14 research outputs found
Perencanaan pengelolaan sampah di objek wisata eks Pelabuhan Buleleng Kabupaten Buleleng
Rata-rata jumlah wisatawan di obyek wisata ini pada
bulan Januari-Maret 2014 adalah 288 orang, 15% di antaranya
wisatawan asing. Beberapa fasilitas penunjang berupa
warung, restoran apung, balai serta wahana permainan anakanak
telah dibangun. Pihak pengelola obyek wisata telah
menyediakan fasilitas pengelolaan sampah, namun masih
belum memadai. Terlebih-lebih daerah wisata ini mendapat
sampah kiriman dari laut dan Sungai Buleleng. Tujuan
perencanaan ini adalah menentukan timbulan dan komposisi
sampah di obyek wisata Eks Pelabuhan Buleleng,
merencanakan sistem pengelolaan sampah, serta menghitung
biaya modal, operasional dan pemeliharaannya.
Timbulan dan komposisi sampah dari fasilitas
penunjang diukur dengan mengacu pada SNI 19-3964-1994.
Pengambilan sampah di pesisir dan sungai dilakukan dengan
metode transek. Perencanaan sistem pengelolaan sampah yang
meliputi pewadahan, pengumpulan, dan TPS mengacu pada
SNI 19-2454-2002, Buku Materi Bidang Sampah I 2013
Ditjen Cipta Karya Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum. Desain
tempat sampah dibuat dengan mempertimbangkan pula nilai
estetika guna mendukung aktifitas wisata.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan laju timbulan sampah
rata-rata adalah 170,8 kg/hari atau 1,033 m3/hari. Kontribusi
masing-masing sumber sampah adalah sebagai berikut: komersial 32,3%, taman 27,3%, kantor 0,88%, kiriman dari
laut 27,13%, dan kiriman Sungai Buleleng 8,45%. Komposisi
sampah terdiri atas: sisa makanan 14,4%, sampah taman
19,7%, plastik 29,8%, kertas 8,04%, kayu 4,61%, kain 2,21%,
logam 0,36%, dan kulit 19,21%.
Pewadahan sampah dibagi menjadi 2 jenis, yakni
wadah sampah untuk sampah basah dan kering. Kebutuhan
wadah sampah dari hasil perencanaan ini adalah sebagai
berikut: 4 x 2 unit untuk restoran apung, dengan kapasitas 70
L untuk sampah basah dan 15 L untuk sampah kering, 2
kantong berkapasitas 20 L untuk sampah basah dan kering di
setiap warung dan PKL, 4 x 2 unit untuk kantor dan fasilitas
umum dengan kapasitas masing-masing 30 L untuk sampah
basah dan kering, 7 x 2 unit untuk area taman dengan
kapasitas masing-masing 60 L untuk sampah basah dan
kering, 5 x 2 unit untuk sampah kiriman dari laut dengan
kapasitas masing-masing 250 L untuk sampah basah dan
kering, serta 2 x 2 unit untuk sampah dari sungai dengan
kapasitas masing-masing 250 L untuk sampah basah dan
kering. Gerobak pengumpul sampah dirancang dengan
kapasitas 1120 L dan dilengkapi dengan sekat pemisah antara
sampah basah dan kering. Kontainer sampah residu sebanyak
3 unit dengan kapasitas 660 L dan kontainer sampah daur
ulang sebanyak 1 unit dengan kapasitas 900 L dan disekat
menjadi 4 bagian disediakan di TPS. Selain itu disediakan
pula 2 unit komposter angin berkapasitas 2,7 m3, sebuah
mesin pencacah, serta screen untuk menyaring sampah di
Sungai Buleleng. Estimasi biaya investasi penyediaan fasilitas
pengelolaan sampah di daerah studi adalah Rp. 42,590,280,-,
dengan biaya operasional Rp 10,872,000,-/bulan, dan biaya
pemeliharaan sebesar Rp 4,150,000,-/tahun.
The average number of tourists in Eks Pelabuhan
Buleleng beach resort from January to March 2014 was 288,
15% of those were foreigners. A number of supporting
facilities, such as canteens, floating restaurants, a tourist hall
and a playing ground have been built. These facilities generate
solid waste (SW), which have not been managed properly. In
addition, this recreation facility receives SW from the
Buleleng River and the sea. The objectives of this study are to
measure the SW generation and composition, to design SW
management system, and to determine the capital, operation
and maintenance costs of SW management activities in the
study area.
