6,173 research outputs found

    Lessons for SUSY from the LHC after the first run

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    A review of direct searches for new particles predicted by Supersymmetry after the first run of the LHC is proposed. This review is based on the results provided by the ATLAS and CMS experiments.Comment: 31 pages, 41 figures, Appear in the special issue of the EPJ C journal entitled "SUSY after the Higgs discovery

    Non-Simplified SUSY: Stau-Coannihilation at LHC and ILC

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    If new phenomena beyond the Standard Model will be discovered at the LHC, the properties of the new particles could be determined with data from the High-Luminosity LHC and from a future linear collider like the ILC. We discuss the possible interplay between measurements at the two accelerators in a concrete example, namely a full SUSY model which features a small stau_1-LSP mass difference. Various channels have been studied using the Snowmass 2013 combined LHC detector implementation in the Delphes simulation package, as well as simulations of the ILD detector concept from the Technical Design Report. We investigate both the LHC and ILC capabilities for discovery, separation and identification of various parts of the spectrum. While some parts would be discovered at the LHC, there is substantial room for further discoveries at the ILC. We finally highlight examples where the precise knowledge about the lower part of the mass spectrum which could be acquired at the ILC would enable a more in-depth analysis of the LHC data with respect to the heavier states.Comment: 42 pages, 18 figures, 12 table

    The Many Faces of a Character

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    We prove an identity between three infinite families of polynomials which are defined in terms of `bosonic', `fermionic', and `one-dimensional configuration' sums. In the limit where the polynomials become infinite series, they give different-looking expressions for the characters of the two integrable representations of the affine su(2)su(2) algebra at level one. We conjecture yet another fermionic sum representation for the polynomials which is constructed directly from the Bethe-Ansatz solution of the Heisenberg spin chain.Comment: 14/9 pages in harvmac, Tel-Aviv preprint TAUP 2125-9

    Economic inequalities in burden of illness, diagnosis and treatment of five long-term conditions in England: panel study

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    We compared the distribution by wealth of self-reported illness burden (estimated from validated scales, biomarker and reported symptoms) for angina, cataract, depression, diabetes and osteoarthritis, with the distribution of self-reported medical diagnosis and treatment. We aimed to determine if the greater illness burden borne by poorer participants was matched by appropriately higher levels of diagnosis and treatment

    Thiel soft embalmed Porcine Kidney Perfusion Model for focused ultrasound therapy

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    Thiel soft embalmed porcine kidneys have been used to study the effect of artificial blood flow on focused ultrasound (FUS) therapy. A significant temperature drop is observed when a perfusion is established within the porcine kidneys, compared with the no-flow condition FUS leads to a 2 ~ 4 °C higher temperature rising. The influence of Thiel soft embalmed Porcine Kidney Perfusion Model for Focused Ultrasound Therapy e effect from blood flow must be considered

    Heavy Scalar Top Quark Decays in the Complex MSSM: A Full One-Loop Analysis

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    We evaluate all two-body decay modes of the heavy scalar top quark in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with complex parameters (cMSSM) and no generation mixing. The evaluation is based on a full one-loop calculation of all decay channels, also including hard QED and QCD radiation. The renormalization of the complex parameters is described in detail. The dependence of the heavy scalar top quark decay on the relevant cMSSM parameters is analyzed numerically, including also the decay to Higgs bosons and another scalar quark or to a top quark and the lightest neutralino. We find sizable contributions to many partial decay widths and branching ratios. They are roughly of O(10%) of the tree-level results, but can go up to 30% or higher. These contributions are important for the correct interpretation of scalar top quark decays at the LHC and, if kinematically allowed, at the ILC. The evaluation of the branching ratios of the heavy scalar top quark will be implemented into the Fortran code FeynHiggs.Comment: 86 pages, 38 figures; minor changes, version published as Phys. Rev. D86 (2012) 03501

    Self-consistent analytical solution of a problem of charge-carrier injection at a conductor/insulator interface

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    We present a closed description of the charge carrier injection process from a conductor into an insulator. Common injection models are based on single electron descriptions, being problematic especially once the amount of charge-carriers injected is large. Accordingly, we developed a model, which incorporates space charge effects in the description of the injection process. The challenge of this task is the problem of self-consistency. The amount of charge-carriers injected per unit time strongly depends on the energy barrier emerging at the contact, while at the same time the electrostatic potential generated by the injected charge- carriers modifies the height of this injection barrier itself. In our model, self-consistency is obtained by assuming continuity of the electric displacement and the electrochemical potential all over the conductor/insulator system. The conductor and the insulator are properly taken into account by means of their respective density of state distributions. The electric field distributions are obtained in a closed analytical form and the resulting current-voltage characteristics show that the theory embraces injection-limited as well as bulk-limited charge-carrier transport. Analytical approximations of these limits are given, revealing physical mechanisms responsible for the particular current-voltage behavior. In addition, the model exhibits the crossover between the two limiting cases and determines the validity of respective approximations. The consequences resulting from our exactly solvable model are discussed on the basis of a simplified indium tin oxide/organic semiconductor system.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, accepted to Phys.Rev.

    Charge carrier injection into insulating media: single-particle versus mean-field approach

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    Self-consistent, mean-field description of charge injection into a dielectric medium is modified to account for discreteness of charge carriers. The improved scheme includes both the Schottky barrier lowering due to the individual image charge and the barrier change due to the field penetration into the injecting electrode that ensures validity of the model at both high and low injection rates including the barrier dominated and the space-charge dominated regimes. Comparison of the theory with experiment on an unipolar ITO/PPV/Au-device is presented.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures; revised version accepted to PR

    MC generators in CHORUS

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    This note presents an overview of general-purpose and specific Monte-Carlo event generators used in the simulation of the CERN - CHORUS experiment, aiming to search for νμντ\nu_{\mu} \to \nu_{\tau} oscillations and charm particle decays in an emulsion target.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX two-column format, 2 encapsulated postscript figures Proceedings of NuInt01 Workshop (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, 13-16.12.2001

    Singular Value Decomposition of Operators on Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces

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    Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHSs) play an important role in many statistics and machine learning applications ranging from support vector machines to Gaussian processes and kernel embeddings of distributions. Operators acting on such spaces are, for instance, required to embed conditional probability distributions in order to implement the kernel Bayes rule and build sequential data models. It was recently shown that transfer operators such as the Perron-Frobenius or Koopman operator can also be approximated in a similar fashion using covariance and cross-covariance operators and that eigenfunctions of these operators can be obtained by solving associated matrix eigenvalue problems. The goal of this paper is to provide a solid functional analytic foundation for the eigenvalue decomposition of RKHS operators and to extend the approach to the singular value decomposition. The results are illustrated with simple guiding examples