534 research outputs found

    Immunolocalisation of vasoactive intestinal peptide and substance P in the developing gut of Dicentrarchus labrax (L.)

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    This study was carried out on the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) to follow, during development, the appearance and distribution of substance P (SP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), which act on gut motility. The results suggest that SP and VIP play an important role as neuromodulators, influencing the motility of the digestive tract starting from the early stages of gut development, even prior to exotrophic feeding. In the peptidergic nervous system, the appearance of immunoreactivity to SP began at the rectum and followed a distal to proximal gradient, whereas for VIP, it began proximally and progressed along a proximal to distal gradient. The two peptides also appeared in gut epithelial cells. In some regions, all the cells were positive. From this distribution of positive cells, we conclude that these peptides may also have other roles, besides being neurotransmitters in the enteric nervous system and hormones of the gastro-entero-pancreatic system. VIP and SP might have paracrine and/or autocrine activity in the physiological maturation of the gut epithelium, as it has already been hypothesised for other peptides

    Preliminary Results of the Use of Sowing Time and Variety Choice as Techniques of Adaptability of Durum Wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) to Temperature Increases

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    In the 21st century, global climate change is a key concern for countries all over the world as, in the future, crops will face several extreme events, including an increase of 2–4◩C in the mean temperature with a possible consequent reduction in yield. Wheat (Triticum durum Desf) is one of the most important foods as it provides 20% of the protein for the world population. Since temperature is one of the most limiting factors of crop development, the aim of this trial was to verify the agronomic response of durum wheat to a temperature increase of about 1.5–2.0◩C through the use of short-time adjustment techniques, such as sowing time and variety choice. The experiment foresaw the comparison between two different temperature conditions (ordinary, OT—in the open field, and high, HT—under a polyethylene tunnel), two sowing times (ordinary—OS, and delayed—DS), and three varieties (Ofanto, modern variety; Cappelli, traditional variety; and a mix of the two). HT conditions caused a decline in the wheat yield (−52.5%), but without differences between the two sowing times. The grain quality resulted positively when affected by late sowing times with an increase in 1000 seeds weight and protein percentages and a decrease in shrunken grains. Therefore, it seems that in areas characterized by high temperatures, delayed sowing can improve grain quality without reducing yield quantity compared to ordinary sowing times

    Yield performance and physiological response of a maize early hybrid grown in tunnel and open air under different water regimes

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    Climate change is one of the most important and studied phenomena of our age and it can have a deep impact on agriculture. Mediterranean countries are and will continue to be strongly affected by changing environmental factors, including lack of precipitation and prolonged heatwaves. The current study aimed to assess the adaptability of an early maize hybrid grown in two temperature conditions and subjected to different irrigation water regimes. The experimen-tal design was a randomized complete-block design with two different temperature conditions: (i) ordinary temperature in open field (OF) and (ii) high temperature (about 3◩ C higher than the current condition) under a poly-ethylene tunnel (PE). In both environments, five irrigation level treatments were applied: 100% (DI100), 75% (DI75), 50% (DI50), 25% (DI25), and 0% restoration of water lost by evapotranspiration (DI0). The responses of maize plants were assessed in terms of yield, nitrogen content determination, nitrogen use efficiency, leaf gas exchanges, and leaf water potential measurements. In both conditions, yield and its components linearly decreased as the irrigation water amount reduced, and even the DI0 plants did not produce. Notably, the PE-DI100 treatment had a significantly higher yield than the corresponding treatment in the open air (9.9 vs. 8.5 t ha−1 ), due mainly to the increased number of ears per square meter (13 vs. 11 m2, respectively). Though, as far as it concerns physiological parameters, a significant effect of environmental conditions was found, with values significantly lower under the protected environment, compared to the plants in the open field. Considering our results, it can be assumed that correct management of amount and time intervals of irrigation could adapt the maize to future climate change

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Ledderhose Disease: A Case Report

