropping cycles. To optimally benefit from these generalist predators, prey choice dynamics must first be understood. Money spiders and their locally available prey were collected from cereal crops 2 weeks pre‐ and post‐harvest. Spider gut DNA was amplified with two novel metabarcoding primer pairs designed for spider dietary analysis, and sequenced. The combined general and spider‐exclusion primers successfully identified prey from 15 families in the guts of the 46 linyphiid spiders screened, whilst avoiding amplification of Erigone spp. The primers show promise for application to the diets of other spider families such as Agelenidae and Pholcidae. Distinct invertebrate communities were identified pre‐ and post‐harvest, and changes in spider diet and, to a lesser extent, prey choice reflected this. Spiders were found to consume one another more than expected, indicating their propensity towards intraguild predation, but also consumed common pest families. Changes in spider prey choice may redress prey community changes to maintain a consistent dietary intake. Consistent provision of alternative prey via permanent refugia should be considered to sustain effective conservation biocontrol

    Isolation, characterisation, and selection of wine yeast strains in Etyek-Buda wine district, Hungary

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    Initiated by the Association “Wine Route of Etyek Wine District”, the objectives of this study were to isolate and identify autochthonous yeast strains from local wines and to determine their oenologically important properties. The first aim of this work was to characterize the taxonomic and phenotypic diversity of the representative Saccharomyces yeast strains that dominate the spontaneous fermentations in this wine district. The results obtained by molecular ribotyping (ARDRA) revealed a strong dominance of S. cerevisiae, but S. bayanus var. uvarum was also present sporadically. Some of the natural isolates exhibited high volatile acid production or poor fermentation capacity, which imply a quality risk in spontaneous fermentations. Most of the isolates, however, displayed good oenological features during lab scale fermentations. As the second aim of this work, the most promising, selected strains were further tested for oenological properties in microvinification scale and, finally, in large scale fermentations. The analytical and sensory analysis proved that selected strains, including S. bayanus var. uvarum, can be used as local starter cultures, which may contribute to the typicality of the local wines in comparison with commercial starters

    Radio Galaxy Zoo: discovery of a poor cluster through a giant wide-angle tail radio galaxy

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ©: 2016 J. K. Banfield, H. Andernach, A. D. Kapińska, L. Rudnick, M. J. Hardcastle, G. Cotter, S. Vaughan, T. W. Jones, I. Heywood, J. D. Wing, O. I. Wong, T. Matorny, I. A. Terentev, Á. R. López-Sánchez, R. P. Norris, N. Seymour, S. S. Shabala, and K. W. Willett. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. The version of record is available on line at doi: 10.1093/mnras/stw1067We have discovered a previously unreported poor cluster of galaxies (RGZ-CL J0823.2+0333) through an unusual giant wide-angle tail radio galaxy found in the Radio Galaxy Zoo project. We obtained a spectroscopic redshift of z=0.0897z=0.0897 for the E0-type host galaxy, 2MASX J08231289+0333016, leading to Mr=22.6_r = -22.6 and a 1.41.4\,GHz radio luminosity density of L1.4=5.5×1024L_{\rm 1.4} = 5.5\times10^{24} W Hz1^{-1}. These radio and optical luminosities are typical for wide-angle tailed radio galaxies near the borderline between Fanaroff-Riley (FR) classes I and II. The projected largest angular size of 8\approx8\,arcmin corresponds to 800800\,kpc and the full length of the source along the curved jets/trails is 1.11.1\,Mpc in projection. X-ray data from the XMM-Newton archive yield an upper limit on the X-ray luminosity of the thermal emission surrounding RGZ J082312.9+033301,at 1.22.6×10431.2-2.6\times10^{43} erg s1^{-1} for assumed intra-cluster medium temperatures of\,keV. Our analysis of the environment surrounding RGZ J082312.9+033301 indicates that RGZ J082312.9+033301 lies within a poor cluster. The observed radio morphology suggests that (a) the host galaxy is moving at a significant velocity with respect to an ambient medium like that of at least a poor cluster, and that (b) the source may have had two ignition events of the active galactic nucleus with 10710^7\,yrs in between. This reinforces the idea that an association between RGZ J082312.9+033301, and the newly discovered poor cluster exists.Peer reviewe