1,494 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Differential Subordination Involving Generalized Noor-Salagean Operator

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    The well-known technique of subordination has recently been extended from the geometric function theory to the fuzzy set theory by several authors. In this paper, we use the notion of fuzzy differential subordination to introduce certain fuzzy classes using the generalized Noor-Salagean operator. Certain interesting results are established for these classes

    PEMBERDAYAAN INDUSTRI KECIL di PEDESAAN (Studi Upaya Peningkatan Keberdayaan Pengrajin Kain Tenun Sambas di Desa Sumber Harapan Kecamatan Sambas Kabupaten Sambas Kalimantan Barat)

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    ABSTRACT Sambas traditional woven clothes produced in Sumber Harapan Village, Sambas Regency, are not known in neighboring sub-district and regency areas, but also in Pontianak City and even in Malaysia. Although many mid-scale and large organizations went bankrupt because of the tough economic crisis, this small-scale businesses remain operating without any serious hindrance. This proved that small-scale industries do not assign our government any burdens. Concerning this fact, it is recommended that these industries should be empowered. Underlined by these fact, this study is intend to investigate: (1) Some attempts of sambas woven clothes craftmen to raise their empowerment in order to optimize their business potentials, (2) Sambas Regency Government and private sector roles, and (3) sambas traditional woven clothes empowerment process in Sumber Harapan Village, Sambas Regency. The results identify that the craftmen attempts in optimizing their business potentials contain the following values: (a) economical values, covering income raise, family welfare and family existence and their business; (b) social values, covering aspects of increasing craftmen dignity and social status in which they should operate their own business instead of being workers; (c) cultural values, covering their braveness, struggle, creativity, productivity and will to improve woven cloth design. The small-scale industries have provided economic sources, but they still cannot improve craftmen economic continuously. Sambas Regency Government roles as facilitator agency for the small-scale business has made some efforts by releasing some policies and small-scale industries empowerment. Unfortunately, these efforts has produced optimal outcome. To make the same efforts, private business offers partnership plan through merchandising and production patters. The craftmen empowerment is applied through three phases: initial, guidance, help, and establishment. The craftmen position from their initial existence up to economic crisis of 1997-1998 is emansipatory position. This position has improved into empowerment process at the second year of the economic crisis. Keywords: Small-Scale Industry, Empowerment, Rural area

    End of Life-Decisions: An Islamic Perspective

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    Patients who live with a low quality of life and suffer from chronic pain may wish to end their suffering through different means such as active euthanasia, passive euthanasia, and physician-assisted suicide. These alternatives to end one’s own life create many ethical dilemmas for health care professionals, patients, and family members. Some of these decisions are forbidden in Islamic Religion, while others are permitted. In this paper, the authors will discuss how Islam looks at these decisions. Knowing about how Islam deals with such decisions will be of great help for health care providers who take care of Muslim patients. It will also help patients and their families in making their decisions at the end of life

    Studi Kasus : Analisis Peningkatan Efisiensi Thrust Akibat Penerapan Energy Saving Device pada Kapal Tanker Pertamina (Persero) 40000 LTDW dengan Ansys Fluent Menggunakan Metode Moving Mesh

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    Energy Saving Device (ESD) merupakan alat yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi gaya dorong pada kapal, sehingga energi yang dikeluarkan oleh mesin kapal tidak mengalami loss energy yang cukup berpengaruh pada konsumsi bahan bakar. Alat ini dipasang di sekitar propeller, yang tujuannya untuk mengurangi hambatan pada daerah propeller sehingga hambatan yang dialami oleh kapal dapat berkurang. PT. Pertamina (PERSERO) selaku BUMN yang bergerak di bidang minyak dan gas, membutuhkan kapal tanker yang ramah konsumsi bahan bakar. Dari kasus ini, kemudian dicari model ESD yang akan dipakai untuk kapal tanker tersebut. ESD dimodelkan menggunakan Ansys Fluent dengan menggunakan metode Moving Mesh kemudian dianalisis efisiensi dari ESD dan gaya dorong pada kapal sebelum dan setelah dipasang ESD. Dari hasil perhitungan ditemukan adanya peningkatan efisiensi thrust sebesar 2.526% pada kecepatan 10 knot, 4.452% pada kecepatan 15 knot, dan 5.176% pada kecepatan 18 knot. Untuk gaya dorong ditemukan nilai 658182 N pada kecepatan 10 knot, 804881 N pada kecepatan 15 knot, dan 1182150 N pada kecepatan 18 knot dalam kondisi tanpa menggunakan ESD, Sedangkan dalam kondisi menggunakan ESD ditemukan nilai gaya dorong sebesar 668186 N pada 10 knot, 808917 N pada 15 knot, dan 1195770 N pada kecepatan 18 knot. Hal tersebut menunjukkan adanya peningkatan efisiensi thrust dan meningkatnya gaya dorong pada kondisi kapal menggunakan ESD bila dibandingkan dengan kondisi kapal tidak menggunakan ESD