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    Ledderhose disease is disorder of the plantar aponeurosis. This disease is not so common and can be tackled with a surgical or conservative approach. A case of a 73-year-old man came to our attention who had a 26-year history of painless bilateral plantar nodules coalescing into an indurated mass. An ulcerative nodule had been noted in the last 16 months on the right foot, in the absence of trauma, not responsive to conservative treatment, so we decided to perform a biopsy. The histopatologic examination showed squamous cell carcinoma, with warty, well-differentiated, low-grade malignancy. Surgical treatment was suggested, so, in pneumoischemia, we made a surgical incision including the skin lesion. Then we proceeded to sculpture the anterolateral thigh fasciacutaneous flap to obtain adequate soft tissue coverage. The tumor was completely removed. Current reconstructive possibilities comprise a good anatomofunctional recovery even in the case of large demolition requests for the therapy of advanced cases of the disease described in this article. Correlation between Ledderhose disease and the formation of malignant tumors has not been made as yet, but perhaps an element that could unite these pathologies can be researched in the lively cell proliferation that characterizes both. It would be interesting to analyze the biological substrate, as well as the systemic and local levels, in patients where both diseases are manifested


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    Over the past few decades, international fragmentation of production and offshore outsourcing have remarkably altered the organization of Western supply chains. Particularly in low-tech, manufacturing sectors, the fast spread of global production network has forced managers to reconsider the configuration of their supply chains, including the alignment between marketing and operations. Although the marketing-operations interface (MOI) is crucial in supply chain management, the understanding of globalization\u2019s effects on this process remains uncertain and unclear. By focusing on the furniture industry in USA and Italy, this paper uses a multiple case study to address the evolution of MOI in globalizing supply chains. Findings suggest that the relationship between marketing and operations in supply chains is contingent on dynamics of internationalization. Acknowledging the exploratory nature of this study, this article also indicates room further improvement and research development

    Effects of irrigation on n2o emissions in a maize crop grown on different soil types in two contrasting seasons

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    Crop management and soil properties affect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from cropping systems. Irrigation is one of the agronomical management practices that deeply affects soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Careful management of irrigation, also concerning to soil type, might mitigate the emissions of this powerful GHG from agricultural soils. In the Mediterranean area, despite the relevance of the agricultural sector to the overall economy and sustainable development, the topic of N2O emissions does not have the same importance as N2O fluxes in temperate agricultural areas. Only some research has discussed N2O emissions from Mediterranean cropping systems. Therefore, in this study, N2O emissions from different soil types (sandy‐loam and clay soils) were analyzed in relation to the irrigation of a maize crop grown in two contrasting seasons (2009–2010). The irrigation was done using a center pivot irrigation system about twice a week. The N2O emissions were monitored throughout the two‐years of maize crop growth. The emissions were measured with the accumulation technique using eight static chambers (four chambers per site). Nitrogen fertilizer was applied in the form of ammonium sulphate and urea with 3,4 dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) nitrification inhibitors. In 2009, the N2O emissions and crop biomass measured in both soil types were lower than those measured in 2010. This situation was a lower amount of water and nitrogen (N) available to the crop. In 2010, the N2O fluxes were higher in the clay site than those in the sandy‐loam site after the first fertilization, whereas an opposite trend was found after the second fertilization. The soil temperature, N content, and soil humidity were the main drivers for N2O emission during 2009, whereas during 2010, only the N content and soil humidity affected the nitrous oxide emissions. The research has demonstrated that crop water management deeply affects soil N2O emissions, acting differently for denitrification and nitrification. The soil properties affect N2O emission by influencing the microclimate conditions in the root zone, conditioning the N2O production

