1,462 research outputs found

    New Interactions with Workflow Systems

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    This paper describes the evaluation of our early design ideas of an ad-hoc of workflow system. Using the teach-back technique, we have performed a hermeneutic analysis of the mockup implementation named NIWS to get corrective and creative feedback at the functional, dialogue and representation level of the new workflow system

    Unconscious deception detection measured by finger skin temperature and indirect veracity judgments-results of a registered report

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    A pre-registered experiment was conducted to examine psychophysiological responses to being lied to. Bridging research on social cognition and deception detection, we hypothesized that observing a liar compared to a truth-teller would decrease finger skin temperature of observers. Participants first watched two targets while not forewarned that they would later be asked to judge (direct and indirect) veracity, and then watched another two targets while forewarned about this. During both these phases finger skin temperature was measured. Findings pertaining to temperature partly confirmed our main hypothesis. When participants were observing a liar, irrespective of being forewarned, on average finger skin temperature declined over time. In the forewarned phase, temperature trajectories of truth-tellers were higher than those of liars, however, in the not forewarned phase, this pattern was reversed. Results confirmed our further hypotheses that participants judge liars as less likeable and less trustworthy than truth-tellers—an indication of indirect deception detection. Our hypothesis that the effect size for trustworthiness would be bigger than that of liking was not supported by the data. Additionally, and also confirming our hypothesis, participants performed around chance level when directly judging whether the target person was lying. Exploratory analyses are reported with regard to truth bias and dependency between direct and indirect veracity judgments. Limitations and directions for future work related to the existence of psychophysiological indicators of deception detection are discussed

    Vooral kinderen uit bijstandsgezinnen geen kansrijke start:Ouderlijke hulpbronnen in de eerste duizend dagen tot en met de basisschoolperiode

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    De aanwezigheid van hulpbronnen in gezinnen is van belang voor een goede start van een kind. In dit artikel is gekeken naar onderwijsniveau, arbeidsparticipatie, welvaart, gezinsstabiliteit en mentale gezondheid van ouders in de eerste duizend dagen. Gekeken is naar de periode van conceptie tot de tweede verjaardag van in 2006 geboren kinderen en beslaat de periode van 2005 tot en met 2007. Vooral het ontbreken van meerdere hulpbronnen tegelijkertijd kan een risico betekenen voor de ontwikkeling van kinderen. Bij kinderen die opgroeien in een gezin met een bijstandsuitkering is bij 9 procent sprake van een opeenstapeling van vier risicofactoren. Bij kinderen in een gezin zonder bijstand is dat bij 0,2 procent het geval

    Food photographs in nutritional surveillance: errors in portion size estimation using drawings of bread and photographs of margarine and beverages consumption

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    Food photographs are widely used as instruments to estimate portion sizes of consumed foods. Several food atlases are available, all developed to be used in a specific context and for a given study population. Frequently, food photographs are adopted for use in other studies with a different context or another study population. In the present study, errors in portion size estimation of bread, margarine on bread and beverages by two-dimensional models used in the context of a Belgian food consumption survey are investigated. A sample of 111 men and women (age 45–65 years) were invited for breakfast; two test groups were created. One group was asked to estimate portion sizes of consumed foods using photographs 1–2 d after consumption, and a second group was asked the same after 4 d. Also, real-time assessment of portion sizes using photographs was performed. At the group level, large overestimation of margarine, acceptable underestimation of bread and only small estimation errors for beverages were found. Women tended to have smaller estimation errors for bread and margarine compared with men, while the opposite was found for beverages. Surprisingly, no major difference in estimation error was found after 4 d compared with 1–2 d. Individual estimation errors were large for all foods. The results from the present study suggest that the use of food photographs for portion size estimation of bread and beverages is acceptable for use in nutrition surveys. For photographs of margarine on bread, further validation using smaller amounts corresponding to actual consumption is recommended

    Op weg naar Park Essenburg : advies aan Bewonersgroep ProGroen Rotterdam

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    Bewonersgroep ProGroen in Rotterdam is voor het behoud van een miskende groenstrook van circa twaalf hectare tussen de spoordijk en Essenburgsingel. Ze wil dat het gebied in de deelgemeente Delfshaven het groene en duurzame karakter behoudt en dat het in de toekomst goed bruikbaar is en blijft voor alle mensen uit de buurt en de stad. De Wetenschapswinkel ziet voor ProGroen de opgave weggelegd om aan te tonen dat de strook een waardevol groenelement is in de stad. Het park draagt bij aan de sociale cohesie: het vergroot het aantal ontmoetingsplekken in de wijk, biedt laagdrempelige aanleidingen om contact te leggen en motiveert bewoners te investeren in relaties in de buurt. Daarnaast biedt het park de wijkbewoners nieuwe mogelijkheden om in contact te komen met groen, met natuur. De eerste concrete invulling van het park is PlukTuin Essenburg RFC. Deze PlukTuin, een buurttuin, wordt aangelegd op een voormalige parkeerplaats. Opzet is dat bewoners de PlukTuin zelf aanleggen en onderhoude

