367 research outputs found

    The COVID-19 Student Stress Questionnaire: Validation in Spanish university students from health sciences

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    This study aimed to validate the Spanish version of the COVID-19 Student Stress Questionnaire (CSSQ), a 7-item tool assessing COVID-19-related stressors among university students, namely, Relationships and Academic Life, Isolation, and Fear of Contagion. Participants were 331 Spanish university students. Factor analyses sustained the three factor solution of the original tool. Data also revealed satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity, suitable internal consistency, and significant associations with psychological symptoms, as measured by the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised. The Spanish version of the CSSQ represents a valid tool to be used in clinical settings to timely identify students at high psychological risk and to develop evidence-based interventions during/after the pandemic

    An introductory overview of open-source and commercial software options for the analysis of forensic sequencing data

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    The top challenges of adopting new methods to forensic DNA analysis in routine laboratories are often the capital investment and the expertise required to implement and validate such methods locally. In the case of next-generation sequencing, in the last decade, several specifically forensic commercial options became available, offering reliable and validated solutions. Despite this, the readily available expertise to analyze, interpret and understand such data is still perceived to be lagging behind. This review gives an introductory overview for the forensic scientists who are at the beginning of their journey with implementing next-generation sequencing locally and because most in the field do not have a bioinformatics background may find it difficult to navigate the new terms and analysis options available. The currently available open-source and commercial software for forensic sequencing data analysis are summarized here to provide an accessible starting point for those fairly new to the forensic application of massively parallel sequencing

    The Origin of Separable States and Separability Criteria from Entanglement-breaking Channels

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    In this paper, we show that an arbitrary separable state can be the output of a certain entanglement-breaking channel corresponding exactly to the input of a maximally entangled state. A necessary and sufficient separability criterion and some sufficient separability criteria from entanglement-breaking channels are given.Comment: EBCs with trace-preserving and EBCs without trace-preserving are separately discusse

    Hydraulic characterization of the full scale mock-up of the demo divertor outer vertical target

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    In the frame of the pre-conceptual design activities of the DEMO work package DIV-1 “Divertor Cassette Design and Integration” of the EUROfusion program, a mock-up of the divertor outer vertical target (OVT) was built, mainly in order to: (i) demonstrate the technical feasibility of manufacturing procedures; (ii) verify the hydraulic design and its capability to ensure a uniform and proper cooling for the plasma facing units (PFUs) with an acceptable pressure drop; and (iii) experimentally validate the computational fluid-dynamic (CFD) model developed by the University of Palermo. In this context, a research campaign was jointly carried out by the University of Palermo and ENEA to experimentally and theoretically assess the hydraulic performances of the OVT mock-up, paying particular attention to the coolant distribution among the PFUs and the total pressure drop across the inlet and outlet sections of the mock-up. The paper presents the results of the steady-state hydraulic experimental test campaign performed at ENEA Brasimone Research Center as well as the relevant numerical analyses performed at the Department of Engineering at the University of Palermo. The test facility, the experimental apparatus, the test matrix and the experimental results, as well as the theoretical model, its assumptions, and the analyses outcomes are herewith reported and critically discussed

    Quantum circuits for spin and flavor degrees of freedom of quarks forming nucleons

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    We discuss the quantum-circuit realization of the state of a nucleon in the scope of simple symmetry groups. Explicit algorithms are presented for the preparation of the state of a neutron or a proton as resulting from the composition of their quark constituents. We estimate the computational resources required for such a simulation and design a photonic network for its implementation. Moreover, we highlight that current work on three-body interactions in lattices of interacting qubits, combined with the measurement-based paradigm for quantum information processing, may also be suitable for the implementation of these nucleonic spin states.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX4; Accepted for publication in Quantum Information Processin

    Optical one-way quantum computing with a simulated valence-bond solid

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    One-way quantum computation proceeds by sequentially measuring individual spins (qubits) in an entangled many-spin resource state. It remains a challenge, however, to efficiently produce such resource states. Is it possible to reduce the task of generating these states to simply cooling a quantum many-body system to its ground state? Cluster states, the canonical resource for one-way quantum computing, do not naturally occur as ground states of physical systems. This led to a significant effort to identify alternative resource states that appear as ground states in spin lattices. An appealing candidate is a valence-bond-solid state described by Affleck, Kennedy, Lieb, and Tasaki (AKLT). It is the unique, gapped ground state for a two-body Hamiltonian on a spin-1 chain, and can be used as a resource for one-way quantum computing. Here, we experimentally generate a photonic AKLT state and use it to implement single-qubit quantum logic gates.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 8 tables - added one referenc

    Hypothetical porous medium concept as a virtual swirl tape: A novel modelling technique towards efficient CFD simulation of swirl tape cooling pipe