    Infrared Multispectral Monitoring of Cereal Crops

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    Plants are subjected to a wide range of stresses which reduces the productivity of agricultural crops. In the case of cereal cultivations, climate change impacts on their production mainly through abiotic and biotic stress due for example to heat and water stress but also to pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, nematodes and others. The area under cereal cultivation is increasing worldwide, but, due to these problems, the current rates of yield growth and overall production are not enough to satisfy future demand. For this motivation, there is the needs to monitor and to control the cultivations, also developing new technological solutions useful to better optimize the management strategies, increasing both the quality of products and the quantity of the annual cereal harvest. Infrared imaging is a well-known non-invasive and non-contact technique that represents an outstanding approach of analysis applied in many fields: engineering, medicine, veterinary, cultural heritage and others. In recent years it has been gaining great interest in agriculture as it is well suited to the emerging needs of the precision agriculture management strategies. In this work, we performed an in-field multispectral infrared monitoring of different cereal crops (durum wheat and common wheat) through the use of both LWIR and MWIR cameras. The monitoring carried out made it possible to identify, among the crops analyzed, those subject to higher stress levels and their response to the different spectral ranges used. The results obtained open to the possibility of identifying new figures of merit useful for an effective monitoring of cereal crops and measurable through remote instrumentation

    Tosvinyl and besvinyl as protecting groups of imides, azinones, nucleosides, sultams, and lactams. Catalytic conjugate additions to tosylacetylene.

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    The use of the 2-(4-methylphenylsulfonyl)ethenyl (tosvinyl, Tsv) group for the protection of the NH group of a series of imides, azinones (including AZT), inosines, and cyclic sulfonamides has been examined. The Tsv-protected derivatives are obtained in excellent yields by conjugate addition to tosylacetylene (ethynyl p-tolyl sulfone). The stereochemistry of the double bond can be controlled at will: with only 1 mol % of Et3N or with catalytic amounts of NaH, the Z stereoisomers are generated almost exclusively, while the E isomers are obtained using a stoichiometric amount of DMAP. Analogous phenylsulfonylvinyl-protected groups (with the besvinyl or Bsv group instead of Tsv) are obtained stereospecifically by reaction with (Z)- or (E)-bis(phenylsulfonyl)ethene. For lactams and oxazolidinones, this last method is much better. The Tsv and Bsv groups are stable in the presence of non-nucleophilic bases and to acids. They can be removed highly effectively via a conjugate addition-elimination mechanism using pyrrolidine or sodium dodecanethiolate as nucleophiles

    Formal total synthesis of amphidinolide E

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    A formal total synthesis of the cytotoxic macrolide amphidinolide E is reported. The strategic steps are three Julia-Kocienski reactions (J-K), for the formation of the C5-C6, C9-C10, and C17-C18 double bonds, a Suzuki-Molander C21-C22 bond formation reaction, and a Kita-Trost macrolactonization. The 'instability' of the two dienic systems and of the stereocenter at C2 (allylic methine, alpha to the carboxy group) and the protecting groups at C17-OH and C18-OH have posed difficult challenges. Each Julia-Kocienski olefination has been systematically optimized to provide the highest possible E/Z ratios

    Optical characteristics of greenhouse plastic films affect yield and some quality traits of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) subjected to different nitrogen doses

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    Light and nitrogen strongly affect the growth, yield, and quality of food crops, with greater importance in green leafy vegetables for their tendency to accumulate nitrate in leaves. The purpose of this research was to explore the effect of two greenhouse films (Film A and B) on yield, and quality of spinach grown under different nitrogen regimes (not fertilized—N0%; sub-optimal N dose—N50%; optimal N dose—N100%). Film A and Film B were used as clear and diffused light films, with 75% and 87% thermicity, and 85% and 90% total transmittivity, respectively, where only Film B had a UV-B window. Film B elicited an increase in yield (22%) and soil–plant analysis development (SPAD) index (4.6%) compared to the clear film, but did not affect chlorophyll a, b, and total chlorophyll content. In addition, the diffuse film significantly decreased ascorbic acid in the crop but had no effect on lipophilic antioxidant activity and phenols content, but decreased ascorbic acid content. Finally, nitrate content was strongly increased both by nitrogen dose (about 50-fold more than N0%) and greenhouse films (about six-fold higher under diffuse light film), but within the legal limit fixed by European Commission. Therefore, irrespective of N levels, the use of diffuse-light film in winter boosts spinach yield without depressing quality
