687 research outputs found

    The mechanism of antidepressant action of a new 3-substituted thiethane-1,1-dioxide derivative in tests of neuropharmacological interaction

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    The present study is aimed at investigation of the mechanism of action of a new 3-substituted thietane-1,1-dioxide derivative (N-199/1) exhibiting antidepressant properties, in several tests of neuropharmacological interactio

    Neuropharmacological characteristics of antidepressant action of a new 3-substituted thietane-1,1-dioxide derivative

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    Due to severe burden of depressive disorders and a low rate of remission in patients receiving antidepressant therapy, there is an urgent need for developing novel agents with antidepressant action and a fundamentally new mechanism of action. 3-ethoxythietane-1,1-dioxide (N-199/1) is a new molecule that showed significant antidepressant properties when administered intraperitoneally once or repeatedly. The aim of the present study was to investigate the mechanism of action of N-199/1, using reserpine tes

    Automated system for diagnosing craniocerebral injury

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    A Russian national computing and communication system designed to assist non-specialized physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of craniocerebral injury is described

    Dithiophosphorylation of cyclic monoterpenes

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    New data are presented for the synthesizing terpene esters of dithiophosphoric acids and their structure. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Electrochemical properties of a two-component DNA-polyaniline film at the surface of glassy carbon electrode

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    Aniline electropolymerization on a DNA-modified glassy carbon electrode gives rise to a stable composite DNA-polyaniline film possessing redox activity over a wide range of pH values. The heights and potentials of the redox peaks linearly depend on pH in the pH 3.0-8.0 range. It was established that the inclusion of DNA into the polyaniline composition enhances considerably the film conductivity and capacitance in the weakly acid and weakly alkaline pH regions; this effect is most pronounced for the reduced polymer form. The properties of the prepared DNA-polyaniline film point to its promise for the use in electrochemical biosensors. © 2007 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd


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    The features of the receptor status and role of endometrial proliferation markers in the development of hyperplasia and features of response to treatment with hyperplastic diseases of the uterus. In this clinical study was shown that endometrial hyperplasia is not only the result of increased cell proliferation, but also result in different directions and impaired expression of progesterone receptors and estrogen. Research receptor status and proliferative endometrium in women with uterine hyperplastic processes contributed to the definition of adequate treatment policy, reducing the number of relapses and complications, improving the quality of life of patients and improve the long-term effects of treatment. The proposed use levonorgestrel-system intrauterine in endometrial hyperplasia has many benefits on psychological status and quality of life p a i n t s reproductive and premenopausal age.Исследованы особенности рецепторного статуса эндометрия и роль маркеров пролиферации в развитии гиперплазии и особенностях ответа на лечение при гиперпластических заболеваниях матки. В проведенном исследовании было доказано, что гиперпластические процессы эндометрия являются не только результатом повышенной клеточной пролиферации, но и следствием нарушенной и разнонаправленной экспрессии рецепторов прогестерона и эстрогенов. Исследование рецепторного и пролиферативного статуса эндометрия у женщин с гиперпластическими процессами матки способствовало определению адекватной лечебной тактики, уменьшению количества рецидивов и осложнений, улучшению качества жизни больных и лучшению отдаленных результатов лечения. Предложенное использование внутриматочной системы с левоноргестрелом при гиперпластических процессах эндометрия имеет много преимуществ в отношении психологического состояния и качества жизни пациенток репродуктивного и пременопаузального возраста.Досліджено особливості рецепторного статусу ендометрія та роль маркерів проліферації в розвитку гіперплазії та особливостях відповіді на лікування при гіперпластичних захворюваннях матки. В проведеному дослідженні було доведено, що гіперпластичні процеси ендометрія є не тільки результатом підвищеної клітинної проліферації, але й наслідком порушеної та різноспрямованої експресії рецепторів прогестерону та естрогенів. Дослідження рецепторного та проліферативного статусу ендометрія у жінок з гіперпластичними процесами матки сприяло визначенню адекватної лікувальної тактики, зменшенню кількості рецидивів і ускладнень, покращенню якості життя хворих та поліпшенню віддалених наслідків лікування. Запропоноване використання внутрішньоматкової системи з левоноргестрелом при гіперпластичних процесах ендометрія має багато переваг щодо психологічного стану та якості життя пацієнток репродуктивного та пременопаузального віку

    Development of Manufacturing Technology for High-Strength Hull Steel Reducing Production Cycle and Providing High-Quality Sheets

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    The article presents the results of scientific research and industrial experiments aimed at the development of technology to reduce the production cycle of high-strength hull steel. The technology includes an improved reduced heat treatment of ingots made using rare-earth metals and uphill teeming of large sheet ingots. The proposed technology for the preliminary heat treatment of ingots eliminates the high-temperature phase re- crystallization operation, which is unnecessary, according to the authors, since it does not allow partial crushing (grinding) of the metal dendritic structure and homogenization. When using the proposed technology of reduced pre- treatment, phase and structural stresses are sharply reduced. Experiments have shown that the modification of steel with rare-earth metals has a positive effect on the crystallization of ingots, changing the macro- and microstructure of alloy steel. The developed manufacturing technology of high-strength hull steel provides a high level of sheet quality and a reduction in the production cycle time by 10-12 %

    Antioxidant defense system: regulation of metabolic processes, genetic determinants, methods of determination

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    An increase in peroxidation activity is considered as a nonspecific process characteristic of the pathogenesis of various diseases accompanied by antioxidant deficiency. As bioregulators that can increase defense, antioxidants are important links in a multi-stage system of regulation and coordination of various body functions. The structure and function of enzymes involved in the regulation of oxidative stress can be significantly affected by genetic polymorphism. To date, the role of genes encoding the activity of enzymes of the antioxidant system in the pathogenesis of many diseases remains unexplored, which is of great interest to researchers from various fields. The article presents a review and analysis of data from modern scientific literature on the role of antioxidant defense components in the regulation of metabolic processes, their genetic determinant, and summarizes data on modern methods for the determination of some antioxidants. When writing the review, the database of the scientific electronic library eLibrary was used, the keywords are oxidative stress, free radical oxidation, antioxidant protection, antioxidants, antioxidant enzymes, enzyme genes, antioxidant response element, research methods; filters – publication years 2012–2022, publications with full text, publications available for viewing; English-language database of medical and biological publications, created by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), keywords – lipid peroxidation, antioxidant protection, antioxidants, antioxidant enzymes, enzyme genes, oxidative stress, metabolism, methods

    Error analysis of the preanalytical stage

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    The purpose of study is to substantiate measures to reduce risks for the patient by improving the quality of laboratory tests at the preanalytical stage.Цель исследования – обоснование мероприятий по снижению рисков для пациента за счет повышения качества лабораторных исследований на преаналитическом этапе