    Pengukuran Kesiapan Teknologi untuk Pembangunan Kapal Kontainer 100 TEUs dengan Sistem Modular di PT PAL Indonesia

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    Industri galangan kapal Indonesia mempunyai potensi yang cukup besar jika ditinjau dari kebutuhan kapal dari dalam negeri, termasuk banyaknya jumlah kebutuhan kapal kontainer 100 TEUs dalam waktu dekat. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sekaligus meningkatkan daya saing industri galangan kapal Indonesia di mata dunia dibutuhkan pengembangan teknologi produksi kapal. Banyaknya kebutuhan kapal kontainer 100 TEUs memungkinkan untuk dibangun secara masal dengan sistem modular, dimana teknologi modular adalah implementasi dari teknologi PWBS yang telah diterapkan banyak galangan. PT. PAL Indonesia telah menerapkan teknologi modular, akan tetapi untuk pembangunan kapal PKR (Perusak Kawal Rudal). Oleh karena itu, pada makalah ini dilakukan pengukuran kesiapan teknologi PT. PAL Indonesia dengan metode pengukuran model teknometrik untuk pembangunan kapal kontainer secara masal dengan sistem modular, di mana teknometrik membagi empat komponen teknologi yang terdiri dari technoware, humanware, inforwar, dan orgaware. Hasil dari pengukuran tersebut memberikan rekomendasi pengembangan galangan kapal, antara lain pemanfaatan lahan sebagai buffer area, melakukan transfer of technology pada SDM, mengintegrasikan sistem informasi, dan membentuk badan penelitian dan pengembangan

    Inkuiri Terbimbing Pada Reaksi Redoks Dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menjawab Pertanyaan Klarifikasi

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    This research aimed to describe the effectiveness of guided inquiry model on redox reactions to increase the answering clarification answering questions ability. The samples in this research were the 1st and 2nd of the 10th grade as experimental and control class which obtained by using purposive sampling technique from all of the 10th grade students in SMAN 2 Gadingrejo on 2014/2015 Academic Years. This research used quasi experiment method with non-equivalent (pretest-posttest) control group design. The learning effectiveness was showed by a different significantly of n-Gain in experimental and control class. The results showed that the average of n-Gain of the answering clarification questions ability on experimental and control class were 0.63 and 0.22 respectively. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, guided inquiry model was effective to increase the answering clarification questions ability. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan efektivitas model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing pada reaksi redoks dalam meningkatkan keterampilan menjawab pertanyaan klarifikasi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah kelas X1dan X2 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kontrol yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dari seluruh siswa kelas X SMAN 2 Gadingrejo Tahun Pelajaran 2014-2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan non-eqiu­valent (pretest-posttest) control group design. Efektivitas pembelajaran ditunjukkan dengan adanya perbedaan n-Gain yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai rata-rata n-Gain keterampilan menjawab pertanyaan klarifikasi pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol berturut-turut adalah 0,63 dan 0,22. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis, disimpulkan bahwa model pembe­la­jaran inkuiri terbimbing efektif dalam meningkatkan keteram­pilan menjawab pertanyaan klarifikasi

