18 research outputs found

    Short- and long-term warming effects of methane may affect the cost-effectiveness of mitigation policies and benefits of low-meat diets

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    Methane’s short atmospheric life has important implications for the design of global climate change mitigation policies in agriculture. Three different agricultural economic models are used to explore how short- and long-term warming effects of methane can affect the cost-effectiveness of mitigation policies and dietary transitions. Results show that the choice of a particular metric for methane’s warming potential is key to determine optimal mitigation options, with metrics based on shorter-term impacts leading to greater overall emission reduction. Also, the promotion of low-meat diets is more effective at reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to carbon pricing when mitigation policies are based on metrics that reflect methane’s long-term behaviour. A combination of stringent mitigation measures and dietary changes could achieve substantial emission reduction levels, helping reverse the contribution of agriculture to global warming

    Kettenbelastungsprüfung - Den Verschleiß gezielt verringern

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    Über den Verschleiß an Buchsenförderketten gibt ein Dauerversuch an der Universität Dortmund Aufschluß. Die dazu notwendigen reproduzierbaren Daten liefert ein neuer Kettenprüfstand, dessen Konstruktion und Meßtechnik sich bewährt haben. Der Kettenprüfstand arbeitet nach dem Verspannprinzip mit geschlossenem Kraftfluß, so daß sich alle in diesem Kreis auftretenden Momente gegeneinander abstützen. Dadurch muß der Antrieb lediglich die Verlustleistung der Anlage zur Verfügung stellen. Nachdem der erste Dauerversuch erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurde, kann nunmehr mit der Auswertung der Daten begonnen werden. Es wird mit neuen Erkenntnissen über den Verschleiß an Buchsenförderketten gerechnet. (ITW

    Stadtarzt und Stadtapotheker in Joachimsthal

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    Short- and long-term warming effects of methane may affect the cost-effectiveness of mitigation policies and benefits of low-meat diets

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    Methane’s short atmospheric life has important implications for the design of global climate change mitigation policies in agriculture. Three different agricultural economic models are used to explore how short- and long-term warming effects of methane can affect the cost-effectiveness of mitigation policies and dietary transitions. Results show that the choice of a particular metric for methane’s warming potential is key to determine optimal mitigation options, with metrics based on shorter-term impacts leading to greater overall emission reduction. Also, the promotion of low-meat diets is more effective at reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to carbon pricing when mitigation policies are based on metrics that reflect methane’s long-term behaviour. A combination of stringent mitigation measures and dietary changes could achieve substantial emission reduction levels, helping reverse the contribution of agriculture to global warming

    Protocol-based storylines for integrated assessments of future European agriculture

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    Integrated assessments in agriculture often necessitate storylines to define socio-economic framework assumptions. They are available at global to continental scales but their spatial resolution and scope is insufficient for sectoral studies in agriculture at national to regional scales. We therefore aim at developing protocol-based storylines for European agriculture by extending and enriching global storylines. Consistency across spatial scales and sectors related to agriculture are maintained by following a nested approach. Stakeholders contribute to the research process in order to ensure usefulness and usability of the results. We present the innovative research design to generate storylines for European agriculture and give examples of storyline elements. The shared protocol increases transparency of how storyline elements are identified, prioritized and combined, improving comparability and consistency of integrated assessments within and across scales.edition: Methods for an evidence-based agricultural policy - Experiences, demand and new developmentsstatus: publishe