196 research outputs found

    Il "giallo" come pretesto, il "giallo" come erede

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    In Italia il romanzo poliziesco si chiama cos\uec perch\ue9 a partire dal 1929 e per decenni vi fu un\u2019unica collana per questo generedi letteratura che appunto aveva una copertina gialla, e questa collana fu poi chiusa dal regime fascista che non voleva che sipensasse che anche in Italia sotto l\u2019occhio vigile del Duce accadevano delitti. Gi\ue0 queste poche note ci fanno capire che la let-teratura di genere poliziesco \ue8 immersa nella cultura del suo momento storico, e proprio per questo il poliziesco \ue8 pretesto perparlare dall\u2019ambiente storico, sociale, politico come fa la letteratura \u201calta\u201d. E se il poliziesco pu\uf2 aiutare a capire il mondo che cicirconda, esso ha tanto successo perch\ue9 \ue8 l\u2019erede del romanzo della Letteratura con la maiuscola. La tesi verr\ue0 sostenuta con unaserie di esempi tratti dai pi\uf9 diversi \u201csottogeneri\u201d di poliziesco, e anche dai grandi scrittori che hanno affrontato il tema del cri-mine. Quanto ai rapporti fra il poliziesco e la criminologia, la criminologia inizia dove il poliziesco finisce; nel poliziesco sivuole risolvere il mistero, scoprire chi \ue8 stato, la criminologia ha gi\ue0 in mano l\u2019autore e vuole sapere com\u2019\ue8 fatto, perch\ue9 lo hafatto, cosa farne di lui e come fare perch\ue9 non ricapiti. Ma se da sempre gli scrittori, anche i pi\uf9 grandi, occupandosi del malehanno finito per occuparsi del crimine, non sar\ue0 perch\ue9 la criminologia \ue8 non solo scienza del crimine ma \ue8 scienza del maleIn Italy detective novels are identified using the color yellow because, since 1929 and for decades, there were few series dedicated to this genre, and all the books belonging to the series had a yellow cover. This series was suddenly discontinued during the Fascist era, because it was unacceptable to think that crimes could occur under the watchful eye of the Duce. Already these few words make us understand that the Italian detective novel is deeply immersed in the culture of its historical framework, and that\u2019s exactly why crime novels become a pretext to describe historic, social and political environment, like \u201chigh\u201d literature does. So, if police genre could become helpful in understanding the world around us, it is also so successful because it is the heir of the Novel with a capital. The argument will be sustained using examples taken from the different crime novel subgenres, and also from the greatest writers that described crime. For what concerns relations between police stories and criminology, there are some differences: criminology starts where detective novels end; the reader of a crime novel wants to track down the perp, while criminology has already the responsible in hand and wants to know what he looks like, the reasons why he did it, what to do with him and how to do so that the crime does not happen again. In the end, since authors writing about evil have ended up very often writing about crime too, maybe it\u2019s because criminology is not only a criminal science but also a science of evil

    Presentazione: se questo non è un paese per vecchi, che sia almeno un paese per giovani

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    E' presentato il volume discutendo i diversi argomenti, con particolare riguardo a temi, problemi, metodologia peritale

    Trattamento dei partner abusanti

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    La relazione illustra le possibilit\ue0 di trattamento criminologico risocializzativo degli abuser di coppia. Si riferisce l'esperienza del progetto S.A.Vi.D. (Stop alla Violenza Domestica) condotto dalla relatrice presso l'Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Milano

    Criminological Treatment of Abusing Partners

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    Criminological rehabilitative treatments of abusive partners have always been considered of key impor- tance from a preventive point of view. Criminological research, and our experience as criminologists, has proved that even the most abusive partners\u2014including uxoricides\u2014after their convictions repeat the same violent relationship pattern. That said, the Chair of Criminology (University of Milan) set up the first action and research program in Italy offering treatment for perpetrators of domestic violence, called S.A.Vi.D. (Stop Alla Violenza Domestica \u2013 an Italian acronym meaning: Stopping Domestic Violence) in 2010. Information about all the subjects treated will also be described and discussed: age, legal sta- tus motives, offender behavior prior to treatment, whether and how behavior changed after treatment

    Mariticide in Milan between 1990 and 2017 : a criminological and medico-legal analysis

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    Most murder victims in a romantic relationship are women but sometimes they will kill their husbands or partners (mariticide). This paper focuses on these rarer cases using a sample taken from the autopsy reports of the Department of Legal Medicine of the University of Milan whose territory includes the municipality of Milan and part of the province of Milan and Monza \u2013 approximately four million inhabitants

    The expert and the foreigner: Reflections of forensic transcultural psychopathology on a total of 86 reports by experts on criminal liability