Measurements of SW generation and composition were
done according to the national standards SNI 19-3964-1994.
The SW samples from the beach and the river were collected
using transect method. Design of solid waste management
system, which included SW container provision, collection,
transfer and treatment, was made according to the National
Standards SNI 19-2454-2002, Municipal Solid Waste
Management Guideline Book 1 of 2013 of the Directorate
General of Cipta Karya. Artistic touch was considered in the
design for supporting the tourism activities.
Results of the research showed that the SW
generation rate in the study area was 170.8 kg/day, or 1.033
m3/day. Contribution of each SW source was as the following:
commercial 32.3%, garden 27.3%, office 0.88%, sea 27.13%, and Buleleng River 8.45%. The SW composition was food
waste 14.4%, garden waste 19.7%, plastics 29.8%, paper
8.04%, wood 4.61%, textile 2.21%, metals 0.36%, leather
The study area was designed to provide separated SW
containers. The floating restaurant was facilitated with 4
containers of 70 L capacity for biodegradable SW, and 4
containers of 15 L capacity for recyclable SW. Each canteen
was provided with 2x2 trash bags of 20 L capacity, each of
which was for biodegradable and recyclable SW. Containers
for office and public facilities were of 4 x 2 units of 30 L
capacity for biodegradable and recyclable SW. The park area
was facilitated 7 x 2 containers of 60 L capacity. SW from the
sea would be contained in 5 x 2 containers of 250 L capacity,
whereas 2 x 2 containers of 250 L capacity would be provided
for placing the river SW. A handcart of 1120 capacity was
designed for separated SW collection. One transfer station
was planned with the provision of 3 containers with capacity
660 L for residual waste and 1 container with capacity 900L
for recyclable waste, 2 units of 2,7 m3 composting facilities,
and 1 unit of shredding machine. A screen would be installed
for collecting the SW from the Buleleng river. Estimated costs
for the provision of SW management facilities in the study
area were as the following: investment Rp 42,590,280,-,
operation Rp 10,872,000,-/month, and maintenance Rp
Spatial Approach Pembangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah
Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) di Kota Denpasar menggunakan metode pendekatan keruangan. Analisis menggunakan data Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) sebagai acuan perencanaan pengembangan wilayah dan data existing penggunaan lahan. Kota Denpasar memiliki kearifan lokal yang tercantum dalam perda pembangunan kota mempertimbangkan kawawan suci/ pura. Hasil kajian menunjukkan IPAL telah sesuai dengan RTRW dan baku mutu air limbah untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan hidup. IPAL dapat mendukung upaya pembangunan berkelanjutan di Kota Denpasar
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebutuhan komponen fisik atlet futsal putra, kondisi fisik atlet meliputi tingkat daya tahan, kecepatan, kelincahan, kekuatan otot tungkai, dan daya ledak otot tungkai. Jenis penelitian yang dipakai pada skripsi ini ialah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian populasi yaitu pemain futsal pada Tim PORPROV Sidoarjo Tahun 2019 jurusan yang berjumlah 16 pemain. Metode didapatkan hasil rata-ratanya adalah sebesar 30 detik dengan kategori baik. (3) Kecepatan studi yang dilakukan pada pemain futsal Porprov Sidoarjo didapatkan hasil rata yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah evaluatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) VO2Max studi yang dilakukan pada pemain futsal Porprov Sidoarjo didapatkan hasil rata-ratanya adalah 39,40 ml/kg/menit dengan kategori kurang. (2) Kelincahan studi yang dilakukan pada pemain futsal Porprov Sidoarjo -ratanya adalah 4,4 detik dengan kategori cukup. (4) Daya ledak otot tungkai studi yang dilakukan pada pemain futsal Porprov Sidoarjo didapatkan hasil rata-ratanya adalah 579 cm dengan kategori baik. (5) Kekuatan otot punggung dan kekuatan otot tungkai studi yang dilakukan pada pemain futsal Porprov Sidoarjo didapatkan hasil rata-ratanya adalah back 96 kg dengan kategori cukup dan leg 134 kg dengan kategori baik. Sesuai dengan hasil analisis kondisi fisik pada berbagai jurnal tes pada komponen kondisi fisik masing-masing dapat dikatakan sangat efektif untuk dilakukan
Abstrak: Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi berdampak kepada sektor perdagangan yang mempengaruhi minat dan pola aktivitas masyarakat yang sebelumnya mengandalkan pasar konvensional beralih ke digital marketing. Dampak tersebut dialami juga oleh mitra kerjasama, mitra sasaran kelompok masyarakat serta Pemerintah Desa Sesait yang mengharuskan untuk beradaptasi melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan perancang sistem informasi kelompok masyarakat berbasis web sebagai upaya menigkatkan pengtahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam penggunaan digital marketing sebagai media promosi dan pemasaran hasil produksi pertanian, peternakan dan potensi pariwisata yang berdaya saing. Metode pelatihan dan pendampingan yaitu metode Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), sedangkan