6,199 research outputs found

    Impurity in the Tomonaga-Luttinger model: a Functional Integral Approach

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    In this tutorial notes we review a functional bosonization approach in the Keldysh technique to one-dimensional Luttinger liquid in the presence of an impurity.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of LXXXI Les Houches School on "Nanoscopic quantum transport", Les Houches, France, June 28-July 30, 200

    Many-body effects in Landau levels: Non-commutative geometry and squeezed correlated states

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    We discuss symmetry-driven squeezing and coherent states of few-particle systems in magnetic fields. An operator approach using canonical transformations and the SU(1,1) algebras is developed for considering Coulomb correlations in the lowest Landau levels.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures; to be reported at 17th Int. Conf. on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics, Wuerzburg, Germany, July 30 - Aug 4, 200

    Superfluidity of "dirty" indirect excitons and magnetoexcitons in two-dimensional trap

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    The superfluid phase transition of bosons in a two-dimensional (2D) system with disorder and an external parabolic potential is studied. The theory is applied to experiments on indirect excitons in coupled quantum wells. The random field is allowed to be large compared to the dipole-dipole repulsion between excitons. The slope of the external parabolic trap is assumed to change slowly enough to apply the local density approximation (LDA) for the superfluid density, which allows us to calculate the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature Tc(n(r))T_{c}(n(r)) at each local point rr of the trap. The superfluid phase occurs around the center of the trap (r=0\mathbf{r}=0) with the normal phase outside this area. As temperature increases, the superfluid area shrinks and disappears at temperature Tc(n(r=0))T_{c}(n(r=0)). Disorder acts to deplete the condensate; the minimal total number of excitons for which superfluidity exists increases with disorder at fixed temperature. If the disorder is large enough, it can destroy the superfluid entirely. The effect of magnetic field is also calculated for the case of indirect excitons. In a strong magnetic field HH, the superfluid component decreases, primarily due to the change of the exciton effective mass.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Pseudo diamagnetism of four component exciton condensates

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    We analyze the spin structure of the ground state of four-component exciton condensates in coupled quantum wells as a function of spin-dependent interactions and applied magnetic field. The four components correspond to the degenerate exciton states characterized by ±2\pm2 and ±1\pm1 spin projections to the axis of the structure. We show that in a wide range of parameters, the chemical potential of the system increases as a function of magnetic field, which manifests a pseudo-diamagnetism of the system. The transitions to polarized two- and one-component condensates can be of the first-order in this case. The predicted effects are caused by energy conserving mixing of ±2\pm2 and ±1\pm1 excitons.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    The Level Spacing Distribution Near the Anderson Transition

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    For a disordered system near the Anderson transition we show that the nearest-level-spacing distribution has the asymptotics P(s)exp(As2γ)P(s)\propto \exp(-A s^{2-\gamma }) for s\gg \av{s}\equiv 1 which is universal and intermediate between the Gaussian asymptotics in a metal and the Poisson in an insulator. (Here the critical exponent 0<γ<10<\gamma<1 and the numerical coefficient AA depend only on the dimensionality d>2d>2). It is obtained by mapping the energy level distribution to the Gibbs distribution for a classical one-dimensional gas with a pairwise interaction. The interaction, consistent with the universal asymptotics of the two-level correlation function found previously, is proved to be the power-law repulsion with the exponent γ-\gamma.Comment: REVTeX, 8 pages, no figure

    Impurity Scattering in Luttinger Liquid with Electron-Phonon Coupling

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    We study the influence of electron-phonon coupling on electron transport through a Luttinger liquid with an embedded weak scatterer or weak link. We derive the renormalization group (RG) equations which indicate that the directions of RG flows can change upon varying either the relative strength of the electron-electron and electron-phonon coupling or the ratio of Fermi to sound velocities. This results in the rich phase diagram with up to three fixed points: an unstable one with a finite value of conductance and two stable ones, corresponding to an ideal metal or insulator.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Theoretical considerations of some nonlinear aspects of hypersonic panel flutter Annual report, 1 Sep. 1967 - 31 Aug. 1968

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    Stability and postcritical response of infinite width panels on hinged supports due to aerodynamic loads at hypersonic spee

    Невизначеність, ризики, прибуток

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    The principles of accounting and estimations of probabilistic character of productive activity of enterprises, accepted in the methodology of accounting of uncertainty and risks, worked out by the author of this researches , are stated. The methodology is based on the fundamental postulates of probability theory, the theories of functions linearization and on the qualitative and quantitative technico-economical analysis in decision making are discussed. An example of the using this methodology with the solutions optimization is given. This methodology was adapted by the author over the past 10-15 years.В статье приведены основные принципы учета и оценки вероятностного характера производственной деятельности предприятий, принятые в методологии учета неопределенности и рисков, разработанной автором этого исследования. Указанная методология базируется на основных постулатах теории вероятностей, теории линеаризации функций и на качественном и количественном технико-экономическом анализе при принятии решений. Дан пример использования указанной методологии при оптимизации этих решений. Указанная методология адаптирована автором на протяжении последних 10-15 лет.У статті наведені основні принципи обліку та оцінки імовірнісного характеру виробничої діяльності підприємств, прийняті в методології обліку невизначеності і ризиків, розробленій автором цього дослідження. Вказана методологія базується на основних постулатах теорії вірогідності, теорії лінеаризації функцій і на якісному і кількісному техніко-економічному аналізі при ухваленні рішень. Наданий приклад використання вказаної методології при оптимізації цих рішень. Вказана методологія адаптована автором упродовж останніх 10-15 років

    Gauge singlet scalar as inflaton and thermal relic dark matter

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    We show that, by adding a gauge singlet scalar S to the standard model which is nonminimally coupled to gravity, S can act both as the inflaton and as thermal relic dark matter. We obtain the allowed region of the (m_s, m_h) parameter space which gives a spectral index in agreement with observational bounds and also produces the observed dark matter density while not violating vacuum stability or nonperturbativity constraints. We show that, in contrast to the case of Higgs inflation, once quantum corrections are included the spectral index is significantly larger than the classical value (n = 0.966 for N = 60) for all allowed values of the Higgs mass m_h. The range of Higgs mass compatible with the constraints is 145 GeV < m_h < 170 GeV. The S mass lies in the range 45 GeV < ms < 1 TeV for the case of a real S scalar with large quartic self-coupling lambdas, with a smaller upper bound for smaller lambdas. A region of the parameter space is accessible to direct searches at the LHC via h-->SS, while future direct dark matter searches should be able to significantly constrain the model.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Published versio