591 research outputs found

    Noves dades sobre fongs hipogeus. I: ascomicets

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    S'ha efectuat l'estudi detallat de 12 espécies d'ascomicets hipogeus recolectats a diferents localitats de la Península Ibérica, entre els quals destaquen Picoa juniperina y Terfezia claveryi. Per cadascuna d'aquestes espécies es dona una descripció macro i microscópica detallada, amb dibuixos originals, així com l'ecologia i la localitat.En el presente trabajo se estudian un total de 12 táxones de ascomicetes hipogeos recolectados en diferentes localidades de la Península Ibérica, entre los cuales destacan Picoa juniperina y Terfezia claveryi. Para cada una de las especies estudiadas se ofrece una descripción macro y microscópica con iconografía original, y datos de distribución y ecología

    Noves dades sobre fongs hipogeus. I: ascomicets

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    S'ha efectuat l'estudi detallat de 12 espécies d'ascomicets hipogeus recol•ectats a diferents localitats de la Península Ibérica, entre els quals destaquen Picoa juniperina y Terfezia claveryi. Per cadascuna d'aquestes espécies es dona una descripció macro i microscópica detallada, amb dibuixos originals, així com l'ecologia i la localitat.En el presente trabajo se estudian un total de 12 táxones de ascomicetes hipogeos recolectados en diferentes localidades de la Península Ibérica, entre los cuales destacan Picoa juniperina y Terfezia claveryi. Para cada una de las especies estudiadas se ofrece una descripción macro y microscópica con iconografía original, y datos de distribución y ecología

    3D sensors for the HL-LHC

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    In order to increase its discovery potential, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator will be upgraded in the next decade. The high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) period demands new sensor technologies to cope with increasing radiation fluences and particle rates. The ATLAS experiment will replace the entire inner tracking detector with a completely new silicon-only system. 3D pixel sensors are promising candidates for the innermost layers of the Pixel detector due to their excellent radiation hardness at low operation voltages and low power dissipation at moderate temperatures. Recent developments of 3D sensors for the HL-LHC are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, International Workshops on Radiation Imaging Detectors 201

    Mesoscopic rings with Spin-Orbit interactions

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    A didactic description of charge and spin equilibrium currents on mesoscopic rings in the presence of Spin-Orbit interaction is presented. Emphasis is made on the non trivial construction of the correct Hamiltonian in polar coordinates, the calculation of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions and the symmetries of the ground state properties. Spin currents are derived following an intuitive definition and then a more thorough derivation is built upon the canonical Lagrangian formulation that emphasizes the SU(2) gauge structure of the transport problem of spin 1/2 fermions in spin-orbit active media. The quantization conditions that follow from the constraint of single-valued Pauli spinors are also discussed. The targeted students are those of a graduate Condensed Matter Physics course