dalam merancang sistem informasi menggunakan metode Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dengan model Waterfall. Dimana kedua metode tersebut dilakukan kombinasi dalam pelaksanaanya sehingga di peroleh hasil dari evaluasi melalui pre-test dan post-test untuk 25 peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan yaitu tingkat pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang web meningkat menjadi 100% dari yang sebelumnya tingkat pengetahuan 68% dan tingkat pemahaman 40%, sedangkan untuk tingkat penggunaan web dari yang sebelumnya tidak mengerti mengoperasikan web menjadi 92% peserta mampu mengoperasikan web.Abstract: The rapid development of technology impacts the trade sector, influencing people's interests and activity patterns that previously relied on conventional markets to switch to digital marketing. This impact was also experienced by cooperation partners and target community groups as well as the Sesait Village Government, which required them to adapt through training and mentoring for web-based community group information system designers as an effort to increase partners' knowledge and skills in using digital marketing as a medium for promotion and marketing of competitive agricultural, livestock and tourism potential products. . The training and mentoring method is the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method while designing the information system uses the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with the Waterfall model. The two methods were combined in their implementation so that the results obtained from evaluation through pre-test and post-test for 25 participants who took part in the activity were that the level of knowledge and understanding of the web increased to 100% from the previous level of knowledge of 68% and level of understanding of 40 %, while the level of web usage went from previously not understanding how to operate the web to 92% of participants being able to operate the web
Refuse Derived Fuel Potential Production from Temple Waste as Energy Alternative Resource in Bali Island
The leakage of temple waste in the environment surrounding the temples has made the image of temples not only a cultural icon but also a contributor to landfill waste on the island. About 292.36 kg of temple waste is generated from a single ceremonial at Griya Anyar Tanah Kilap Temple. The temple waste consists of 90,16% of organic waste (food, leaf and discarded flower) that is easily biodegraded. This research aimed to examine the temple waste to be recycled into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). Leaf and flower waste are used as RDF material using two different drying methods, namely natural drying and pyrolysis. The results showed that the pyrolysis RDF has a similar caloric value to the natural drying RDF with 3311.7 kcal/kg and 2912.7 kcal/kg, respectively. According to the electrical power potential, pyrolysis RDF has 3856.19 kWh/tons, meanwhile natural drying RDF has 3391.59 kWh/tons. The pyrolysis RDF has less organic content and quite higher ash content than the natural drying RDF, making it better quality and appropriate to be applied in the community for a long-term sustainable temple waste recycling
Treatment Ability and Community Responses of Candung as an Appropriate Technology to Maintain Irrigation Water Quality
With the burgeoning population, the community activities, such as laundering, washing, or even bathing, have expanded along the irrigation canal. Consequently, some chemicals from those activities are released and pollute the water body. Besides, the discharge of wastewater into the irrigation system is also an issue of public health concern, because it creates an environment conducive to the reproduction of any pathogenic agent. Using candung as constructed wetlands (CW)-like to treat the irrigation water in rice paddies would be an interesting tool for removing pollutants from the irrigation water. Candung, as a locally used CW in Bali Island, has been applied in the rice field long time ago. The present study aimed to examine candung as a local attached CW or treating irrigation water and analyse the community awareness regarding the candung application. The result showed a positive effect of candung in maintaining the water quality parameters, such as TSS, BOD, COD, and nutrients with certain aquatic plants (Nelumbo nucifera, Nymphaea tetragona, and Pistia stratiotes). The knowledge, behaviour, and action of the local subak community were still limited, whereas they had positive perceptions and responses about candungthe potential of candung as an agrotourism attraction in the village as well
Arduino MKR Analysis Using the RTC Alarm Method
Researchers analyzed Real-Time Clock (RTC) Alarm Readings on Arduino MKR Zero, Arduino MKR Wan 1300, and Arduino MKR Gsm 1400. Arduino MKR board and compared the data with the accuracy of reading RTC values. To support this research, it uses experimental quantitative research methods. The use of this method is very suitable because this method displays numbers as data and also conducts experiments directly on the Arduino MKR board. After the research is done, the data from reading the IC RTC values will be entered into a table to clarify the appearance of the data. With all the data collected, it is possible to determine the accuracy of the RTC IC for each Arduino MKR board