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    In recent times Italy has been experiencing massive migration flows, therefore the attention on the issue of crimes committed by foreigners is increasing. But within trials, in the evaluation of criminal liability of foreigners, how do experts deal with them? Do the performed evaluations take cultural diversity into account? The present study took origin from these questions and examined a total of 86 reports by experts on criminal liability of foreign persons (16 females and 70 males). Examinees have been declared indictable in 31 cases (36%), totally mentally ill in 40 cases (45%) and with diminished liability in 15 cases (17%); when liability was excluded, examinees were diagnosed in 11 cases with mood disorders, in 23 cases with personality disorders, in 4 cases with adaptation disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder and in 10 cases with different diagnoses (in some cases more than one diagnosis was present). None of the reports used the section of the DSM concerning \u201ccultural framing\u201d. Tests were used in 48 surveys (56% of cases), with more tests for each examinee, for a total of 39 Rorschach, 14 Raven test, 8 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - MMPI - 4 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - WAIS - level test, 8 Thematic Apperception test. When subjects were diagnosed with mental disorder and with diminished liability, 42 (79%) were also socially dangerous. Results highlight the importance of the relationship between the expert and the foreigner. Many factors ought to be critically considered by experts dealing with foreigners, like cultural awareness, knowledge of verbal communication, critical consideration of meanings and diagnosis, knowledge of the foreigners' personal story, presence of tests with inexact information and cultural fallacy

    Socio-demographic characteristics and cognitive performance in oldest old subjects asking for driving license renewal

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    Background: No papers have examined the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics and cognitive performance in oldest old subjects (i.e, > = 80 years old) asking for driving license renewal. We hypothesize that, even in this highly functioning population, age, sex, and education influence cognitive performance, expressed as total or single domain (raw) test scores. This research question allows to describe, identify, and preserve independence of subjects still able to drive safely. Methods: We examined cross-sectionally a cohort of > = 80 years old subjects (at enrollment) asking for driving license renewal in the Milan area, Italy, 2011\u20132017. The analysis was restricted to 3378 first and 863 second visits where individual\u2019s cognitive performance was evaluated. According to the study protocol, the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) test was administered at the first visit for driving license renewal and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test at the second visit, following an additional renewal request. Ordinary least squares regression models were fitted at either time points. In each model, we included age, sex, and education as independent variables, whereas the dependent variable was total or single domain score for either test. In total, we fitted 15 regression models to assess our research hypothesis. Results: The median subject in our sample reached the maximum scores on domains targeting operational and tactical abilities implied in safe driving, but had sub-optimal scores in the long-term memory domain included among the strategic abilities. In multiple models, being > = 87 (versus 80- < 86 years old) significantly decreased the mean total and memory scores of MMSE, but not those of the MoCA. Females (versus males) had significantly higher mean total and long-term memory scores of either tests, but not other domains. Mean total and single domain scores increased for increasing education levels for either tests, with increments for high school graduates being ~ 2 of those with (at most) a junior high school diploma.Conclusions: Sex and education, as well as age to a lesser extent, predict cognitive functioning in our oldest old population, thus confirming that concepts like cognitive reserve and successful ageing are valuable constructs in the identification of older subjects still able to drive

    #Wetoo? Sexual harassment in academia. Promoting a gender criminology

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    In the wake of the scientific interest shown towards gender-based violence by the Italian criminology and its affiliated Journal (Italian Journal of Criminology), the authors address a topic that has been much neglected so far, that is sexual harassment in academia. The paper provides definitions of sexual harassment, and explores the dimensions and aspects that characterise it. Data available in the world, specifically in Europe, are synthetically presented, along with the very few existing studies in Italy up to date. Factors that encourage the occurrence of sexual harassment within the academic world are explained taking into consideration the different disciplines (e.g., science or humanities). Difficulties in reporting any experience of sexual harassment en-dured and the “culture of silence” in which the phenomenon is embedded, are among the most prominent factors sustaining it. The negative consequences for the victims, and for academic institutions and research in general, are manifold. Particular attention is devoted to strategies to prevent and repress the sexual harassment in academia, reporting the suggestions that have emerged at an international level, the resources in the occupational and criminal law, and above all the proposals that have emerged from the scientific studies available. The implementation of criminological research – in which the authors are about to engage – is the first and one of the most important means of developing awareness about sexual harassment in academia, and its prevention

    Colpevoli si nasce? Criminologia, determinismo, neuroscienze

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    Un serial killer non \ue8 responsabile dei suoi efferati delitti perch\ue9 \u201cil colpevole \ue8 il cervello\u201d, perch\ue9 non \ue8 che una marionetta manovrata dalla costituzione neuronale, come affermano alcuni neuroscienziati deterministi? \u201cSignor giudice, chiedo l\u2019assoluzione del cervello del mio assistito!\u201d \ue8 solo una boutade ironica e provocatoria? La \u201cscatola degli attrezzi\u201d di chi fa valutazioni criminologiche e psicopatologico-forensi si \ue8 ampliata, e le nuove tecniche di neuroimmagine rappresentano un momento scientifi co e culturale topico. Giudici e avvocati si troveranno nei prossimi anni a dover scrivere sentenze, o a impugnarle, riferendosi alle scoperte delle neuroscienze? Psicologi e psichiatri effettueranno perizie utilizzando la Risonanza Magnetica Funzionale? Per rispondere a tali domande, si affronta la contrapposizione tra libero arbitrio e determinismo attraverso la filosofia, le differenti teorie criminologiche che, da Lombroso a oggi, si sono poste tale problema, e i principi che regolano la responsabilit\ue0 penale
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