    Functional neuroimaging effects of recently discovered genetic risk loci for schizophrenia and polygenic risk profile in five RDoC subdomains

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    Recently, 125 loci with genome-wide support for association with schizophrenia were identified. We investigated the impact of these variants and their accumulated genetic risk on brain activation in five neurocognitive domains of the Research Domain Criteria (working memory, reward processing, episodic memory, social cognition and emotion processing). In 578 healthy subjects we tested for association (i) of a polygenic risk profile score (RPS) including all single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) reaching genome-wide significance in the recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) meta-analysis and (ii) of all independent genome-wide significant loci separately that showed sufficient distribution of all allelic groups in our sample (105 SNPs). The RPS was nominally associated with perigenual anterior cingulate and posterior cingulate/precuneus activation during episodic memory (PFWE(ROI)=0.047) and social cognition (PFWE(ROI)=0.025), respectively. Single SNP analyses revealed that rs9607782, located near EP300, was significantly associated with amygdala recruitment during emotion processing (PFWE(ROI)=1.63 × 10−4, surpassing Bonferroni correction for the number of SNPs). Importantly, this association was replicable in an independent sample (N=150; PFWE(ROI)<0.025). Other SNP effects previously associated with imaging phenotypes were nominally significant, but did not withstand correction for the number of SNPs tested. To assess whether there was true signal within our data, we repeated single SNP analyses with 105 randomly chosen non-schizophrenia-associated variants, observing fewer significant results and lower association probabilities. Applying stringent methodological procedures, we found preliminary evidence for the notion that genetic risk for schizophrenia conferred by rs9607782 may be mediated by amygdala function. We critically evaluate the potential caveats of the methodological approaches employed and offer suggestions for future studies

    Attentional Biases and Their Association with Substance-Use-Related Problems and Addictive Behaviors: The Utility of a Gamified Value-Modulated Attentional Capture Task

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    BackgroundAttentional biases towards reward stimuli have been implicated in substance use-related problems. The value-modulated attentional capture (VMAC) task assesses such reward-related biases. The VMAC task widely used in lab studies tends to be monotonous and susceptible to low effort. We therefore tested a gamified online version of the VMAC that aimed to increase participant engagement. Our goal was to examine how VMAC is associated with substance use-related problems and addictive behaviors, and whether this association is moderated by cognitive control.MethodsWe recruited 285 participants from an online community, including heavy alcohol users. All participants completed a novel gamified version of the VMAC task, measures of substance use and addictive behaviors (addictive-like eating behavior, problematic smartphone use), the WebExec measure of problems with executive functions, and the Stroop Adaptive Deadline Task (SDL) as a measure of cognitive control.ResultsThe gamified VMAC task successfully identified value-modulated attentional capture effects towards high-reward stimuli. We found no significant associations between VMAC scores, problematic alcohol or cannabis use, addictive behaviors, or any moderation by a behavioral measure of cognitive control. Exploratory analyses revealed that self-reported cognitive problems were associated with more alcohol-, and cannabis-related problems, and addictive behaviors. Greater attentional capture (VMAC) was associated with more cannabis use-related problems among individuals with higher levels of self-reported cognitive problems.ConclusionsOur study is one of the first to demonstrate the utility of the gamified version of the VMAC task in capturing attentional reward biases. Self-reported problems with cognitive functions represent a key dimension associated with substance use-related problems and addictive behaviors

    Marker genes for circulating tumour cells predict survival in metastasized breast cancer patients

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    We investigated the prognostic significance of circulating breast cancer cells in peripheral blood detected by quantitative RT-PCR of marker genes in patients with advanced breast cancer. Blood samples from 94 breast cancer patients with metastatic disease (M1) were examined for circulating tumour cells by studying the mRNA expression of CK19, p1B, PS2 and EGP2 by real-time PCR. Using a score function, developed for predicting circulating tumour cells by quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), the four expression levels were combined into a single discriminant value. Tumour cells were present in 24 out of 94 (31%) of the patients. In 77% (72 out of 94) of the patients distant metastatic disease was localised in the bone. In 36% (26 out of 72) of the patients with bone metastases at the time of blood sampling, a positive QDA for the four genes was found, in contrast to only 14% (three out of 22) without bone involvement. Overall survival rates by Kaplan-Meier revealed no prognostic effect for the presence of bone metastases (P=0.93). However, patients with a positive QDA value did have a progression-free survival at 1 year of 3% and overall survival at 2 years of 17%, against 22 and 36% for patients with a negative QDA value (P=0.015 and 0.0053, respectively). Breast cancer patients with metastatic disease have a significantly worse progression-free and overall survival when circulating tumour cells can be detected in their peripheral bloo
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