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    The EU-DEMO divertor target cooling circuit is equipped with Swirl Tape (ST) inserts to improve its thermo-hydraulic performance in terms of heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux. Due to the presence of the STs, accurate 3D CFD-based thermofluid-dynamic assessments of the divertor targets cooling circuit require a high computational cost and a laborious pre-processing modelling effort. To this end, a cost-efficient CFD simulation technique based on an equivalent porous medium concept, namely the Virtual Swirl Tape (VST) approach, has been developed. In this work, the mathematical formulation of different VSTs models is presented, and the porous media calibration procedure and validation are shown. This technique enables the reduction of computational costs by decreasing the number of volumes required for a single Plasma-Facing Unit (PFU) assembly cooling channel by a factor of 10, while lowering the calculation time by ≈86%. The results obtained show that it is possible to correctly reproduce the friction factor profile and pressure drop of a PFU assembly cooling channel, this latter with errors within 10% considering a wide range of coolant inlet velocities. Some limitations have been observed concerning the VST thermal performance, which is still unsatisfactory and requires further development. The VST approach has been studied using the commercial CFD code ANSYS CFX, coupled with a multi-objective optimization algorithm available in the ANSYS Direct Optimization tool

    Hemodynamic and Anatomic Variations Require an Adaptable Approach during Intra-Arterial Chemotherapy for Intraocular Retinoblastoma: Alternative Routes, Strategies, and Follow-Up

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma is not always a straightforward procedure, and it may require an adaptable approach. This study illustrates strategies used when the ophthalmic artery is difficult to catheterize or not visible, and it ascertains the effectiveness and safety of these strategies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was performed on a series of 108 eyes affected by intraocular retinoblastoma and selected for intra-arterial chemotherapy (follow-up range, 6\N82 months). We recognized 3 different patterns of drug delivery: a fixed pattern through the ophthalmic artery, a fixed pattern through branches of the external carotid artery, and a variable pattern through either the ophthalmic or the external carotid artery. RESULTS: We performed 448 sessions of intra-arterial chemotherapy, 83.70% of them through the ophthalmic artery and 16.29% via the external carotid artery. In 24.52% of eyes, the procedure was performed at least once through branches of the external carotid artery. In 73 eyes, the pattern of drug delivery was fixed through the ophthalmic artery; for 9 eyes, it was fixed through branches of the external carotid artery; and for 17 eyes, the pattern was variable. Statistical analysis did not show any significant difference in the clinical outcome of the eyes (remission versus enucleation) treated with different patterns of drug delivery. Adverse events could not be correlated with any particular pattern. CONCLUSIONS: Alternative routes of intra-arterial chemotherapy for intraocular retinoblastoma appear in the short term as effective and safe as the traditional drug infusion through the ophthalmic artery

    Machine Learning in Melanoma Diagnosis. Limitations About to be Overcome

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    [spa] Antecedentes: La clasificación automática de imágenes es una rama prometedora del aprendi-zaje automático (de sus siglas en inglés Machine Learning [ML]), y es una herramienta útil enel diagnóstico de cáncer de piel. Sin embargo, poco se ha estudiado acerca de las limitacionesde su uso en la práctica clínica diaria.Objetivo: Determinar las limitaciones que existen en cuanto a la selección de imágenes usadaspara el análisis por ML de las neoplasias cutáneas, en particular del melanoma.Métodos: Se dise ̃nó un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo, donde se incluyeron de forma conse-cutiva 2.849 imágenes dermatoscópicas de alta calidad de tumores cutáneos para su valoraciónpor un sistema de ML, recogidas entre los a ̃nos 2010 y 2014. Cada imagen dermatoscópica fueclasificada según las características de elegibilidad para el análisis por ML.Resultados: De las 2.849 imágenes elegidas a partir de nuestra base de datos, 968 (34%) cum-plieron los criterios de inclusión. De los 528 melanomas, 335 (63,4%) fueron excluidos. Laausencia de piel normal circundante (40,5% de todos los melanomas de nuestra base de datos)y la ausencia de pigmentación (14,2%) fueron las causas más frecuentes de exclusión para elanálisis por ML.Discusión: Solo el 36,6% de nuestros melanomas se consideraron aceptables para el análisispor sistemas de ML de última generación. Concluimos que los futuros sistemas de ML deberánser entrenados a partir de bases de datos más grandes que incluyan imágenes representativasde la práctica clínica habitual. Afortunadamente, muchas de estas limitaciones están siendosuperadas gracias a los avances realizados recientemente por la comunidad científica, como seha demostrado en trabajos recientes. [eng] Background: Automated image classification is a promising branch of machine learning (ML)useful for skin cancer diagnosis, but little has been determined about its limitations for generalusability in current clinical practice.Objective: To determine limitations in the selection of skin cancer images for ML analysis,particularly in melanoma.Methods: Retrospective cohort study design, including 2,849 consecutive high-quality dermos-copy images of skin tumors from 2010 to 2014, for evaluation by a ML system. Each dermoscopyimage was assorted according to its eligibility for ML analysis.Results: Of the 2,849 images chosen from our database, 968 (34%) met the inclusion criteriafor analysis by the ML system. Only 64.7% of nevi and 36.6% of melanoma met the inclusioncriteria. Of the 528 melanomas, 335 (63.4%) were excluded. An absence of normal surroundingskin (40.5% of all melanomas from our database) and absence of pigmentation (14.2%) were themost common reasons for exclusion from ML analysis.Discussion: Only 36.6% of our melanomas were admissible for analysis by state-of-the-art MLsystems. We conclude that future ML systems should be trained on larger datasets which includerelevant non-ideal images from lesions evaluated in real clinical practice. Fortunately, many ofthese limitations are being overcome by the scientific community as recent works show