    MEGASTAR - III. Stellar parameters and data products for DR1 late-type stars

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    © The Authors 2023. This work is part of the grants I+D+i RTI2018-096188-B-I00 and PID2019-107408GB-C41, which have been funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). It has been also partially funded by FRACTAL, INAOE and CIEMAT. S.R.B. thanks the financial support by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (contract FJC 2020-045785-I) and NextGeneration EU/PRTR and MIU (UNI/551/2021) through a Margarita Salas grant. This work is based on observations made with the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC), installed in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, in the island of La Palma. This work is based on data obtained with MEGARA instrument, funded by European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), through Programa Operativo Canarias FEDER 2014-2020. The authors thank the support given by Dr. Antonio Cabrera and Dr. Daniel Reverte, GTC Operations Group staff, during the preparation and execution of the observations at the GTC. This research made use of Astropy (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2018), a community-developed core Python package for Astronomy. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database and the VizieR catalogue access tool, CDS, Strasbourg, France (DOI: 10.26093/cds/vizier). The original description of the VizieR service was published in A&AS 143, 23. This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (https: //www.cosmos.esa.int/gaia), processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, https://www.cosmos. esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium). Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement. We are very grateful to the reviewer whose comments and suggestions have helped to improve the manuscript.MEGARA is the optical integral field and multi-object spectrograph at the Gran Telescopio Canarias. We have created MEGASTAR, an empirical library of stellar spectra obtained using MEGARA at high resolution R = 20 000 (FWHM), available in two wavelength ranges: one centered in Hα, from 6420 to 6790 Å and the other centered in the Ca ii triplet, from 8370 to 8885 Å (HR-R and HR-I VPH-grating configurations). In this work, we use MEGASTAR spectra, combination of these two short wavelength intervals, to estimate the stellar parameters namely effective temperature, surface gravity and metallicity (and their associated errors) for a sample of 351 MEGASTAR members with spectral types earlier than B2. We have applied a χ^(2) technique by comparing MEGASTAR data to theoretical stellar models. For those stars with stellar parameters derived in the literature, we have obtained a good agreement between those published parameters and ours. Besides the stellar parameters, we also provide several products like the rectified spectra, radial velocities and stellar indices for this sample of stars. In a near future, we will use MEGASTAR spectra and their derived stellar parameters to compute stellar population evolutionary synthesis models, which will contribute to a better interpretation of star clusters and galaxies spectra obtained with MEGARA.Depto. de Física de la Tierra y AstrofísicaFac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónAgencia Estatal de InvestigaciónFRACTALNextGeneration EU/PRTR and MIU through a Margarita Salas grantEuropean Regional Development Funds (ERDF), through Programa Operativo Canarias FEDER 2014-2020INAOECIEMATpu

    El Programa biodiversitat micològica de les Terres de Ponent : notícia i primers resultats

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    La tardor de 1994 ha presentat unes condicions molt favorables de pluviositat, humitat i temperatura, que han permès un estudi intensiu (59 excursions, 64 localitats) de la part occidental, baixa i seca, de Catalunya, de la qual es tenien molt poques dades micològiques. E1 catàleg preliminar que oferim, amb tot i l'absència de moltes espècies pendents d'estudi o confirmació, i també de les més eurioiques, considerades poc característiques, conté 170 espècies, i permet fer-se una idea de la flora fúngica xero-termòfila mediterrània, especialment, la de les brolles, pinedes i espais oberts. Al costat d'algunes espècies poc citades, com Eutryblidiella hysterina, Helvella villosa, Agaricus pilatianus, Amanita boudieri, Calyptella capula, Ceriporia bresadolae, Coprinus vosoustii, Henningsomyces puber, Hygrophorus carneogriseus, Marasmius corbariensis, Phellinus punctatus, Ramicola iberica, Skeletocutis percandida, Tulostoma nanum, T. occidentale, T. xerophilum, Typhula setipes, Xerocomus ichnusanus, d'altres han mostrat una abundància inusitada, com Mycocalicium minutellum, Amanita ovoidea, Clitocybe alexandrí, C. umbilicata, Entoloma rusticoides, Hebeloma edurum, Inocybe roseipes, Lepista rickenii, Lopharia spadicea, Omphalotus olearius, Phaeotellus rickenii, Polyporus meridionalis, Suillus bellinii, S. collinitus, Volvariella speciosa, Mucilago crustacea. És previst continuar les prospeccions, per a completar aquesta primera visió.The Program on Mycological Biodiversity of western lowland Catalonia. Presentation and first results. Last autumn (1994) was exceptional in the area, in rain, air humidity and temperature. This enabled us to plan and to perform an intensive mycological survey (59 excursions, 64 localities prospected) of an area that is low and dry, rarely explored. The preliminar catalogue included here lacks a number of taxa as yet unidentified and has also been cleared of a set of trivial species, but the 170 taxa it includes should be useful to give a first idea about the xero-thermophilous mediterranean fungus flora in the area, mainly in the calcicolous bushlands (Rosmarino-Ericion), pine-groves of Pinus halepensis, and open and sunny soils. Some taxa are rarely reported: Eutryblidiella hysterina, Helvella villosa, Agaricus pilatianus, Amanita boudieri, Calyptella capula, Ceriporia bresadolae, Coprinus vosoustii, Henningsomyces puber, Hygrophorus carneogriseus, Marasmius corbariensis, Phellinus punctatus, Ramicola iberica, Skeletocutis percandida, Tulostoma nanum, T. occidentale, T. xerophilum, Typhula setipes, Xerocomus ichnusanus, and some others have been found outstandingly widespread and abundant: Mycocalicium minutellum, Amanita ovoidea, Clitocybe alexandri, C. umbilicata, Entoloma rusticoides, Hebeloma edurum, Inocybe roseipes, Lepista rickenii, Lopharia spadicea, Omphalotus olearius, Phaeotellus rickenii, Polyporus meridionalis, Suillus bellinii, S. collinitus, Volvariella speciosa, Mucilago crustacea. The Program is planned for some further years, in order to improve the survey