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Petani Padi Sawah Berdasarkan Luas Lahan di Desa Sindangsari, Kecamatan Banjarsari, Kabupaten Ciamis, Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Padi adalah komoditas utama yang berperan sebagai pemenuh kebutuhan pokok karbohidrat bagi penduduk Indonesia. Ketergantungan penduduk Indonesia dalam mengkonsumi padi menyebabkan tingginya permintaan terhadap komoditas padi. Tingginya kebutuhan padi ini seharusnya memberikan dampak positif terhadap kehidupan petani padi. Nyatanya, kehidupan petani padi masih banyak yang tidak sejahtera walaupun berada di daerah sentra produksi padi. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi hal tersebut, salah satunya kepemilikan lahan petani yang mayoritas adalah lahan sempit (<0,5 Ha). Desa Sindangsari, Kecamatan Banjarsari, Kabupaten Ciamis merupakan daerah yang masih mengandalkan padi sebagai komoditas utamanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesejahteraan rumah tangga petani padi berdasarkan luas lahannya. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan parameter kesejahteraan menurut Sudana (2008) untuk mengetahui Nilai Tukar Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Petani (NTPRP) serta parameter 11 indikator tingkat kesejahteraan SUSENAS oleh BPS (2016). Metode yang digunakan adalah Proportional Random Sampling dan diperoleh 39 petani padi responden yang terdiri dari 2 petani padi lahan luas, 5 petani padi lahan sedang dan 32 petani padi lahan sempit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semakin luas kepemilikan lahan, semakin besar kontribusi pendapatan sektor pertanian terhadap pendapatan total rumah tangga petani. Analisis tingkat kesejahteraan rumah tangga petani padi sawah dengan menggunakan beberapa indikator menunjukkan hasil tingkat kesejahteraan yang berbeda.Tingkat kesejahteraan menggunakan indikator ekonomi menunjukkan adanya rumah tangga petani yang termasuk kategori miskin (tidak sejahtera), namun jika menggunakan indikator ekonomi dan sosial (BPS-SUSENAS 2016) menunjukkan hasil seluruh rumah tangga petani termasuk tingkat sejahtera tinggi. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani diperlukan kebijakan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan melalui berbagai aspek yang menunjang peningkatan sektor pertanian dan non pertania

    Effect of Inoculum Age, Carbon and Nitrogen Sources on the Production of Lipase by Candida Cylindracea 2031 in Batch Fermentation

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    Production of extracellular lipase by Candida cylindracea DSMZ 2031  was studied in a seven liters batch bioreactor, using palm oil (PO), palmitic acid (PA), lauric acid (LA), olive oil (OO) and cooking oil (CO) as carbon source.   The effect of  carbon and nitrogen sources  were studied by measuring the lipase activity.  The maximum lipase activity was found to be 12.7 kLU on palm oil as carbon source, urea as nitrogen sources and at 36 h inoculum age. This was achieved at a temperature of 30o C, pH of 6.0, agitation speed of 500 rpm and aeration of 1vvm

    Pengaruh Stres Kerja Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan PT Jasaraharja (Persero) Cabangjawatimur Di Surabaya)

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    One determinant of progress of a company is owned resources. A company or an entity feels that the absence of quality resources, the company\u27s goals will not be achieved. But often not realized, the company only makes employees or resources as a means to achieve its goals rather than as individuals who need for recognition and awards. This study aims to know and explain the effect of job stress and job satisfaction on employee performance, both partially and simultaneously. Moreover, to know which independent variables that most influence on employee performance. The type of research conducted in this research is the explanation (explanatory research) using a quantitative approach to explain the relationship between variables through hypothesis testing, where the method of analysis used is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate how stressful conditions of work and job satisfaction on employee performance, where there is a direct relationship between Work Stress and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance, and partially and simultaneously influenced on employee performance. While the independent variables that most influence on the performance of employees is job stress

    The Enhancement of Construct Arguments and Give Reasons in Salt Hydrolisis Lesson by Guided Inquiry Learning Model

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    This research aims to describe the effectiveness and characteristics of guided inquiry learning model in salt hydrolysis lesson to improve the skills of constructing arguments and giving reasons. Populations in this research is all students of State senior high school 1 Gadingrejo even semester of Academic Year 2011-2012 with XI Science 3 class and XI Science 4 class as sample. This research uses a quasi-experimental methods Non Equivalent Control Group Design. The effectiveness of guided inquiry learning model is measured by an increase in significant N-gain. Results showed N-gain average of construct argument skills for the experimental class and control class respectively 0.61 and 0.35; and N-gain average of give reason skills for the experimental class and control class respectively 0.56 and 0,29. Testing the hypothesis in this research using two average difference test with the t-test statistical formula. The results of hypothesis testing showed the skill of construct arguments and give reasons students on salt hydrolysis lesson that is applied guided inquiry learning model is higher than those applied to conventional learning. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it was concluded that guided inquiry learning model is effective in improving the skills of construct arguments and give reasons on salt hydrolysis lesson. Keywords: guided inquiry learning model, construct argument skills, give reasons skill
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