Unlocking the Energy Potential of Temple Waste and Coconut Fiber through Refuse Derived Fuel Production toward Sustainable Energy
Organic temple waste has the potential to be used as biomass-based fuel, with a 90% composition of biodegradable waste consisting of leaves, flowers, fruit, and food scraps. To minimize environmental impact, proper management efforts are necessary to handle the temple waste and produce a valuable product. An alternative method for dealing with organic waste include producing fuel from biomass which is refuse derived fuel (RDF). This would not only create a new product for waste wages but also prevent them from ending up as waste in the landfill. The current research aims to investigate the characteristics of organic temple waste and coconut fiber as RDF material and its potential to replace coal use. The RDF was produced from temple waste using leaf and flower components combined with coconut fiber as the primary ingredients. The material was dried, grinded, and produce into powder form before its analyzed by its characteristic. RDF made from temple waste has best result among coconut fibre and the both mixture with above 4800 kcal / kg. It is belonged to class 2 solid fuels based on their characteristics according to the National Standard for biomass-based fuel. Furthermore, the RDF is still needs to be improved for industrial scale and requirement. Product durability test has shown good result for the temple waste material comparing with coconut fibre and coal. The study shown that temple waste and coconut fibre is promisingly to be proceed into RDF as coal substitution in combustion process
Pengaruh Kombinasi Jus Wordu terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Lansia dengan Hipertensi
Tingginya kejadian hipertensi maka hipertensi menjadi masalah yang harus diatasi. Pada pengobatan herbal terapi pemberian jus (kombinasi wortel dan madu) dapat menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi pada pasien hipertensi. Kombinasi jus wordu (wortel dan madu) memiliki kandungan seperti kalium yang mampu menjaga tekanan darah dan asetikolin yang membantu memperlancar pembuluh darah. Desain penelitian menggunakan pre-eksperimental dengan rancangan one group prestest and posttest design. Penelitian dilakukan di Kelompok Lansia Wredha Shandi Kencana Desa Mas Ubud pada bulan Maret 2018. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 31 responden yang ditentukan menggunakan total sampling. Responden mengkonsumsi kombinasi jus wortel dan madu selama 1 minggu sebanyak 2 kali bersamaan dengan sarapan di pagi hari dan makan siang. Analisa menggunakan uji wilcoxon untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi jus wortel dan madu terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada lansia dengan hipertensi. Hasil uji wilcoxon p-value yaitu sebesar 0,001 maka p-value < α (0,05) pada pre-test-post-test tekanan darah maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Pada nilai z hitung didapatkan z sistole sebesar -5.011, z diastole sebesar -5.353 dan z tabel dengan nilai 1,645. Dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa ada pengaruh kombinasi jus wordu (wortel dan madu) terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada lansia dengan hipertensi Di Kelompok Lansia Wredha Shandi Kencana Desa Mas Ubud
Pemeriksaan Lutut dan Sosialisasi Latihan Kekuatan dan Stabilitas Lutut untuk Mencegah Cedera ACL dan Osteoarthritis
Elderly individuals undergo various changes in their social, mental, physical, and body functional aspects. Workers in the agricultural sector, especially in areas like Takmung Village, frequently engage in activities that require prolonged use of the knees. This can increase the risk of knee osteoarthritis and injuries, especially during actions such as kneeling, squatting, or standing for extended periods while working. As a result, many farmers in Takmung Village experience discomfort and pain in their knees. Therefore, the community service activity aims to identify the characteristics of the elderly and enhance knowledge and understanding related to the prevention and management of ACL injuries and knee osteoarthritis. The community service activity was conducted from June to August 2023 at the Banjar Lepang Meeting Hall in Takmung Village, Klungkung Regency, and was attended by 54 productive elderly individuals. The activities began with planning, permit management, coordination meetings, training preparation, socialization implementation, health examinations, and pre-test and post-test evaluations. Out of the 54 elderly participants, 53 showed increased knowledge through pre-test and post-test assessments, while only one experienced a decrease. The impact of the socialization activities resulted in improved knowledge among the elderly regarding methods to prevent ACL injuries and knee osteoarthritis. They also gained awareness of suitable physical exercises to prevent and alleviate symptoms associated with ACL injuries and knee osteoarthritis conditions