    El Programa biodiversitat micològica de les Terres de Ponent : notícia i primers resultats

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    La tardor de 1994 ha presentat unes condicions molt favorables de pluviositat, humitat i temperatura, que han permès un estudi intensiu (59 excursions, 64 localitats) de la part occidental, baixa i seca, de Catalunya, de la qual es tenien molt poques dades micològiques. E1 catàleg preliminar que oferim, amb tot i l'absència de moltes espècies pendents d'estudi o confirmació, i també de les més eurioiques, considerades poc característiques, conté 170 espècies, i permet fer-se una idea de la flora fúngica xero-termòfila mediterrània, especialment, la de les brolles, pinedes i espais oberts. Al costat d'algunes espècies poc citades, com Eutryblidiella hysterina, Helvella villosa, Agaricus pilatianus, Amanita boudieri, Calyptella capula, Ceriporia bresadolae, Coprinus vosoustii, Henningsomyces puber, Hygrophorus carneogriseus, Marasmius corbariensis, Phellinus punctatus, Ramicola iberica, Skeletocutis percandida, Tulostoma nanum, T. occidentale, T. xerophilum, Typhula setipes, Xerocomus ichnusanus, d'altres han mostrat una abundància inusitada, com Mycocalicium minutellum, Amanita ovoidea, Clitocybe alexandrí, C. umbilicata, Entoloma rusticoides, Hebeloma edurum, Inocybe roseipes, Lepista rickenii, Lopharia spadicea, Omphalotus olearius, Phaeotellus rickenii, Polyporus meridionalis, Suillus bellinii, S. collinitus, Volvariella speciosa, Mucilago crustacea. És previst continuar les prospeccions, per a completar aquesta primera visió.The Program on Mycological Biodiversity of western lowland Catalonia. Presentation and first results. Last autumn (1994) was exceptional in the area, in rain, air humidity and temperature. This enabled us to plan and to perform an intensive mycological survey (59 excursions, 64 localities prospected) of an area that is low and dry, rarely explored. The preliminar catalogue included here lacks a number of taxa as yet unidentified and has also been cleared of a set of trivial species, but the 170 taxa it includes should be useful to give a first idea about the xero-thermophilous mediterranean fungus flora in the area, mainly in the calcicolous bushlands (Rosmarino-Ericion), pine-groves of Pinus halepensis, and open and sunny soils. Some taxa are rarely reported: Eutryblidiella hysterina, Helvella villosa, Agaricus pilatianus, Amanita boudieri, Calyptella capula, Ceriporia bresadolae, Coprinus vosoustii, Henningsomyces puber, Hygrophorus carneogriseus, Marasmius corbariensis, Phellinus punctatus, Ramicola iberica, Skeletocutis percandida, Tulostoma nanum, T. occidentale, T. xerophilum, Typhula setipes, Xerocomus ichnusanus, and some others have been found outstandingly widespread and abundant: Mycocalicium minutellum, Amanita ovoidea, Clitocybe alexandri, C. umbilicata, Entoloma rusticoides, Hebeloma edurum, Inocybe roseipes, Lepista rickenii, Lopharia spadicea, Omphalotus olearius, Phaeotellus rickenii, Polyporus meridionalis, Suillus bellinii, S. collinitus, Volvariella speciosa, Mucilago crustacea. The Program is planned for some further years, in order to improve the survey

