704 research outputs found

    Pluridisciplinary analysis and multi-archive reconstruction of paleofloods: societal demand, challenges and progress

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    Floods are one of the gravest natural hazards for societies, worsened by population growth, unchecked development, and climate change. From a Global Change perspective, past extreme events merit particular interest because they can be linked to wider climate and environmental changes, introduce perturbations. During the last decade, knowledge of long-term flood frequency and magnitude has been improved by extracting data from different types of archive. But, despite advances in dating methods, proxies and statistical techniques and efforts to identify atmospheric drivers, some fundamental questions remain unresolved. The Special Issue entitled "Pluridisciplinary analysis and multi-archive reconstruction of paleofloods" in the journal Global and Planetary Change addresses these uncertainties and complexities by assembling a selection of studies, which were first presented at the Past Climate Changes (PAGES) Open Scientific Meeting held at Zaragoza in 2017. In this introductory paper, the guest editors outline the 17 research contributions and meta-data from the 17 paleoflood studies were systematically analyzed in terms of i) geographical distribution; ii) methodologies applied; iii) types of archives; iii) numbers of flood series compiled and iv) spatial and temporal resolution of paleoflood data. The data indicate that paleoflood studies focused on fluvial depositional environments show a higher rate of integration with other types of paleoflood archive (mean of 4.5 types of archive) than studies focused on documentary sources (mean of 3.5) and lake sediments (mean of 2.4). We suggest that this strategy of archive integration has been adapted to effectively compensate for the higher uncertainties of fluvial deposition in floodplains

    Laser bioprinting of human iPSC-derived neural stem cells and neurons: Effect on cell survival, multipotency, differentiation, and neuronal activity

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    Generation of human neuronal networks by three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting is promising for drug testing and hopefully will allow for the understanding of cellular mechanisms in brain tissue. The application of neural cells derived from human induced-pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) is an obvious choice, since hiPSCs provide access to cells unlimited in number and cell types that could be generated by differentiation. The questions in this regard include which neuronal differentiation stage is optimal for printing of such networks, and to what extent the addition of other cell types, especially astrocytes, supports network formation. These aspects are the focus of the present study, in which we applied a laser-based bioprinting technique and compared hiPSC-derived neural stem cells (NSCs) with neuronal differentiated NSCs, with and without the inclusion of co-printed astrocytes. In this study, we investigated in detail the effects of cell types, printed droplet size, and duration of differentiation before and after printing on viability, as well as proliferation, stemness, differentiation potential, formation of dendritic extensions and synapses, and functionality of the generated neuronal networks. We found a significant dependence of cell viability after dissociation on differentiation stage, but no impact of the printing process. Moreover, we observed a dependence of the abundance of neuronal dendrites on droplet size, a marked difference between printed cells and normal cell culture in terms of further differentiation of the cells, especially differentiation into astrocytes, as well as neuronal network formation and activity. Notably, there was a clear effect of admixed astrocytes on NSCs but not on neurons

    Low temperature transport on surface conducting diamond

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    Magneto-transport measurements were performed on surface conducting hydrogen-terminated diamond (100) hall bars at temperatures between 0.1-5 K in magnetic fields up to 8T.Comment: 2 pages Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials & Devices (COMMAD), 2012 Conferenc

    Theory of collision-induced translation-rotation spectra: H2-He

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.29.595.An adiabatic quantal theory of spectral line shapes in collision-induced absorption and emission is presented which incorporates the induced translation-rotation and translation-vibration spectra. The generalization to account for the anisotropy of the scattering potential is given. Calculations are carried out of the collision-induced absorption spectra of He in collisions with H2 with ab initio electric dipole functions and realistic potentials. The anisotropy of the interaction potential is small and is not included in the calculations. The predicted spectra are in satisfactory agreement with experimental data though some deviations occur which may be significant. The rotational line shapes have exponential wings and are not Lorentzian. The connection between the quantal and classical theories is written out explicitly for the isotropic overlap induction

    Influence of solar forcing, climate variability and modes of low-frequency atmospheric variability on summer floods in Switzerland