    Envelope tracking amplification with reduced slew-rate and bandwidth envelopes

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    This paper presents an Envelope Tracking Power Amplifier whose architecture includes a Hybrid Envelope Amplifier (HEA) and an algorithm to adapt the envelope´s characteristics to the HEA´s limitations. The HEA attempts to combine the high efficiency of a switched amplifier with the wide band capabilities of a linear amplifier. A modified Slew Rate (SR) reduction algorithm cope with the bandwidth and SR limitations of the HEA. On the other hand, the non-linearities introduced by this Envelope Amplifier (EA) and by the dynamic supply are compensated using Digital Pre-Distortion. Results show that these non-linearities are compensable and that the architecture offers higher efficiency figures compared to the conventional linear EA

    Galician consensus on management of cardiotoxicity in breast cancer: risk factors, prevention, and early intervention

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    This Galician consensus statement is a joint oncologists/cardiologists initiative indented to establish basic recommendations on how to prevent and to manage the cardiotoxicity in breast cancer with the aim of ensuring an optimal cardiovascular care of these patients. A clinical screening of the patients before treatment is recommended to stratify them into a determined risk group based on their intrinsic cardiovascular risk factors and those extrinsic arose from breast cancer therapy, thereby providing individualized preventive and monitoring measures. Suitable initial and ongoing assessments for patients with low and moderate/high risk and planned treatment with anthracyclines and trastuzumab are given; also, measures aimed at preventing and correcting any modifiable risk factor are pointed out .TEVA Farma Españ

    La evolución del impacto del Estado Islámico en los conflictos de Siria e Irak

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    Des que va començar el segle XXI una de les principals preocupacions i problemàtiques a nivell internacional ha estat el terrorisme i, més concretament, el terrorisme islàmic. Entre els grups terroristes dels quals més hem sentit parlar en els últims anys trobem a l'Estat Islàmic. Aquesta organització va ser creada l'any 2014 i, mitjançant la força armada organitzada, va aconseguir fer-se amb el control d'un ampli territori a Orient Mitjà -principalment a Síria i l'Iraq- fins a principis de l'any 2019, provocant que països de tot el món decidissin unir forces per a fer-los front. En aquest treball es realitza un estudi a través del qual s'analitza el naixement de l'Estat Islàmic, els seus ideals, objectius, estructura i funcionament, buscant així explicar el grau d'influència que ha exercit sobre Síria i l'Iraq -els països més afectats per la milícia de l'organització- entre 2014 i 2019.Desde que comenzó el siglo XXI una de las principales preocupaciones y problemáticas a nivel internacional ha sido el terrorismo y, más concretamente, el terrorismo islámico. Entre los grupos terroristas de los que más hemos oído hablar en los últimos años encontramos al Estado Islámico. Esta organización fue creada en el año 2014 y, mediante la fuerza armada organizada, consiguió hacerse con el control de un amplio territorio en Oriente Medio -principalmente en Siria e Irak- hasta principios del año 2019, provocando que países de todo el mundo decidieran unir fuerzas para hacerles frente. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio a través del cual se analiza el nacimiento del Estado Islámico, sus ideales, objetivos, estructura y funcionamiento, buscando así explicar el grado de influencia que ha ejercido sobre Siria e Irak -los países más afectados por la milicia de la organización- entre 2014 y 2019.Since the beginning of the 21st century, one of the main concerns and problems at international level has been terrorism and, more specifically, islamic terrorism. Among the terrorist groups we have heard the most about in recent years we find the Islamic State. This organization was created in 2014 and, through the organized armed force, managed to gain control of a large territory in the Middle East -mainly in Syria and Iraq- until the beginning of 2019, causing countries around the world to decide to unite forces to face them. In this work, a study is carried out that analyzes the birth of the Islamic State, its ideals, objectives, structure and functioning, thus seeking to explain the degree of influence it has exerted on Syria and Iraq - the countries most affected by the militia of the organization- between 2014 and 2019