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    The higher frequency of severe flood events in Switzerland in recent decades has given fresh impetus to the study of flood patterns and their possible forcing mechanisms, particularly in mountain environments. This paper presents a new index of summer flood damage that considers severe and catastrophic summer floods in Switzerland between 1800 and 2009, and explores the influence of external forcings on flood frequencies. In addition, links between floods and low-frequency atmospheric variability patterns are examined. The flood damage index provides evidence that the 1817-1851, 1881-1927, 1977-1990 and 2005-present flood clusters occur mostly in phase with palaeoclimate proxies. The cross-spectral analysis documents that the periodicities detected in the coherency and phase spectra of 11 (Schwabe cycle) and 104 years (Gleissberg cycle) are related to a high frequency of flooding and solar activity minima, whereas the 22-year cyclicity detected (Hale cycle) is associated with solar activity maxima and a decrease in flood frequency. The analysis of low-frequency atmospheric variability modes shows that Switzerland lies close to the border of the principal summer mode. The Swiss river catchments situated on the centre and southern flank of the Alps are affected by atmospherically unstable areas defined by the positive phase of the pattern, while those basins located in the northern slope of the Alps are predominantly associated with the negative phase of the pattern. Furthermore, a change in the low-frequency atmospheric variability pattern related to the major floods occurred over the period from 1800 to 2009; the summer principal mode persists in the negative phase during the last cool pulses of the Little Ice Age (1817-1851 and 1881-1927 flood clusters), whereas the positive phases of the mode prevail during the warmer climate of the last 4 decades (flood clusters from 1977 to present)

    Transient versus static electron spin relaxation in Mn2+ complexes relevant as MRI contrast agents

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    [Abstract] The zero-field splitting (ZFS) parameters of the [Mn(EDTA)(H2O)]2–·2H2O and [Mn(MeNO2A)(H2O)]·2H2O systems were estimated by using DFT and ab initio CASSCF/NEVPT2 calculations (EDTA = 2,2′,2″,2‴-(ethane-1,2-diylbis(azanetriyl))tetraacetate; MeNO2A = 2,2′-(7-methyl-1,4,7-triazonane-1,4-diyl)diacetate). Subsequent molecular dynamics calculations performed within the atom-centered density matrix propagation (ADMP) approach provided access to the transient and static ZFS parameters, as well as to the correlation time of the transient ZFS. The calculated ZFS parameters present a reasonable agreement with the experimental values obtained from the analysis of 1H relaxation data. The correlation times calculated for the two systems investigated turned out to be very short (τc ∼ 0.02–0.05 ps), which shows that the transient ZFS is modulated by molecular vibrations. On the contrary, the static ZFS is modulated by the rotation of the complexes in solution, which for the small complexes investigated here is characterized by rotational correlation times of τR ∼ 35–60 ps. As a result, electron spin relaxation in small Mn2+complexes is dominated by the static ZFS.España. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; CTQ2013-43243-PEspaña. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; CTQ2015-71211-RED

    Generation of annotated multimodal ground truth datasets for abdominal medical image registration

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    Sparsity of annotated data is a major limitation in medical image processing tasks such as registration. Registered multimodal image data are essential for the diagnosis of medical conditions and the success of interventional medical procedures. To overcome the shortage of data, we present a method that allows the generation of annotated multimodal 4D datasets. We use a CycleGAN network architecture to generate multimodal synthetic data from the 4D extended cardiac-torso (XCAT) phantom and real patient data. Organ masks are provided by the XCAT phantom, therefore the generated dataset can serve as ground truth for image segmentation and registration. Realistic simulation of respiration and heartbeat is possible within the XCAT framework. To underline the usability as a registration ground truth, a proof of principle registration is performed. Compared to real patient data, the synthetic data showed good agreement regarding the image voxel intensity distribution and the noise characteristics. The generated T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and cone beam CT (CBCT) images are inherently co-registered. Thus, the synthetic dataset allowed us to optimize registration parameters of a multimodal non-rigid registration, utilizing liver organ masks for evaluation. Our proposed framework provides not only annotated but also multimodal synthetic data which can serve as a ground truth for various tasks in medical imaging processing. We demonstrated the applicability of synthetic data for the development of multimodal medical image registration algorithms.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. This work has been published in the International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery volum
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